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The Question: 'what is the point in life?' is in fact the Answer to the meaning of life.

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Are you a kind of biological avatar?

Where doees all life come from and what is the purpose if existence is a age old question.
Many have answered in the past with creating a deity that is worshipped. This still happens today.
The comfort one has in a all seeing all knowing creature has given people a sence of purpose to be carrying out that deities will.

Why IS life required?

I believe it is because we are answering something.
A answer is the outcome of a question. A question is a equation, or physical math.
Is all of this....*points to self, you, and then the skies* a big fat physcal answer to a a big fat physical equation or Question?

Where is the mind? I am not referring to your brain, instead that sence of consciousness or spirit.

Mathematics is a natural component of the universe, well the creative spark if you will.
Humans have seperated it to become applied mathematics to answer simple questions, it's like we are on our training wheels to be creators down the track to perform physical mathematics. IS Chaos the natural state, and mathematics the unatural state? Are physcial algorythms how the universe attempts to explain itself?

What if the Original question was "What am I"...and it was interpreted as "Let there be Light" Myabe " light" is infact the answer to the original algorythm or question?
What if "GOD" doesnt know what it is?
What if we are all just aspects of this creative spark trying to understand self.

Why do we ask questions all the time? The universe is made up of chaos and order,...infinte questions and answers if you like.
People rely on God to give them answers on the unknown, but what if you yourself ARE THE ANSWER, you are a "avatar" if you like gifted life to perpetuate infinity through constant questions and answers.

Chaos and Order
Chaos is the physical questions, and Order is life-the physical answers.
Can we be greatful for life and begin to enjoy being answers, simply living.

The logical start to this equation was all the universe, inlcuding life.
Witrhout quesitons we are just static.
Asking questions is what progresses the universe.
Humans think we are special...'God' did not choose us alone to be alive.

Don't kiss gods arse. damn religions, and I mean all of them.....worship something like it cares, or rely on it to make the change in their lives. You like everything else have that very 'god' spark in you. We are all realising self. We are replicating the very nature of creation, realising self through patterns in the chaos.

God isn't going to save kids in africa, they are our problem, HUMANS created this problem. no child should starve to death, we make them starve, we are the only ones who can fix amount of praying will alter it, unless you realise that prayer is your focused intent to change their reality and that we infact created their current reality to start with.

"IT" as I call God does exist, but not as the figure head/s humans have placed on it.
IT may not know what it is.
It doesnt care for worship....history has proven that surely?
It doesnt care what you do, so long as you are living, replicating answers and quesitons to perpetuate infinity.
All those religions from times gone Egypt, Rome, South America, consider the fervour with which these Gods were believed in....and for what, when they dissapeared, did time stop to exist? Did nature stop and die? Did humanity die out? Will that happen if Islam, Christianty, Judaism etc cease to exist?

'Questions' are the reason we are here. We are answers.
A computer is a answer, does it ask the questions?
Someone/thing else aksed a question, a physical mathematical equation, and the outcome was life.
Life is a component of the universe.
And humans are a component of life.
When the universe started life was created at the same time, by a algorythm, life was in there, just like gravity. You see time is not in flux, it is a fixed lanscape, we just apply psychologically the concepts of past and future.
As a life form we make it work.
The universe doesn't revolve around us
We help the universe revolve.

Humans help to propogate unviverse in our own way. Most of the time we get caught up answering questions like;

What is fear, What is Anger, What is Hate?

We have other better quesitons in life we can answer like 'What is love and joy'. They to me are the only two true understandings.
What is a question? In math a question is zero, chaos. Everytime we think of something, the function of that nano second creates it something the same as when the univese being created...Where does a question exist? Where does your mind exist? Where does the universe exist?

Life is the good side of "IT" as you are aware of "IT"
We are own little universes, and we take it completelty forgranted.

So when you ask:
"Why me god"...there is no answer to that question, because the question gives life to the answer, its what propgates our function.
The universe is in itself, chaos, You cant' see a question in your head, as you are asking it.
When the universe was made there was a material question.

