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How could they Dig miles of underground tunnels???

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:39 AM
There's always a lot of talk on here about secret underground bases... some going so far as to suggest that large tracks of land are covered in a complicated network of subterranean tunnels...

The focus of this thread is not to determine whether or not such places exist or not... but how such an installation would be made...??? if it could be made...???

I'll kick off with this take...

The following was written by Richard Sauder, PhD, adapted from his book Underground Bases and Tunnels:

The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written - and then the whole thing just sort of faded away.

Or did it?

Nuclear subterrenes work by melting their way through the rock and soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly glass-lined tunnel behind them.

The heat is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor that circulates liquid lithium from the reactor core to the tunnel face, where it melts the rock. In the process of melting the rock the lithium loses some of its heat. It is then circulated back along the exterior of the tunneling machine to help cool the vitrified rock as the tunneling machine forces its way forward. The cooled lithium then circulates back to the reactor where the whole cycle starts over. In this way the nuclear subterrene slices through the rock like a nuclear powered, 2,000 degree Fahrenheit (1,100 Celsius) earthworm, boring its way deep underground.

The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Energy Research and Development Administration took out Patents in the 1970s for nuclear subterrenes. The first patent, in 1972 went to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

The nuclear subterrene has an advantage over mechanical TBMs in that it produces no muck that must be disposed of by conveyors, trains, trucks, etc. This greatly simplifies tunneling. If nuclear subterrenes actually exist (and I do not know if they do) their presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional tunneling activities.

The 1972 patent makes this clear. It states:
"... (D)ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and as a dispersal in cracks produced in the surrounding rock. The rock-melting drill is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to produce and extend cracks in solid rock radially around the bore by means of hydrostatic pressure developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. All melt not used in glass-lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it freezes and remains ...

"... Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the expensive and cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner."
(U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)
There you have it: a tunneling machine that creates no muck, and leaves a smooth, vitreous (glassy) tunnel lining is estimated this mi chine could, if it were ever produced dug some seven miles of tunnels per day...

Well that's one way... but I'm talking about a machine no ones ever seen and no record of one ever being built exists... but the idea is not a new one...

So what are your thoughts....

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:03 AM
I have believed for some time now that many continents and even undersea areas have been tunneled using the large boring machines that have been available for decades and used for transportation or storage projects.

All those machines do a great job of boring their tunnels, but what happens afterwards? A perfectly good machine, stuck underground and often unretrievable with it's known commercial job done could be used (and have been imo) to continue their travels in any direction and for many purposes.

Are they the reason for some of the earthquakes we hear about? How far do they reach, hundreds of metres or hundreds of kilometers or maybe a network that stretches further than any of us average joes could ever imagine.

The recent earthquakes in Haiti could be a classic example of when one of these machines has crossed a fault line (en route to S.America) and disturbed it enough to cause a chain reaction to the surrounding area. Just an idea, but impossible?
edit on 30/10/2010 by nerbot because: spellig

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:04 AM
Good topic as where do you hide fleets of UFO saucers always sent
off to Mexico.
Many books bring up the hollow mountain topic to hide the ships.
ED: Gee I would like to bring Tesla into the tunneling phenomena
because of my recent findings and there might be a way.
All along through the years people would talk about a force field
and now that the mechanism might truly exist we don't hear about
At one thought who would want rocks coming out of the wall and
crashing into you but if pulses were pulsed into rock then the force
field might be a good tunneling device.

edit on 10/30/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Of course this is plausable, have you seen just how big commercial tunnel boring machins are?


And I think that there are several bases underground, it makes sense from a miltary point of view. In terms of causing earthquakes? Highly unlikely. These tunnels would have have a MASSIVE volume in order to weaken the surrounding earth or exert any stresses and strains on it. Coupled with that, they would have to be near fault lines, and why would thaey build tunnels here?

They are more likely to be in seismic safe zones, like alway across Europe......

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

I personally believe alot of phil schneider says, and i think he is the last whistle blower we will have. Remember people the last great tech advance we have seen in weapons was nukes, and the h bomb came in the 50's. You telling me all these military science departments have not done some great research and found plenty of stuff, we have never heard of?

Of course techs behind the scenes is beter than we know.

Personally i beleive what phil said about underground bases, and how they are built.

I think phil was the last whistle blower we will have. There is no way of knowing anymore with all the techs if stories people tell anymore is real, whether they sound convincing or not.

