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Horror of Texas tornado caught on video

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:27 PM

The first time I watched this short video clip of a man shouting out that he was 'in' the tornado, my jaw dropped, the second time I felt my heart go into my stomach as I sat listening and watching what the family must have been experiencing at this horrible point where they escape death by the grace of God.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by antar


Holy......That was just something you don't get to see everyday. That house was just torn to shreds in front of his eyes.

I guess he was stuck saying "We are in the tornado!".

edit on 25-10-2010 by Oozii because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:31 PM
wow cool video! It looked more like he was just really CLOSE to the tornado, however. I wouldn't say he was *in* the tornado or else his fate would have been the same as the trees that got uprooted and launched into the sky..
edit on 25-10-2010 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Having lived in Texas for a large portion of my life, and seeing a few tornado's (not this close lol), I can say that man...that feeling in the air when conditions are ripe for formation, is one of the coolest feelings in the world...

Until the hail comes anyway.
edit on 10/25/2010 by Juston because: too many letters

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Here is why I decided to post this video and story about the family caught in the worst case scenario, as we have all witnessed the weather changes in the past few years go from an occassional bad spurt to many many clusters worldwide, whether it be from flooding, landslides, gaping holes appearing out of nowhere large enough to swallow entire neighborhoods or homes, intense icestorms, snow blizzards, drought, hurricanes, tsunamis, raging fires, earthquakes and all the other possible disasters nature can throw our ways, it is sometimes the most difficult thing to prepare for in caring for oneself and our loved ones.

With a bio hazzard, the decline or drop in the devaluation of the monetary, or civil unrest, we can put on our bio-suits, or masks, store food and save non GMO seed, or head for the preplanned bug out, we can create safe places to go in the event of a terror event or other catastrophy brought on by man, but when it is nature throwing us the curve ball without warning, even the best made plans can be negated and will bring us right into the moment with sheer terror when something like in this video happens unexpectedly, and it is going to happen.

Times are changing and we cannot afford to become complacent in even our survival skills and plans. More and more disasters are on the way and not all of them are going to be able to be diverted or avoided. Here in the US winter is fast upon us and for many still relying on the power companies to shelter and protect them, the time has run out, I believe this winter is going to see storms hit hard and fast which will knock out entire grids, along with that earthquakes, tornadoes and fire are going to make this a very very bad winter.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:42 PM
I wonder if we will get to hear more from this family and specifically the guy as you said shouts without end "We are IN the tornado"!!!

Did the car get damaged? Were they cut to ribbons by flying glass and debris? Was there more footage or was his camera struck? I for one would like to know more about this.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Wow when I first posted this there was no commercial ahead of the video, and was able to watch it twice on the same loop, now you have to watch it with commercial inturruption, guess with so many 'hits' it was picked up by the networks and they will savor it until the news release, I think it was shortened from my first two viewings!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by antar

If you don't mind im posting the video off of youtube.

Maybe this one won't have any ads.

edit on 25-10-2010 by Oozii because: -

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:11 PM
Here's some amazing footage of a car being hit by a tornado (from Discovery channels' Storm Chasers).

This second vid is one of the most incredible tornadoes ever caught on film (from birth to death). You'll have to turn down the horrible horrible music.

edit on 25-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Amazing footage, if i wasnt such a wimp id love to be a storm chaser! though this guy i ubderstand heads up the rescue team, not there to just chase them.
S and F

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Oozii

Thankyou! I was hoping it would be posted soon to Youtube.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:20 PM
The Ex-wife, kids and I were in one once back in the mid 90's It came down behind our house and nailed a shopping center behind us, tore the roof off of a Safeway market then headed our direction, jumped our house and flattened the house across the street and kept on going away taking out an apartment building a block away.

NOBODY was killed but a few families lost their home/apartments. My Ex-Wifes car was pushed about 30 yards down the street and the roof was like sandpapered. I lost a downspout/gutter and a small tree we planted a couple of years previously. Right after the Tornando ended we got hit by a massive hailstorm.

When it finnally ended it was sureal. Dead silence people were walking around like zombies the street lights were all flashing red and the Fire and Police dept were out with lights flashing but no sound.

Thank God nobody was killed.....

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:26 PM
I have been in a tornado.

No really I have and I was outside the car at the time. I was driving along a state highway in NE Oklahoma. It was raining really, really hard and all of a sudden it just stopped. The sky turned green and the electricity was a little uncomfortable.

Having lived in OK all my life we pulled over a hundred feet or so from an over pass. Long story short 15 long minutes later a tornado formed around 500 yards from us. We "parked" our truck sideways in the ditch (that way if it rolled it would have a path of some sort and wouldn't get thrown into, hopefully.), flattened ourselves against the dirt incline on one side of the over pass and the tornado went right over us.

This guy has to be the village idiot to have stayed in his car. If anyone who reads this catches themselves in their first ever tornado while they are driving. Stop the car and do what I did, if an over pass isn't available get in a ditch the opposite side of where their vehicle is. Lay flat and find Jesus.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:40 PM
Been in 5 tornados.

2 in one day.

seems to me that the 2 cars that drove past this guy were more "in the tornado" than he was. He was actually pretty lucky he didn't really get "into" the tornado or it would have made his video go blank before he hit the ground. Still, a great close up of a pretty good sized storm.

it's a hell of a "rush" feeling your car moving around and wanting to take off.

It also hurts like heck when you have hail pounding you at 100 mph and you are outside with nowhere to go. I was in a church doorway with 8 other people when it hit. We tried breaking the doors down to get inside and couldn't . Everyone was crying and shivering and hugging...It was wild.

The sound is something I can only speculate will leave my mind when a volcano or earthquake covers this earth.

It didn't sound like a train to sounded like 10 trains and all the firepower of the military in about 26 seconds.

Last one busted my windshield and did a bunch of damage to the tornado shelter.....and I live in GA....not TX or OK.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:48 PM
These stories are just beyond understanding unless you have lived through it. I am going to take some time tomorrow and see if I can find an update but the teen has a new PC game and is hogging my comp because his "Lags"...

Well, see you tomorrow.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:46 AM
Thanks for the heads up Admin

I just started another thread on this, not realising it was already posted lol. I must have typed in a different search

In any case, Wow, just Wow

This is the best footage I've ever had privy to. The guy must have big kahoooon's to record that with his window down. The footage he captured is mind blowing to say the least.

He made me laugh at the start >


Superb action indeed!!!

Many thanks OP

Be safe be well


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