There is a creation FUNCTION but there is no god.
We are a function, and sadly we are cofused about our function.
We are the ones who are going to be posing the question in time, making new avatars if you will. Life is going to pose the creation questions eventually, we will be the ones to create a new universes,if we can stop squabbling with each other and answering stupid questions like 'What is greed' and 'What is power'

We need to stop messing around asking about god, and asking "why am i here" you already know why we are here: we are self replicating, just like cells split and replicate, so does the universe.

Life is a answer to the universes chaotic questions.
Understand the actual role of the human species.
Life is not about ego, not about being human, its about answering questions, realising self.
Order from Chaos.
edit on 1-11-2010 by zazzafrazz because: i needed a champagne after getting all meta.....

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:08 PM
Wonderful, Zazz. I love your questions, which lead to more questions. I think we attempt to counter entropy as applied to our lives, our culture and our environment. I think sometimes that it's like the classic snake eating its own tail in that we SHOULD be part of the environment, but we seek instead to control it.

The older I get, the more I think that the process of asking the questions and seeking the answers is the 'good stuff' from which life is made. I was always taught that if the question is asked properly and completely that it almost answers itself. Not so certain that is true, but perhaps there are clues there.

I am convinced that anecdotal information can play an important part in the scientific process. We tend to want to measure every damn thing to give it creedence. I accept that there is phenomena -- important information -- for which we as humans currently lack the ability to measure.

Thanks for the food food thought. I'm pretty sure when I read your thread again, it will inspire again.

What is the point of life? I dunno. To look...... to see....... to wonder? Maybe it's just that. I can live with that.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:23 PM
I like this. It's very existential to pose questions to a chaotic and unknowable universe. The mathematics of the stars and galaxies can give us clues to the nature of our being, what in the highest sense it is to be human.

It is tragic though that a formula for the galaxy can't satisfy the passionate desire of the human heart to Know. One must pose questions regardless of the answers because uncertainty is bitter sweet.

I think what I'm trying to say is that what we yearn for isn't important so long as the yearning itself inflames our souls.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I got down to about right here...

It doesnt care what you do, so long as you are living, replicating answers and quesitons to perpetuate infinity.

Infinity has a purpose, or there would absolutely be no point to any of this. I would start to debate with you the nature of good in the grand scheme of things. I'll put it this way... I went on a journey around a decade in the making at this point. It's taken me quite a few places both physical and mental. What I gathered was an understanding... That Life is Understanding.

The Sum of All Things Zero, The Function, The Infinite, etc., etc. left me with intuition, so I choose to use it. I'd suggest more of us do the same. What eventually surfaced was information straight to my fingertips. Now I'll forward it over to you. Here goes:

"Love moves from image to frontier." -Americanist

Image: Mathematics . the point or set of points in the range corresponding to a designated point in the domain of a given function.

to transform (data) into an exact replica in a different form...

Frontier: Mathematics . the collection of all points of a given set having the property that every neighborhood of each point contains points in the set and in the complement of the set.

the limit of knowledge or the most advanced achievement in a particular field...


You'll find Universal Theory inside the blog (On our faces...).

As additional reference (youtube or google search terms):

Dale Pond - Keely, SVP
Marko Rodin - (look for a 44pt Lecture Series) Vortex Math Model
Nassim Haramein - Vector Based Geometry

Have at it!

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by argentus

The older I get, the more I think that the process of asking the questions and seeking the answers is the 'good stuff' from which life is made

Double thanks Argy!

Yes I agree with this statement, I do feel many of us get caught up answering difficult and terrible questions.
We choose what we are answering/experiencing/learning.
Humans perpetuate "devilish" questions for ever, hopefully we stop bothering answering those....Bit that I can talk, I am guilty too !

I think emotions are answering questions.
And love and joy are understandings not so much emotions. I am not talking about inlove or lust, I am talking about simple love, not a complex algorythm/question and answer.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by CeasarKhanTheGreat
I like this. It's very existential to pose questions to a chaotic and unknowable universe. The mathematics of the stars and galaxies can give us clues to the nature of our being, what in the highest sense it is to be human.

It is tragic though that a formula for the galaxy can't satisfy the passionate desire of the human heart to Know. One must pose questions regardless of the answers because uncertainty is bitter sweet.