For me they definately do have loads of underground bases, and how are they made. I think phil told you guys.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by carlitomoore

Thanks for those photos.
Makes me wonder if the Howard Hughes oil drill bit enterprise is getting
even richer with all those bits.
Even less of a chance the oil business will be supplanted.
Sort of ironic oil is building all the tunnels to hide all the Tesla saucers that
might put the oil business out of business.
But I just think that way.
I have good news that Tesla ships can use ordinary engines, well if you
want to go that way, the fuel savings comes in the great speed or momentum
of travel and thus why they stay in hover all day burning up regular fuel.
I any case the technology is speculative.

edit on 10/30/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: all day

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:37 AM
Very interesting topic indeed! I just wonder why we are able to know so much about the secret tunnels now? Could it be that a newer technology that far surpasses the need for undergound tunnels exists?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:43 AM
From the thread:As Above, So Below?

Originally posted by LiveForever8


Abstract : Large undersea installations with a shirt-sleeve environment have existed under the continental shelves for many decades. The technology now exists, using off-the-shelf petroleum, mining, submarine, and nuclear equipment, to establish permanent manned installations within the sea floor that do not have any air umbilical or other connection with the land or water surface, yet maintain a normal one-atmosphere environment within. This presentation briefly reviews the past and present in-the-sea-floor mineral industry. The methods presently practical for direct access to and from permanent in-the-sea-floor installations are outlined, and the specific operations and types of tools indicated. Initial power requirements and cost estimates are included. -

As Richard Sauder states in his book, 'Underwater and Underground Bases':

“Astonishing, isn’t it? We need to adjust our ideas as to what is possible and what is not. Here is a US Navy Document from the 1960’s that plainly describes the capabilities of the underground construction industry at that time as fully able to tunnel out hundreds of miles beneath the ocean, at depths as great as two miles below the sea floor!”

The idea of these underground bases now doesn’t seem so outrageous.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:54 AM
heres another boring machine.....tho i have seen a machine picture of what was dubbed the subterrene, i cannot locate it at ptresent.
I will keep dogging tho....
The existance of DUMBs or deep underground military bases, is almost a surety.
From what is public knowledge we understnd that Cheyanne mountain Colorado as well as many other facilities around the world are already underground bases.
If there are ones we know about, then i think it very likely there are ones that are secret as well.....
Information is at the mercy of those few courageous enough, and idealistic enough to try to get the facts to the people.Suppression of these people like Phil Snieder is part of what goverments do.
edit on 30-10-2010 by stirling because: (no reason given)

Here is a US military documenting the SUBTERRENE
edit on 30-10-2010 by stirling because: add link

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:38 PM
I don't doubt they have boring machines capable of making it's way through rock, but a lot of these underground areas may have already been there from before. Caverns or underground rivers that dried up long ago would save a lot of digging. These could be located with powerful ground penetrating radar from a plane or a satellite or whatever TPTB have at their disposal. It might be a lot more hollow down there than we'll ever know.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 03:37 PM
I started doing some looking around online regarding undersea facilities and found this. Thought it was interesting to add to the topic. I'm copying a brief explanation directly from the site I was looking at. Hope this is I'm new here.
Poseidon Mystery Island...
Poseidon undersea resort are for those who have dreamt of visiting their imagination’s wildest destinations like traveling to the moon, reaching the summit of the most forbidden peaks or exploring the mysteries of the ocean depths. The exact location of Poseidon Resort’s Mystery Island is still, well, a mystery. Accessible by elevator and nestled in the crystal clear waters of the 5 000 acre Fijian lagoon, Poseidion underwater resort is the world’s first seafloor resort and the only place you can spend the night 40 feet underwater in incomparable luxury.

If we can do this.... just imagine the capabilities that exist. If we have groups profiteering on underground/undersea facilities I can only imagine what else we have.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Lithium? Funny that we find so much of it in Afghanistan.
Neat article. thanks!

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
From the thread:As Above, So Below?

Originally posted by LiveForever8


Abstract : Large undersea installations with a shirt-sleeve environment have existed under the continental shelves for many decades. The technology now exists, using off-the-shelf petroleum, mining, submarine, and nuclear equipment, to establish permanent manned installations within the sea floor that do not have any air umbilical or other connection with the land or water surface, yet maintain a normal one-atmosphere environment within. This presentation briefly reviews the past and present in-the-sea-floor mineral industry. The methods presently practical for direct access to and from permanent in-the-sea-floor installations are outlined, and the specific operations and types of tools indicated. Initial power requirements and cost estimates are included. -

As Richard Sauder states in his book, 'Underwater and Underground Bases':

“Astonishing, isn’t it? We need to adjust our ideas as to what is possible and what is not. Here is a US Navy Document from the 1960’s that plainly describes the capabilities of the underground construction industry at that time as fully able to tunnel out hundreds of miles beneath the ocean, at depths as great as two miles below the sea floor!”

