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Pack Assange off to Guantanamo

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:09 AM
The rhetoric is heating up and it doesn't look as if it will slow down. There is continued pressure on the Obama administration to act on the actions of Wikileaks and Assange. First came the calls to kill them all, then to declare them enemy combatants and enemies of the state and now... the call to send Assange off to Guantanamo.

Pack Assange off to Guantanamo, US Conservatives tell Obama
Dated: 27th October
One Fox commentator went so far as to call for the WikiLeaks figurehead to be treated as a prisoner of war. Christian Whiton,a former State Department official, demanded that America seize Mr Assange and deal with him and other WikiLeaks staff as "enemy combatants". Calling for "non-judicial action" against them, he implied that they should be in Guantanamo Bay with Taliban inmates.

Nor was Whiton alone in his stance. "The government also should be waging war on the WikiLeaks web presence," an editorial in the conservative Washington Times railed this week

Whiton seems to have his targets set, and he isn't alone. Assange, being the 'threat' to 'national security' that he is should be taken away to the legal blackhole that is Guantanamo. Christian Whiton, who is also a FOX News commentator has been ranting about Wikileaks in his blog, stating that the actions of Assange are an act of "political warfare against the United States."

One question; what is stopping them from shipping Assange off to Guantanamo? What is stopping them from hunting him down and cutting the head off Wikileaks? Are they avoiding it in order to escape the trap of inadvertently designating him as a martyr or is there more to the story?
edit on 27/10/2010 by serbsta because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:17 AM
The world needs more wikileaks and Assaunges. The world needs thousands of them to expose the threats the US has posed to other naitons, the times the US has interfered in the internal affairs of other countires, the murders of foreign citizns etc etc etc.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by bussoboy

the world needs the internet wikileaks is the perfect reason/excuse for goverments to police the internet in the name of global security and take away more of our freedoms,of course everyone knows that a lot of the american army murder and torture innocents daily were else would they find there entertainment, it all seems a little to obvious for this man to have released these files, the rape case may see him disappear after the net is destroyed

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:48 AM
ANYONE that doesn't comply with the biased laws of the United States is a TERRORIST and must be treated as such. Julian Assange is a terrorist! I wouldn't be at all suprised to find out that in the near future he has been linked to 9/11 and when the next false flag happens I expect they will find that he has close ties to Al Quaeda.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by serbsta

This is the most hypocritical crap I have heard for a long long long time.
He's saying they should be treated as enemy combatants? The US Government should be in Guantanamo Bay, personally I'd like to stomp a few of the leaders heads. I'm so sick of their propaganda, their lying, their deceiving.

To me, Assange is a Hero. He has bought sight to the blind, and brought out the files the US government doesn't want you to see.

I think it's time for the Americans to revolt against their government, enough is enough. Personally I think the people in power of the US are the modern day Nazis. I think they should all be tied to the front of a car, and driven into a brick wall. Power to the people.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:57 AM
All the guy has done is reveal what most of us want, the truth. The bad stuff that was revealed should never have happened in the first place. Blame those guilty of the crime, not those who expose it. Everyone says they are sick of having the wool pulled over their eyes, I'm one of those people, and I am glad there is people like the wikileaks staff who are brave enough to show us what is really going on, regardless of which country // government // individual they are exposing.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by woogleuk
Blame those guilty of the crime, not those who expose it.

Surely that would put FOX out of business, then what?

Its much easier to turn the heads of the masses by saying things like - "1000's of people will be at risk thanks to the irresponsible actions of the website wikileaks"

The majority of people don't even know what wikileaks really is, and the truth is people don't want to know, its far easier to turn a blind eye to these things and carry on watching a square box in the living room. Of course that is until something happens to them!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:03 AM
I think wikileaks is exactly what the world needs ...I suspect that they may have some incredible dirt on a powerful person that has said hands off .He, Assange , is not hiding and is making himself available to the public. When these people go on about national security they should stop and think about what national security should be not what they are told it is . If I were a American I would be more concerned with the Zionist control and influence on security ...Those bas#^%$ rely on dirty secrets and manipulation for their own survival and couldn't care less about the Americans .....peace

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Under what grounds would the ship him off? He is not a citizen of the US and all he has done is take documents provided to him from traitors and publish them. The folks who should go to Gitmo are the ones who gave him the documents. The folks who design and implement the control protocols around these documents should be summarily fired.

