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A "Grey's Anatomy" - Alien Biology 101

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:45 PM

ALIEN BIOLOGY 101 – THE GREY (a.k.a. – Zeti Reticulan, EBE (ExtraTerrestrial Biological Entity)

First, I’ll state that we of course have no real verification of alien biology (or even alien existence for that matter), but I’m offering the below summary just as the details are shared amongst some various accounts. As to whether or not witnesses are copying off each other, no one can say for certain. All could be bogus, or it could be real, or any mix thereof.

I only offer it here as a “possible” summary of the anatomy of a Grey as suggested by these accounts. While using an MJ-12 doc and classic UFO documentary as a basis (which in and of itself, is questionable), I try to add in other accounts that state similar attributes, to show that there is more than one source for the stated measurements, attributes, etc. even if such sources are (like the witnesses), questionable. They are the only sources we have for such information, but there is a picture that emerges.

We'll start with a name that comes up often when alien biology comes up...


Dr. Detlov Wulf Bronk (Chairman National Research Council Atomic Energy: Medical Advisory Board: Physiologist, Biophysicist)

Nearly every account of an autopsy of the Roswell bodies features Dr. Bronk’s involvement. Should be no surprise that he’s often connected with the rumored MJ-12 personnel. It is said he was in charge of those doing the autopsy on the Roswell bodies recovered and brought to the base.

Much of the information below is paraphrased from the Ed Fauche (highly suspect) MJ-12 document detailing the autopsy of an EBE recovered in Roswell, July of 1947. The document can be found here:
(scroll down about half the page to this doc)

While I have serious doubts about the witness and the document, it does provide a good summary of the attributes commonly shared in descriptions of the Greys. In addition, illustrations from the UFO CoverUp Live program (noted with the ATS logo, as they are in the ATS media section) are also used, along with some of the commentary from that program’s section on alien biology.

Garment worn: Single piece of metallic material (silver in color) of unusual strength, but pliable, and resistant to cutting or piercing. A nearly undetectable seam runs from under the arm, down to the feet. Another seam with partial opening runs from the neck down to the buttocks.

Temperature: The other four damaged bodies are cool to the touch at 38 degrees Fahrenheit (from the storage cooler), but the undamaged body is a constant 89.3 degrees Fahrenheit, even though stored in the same cooler prior to examination. No heartbeat or pulse was detected, although some kind of faint resonance was detected through the stethoscope.

(Testor model of alien)

Dimensions: All weighed fifty-six pounds, and height of each is 49.4 inches (identical clones?). Limbs are consistently tubular and no joints are discernable. The arms are 5.1 inches in circumference, and the legs are 7.5 inches in circumference. The neck is 10 inches, and chest and hips measure 31 inches around, consistently from the torso to the hips. The fingertips reach to where the knees should be, or mid leg.

Hands: The hands contain four slender fingers with no discernable thumb (matches Lazar’s descriptions from the briefing material he states he was given, used as a basis for the Testor model alien shown above). There is slight webbing between the fingers, and each fingertip has four bumps that resemble tiny suction cups. (matches Roswell witness Glenn Dennis’ account of the four fingers and suction cups, see drawings below). This same description (four fingers, no thumb, webbing, etc. is in the UFO CoverUp Live! special).


Head: The cranium is 22 inches maximum, and there is no discernable jaw or cheekbones. The thin mouth is 1.25 inches wide and the cavity is tiny. There is a hard cartilage-like gum, no teeth (as on UFO CoverUp Live! and Roswell witness Glenn Dennis). No ears, but there are small ¾ inch diameter bumps where the ears would be. There are two small nasal-like openings, slightly less than 1/8 inch in diameter. The head is firm, but pliable. The TV special mentioned strawberry ice cream as a favorite food of the Greys that were here. Needless to say, this caused quite a bit of backlash of ridicule...but if you consider the above anatomy, and their stated vegetarian diet, it actually seems a perfect fit.


They have a large brain, that is said to be more complex than ours, with multiple lobes.


