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Mysterious Airstrips of Africa.

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:17 AM

Mysterious Airstrips of Africa

"If the world started changing;

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, It would seem logical to run where man has survived before.

And where there is room to park thousands of planes.

-14 Landing Strips
-30 mile Radius

They sparkle with newness"

I haven't heard about this until now. If it is true that their are 14 Landing Strips, and possibly were just built not to long ago, what could be the reason? I find this very interesting. Im going to open up Google Earth and see if I can locate them.

edit on 24-10-2010 by Oozii because: Font Never Works Until I Edit....

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:52 AM
Just did a search of my own with Google Earth. And so far i've found 5 of the 14.
Once i've found them all I'll post the name's of each airstrip.

The area were they are near is just North-East of Maun, Africa

edit on 24-10-2010 by Oozii because: Font Never Works Until I Edit....

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:15 AM
So these airstrips look extremely new.
Almost as though they were built recently.
More recent than 25 years ago.
Maybe it's just an area that has been planned as a retreat...
Not something that has been used long ago like the Nazca lines.

Conspiracy theory:
Someone knows this area would be a safe haven for the times ahead.
Almost like they know about something and aren't telling the public.
Like it's a safe-zone.
But we all know that's been done before.

edit on 24-10-2010 by havok because: I corrected spelling and timeline errors.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:31 AM
These airstrips are for lodges and safari camps.

They're also not new they've been there since before 2006.


Well, Okavango airstrip is at least.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Thanks for posting that info. So they're a few years old.
I only found one that was unnamed and just had Cement Airstrip as the name.

Piajio Airstrip
Xudum Airstrip
Txichira Airstrip
Mombo Airstrip
Abu Camp Airstrip
Delta Camp Airstrip
Vumbura Airstrip
Xoroxom Airstrip
Gudigwa Airstrip
Jedibe Airstrip (Not Used)
Omdop Airstrip

Those are only 11 of them. I noticed there are more than 14.

Here's just an image of the one's I mapped.

And I know, instead of naming them 'Airstrip #' I should of just added the name. Barely thought of that

Well that's all I got. This could be nothing. But then again, it can! :O

edit on 24-10-2010 by Oozii because: Font Never Works Until I Edit....

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:09 AM
I can't honestly see Africa being a good place to go to in a crisis. There are constant droughts, crops are notoriously hard to grow and it's full of highly dangerous animals from angry Elephants to highly venomous snakes and even plagues of locusts.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:42 AM
I don't get it, what's mysterious here? That Africa has aeroplanes?! Little cesna type planes are used by some to get from village to village. What's strange?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by davespanners

I am not sure if there is a need for a safe haven , but to me it would make sence to be at a high non-volcanic elevation.
The area...refering to the book by Patrick Gerlyl "How to survive 2012" he suggest the Drackensburg mountain range in South africa as a good choice as it is 3482 meters above sea level.

Food and drought may not be an imediate concern if a huge, sudden flood is to unfold...such as the theorized event as pole reversal and crust shifting.

I am not saying this is going to happen, merely the fact that Patric Geryl ( just another authour who believes he has things figured out) takes into account the active valcanic areas and proximities to nuclear facilities as well as many other factors.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Frakkerface
I don't get it, what's mysterious here? That Africa has aeroplanes?! Little cesna type planes are used by some to get from village to village. What's strange?

I agree. Where is the proof that these airstrips are in any way out of the ordinary? I assume it's similar to places like Alaska, where there are few highways, so they fly many small planes to bring supplies to different tribes and villages.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:25 PM
Was just something that had me curious.

I'm thinking some of the Airstrips are no long being used. I've seen one or two that have been partially covered in moss, or trees.

edit on 24-10-2010 by Oozii because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:24 PM
That is rather interesting. I am sure some of them have nothing to do with the new ones. I also believe that there is some other reason, aside of a retreat, that they exist. I highly doubt it would be anything to do with a retreat.

Edit: I meant to say ... Aside of air transport for goods. Something else is coming out of there.

edit on 24-10-2010 by canadianfrontier because: minor edit

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by canadianfrontier

Considering this is in a major river delta that gets flooded quite often, it would make sense to have multiple air strips to choose from when flying into the area. Also, there appears to be quite a bit of a fishing industry there, so maybe the airstrips are used to fly the fish out to markets around Africa.

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