I think what I'm trying to say is that what we yearn for isn't important so long as the yearning itself inflames our souls.

I like your comments, waaaay more succint than my rambling.....

The yearning you speak of, are we replicating, reflecting in symmetry with the nature of the creative force?

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Awesome thread buddy!! I love these kind of discussions.

I think we are the universe becoming aware of itself. If there is life on other planets it is just another perspective of the universe for it to look at itself.

I think our goal in life is to learn of our creator, which is the universe. In ancient times, they used the word god to describe things that they could not figure out. Now that we have more science and more technology we are beginning to figure out that our creator is no longer a god figure but the universe in and of itself.

Religion made sense when we had very little knowledge of ourselves but with advancements the only thing that we still have from the ancient times is our religion. If we could get rid of religion and replace it with spirituality then we would move forward.

Our goal is to procreate and become more knowledgable of our creator. Whether we can understand it in it's fullest form is the most interesting question in my book. I think we would be able to, because we are the universe, and of course we could understand ourselves, right?

Awesome discussion.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Americanist

I think we are on the same track. I agree infinity has a purpose.
My supposision is that our human purpose is confused, our role in perpetuating infinty has been lost to answering questions of the ego. Is the ego "the devil" ? That set of algorythms lead us to perpetuaute ego and fear drivers infinatly......
The Ego question is a required function or aspect of the universe, the question was asked, but it has been answered, so why do we continue to perpetuate it? Fear.

Hope that makes sence.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:37 PM
The point of life is to reproduce and keep DNA on the road to incorporating all of the matter/energy in the universe, thereby becoming "God," or whatever you want to call it, and thereby allowing the universe to exist. It's a long process, obviously, stretching to infinity forwards and backwards in time.

Our small part of this activity is to live a while, then die and let better adapted living things take over. Or, if you don't have children, act as a guide to DNA in showing what doesn't "work."

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:51 PM
Each to there own.

My existence seems to be just to live while vile people in uk invade my life for all my life, just waiting for ever to find anything they could of charge me with. The police and uk gov will do this till i die i reckon, and they had nothing, absolutely nothing.

So is the meaning of life to be tortureed by vile humans just desperate to want to kill and maim you even more. It seems to be, for alot of us here on earth.

Come on now police are you ever going to find anything to ever back up what you made up about me to target my life like 18.5 years back. Are you ever going to back up any of your claims, never i would assume i have have nothing in my past fact.

So life here is for the most part, to be tortured and ridiculed by others, while these people walk the earth paid members of society by some crime gang called police or gov, while they commit any crime they want, and laugh there heads of at any one they destroy for nothing.

Leads one to ask what is absolute power, and why do most humans want it?

Oh so many questions.

Plus i will still be waiting tomorrow for uk police to try desperately to find anything they can, even though they have been over my life with a fine tooth comb. Just find something already.

Absolute power and my life of being a victim of it, is something op has missed, no one ponders why most humans want it to destroy others for no reason.

Meaning of life is too complicated to be answered by anyone.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
The point of life is to reproduce and keep DNA on the road to incorporating all of the matter/energy in the universe

No it is not, i and many others would never want to bring someone into this world.

Just because most feel that urge, do not equate that answer with all of us.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I'm assuming that you have just got done reading "The Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy?
If you have you should already know the question and the answer..

What is 6 x 9.... 42

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by predator0187
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I think we are the universe becoming aware of itself. If there is life on other planets it is just another perspective of the universe for it to look at itself.

Perfect. And here we all are not aware of our function.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Not yet, but who knows what the future holds for us.


posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Hi andy sorry you are having a hard time of it

YOu are right the meaning of life is not for one person to answer, my major point is that we are all answer. Do you answer life in your way and contribute answers to a infinite awareness? Or just your own? We can end up answering other peoples questions for them, like what is happening to you.

As I have said throughout this thread, there are many many questions and we get caught up in answering them continously, ones like
what is fear
what is cruelty
what is anger
what is hate
etc etc

I hope you get to answer some nice questions soon, and they lead to new understandings.

edit on 2-11-2010 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

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