Eyes/Ears: Wide-spaced, teardrop in shape with the point being at the edge of the skull. Deeply set, and solid deep dark brown in color. A dark, textured and flat black, seamless, almond-shaped lens covers each eye. (This lens was also mentioned on UFO CoverUp Live! specials, and mentioned by Corso. Corso described it as a night vision-like device, oddly enough; the hoaxed alien autopsy video also shows the removal of such a lens). It is said their hearing is better than ours, almost better than a dog’s.


Unlike our eyes, their eyes are controlled by a frontal lobe.

External Organs: No visible sex organs outside the body (though they do seem to be either male or female from many accounts, although sex is not apparent from outer appearances). No urinary or rectal openings from most accounts (most claims state the beings excrete only liquid waste through their skin, but in minute quantities). No hair, scales, or bumps, the skin has a similar texture to a dolphin’s skin. Tiny lines, similar to record grooves are visible in the skin, running horizontally from head to foot, but these are only visible under magnification.

Internal Organs: A very simple digestive system, a combination heart and lung organ. Also, the kidney and bladder functions are one organ, while another organ converts any solid waste to liquid. Blood is a colorless viscous liquid, that smells of ozone and ammonia.


Of course, there are many other accounts that vary from the above, from four to six fingers, slightly taller, slightly different mouth, nose, ear features, even accounts of identifiable sexes, etc. amongst the grey alien type. While no one can say for certain, the above features seem to be the most common that come up, to provide at least the most coherent image I can think of for a grey. Feel free to disagree, as I only offer it as just that, an offering for you to do with what you will.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Looks like you did alot of work to get this togeather. the one thing that bugs me. (and im hard on the fence with aliens and UFO by the way, just asking questions) How is it possible that a creature light years away can look very close to us. 2 legs, 2 arms, head, mouth, two eyes. What are the odds?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by camaro68ss

How many land animals on Earth have four limbs, two eyes, one nose, etc.? Interstellar biology may have more of a rulebook than we realize, for all we know. After all, we have only ourselves to use as a benchmark metric.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Well, big eyes seem to indicate a dimmer sun. I thought it was interesting the recent discovery of a tidally locked Earth-like planet orbiting the Gliese 581 red dwarf star. How would life evolve on such a planet? Maybe living only in the areas of permanent twilight?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by camaro68ss
Looks like you did alot of work to get this togeather. the one thing that bugs me. (and im hard on the fence with aliens and UFO by the way, just asking questions) How is it possible that a creature light years away can look very close to us. 2 legs, 2 arms, head, mouth, two eyes. What are the odds?

Well, if they came from a planet even remotely similar to ours (gaseous nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere, liquid water, similar luminosity, etc.) then it makes perfect sense.

Those sense organs which are duplicated are that way for a reason. Two eyes gives you depth perception. Two ears lets you tell the direction and distance of sounds more accurately.

As for limbs... well, 4 seems to be a common number here on earth... 5 if you include the tail. Why is this? Well, probably because it's the most efficient number. Fewer than that and it's too hard to get around - either over long distances or over short distances quickly. Whereas if you have too many limbs, it requires much more brain mass to be devoted to their coordination - making higher intelligence and language skills harder to achieve.

In point of fact, and contrary to what some people have speculated, I would guess that any intelligent carbon-based beings we might encounter would look roughly similar to us - at least as far as basic limb numbers and positions are concerned. A lot would depend on their planet of origin, but even still.

The thing to remember is that it's not enough for an alien being to "function" in an intelligent role with whatever design it has - it has to make sense that it could have evolved to its present state, and thus been biologically competitive at every stage of its evolution. This is exactly where most science fiction writers and alien costume designers miss the mark.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I find it highly unlikely that an alien race that is visiting earth but "evolved" elsewhere just happens to have many biological structures analogous to our own. Most of the similarity you see between eg mammals is due to homology, ie descent from a common ancestor with deviation in form due to selection pressure. Why are greys tetradactyl?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Alushe

Ever species, whether terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, would be made "in the image of God." By that, I mean that they all conform to a universal biological blueprint, although exhibiting many variations.