The idea of these underground bases now doesn’t seem so outrageous.

I like that paper since i am friends with the author Dr Carl F Austin.
We were members of the local mine search and rescue group.
and Gem and Mineral Society.
By the way i am keeping secret what i really know. but what he is talking about has nothing to do with tunnels but with undersea bases that make Area 51 a joke.

The Coso geothermal project was the brainchild of Dr. Carl Austin, a research rock mechanics scientist at China Lake

edit on 30-10-2010 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:31 AM
Well you know what they say...
if only there was some evidence that the powers that be would do something like that

Of course it's not a matter of evidence... some people just choose what to believe and what not too

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Browsing around I happened on the FEMA camp topic.
Where to fleets of UFOs go as they exit the tunnels at night.
Do they fly 300 miles per second to another location or do they
head for isolated areas and land or stay on station in hover.

The movement of UFOs into ranch, range and park lands is known.
Isolated camps might provide safe havens or fleet assembly day
or night.

All that underground work has to come into day light some time.
Perhaps that will put pressure on fractions of the illuminati that
hidden technology will no longer be hidden and will see the light
of day.
edit on 11/2/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
From the thread:As Above, So Below?

Originally posted by LiveForever8


Abstract : Large undersea installations with a shirt-sleeve environment have existed under the continental shelves for many decades. The technology now exists, using off-the-shelf petroleum, mining, submarine, and nuclear equipment, to establish permanent manned installations within the sea floor that do not have any air umbilical or other connection with the land or water surface, yet maintain a normal one-atmosphere environment within. This presentation briefly reviews the past and present in-the-sea-floor mineral industry. The methods presently practical for direct access to and from permanent in-the-sea-floor installations are outlined, and the specific operations and types of tools indicated. Initial power requirements and cost estimates are included. -

I happened to run into one of the researchers that worked with Dr Carl Austin that is also a friend of mine.

The paper on Manned Undersea Structures - the rock site concept was a proposal for funding between the US Navy, USGS, Department of Energy and the US Bureau of Mines.

This program was to test the feasibility of sinking a large round disk/dome of concrete with a airlock build into the center to the sea floor for things like mining, oil drilling, building under sea sub pens,salvaging nuke subs or other uses.
The disk or dome would have sealed to the sea floor once the water was pumped out and air pumped in a surface pressures.

The strange thing is if they had got the funding and a dome had been built they could have towed it to the BP Blowout in the gulf after replacing the airlock and sunk it over the blowout and stopped the oil from entering the ocean and piped it to tankers.

The problem was they never got the funding.
But they did test the idea with models in a large water filled pressure tank and the small scale model test did show it would have worked.

And the Norwegians have used the idea to build there(Condeep) Troll A and the Statfjord A, B, and C oil platforms and a number of other platforms with a massive concrete base with three or four concrete towers built to support the surface rig.
if one of these legs had a hollow pipe big enough for men to go down and air locks they could have worked in a shirt sleeve environment at the bottom.
edit on 6-11-2010 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Japan, dense and overcrowded, is giving serious thought to living underground. They are planning to build underground sewage plants, underground railroads, and underground cities. According to a recent issue of Omni, The Taisei Corporation is planning to build a subterranean mall called "Alice City." There would be underground stores, offices, hotels, theaters, and sports arenas. Strolling spaces would meander through interior spaces populated with trees, birds, fish tanks, bridges, and waterfalls. The Shimizu Corporation has a blueprint for constructing an underground grid that would span 2,000 square miles underneath Tokyo. This grid would contain a number of commercial centers connected by subway trains that could shuttle workers to and from work.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:04 PM

I thought this was interesting too. A news article dated from 1972 which discusses the Tube Shuttles for underground transportation. Also in the article is a link to another site that even discusses remotely controlled subterrene tunnel boring machines for on the Moon & Mars.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:13 PM
I have a question about the liquifying of the rock with nuclear heating, since we cant destroy matter, just change it, where would the new liquid go during boring since the boring machine would occupy the space it was traveling through?

( not doubting just asking)
edit on 9-11-2010 by HappilyEverAfter because: add

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Just behind the cutter head would be a "heating section" that would,

Perhaps like this

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