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Evolved Time Travelling Humans Were Roswell Aliens

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Not entirely sure why but the 'time=traveller' theory is becoming more popular. I say that but in reality there have been zero supporting arguments for this

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by DrLovecraft
Commander George W. Hoover has come forward to state that he believes the object that crashed in Roswell in 1947 was actually a craft carrying humans from the future as oppose to extraterrestrial visitors.
(More in the article link after the jump)

Whatever Commander Hoover believes has nothing to do with real life. If his life depended on it he couldn't provide any evidence for a UFO crashing not only near Roswell but anywhere on earth. Belief is the result of mental conditioning and he has either conditioned himself or been conditioned to believe in events that have not evidence to support them. He can quote any source he wants but those sources will also come up empty.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Well, I for one really hope they are NOT some form of future-esque human.

One of the great things about us people is our diversity and personality. While we're all the same in many respects, we're also so very different. It makes life interesting; the people you meet, you get involved with, the families and children you have. Our cultures and histories, etc.

If these greys are "us" from a possible future...Eff-me! They are the most uninspiring, personality devoid, same-looking beings I could have ever imagined. I really hope that is not the destiny of mankind: effiiciency to the point of everything the same and devoid of character

edit on 3-11-2010 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
Well, according to Philip Corso Jr., his dad told him before he died that the Roswell "aliens" were in fact some kind of time traveling humans from some form of the future, but he didn't put it in the first book because the publishers wanted to cash in more on the alien angle, and they skewed the book accordingly.

But in Philip Corso's original notes, which were apparently actually online for a little while before they were taken down, the Roswell stuff was always about contact with the future, which is why is was put under such an extremely high degree of security. Knowing even a little bit about the future can be a very powerful thing, and contamination from the future can have a severe and potentially negative effect on the present.

We won't know the whole story until Philip Corso Jr's. book comes out, which may be never. Until then, we only have his rambling public appearances to sort through on YouTube.

Corso, Sr. and Jr., are not reliable sources for anything to do with reality. Corso Sr. has been discredited by real scientists involved with real discoveries after much hard work and not connected to any alien technology. If you don't accept what I'm saying, get a copy of Corso's book, THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, and turn to the top of page 3 where he says: "I wasn't in Roswell in 1947." Below this: "The stories about the Roswell crash vary from one another in the details. Because I wasn't there, I've had to rely on reports of others." (emphasis added by me) On page 7 he says: "Although I wasn't there that night, I've heard many different versions. Many of them go like this:"

Mr. Corso was a lying opportunist. Corso Jr. is just going to cash in on his father's lies. Just like Marcel Jr. did and is doing.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Shino
Not entirely sure why but the 'time=traveller' theory is becoming more popular. I say that but in reality there have been zero supporting arguments for this

True. But compared to the arguments for the Roswell crash being related to "aliens," it has a number of things going for it, such as the overall "human-ness" of the aliens and their craft (i.e., no squids in 1,000 foot craft), descriptions of the materials and technology that is mostly similar to our own, a plausible reason why they might be interested in us (biological/historical), the need for maximum security clampdown, the fact that unlike aliens, we know exist now and are likely exist in the future, etc.

So while the list of possible explanations for Roswell is still topped with, "we don't know," the explanation of "time travelers" is in my opinion slightly higher on the list than "aliens."

The biggest problems with it is that we don't have a mechanism for time travel (nor do we for interstellar travel), or a good handle on the paradoxes that pop up as a result.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by platipus
time travel advanced version of humans: unlikely
humanoids from another planet: maybe

Maybe, indeed. The only thing that is bothersome about humanoids from another planet, though, is that we evolved the way we did as a result of who knows how many chance things happening to the environment over the course of a billion years or more. The odds of the same kind of chance things happening on another planet are pretty slim.

But we already know we exist, and will probably exist in some similar form in the future. Seems like there's a possible obvious connection there.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike
Mr. Corso was a lying opportunist. Corso Jr. is just going to cash in on his father's lies. Just like Marcel Jr. did and is doing.

I tend to think that Corso Sr., was an intelligence operative, still working for the government (you never quite the spying business) and spreading disinformation hoping to see if he could get somebody to leak classified information. Who knows if it worked, because if it did, we'd never hear about it. As for the seeded technology, it's hard to believe anyone's story when it comes to secret development of high tech. It actually makes a bit more sense for it to be from the future, and seeded into research already going on. Something completely alien might be completely incomprehensible to us and create obvious secrecy problems.

As for the "reality" of the situation... I think it's become pretty obvious that after a few decades of exposure, with very little information of value coming out of the Roswell inquiry, that it's not what it's assumed to be -- crashed aliens. That story was presented and suggested by certain people, and it's turned out to be a lot of nonsense. Time travelers? I don't know. In some ways it makes more sense than aliens, but neither explanation beats out "we don't know."

What was Roswell? I like the idea that is was an experiment gone wrong by the Nazis we had working for us at White Sands. Launching apes or human cadavers up in modified V-2s. Not something you'd want the general public to know about. But it's interesting that the time traveler story keeps popping up in unexpected places, and that Bill Birnes seems to be at the center of it. I don't know.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
What was Roswell? I like the idea that is was an experiment gone wrong by the Nazis we had working for us at White Sands. Launching apes or human cadavers up in modified V-2s. Not something you'd want the general public to know about. But it's interesting that the time traveler story keeps popping up in unexpected places, and that Bill Birnes seems to be at the center of it. I don't know.

One is on safer ground when using the original sources. The original sources point to a secret project that was spying on the Russians nuclear activity. What "Mac" Brazel found were the remnants of one of these balloon trains. Weather balloons was the cover story heightened by someone's crazy idea of bringing in a crashed saucer and the press ran away with it and no one looked back since then. Then the opportunists arrived and we have the modern myth. Bill Birnes is one of the biggest anal cavities in UFOlogy.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by The Shrike

Problem is, I don't think Hoover ever said anything like what is presented. When you fabricate a story about a dead person you put whatever words you want in their mouths and who can prove otherwise?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by DrLovecraft

I guess they are trying to tell us the best way they know how.

Some take it as real many do not.......there is a reason for this.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:49 PM
life evolves into whatever works best, if there is life on other planets i'd guess theyd follow a similar path to earth.
So greys are 'similar ' to us? I think it would take some very big and bizarre leaps for humans to end up like that.
aliens being us from the furure is a very half ass'd old theory with zero anything to help it.
But its just as good as me thinking greys were bio-engineered for inter-galactic travel I suppose.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
Im gonna go out on a limb and say that people in the future will still be having sex.....lots and lots of sex.

well if we ain't having sex
I don't wanna be here

I mean unless they have some sort
of mental sexual stimulation substitute like
in the movie Judge Dredd.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:56 PM
Do a search for Project Aquarius Dockument you will be amazedreply to post by vqsnapp

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