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NSC Study Shows You are More Likely to be Killed By a Cop Than a Terrorist

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:45 AM
I chose to put this here in US political madness because to me it is madness that they push terrorism to sell their ridiculous idea of safety. Anybody with a half a brain knows that the whole terrorism thing is basically a never ending excuse for the government to take away we the people's rights in the name of safety.

As this article points out in the statistics, the chances of you ever meeting your demise via a terrorist is rather slim. They might as well have a campaign to save us from lightning strikes as they are more likely to kill you.

Or as the title suggested, they should start a campaign to save us from cops! They are a hell of a lot more dangerous for you than a terrorist.

Anyway I sure as heck fear police, our politicians, and their ridiculous legislation way more than ANY terrorists.

Here's an excert from the article concerning some of their statistics:

-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane

-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

Here's the link to the article:
edit on 1-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Yeah but we can do something to combat terrorism as opposed to cancer, heart disease or cops.

Sarcasm dude. I totally agree with your point.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:50 AM
The problem is that police and gov organise things like gang stalking that causes suicides.

So all types of murder the police commit for there frineds, while having a big smile on there face walking into the pub on saturday night.

Gov and police are far more dangerous to anyones life, if your not in that group.

The stats will never show the real extent of teh problem though.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Thanks for the responses guys. And yeah Andy I agree. And even despite the fact that the true extent of the problem will never be shown in the statistics, you are still more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.

Even if there was a real danger from terrorists, it's not worth losing ANY of your rights for the illusion of safety. In reality, we've lost much of our freedom from the ILLUSION of terrorists.

Very sad. We must stop the real danger in the world, the spread of tyrannical government.

*BTW, in the original post it should have read, "here's an excerpt", but I missed my window to edit it when my internet decided to stop working for some time.
edit on 1-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Not another person who hates the police..come on there are plenty of good patrolmen out their so go far as the terrorist attacks tell the families of the USS Cole not to worry that terrorist won't harm us. The government may be using the terrorist as excuses but the terrorists are not make believe my friend. Check out some videos on some of the more graphic sites of them doing what they do best...and please do not compare the police to the terrorist..that's disgusting

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:17 PM
When do we begin the war on cops?

Thats a war thats worth waging.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Post of the year! Numbers do not lie.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:13 PM

--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

As if I needed another reason for insomnia

reply to post by chrismarco

The USS Cole was a navy destroyer ship. Those people put themselves into the position to be targeted by some form of attack; they were in Yemen ffs. Their own fault. If they'd not been on a destroyer owned by an enemy country in dangerous territory, then they'd have the same risk factor as anyone else.

Our government is at fault for their deaths.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:39 PM
Thanks guys. It is certainly disheartening to see how badly we're being manipulated. And it's terrible that the people that are supposed to protect and serve us are more likely to kills us than terrorists. But this is because the US government is no longer representing the people. They represent the elite. The plutocracy. And they are the reason that the cops are crooked and it's they who are using "terrorists" as an excuse to tighten the reigns around our necks a notch every chance they get!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by chrismarco

You need to wake up my friend. First I'm sorry for the guys that died on the Cole but whether that was false flag attack like many of the other "terrorist attacks" we have seen is not ruled out in my mind. But even if it isn't there are plenty of reasons for many people around the world to completely despise the US government and their imperialist ways. The US military does NOTHING to protect freedom. They are a goon squad to protect the interests of big bankers and corporate whores.

Imagine if the Chinese military took over America "to free us from our imperialist government". You tell me you wouldn't hate having Chinese troops running your country and telling you what to do regardless of the reason. So don't go using the deaths of the men on the Cole as an excuse to not talk about the truth!

And as for cops don't get me started. I was a cop for 7 years! I know there are good cops out there. But there are also way, way too many bad ones! And it ain't really about the single cops and their actions, it IS about the departments and their policies! The type of people they look to hire over the years has changed dramatically from hiring those who care about community first to hiring people who are good bullies and enforcers. It's also about the federalizing of police departments and what they choose to enforce.

And most of all, it's about the politicians and their filthy war against the American people! And our rights. I'm sorry but you really need to reconsider your thought process and what is right and wrong. You are being fooled man. Don't take my word for it but think for yourself. Don't buy the garbage they are feeding you! Go and research this. The truth will set you free!

I love America. I love America enough to die for it no questions asked. And that is exactly why I do what I'm doing right now. I'm telling the truth.
edit on 1-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Statistics are tricky. These statistics in particular tell the story up until now.

I have a feeling that terrorist attacks could get worse in the future. When the current US war die down I believe that we could see a raise in the US terrorist attacks. When the US started to focus on Afghanistan (and slow down in Iraq) we started to see a lot more activity there. When the Afghanistan war starts to die down there is going to be a bunch of "fighters" who have nothing to do.

I get the point of the thread. The real problem is the shock of being killed by a Terrorist. It's like a family member having a heart attack and dieing out of the blue. It's harder than somebody that was expected to die (ie. old age, known health problems).

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Styki

I can sympathize with what you are saying however, there wouldn't be terror attacks if they were not pursuing the interests of the "elites" in places they don't belong. I also still firmly believe that they indeed not only use terror attacks as an excuse to push through an agenda, they are outright responsible for planning the attacks.