If one is an atheist, of course, their similarity poses a problem.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Very good post, Gazrok, thanks for sharing that. Large eyes *do* make sense in a low light environment. They would also function more efficiently in the red and infrared portion of the spectrum, than ours do. All this fits with red dwarf stars. These are the most numerous and longest lived of stars, so the bulk of life may appear in such systems. The livable planets of such stars would likely be tidally locked, so, yes, the most favorable environments would be in or near the shadowlands between the light and dark sides. The gracile build of the greys suggests a low gravity regime, hence a planet smaller than Earth.*** We see convergent evolution on Earth, with very different orders of life producing quite similar functional forms, such as ichthyosaurs, sharks, and dolphins, from the orders reptiles, fishes, and mammals, respectively. Such convergence may occur wherever life finds similar environments, even on other worlds. Of course we have no way of knowing what, if any, artificial genetic manipulation may have occurred in an extraterrestrial species. This might account for the variations reported in different greys. Ross

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:34 PM

What a great read. I was wondering though, are there any animals here on earth that have innards similar to this gray's? I'm sure there is with all the species here on earth.. right?
edit on 26-10-2010 by purpinmycup420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:50 AM
People keep asking, how could they possibly look like us if they evolved on another planet?

Who says we're not related to them?

Isn't it possible that somewhere in ancient pre-history, we share a common ancestor?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:17 AM
If these biological details are correct, it would seem more likely that they are bio-engineered for space travel, rather than these characteristics being naturally evolved. Large eyes for the low light of space, simple organs and waste, little need for gravity considerations, etc.

The actual planetary aliens may even look completely different than these pilot/explorers (insert your mission profile here). The greys could most likely all be clones, and kind of like bio-engineered robots for a race that may be completely different in appearance and biology.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:22 AM
I have a problem with the fact that they don't have thumbs.

If they have nearly all the attributes that we do, why not thumbs?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

But we are on the same planet, all evolved from the same bacteria, but an alien entity may be completely different as they have evolved somewhere else with in a different environment. I am by no means having a pop at anyone but i don't understand these kind of threads. Its basically imagination. I am a young ufologist but still a ufologist and I have no doubt seen the same pictures, video footage, documentaries as you guys have and I wouldn't for one second have any idea what ET's would look like, let alone the biology of said creature. We have no idea what their atmosphere is like, what they would eat, if at all, if they breathe, what they breathe. I know its unlikely they wouldn't eat or breathe but thats just it, we don't know.

This is not a dig at the OP, I just don't understand where this sort of evidence come from. I could say they have one eye, three arms and one leg that they hop on to get around and nobody could discredit me because we have no idea.
edit on 27/10/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by jexmo

A valid point, to be sure. However, it isn't as if the description of the grey comes from nowhere. Thousands of witnesses claim to have seen these beings, from many different places across the globe. This thread isn't to try and guess what form alien life would's to analyze the similarities in the biological descriptions of one type of commonly reported being.

As to the no opposable digit, I think this may be tied more to their lack of apparent joints. If their whole arm, leg (and thus presumably fingers) don't have these joints, but are more articulated, then there wouldn't be a need for it, as all four digits are technically opposable.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

I understand where you are coming from and please believe me when I say I am just offering an alternative view. There are so many people around the world who claim to have been abducted now that is difficult to believe all their stories are true. Word travels fast and it couls be case of people, 'jumping on the bandwagon'. They have heard a description and they have used the same.

I do however understand that the first image of a 'Grey', must have looked like our typical ET image and it has escalated from there. I am not saying for a second that you are wrong, you are most likely correct, as you say, there are untold amounts of eyewitness views. I was merely intrigued by what a previous poster had said. Why would they necessarily look similar to us? Intrigued because it would be incredible 'if' disclosure happened and they were completely different from how they have been pictured. For all we know they could be grotesque looking creatures and install an image in our mind to make them look less fearsome, especially if they have some hidden agenda.

I apologise for my previous post as I have read it back and it is harsh and unfair. This thread has actually captured my imagination. Just out of curiosity, what makes the scientist/s involved believe their inner body would be similar to ours also?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by jexmo

Not at all, your viewpoints were neither harsh, nor unfair, but perfectly reasonable questions to address.