How is it that this has not been top page news since it happened? Why are they not taking these documents and going through them and covering a number of them each day? For a couple of reasons. First most folks understand that war is an awful business and that this kind of thing happens and are not too surprised. Folks understand that when you take a bunch of 20 year old kids and toss them into a hell hole for multiple tours they will begin to do things that are unfortunate. Second is that there are likely things damning about the Obama administration and positive about the Bush administration. Third, this is exactly the kind of non-issue that will create the lever for stricter control over the internet. The folk in the NSA, DOD and their civilian suppliers are licking their chops over this - it will drive massive budget increases to these folks.

The whole business was much ado about nothing. Frankly, most folks think the rules of engagement being used in these wars are absurd. During WWII when soldiers encountered a pocket of insurgents they killed them on the spot and hung them up on lamp posts. Now our soldiers are told not to fire unless fired upon and we have an attorney general who wants to have some shell-shocked private read Achmed his rights in the field of battle.

The whole thing is a circus designed by Assange who is nothing but a media whore

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:08 AM
By now you and everyone else should know who is curtailing your freedoms hard won by the founding fathers.

They would rather persecute the whistleblowers, those who stand up for the truth, than to hang the real criminals. Worse still, that call came and supported by the media, whom had long ago been trusted to integrity on information. Such is the sad state of the corporatist facist media.

What next? Every non-corporatist human charged as 'terrorists' to be kept in dog cages as the canadian protestors during the G20 meetings had been humiliatingly locked up? They will need to build 6 billion cages then, and guess who's paying for it? - suckers living off the blue pills.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan
‘US troops beheaded Iraqi detainee’
American forces decapitated an Iraqi last year on the order of their higher-up, show recently-exposed US military documents.
The troops operated under the command of an unnamed US major, who had been involved in the rape of an Iraqi female, showed one such document posted on the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

The incident took place after the victim, the brother of the raped female, reportedly killed a military official in reprisal for the indecent assault.

edit to add source

edit on 27-10-2010 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:17 AM
What the world needs is for the people to get their butts off the couch and to go and forcibly remove all the scum that have usurped our governments in the name of the plutocracy.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

I get it and it is in fact horrible. What I don't get is why folks think it is so outlandish. Barbaric acts during war have been going on since dudes who lived in one cave took on the dudes who lived in another. To suggest that modern man is anything more than marginally more enlightened than the dude in the cave is foolish.

These are the kinds of things that happen during war which is why war should be avoided at all costs. The last war that the US should have been engaged in was World War II. All subsequent conflicts were unnecessary and history shows that to be true. If anything, history shows that were the communists/Soviets were able to control all of Vietnam and Korea they would have fallen sooner due to the inherent failures of communism.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by serbsta

Under what grounds would the ship him off? He is not a citizen of the US...

As I said, under the grounds that he is a thread to national security. Why does it matter if he is a citizen of the United States or not. How many Guantanamo inmates can you name who are citizens of the United States?

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by the2ofusr1

I get it and it is in fact horrible. What I don't get is why folks think it is so outlandish. Barbaric acts during war have been going on since dudes who lived in one cave took on the dudes who lived in another. To suggest that modern man is anything more than marginally more enlightened than the dude in the cave is foolish.

So you didn't agree with the reactions of many people, you didn't understand their shock and awe at finding out the details of these deaths, seeing it all there on paper? What would have been a more appropriate reaction? I would have been much more heavily subdued and saddened on the matter if there was no reaction at all.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Originally posted by woogleuk
Blame those guilty of the crime, not those who expose it.

Surely that would put FOX out of business, then what?

No way.
It might have, years ago, if there was ever a time when Fox practiced real investigative journalism.
Now they, along with other media outlets, just make a big deal out of propaganda for corporate business and the government, and spice it up with "human interest" stories to keep audience riveted so the coporate sponsors will keep paying to have more ads shown.

The media exists to collect advertising revenue and disseminate propaganda.
Fox is patriotically compliant in refusing to expose anything greater than the occasional petty crime.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by serbsta

The national security business is a slippery slope. Under who's definition? Are you to say that anyone on the planet not on the field of battle can be deemed a threat to national security? Even were that true, by what right does any government have to arrest and detain a citizen of another country. By that definition, Chavez, Kim Jong-Il and Mahmud Ahmadinejad shoulld all be picked up and flown to Gitmo. There is also a big difference between Assange and some of the folks in Gitmo as they were picked up on the field of battle. In any event, Gitmo should be closed down - that was one of the things Obama had right.