I will say though that my opinion of the source of the terror attacks is actually not completely relevant in this thread because it doesn't matter how they come about. What matters is that they are no excuse to take away personal rights.

They have no right to take away those rights as a matter of fact. These are "natural" or "God given" rights. That are inherent in men. In other words these rights are not theirs to take away! Could a tiger take away the right of another tiger to have claws? Would an eagle be allowed to tell another eagle where and how he may travel? Besides they are only selling the illusion of safety! Their new laws will not stop anything! Their laws are only to control the citizens of this nation and the world. Not stop terrorists. And they know this. And so should everyone else.

These statistics point out the pure insanity of being afraid of terror attacks. And the insanity of these attacks being used as an excuse to remove rights.
edit on 2-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Its nice to have a little perspective. I really like seeing the statistical analysis for these kinds of things. They help to eliminate emotional, irrational responses and fears to things that are statistically not likely.

Statistically we are much more likely to die from car accidents and cancer but people worry about murder and other unlikely causes of death.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

I have said many times that Americans are more likely to be abused, robbed and murdered at the hands of so called Law-enforcement; that we take our lives into our hands when we drive upon our public streets and highways, not from some idiot bad driver but from the "Pirates" that roam our streets at will looking for any excuse to write you a ticket to extort money from you.

Here recently, after never before being arrested, I was wrongly arrested by a sheriff who believed my tags were fake..their mistake,not mine but this dumber than dirt thug went on to prove who was boss, arrested me and took me to what is as close to a modern dungeon as could imagine..the San Bernardino Jail where they went on to treat me like I was there slave and when I reacted, they went on to try to threaten and intimidate me and put me in a cell with some drunk and the floors covered in water to punish me for not cooperating with all their questions and asking for a phone call. I refused to tell them anything..that they had my drivers license and until I had contacted an attorney, that was all I would they punished me by fulling booking me for some kind of felony. All I saw were poor people in jail because they could not afford to pay a fine or a good attorney but the Sheriffs..they were THUGS and I told them so and as an ex-marine let them know I was not afraid stop threatening to beat me up and at some point I would be out and they would find themselves in court and before a judge. Then after about 7 hours of seeing how they treat their prisoners like rats in a cage,they came for me and snuck up on me and got a swab from my mouth saying it was procedure....I didn't realize what the bastards were doing but moments later did and told them loudly for everyone to hear that they were thugs and criminals what they were doing was evil. I was released to call a cab, no charges filed. They think I have forgotten..I have not. I will never trust or support law enforcement again. Between those thugs and the courts, we would be better off without them.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by MajorKarma

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. That really sucks. But you just got a first hand education on how they are using these new thug cops to put fear into innocent citizens. To just do as they say and be a good little slave or else.

You did the right thing standing up for yourself and your rights. Things will not get better until we clean house at the very top.

You are a hero to me at least. You did the right thing. You stood strong and tall for your rights as a human being. If everyone did what you did, I believe things may have never gotten this far.

Thanks for commenting and thanks for not being afraid to be a free man.
edit on 2-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by iamcamouflage

You are correct. You might as well walk around being afraid a plane is going to crash on you as be afraid of terrorism. Of course the goal of terrorism is irrational fear. But what wasn't counted on was that the terrorism would be used against us by our own government.

Thanks for the comment!

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:51 AM
look up officer bubbles on youtube. that guy is one steriod injection away from a mass murder-suicide.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:00 AM
I just heard today on the evening news the cops are going to be cracking down on drivers along a certain highway. I definitely fear the police more than anything else when I'm driving down the highway. If I happen to drive around late at night, I'm not afraid of drunk drivers, I'm worried I might encounter an aggressive cop following me to see what he can pull me over for. 99 percent of the time, if I encounter a very aggressive driver who is following me for miles or driving very aggressively, it is a cop. One time I think a drunk or someone on drugs acted like that but most of the time, it is the police. I've heard rumors that some cops use steroids and can act very aggressively. I think they want people to fear them.

What are cops looking for in their latest crackdown? Aggressive driving. They should know what that is like since they practice it a lot. If they see someone driving around like a cop, they may pull you over.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:54 AM
Needs to be normalized by the number of beds and terrorists. Obviously way more people lie in beds than encounter terrorists. Similarly for cops. This is like saying you are way more likely to die crossing the street than in a space shuttle explosion, simply because more people have died crossing the street than in space shuttle explosions. In fact, you are 100% GUARANTEED to die in a space shuttle explosion. Especially if said explosion is caused by terrorists.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Odessy
Needs to be normalized by the number of beds and terrorists. Obviously way more people lie in beds than encounter terrorists.

The stats are fine. The purpose of the study was not to determine if a terrorist is more deadly than a bed.

Similarly for cops. This is like saying you are way more likely to die crossing the street than in a space shuttle explosion, simply because more people have died crossing the street than in space shuttle explosions.

Which means the average person is indeed more likely to die crossing the street, as the average person is unlikely to be in an exploding space shuttle. Just as the average person is more likely to encounter a police officer that is about to kill them than a terrorist that is about to kill them.

In fact, you are 100% GUARANTEED to die in a space shuttle explosion. Especially if said explosion is caused by terrorists.

No one denies the potential deadliness of explosions. As the study shows however, the average person is extremely unlikely to be the victim of a terror plot. Any logical and rational person would fear their own government more than any terror group.

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