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To be? or not to be?

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:45 PM
i've been speaking to this 16 year old neighbor of mine and he keeps insisting he has nothing to live for and doesn't care enough to do anything about his demise because he has lost all motivation and concern and is very, very depressed. It's to the point that he can't speak a complete sentence without jumbling up the present word with the next and previous word together and trying to vocalize it all simultaneously, making him very difficult to have a conversation with at all. that being so, he barely speaks and he hates his voice. anyways i dont want to give a biography of him. heres the deal. tonight i spoke to him and he expressed to me that he is going to become a terrorist for no other reason than that he has not a single notion of concern for anything at all in life or death and he lacks the ability to hope because he does not really care anyways. he said he is going to be a suicide bomber, so i asked why? he replied that he had no reason, and after a 1 hour investigation on my part into his emotions and motivations, he said he has none. he just wants to kill. so i said alright, you do what you think is right, but at least if you are going to kill someone, do it in the name of something so you can at least trick yourself into feeling good about the fact you really died for no reason at all. he responded that he doesn't care. so you see, this is very brief info about him, but it says a lot. and if you knew him as well as i do, i think you would be asking the same question im asking to you: do you think i should do something?

to be honest i really think this kid would if he could. just the way he spoke about it to me, he sounded like high school graduate planning their future in college. but even then, his eyes don't light up when he speaks about, so it makes me think this is less of evil intentions but just an expression of severe depression and most certainly a dozen other mental conditions that i have no certification to allow me to diagnose. even this description though doesn't paint his picture very clearly but it offers you a silhouette. so i'm a little concerned. im gonna try to talk to him more about it tomorrow so i can command a solid opinion on what i should do. i just dont want to feel that im acting out of paranoia, but at the same time the evidence points to a great risk in my opinion, yet i feel that his mind can be changed if he got proper attention. so what do you guys think?
edit on 6-11-2010 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2010 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2010 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:47 PM
sounds like the typical ATS member, ask him to visit this site and register

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Convince him to learn how to meditate and lucid dream.

Expression of love and knowledge cures all.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by fordrew
sounds like the typical ATS member, ask him to visit this site and register

but he has no access to a computer! i was actually thinking the same exact thing, but from past experience i know not to trust him with a comp, or at least not mine!

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by asperetty

Originally posted by fordrew
sounds like the typical ATS member, ask him to visit this site and register

but he has no access to a computer! i was actually thinking the same exact thing, but from past experience i know not to trust him with a comp, or at least not mine!

Then it surely is Not to be!


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:56 PM
They have medicine now for that. Take him to see a doc and they will fix him up with some non narcotic meds that will help him see some light at the end of the tunnel. That in conjuction with some therapy and counseling and he'll he ready to tackle the world once again.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:56 PM
Like you I don't have enough information about his feelings/motivations to form an intelligent opinion. Being 16 he is still very much in development and can be going through what they call a phase.

Is your "neighbor" You by any chance? Do you want our nonjudgmental opinions about yourself using an imaginary person to filter the potential negativity towards your abnormal disposition?

It doesn't really matter..

If one feels empty except for the impulse to kill and is depressed then perhaps they should seek a therapist. It sounds lame but I don't know of many other avenues for this. Join the army, hopefully he passes the psychological evaluation.. Being a terrorist is kind of something you are born into so I don't think that will work. Perhaps you can befriend him and take on the responsibility of being a good role model?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by xiphias
Convince him to learn how to meditate and lucid dream.

Expression of love and knowledge cures all.

ive actually been teaching him yoga for the past 2 months but his mind is never involved when we do it (or anything for that matter), and only sometimes the same story goes for his body. he cannot focus on anything other than his own sadness, shame, and hate. there were a few moments that i had gotten him inspired, but always the very next day he blew it all away and simply just said he does not care. this is a truly detached person from reality. not that he hallucinates or envisions a completely different world in his mind, he just has not a single damn care. its really astounding. remember the christmas day bomber? brain dead? that's my neighbor. it sucks cause hes actually really good in mathematics.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:00 PM
I would contact this kids parents if you are concerned about their well being or that of others as a result of this kids instability, which is what it sounds like.

He needs to seek help before he snaps and if he doesn't care then he is a candidate for going crazy on others.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:06 PM
Someone(cops?) needs to be contacted. You aren't qualified to help him and it sounds like he isn't going to seek help himself. Someone needs to be notified of this before he harms himself or others.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Call the cops on a confused 16 year old?

How afraid are you people?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by asperetty

That's when you call the police and have him Baker Acted. No two ways about it, this kid needs a psychiatric evaluation and help.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by CeasarKhanTheGreat
Call the cops on a confused 16 year old?

How afraid are you people?

You DO know that they are there to help people out right? I'm not afraid OF anyone. I'm afraid FOR him.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Lots of teenagers go through feelings like this.
What most of them don't realize is that they are going through a death process. It's the death of them as a child and becoming an adult. This can bring on all sorts of negative thoughts and even thoughts of suicide, this is the result of not understanding what they are going through. They feel as if they have come to the end but don't understand that it's metaphorical.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by CeasarKhanTheGreat
Like you I don't have enough information about his feelings/motivations to form an intelligent opinion. Being 16 he is still very much in development and can be going through what they call a phase.

