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George Knapp and Jacques Vallee; UFO sightings from biblical-era antiquity through the year 1879

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Perhaps interesting for some here.
This is an interview from George Knapp with Jacques Vallee.
It is about UFO sightings from biblical-era antiquity through the year 1879.

In the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by legendary Ufologist Jacques Vallee for a discussion on UFO sightings from biblical-era antiquity through the year 1879. Over the course of the conversation, he also talked about remote viewing and provided his take on the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), crash retrievals and disclosure. Contrary to the skeptics who discount 'classic' UFO sightings as mere folklore, Vallee declared that the detail and longevity of the cases merit a more serious examination. "For them to have been recorded, the way they were recorded, they had to be felt to be very important to that civilization," he said. Additionally, Vallee noted that most of the cases come from prominent officials like kings and bishops, since they were often the only people capable of actually documenting and preserving their sightings.

Detailing one of the cases profiled in the book, Vallee described a Chinese UFO sighting from 1277. In this case, the witness described a very bright star that appeared to have a dome above it, moved "in a zigzag, like a dead leaf," interacted with other flying objects, and disappeared almost instantly. Noting the similarity to contemporary UFO accounts, Vallee said, "I get letters like this from readers of my books today, with almost the same words." Having examined over 500 cases for his new book, the esteemed researcher confessed that "one of the secret pleasures of working with this material is to look at how people explained it." To that end, he observed that even during these classic cases, "there was always some 'wise guy' in the crowd who had an explanation," often ascribing a political or religious meaning to the event. "They had all these explanations, just like the Air Force today," mused Vallee.

Ancient UFOs Jacques Vallee Part 1

The other parts.

Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 2

Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 3

Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 4

Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 5

Ancient UFOs Jacques Vallee Part 6

edit on 26/10/10 by spacevisitor because: Add a link and some text

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Ongoing thread on this interview.

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