As it relates to the outrage or lack there of, I don't think there is much outrage at all. Perhaps the level of outrage was insufficient. What I do know is that there was not much of it. Why is there not a listing of the commanders and soldiers who committed these acts published and active discussions about what is going to happen to bring them to justice? Where is the "what did they know and when did they know it" talk? Was the President, Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor and other senior officials aware of these acts? Did they attempt to do anything about it? I'm fairly certain that there would be a bit more of that were Bush in office, but I might be wrong on that.

The point I am making and I think validated by the lack of outrage by the general public is that folks either don't care about these actions on the battle field or that they are simply expected. Another reason is that folks are simply too focused on the economy and feeding their family and keeping their homes that what happens in Iraq or Afganistan is not too important.

Am I outraged? No. Am I dissapointed? Absolutely. Am I surprised? No. Based on the reaction by the majority of folks as demonstrated by what reaction we don't see in form of media coverage, protests and the like, I think I'm in the majority. Is that a good thing? Probably not, but it is the way it is.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by serbsta

This Article is sheer nonsense... The Powers that be would Snuff out Julian Assange w/o any remorse, just as they Snuffed out Kennedy. God forbid the secrets of the Elite come to light. Weather it be our own Elite, or that of Foreign Government or Private Corporations or Banks. Julian Assange has certainly created a difficult situation for our Government, the full ramifications of which, are yet to be known, and will come to light in the near future. However... Assange and his team have made the effort to Protect individuals involved, and have even tried to work closely with the Pentagon to minimize the impact of their latest release.

What they are most afraid of, is the possible future release of Documents concerning Enron, The FED, our Congress and possibly Agencies such as the FBI, CIA or Secret Service. Most of the Documents concerning Enron, and it's investigation, were destroyed in the Demolition of WTC Building 7, Which was a Crime. What better way to destroy evidence, AND use it as a pretext to war?

Let's face it... If the People of this Country were to get wind of Treasonous acts perpetrated by members of our Government or certain Agencies, or it's current Administration, It would most assuredly cause them to lose their Current control over the general thinking of the American People. Assange was neither irresponsible, nor unwarranted in his actions. He is simply shedding some small but powerful Truth regarding the War. The People of America have the right to know what it's Children are fighting and Dying for. If you can't understand that... Then you are nothing in my eyes, but one of the Sheeple, Who buy into all the Government Disinformation regarding the deaths of our Soldiers (Like Pat Tillman) and Many others. Or... You're on someones Payroll to help spread that Disinformation. Either way... We, the American Public, have every right to know how many Civilians we've killed while in that particular Theater of operations... And Congress has the Power, Authority and Duty, to stop the War once it is clear that we have done more harm than good by being there... And by the way... The way this war has unfolded... It wouldn't surprise me to have some kind of war brought straight to our Home Land Soil, due to the mistakes of the last 3-4 Presidential Administrations. God Forbid... Though Once Loved, we are a Hated Nation now because of those mistakes... And it isn't due to the Actions of American Civilians, who have been lied to time and time again, and deceived purposefully, in order to go to war. Case in point... The gulf of Tonkin... And the Bay of Pigs. In Conclusion... I would say that sending Assange to Gitmo for the purpose of Torture, humiliation and ultimate Death... Are exactly the kind of sentiments that got us into this situation in the first place... And are exactly the kind of People who tell our Soldiers to turn a Blind eye to the Torture they See on the Battlefield. People who say as much about Julian Assange or Dan Ellsberg (that they should be sent to Gitmo)... Are the same kind of People within the Iraqi Police, who ARE doing the torturing in the first place. You are one and the same. Evil People with an Agenda of your own.

What other secrets does assange have? Will he take them to his Grave at the Hands of our Leaders? Or will good Honest People Protect Him from such an end. Presidents and Founding Fathers have warned us Time and Time again, about the Dangers of Secret Government. When... Will we listen?

Some of you would even send me to Gitmo, for simply expressing my opinion on the subject. It is you People who believe that others should not have a right to think for themselves... Who cause these kinds of issues, by thinking you can actually Eradicate Free Speech or Free Press... And Who think the whole Country should have their Thoughts and Beliefs Shoved down their throats for them.

Those People are truly the Number one Disease this Country and its People, should Vaccinate against.

Thank you for your time.

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