Is your "neighbor" You by any chance? Do you want our nonjudgmental opinions about yourself using an imaginary person to filter the potential negativity towards your abnormal disposition?

It doesn't really matter..

If one feels empty except for the impulse to kill and is depressed then perhaps they should seek a therapist. It sounds lame but I don't know of many other avenues for this. Join the army, hopefully he passes the psychological evaluation.. Being a terrorist is kind of something you are born into so I don't think that will work. Perhaps you can befriend him and take on the responsibility of being a good role model?

no. thats why im so concerned because this is not me and this is not just a phase for this kid, this is who he has always been ever since he found out he was adopted when he was 5 apparently. he beliefs he is trash and the world has no meaning. i became his first friend a year ago, and thats how i know him pretty well, because im the first person he could ever try to speak to about the condition of his mind. but he doesn't consider me his friend, just another person, so no matter what i do, like when i take him out to town to have lunch or dinner or walk around the Gateway of India or hang out at the beaches and really anything and everything he would not have done unless i made him, it has no meaning. he always asks me for advice, and i give the best i can, but i know just by watching him that he stops listening after 5 words. im just like a doll for him to hug at night for comfort, and nothing i do or say makes any difference, but i keep trying. so now all his negativity has cultivated into this, and its just kind of awkward. you dont have to be born into terrorism. i thought previously that you just needed a reason, such as in the name of God or my country or at the very least my wife, but apparently im proven wrong by him not even allowing himself to make up a reason that's a lie just for the hell of it since it doesn't matter anyways. he wouldn't even say a word man its creepy.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:12 PM
How are you going to feel if you wake up one morning and hear he has killed innocent people or himself?
You are not a doctor, Psychiatrist or counselor. And I can't believe I'm saying this because I hate Psychiatrists and counselors, just legal drug dealing finger pointing fools most of the time but I guess in these situations it's a necessary evil. Consult with them in how to handle this first you don't want to scare the kid off or into doing something bad. Don't call the cops they only care about the protection of others they will not handle this correctly either.
But in essence he sounds like a typical american kid looking for misguided attention, as long as he has some things shouldn't change until he needs more. Good Luck

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by asperetty

Please do not let my reply distract anyones opinion or mine on this topic. With that ive had this feeling as well, i didnt want to kill anyone, but i did myself. Since i was around 7 ive had these thoughts. I found out through my now adopted mom that there is love in life and even if its just one person its all that matters sometimes. I think you should take this a bit more seriously then you are. We have had in my service in the military countless powerpoint presentations on how important these situations are concerning this topic.

There are at least 80% of military service members, something along the lines of 2/3 individuals that have either gotten deployed ONLY once or not at all have a higher risk of commiting suicide within there 3-4 year enlistment. I have seen unfortunatly how when these people are ignored how they feel they need to reply in the worst way to society or even theyre immediate family memebers.

It sounds like this kid is in depserate need for someone to show him that they care. When someone asked to be heard....sometimes we cant do anything except to just listen. So please help him by not making him to be the bad guy, not saying you are right now by any means, but just so everyone reading this understands the importance of this NOT to happen.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
I would contact this kids parents if you are concerned about their well being or that of others as a result of this kids instability, which is what it sounds like.

He needs to seek help before he snaps and if he doesn't care then he is a candidate for going crazy on others.

when i learned about his insecurities, such as his abandonment and adoption, the hate for his foster parents who he believes hate him, his disgust with his body, his inability to speak intelligibly, i brought these issues up with his mother and father. they became insulted when i told them about how he hates them and became angry and verbally abusive instead of attentive to the kid, and now they think i've disturbed the family and are corrupting their son thinking that I'm telling him to hate them, so they won't hear me out anymore. i should mention this is a humble indian family with conservative values, so when they found out i an american was living next door they already had reservations. the fact that i smoke doesn't purchase me any better will either. but for a time before i spoke to them, i was in good relations with the whole family which is why i thought id bring it up with them.
edit on 6-11-2010 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by CeasarKhanTheGreat

thats what is stopping me, but its completely certain he needs help. the problem is that help in India for his kind of problems is waaaaay out of their family budget, and if he were to go to a psych ward or any variety of rehab centers, he would never leave. its like do i just forget about it or do i ruin his life further by not allowing him to ruin his life without someone stepping in and saying otherwise.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by asperetty

You really need to urge him to talk with his parents regarding should also try and have some discussion. If you are a neighbor you have the obligation to bring this is up as an adult..if you are around his age you still need to talk to his parents or encourage the kid to talk with them and then follow up...if the kid does something horrible and nobody but you is aware that's a lot of guilt to carry around. Yeah he's going through some teenage emotions but he deffinately needs some reassurance that everything is temorary in life growing up...

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