I understand where you are coming from and please believe me when I say I am just offering an alternative view. There are so many people around the world who claim to have been abducted now that is difficult to believe all their stories are true. Word travels fast and it couls be case of people, 'jumping on the bandwagon'. They have heard a description and they have used the same.

This is an easy conclusion to jump to these days, when you can log onto the Internet, and see stories from around the world in seconds. However, this was not the case many years ago, when the common image of the grey emerged. When I was growing up, the image of the grey alien was still pretty new, and while common, we also lived in a world without cell phones or Internet, and where there were maybe 4 local tv channels if you were lucky.

So, there wasn't a whole lot of exposure to worldwide abduction accounts, unless you actually researched wasn't as mainstream knowledge as it is today. A lot of the reports come from back then also, so the similarity is actually much more impressive than it is in today's instant information age.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by jexmo
reply to post by Gazrok

I understand where you are coming from and please believe me when I say I am just offering an alternative view. There are so many people around the world who claim to have been abducted now that is difficult to believe all their stories are true. Word travels fast and it couls be case of people, 'jumping on the bandwagon'. They have heard a description and they have used the same.

I do however understand that the first image of a 'Grey', must have looked like our typical ET image and it has escalated from there. I am not saying for a second that you are wrong, you are most likely correct, as you say, there are untold amounts of eyewitness views. I was merely intrigued by what a previous poster had said. Why would they necessarily look similar to us? Intrigued because it would be incredible 'if' disclosure happened and they were completely different from how they have been pictured. For all we know they could be grotesque looking creatures and install an image in our mind to make them look less fearsome, especially if they have some hidden agenda.

I apologise for my previous post as I have read it back and it is harsh and unfair. This thread has actually captured my imagination. Just out of curiosity, what makes the scientist/s involved believe their inner body would be similar to ours also?

I think this is a great point, and it's something that everyone should wonder about. As said, we have nothing concrete but our own environment to use as a tool for predicting the behavior of ET life.

One thought that occurred to me on this subject has to do with molecular stability. We all know that atoms more readily combine to form certain complex molecules rather than others because those particular molecules offer more stability. We take it for granted that O2 and CO2 and H2O (amongst others, obviously) can exist on other planets in the same form in which they exist on Earth. Perhaps genetics (since ultimately genetic materials are made up of these same molecules) behave similarly whereby DNA has more stable configurations than others.

Perhaps the humanoid form offers more of a developmental advantage than we might think. Perhaps DNA has a predisposition to form into this general shape based on the stability of that genetic structure.

It's awesome to speculate about. Maybe the higher form that we've evolved to is very comparable to the higher form that ET life has evolved to.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Croda

It's possible of course. The Universe is a big place. There's a good chance that life takes many different forms and shapes whether animal, plant, or sentient life. I'm fully aware that we know nothing about the myriad possibilities that could be out there.

In addition, there have been many different aliens witnessed by many different people. While the accounts are always questionable, there have been beings that look like Bigfoot, robots, greens, orange aliens, even small red ones with spikes, Reptoids, or even those who look like us (but Swedish for some reason...

While those others, and more represent the accounts, I've never seen much in the way of suggesting we've ever had a chance to study their biology. That's where (allegedly) the grey is different, and I'm just pointing out some of the things that have been said, that seem to be odd coincidences.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:30 AM
That is true, I have read some fantastic abduction stories and although most of the abductions are made by the Greys, there are a lot of different descriptions. I have got a question for you guys as we are talking about what aliens could look like. There is nothing to say that a race of aliens could exist that are tiny. That fly in ships no bigger than a fly. They could be trying to disclose to us, who they are and what their agenda for coming here may be but we just cant see them because they are so small

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by jexmo

There have actually been a couple of (not so great) movies featuring tiny aliens...Batteries not Included was one...and there was that one with Eddie Murphy, where they piloted a big Eddie Murphy "ship"... With the vastness of the Universe, alien life could take nearly any form we can imagine, and probably many more we couldn't even begin to fathom... For all we know, the Universe could be teeming with life, but until we can traverse the distances, we'll never know it.

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