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Nazca-SA Tectonic Plate Boundary is Freaking Out With Quakes!

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:31 AM

All up and down the juncture, quakes have been occurring recently. This suggests more than just aftershocks from the recent Chile 8+ quake. It suggests a major adjustment of the plate, at least to me.

Now I have argued before, given what I have seen that this might happen, culminating in a major movement of the plate, to wreak untold destruction. Even to the point of emailing a head scientist at the USGS- who of course, as expected, brushed my idea off without further ado. But he did email me back, which was appreciated- although he mysteriously deleted all of my comments- so there was plausible deniability.

I had emailed him to raise the possibility of this, showed him that it was happening with links and maps, and asked him to consider issuing a warning to the affected countries. That's really all I was after, was to raise awareness and preparedness in these countries.

Now at a minimum, with quakes like these showing up all over the plate boundary, the potential for much larger and devastating quakes to come soon has skyrocketed in my opinion. Because it appears that the entire plate boundary is adjusting- and we already know what can happen when plate boundaries move....2004 Tsunami, anyone?

Time will tell, but this is clearly one area to watch.

Normally you would expect aftershocks from a big quake like the one we saw in Chile. And we did, and still are, near the epicenter. But this is going way beyond just aftershocks in the immediate epicenter area. You can even see the opposite edges of the plates, and other boundaries reacting to this readjustment.
edit on Sat Oct 23rd 2010 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:50 AM
So being the curious one that I am, I was able to pull an event query, and plot these on a map. And this is where a much more disturbing picture emerges.

These are quakes with a magnitude 4.0 and above that have happened JUST SINCE February 26, 2010, the day before the big quake struck this year in Chile, until today 10-23-2010:

You may have to right click "view image" to see the whole picture at once.

With this picture you can clearly see the tremendous amount of pressure release showing, virtually outlining the tectonic plates verbatim. But it especially prevalent in the subduction zone along the Nazca/South American juncture, all the way up into Costa Rica and Central America.

Based upon the pressure points, I will even go out on a limb and attempt to predict where I think the next big one there will happen, which might be right about here:

Just a feeling, from looking at these maps...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

You know, I was about to post on the quake watch thread earlier this morning on this situation but got distracted. I am glad that I am not the only one here who is worried about this. It does seems to me that everyone on all coasts should be warned as with the shifting of the plate - any area could give in the re adjustment. S&F for you!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Anmarie96

Thanks Anmarie!

Just so you guys know, the red circles are shallow quakes, the orange are mid depth, and yellow deep quakes.

That is one heck of a dangerous area to live right now, imo, but of course it always has been. I just have a bad feeling about this.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:50 AM
..."our" existence guaranteed (?!) with 'pole shifts'* and dangerous places to live -- remember how 'overdue' this fault line is to certain studies?

(* understudied topic in my opinion)

Experts tell us a major earthquake hits about every 150 years on the San Andreas Fault. It’s been 300 years since the most recent such event on the lower segment of the fault.

For years, scientists have said major earthquakes occurred every 250 to 450 years along this part of the San Andreas. The new study found big temblors on the fault every 88 years, on average.

The last massive earthquake on that part of the fault was in 1857, leading scientists to warn that another such temblor is likely in Southern California.

June 21, 2006 — New research confirms the southern end of the San Andreas fault near Los Angeles is overdue for a Big One.

The lower section of the fault has not produced a major earthquake in more than three centuries. The new study, which analyzed 20 years of data and is considered one of the most detailed analyses yet, found that stress has been building up since then, and that the fault could rupture at any moment.

"The southern section of the fault is fully loaded for the next big event," said geophysicist Yuri Fialko of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Here is another query- all 4.0 mag and above quakes from September 1, 2010 to today, 10/23/10...all these quakes in less than two months...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Nazca-SA Tectonic Plate Boundary is Freaking Out With Quakes!

Ok, maybe it's just:

TA is Freaking Out with Quakes on the Nazca-SA Tectonic Plate Boundary!

I dunno.

But I swear if it happens and there is a major plate move causing mega-tsunamis everywhere, I'll make it worldwide news that the USGS guy brushed me off!

And then I'll get movie deals! And I'll rent the entire Taj Mahal Hotel with over 750 rooms, all banquets, restaurants, and have the US and Indian navies protect me! And I want the Secret Service too! Just like Obama!

ok, maybe not. But that USGS guy will hear about it!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Based upon the pressure points, I will even go out on a limb and attempt to predict where I think the next big one there will happen, which might be right about here:

Just a feeling, from looking at these maps...

Brother, you pointed the border between Chile and Peru in your prediction. That's very important to me, I have many friends there. Can you explain to me how you made that conclusion? I'd like to give them a warning right now, but will need the details of your prediction. If you are right, it may save lives so be fast.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Trueman
Brother, you pointed the border between Chile and Peru in your prediction. That's very important to me, I have many friends there. Can you explain to me how you made that conclusion? I'd like to give them a warning right now, but will need the details of your prediction. If you are right, it may save lives so be fast.

Ok, but mind you this is junk science....I think...

I actually meant to make it slightly north of there by 50 to 100 miles, not much.

My reasoning is that you see the three quakes in that circle? They just appear suspect to me because they lie on a particular pressure point known as the Peru-Chile Trench.

The ongoing subduction along the Peru-Chile Trench of the Nazca Plate under the South American Plate is largely responsible for the Andean orogeny.

And this pic from there points exactly to where I am talking about:

Basically the subduction zone there over thousands of years created the Andes.

The Andes are the result of plate tectonics processes, caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath the South American plate. The main cause of the rise of the Andes is the compression of western rim of the South American Plate due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the Antarctic Plate.

Now these three quakes in that circle appear to me to be caused by that process. And I am thinking that the pressure there increased because of the movement of the plates further south when the big one hit. From the query map you can see just how much adjustment has been taking place all over since then. In fact, that is the whole premise of what I am suggesting, that the Nazca plate might just decide to make a major move, all at once.

But at a minimum, and more concerning you and friends, that pressure point would likely be what decides to go next, if anything goes at all. I believe the pressure may have increased there, and those quakes in my prediction circle potentially support that premise. Stress at that critical juncture is being relieved.

While around the epicenter of the big 8.8 there have been hundreds of aftershocks, most of the time it means the major pressure has been relieved in that area. But because there have been so many aftershocks, and so many quakes as I have shown, another area will need to adjust to all this movement soon. And I think it's that spot.

The end.

Just my humble opinion, but there it is.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Thanks you brother. I already sent them a copy & paste of your first thread. Now I will send this too. If you're right, they will thank you.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:41 PM
If you can help it don't live near fault lines. You got a better chance of surviving a tornado then a massive 9.0 quake in a city.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
You missed the memo...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The after effects of a quake that size can and do go on for a decade.

What would be more important to your theory would be the history of quakes for a few million years prior. Perhaps even tens of millions of years prior.

I have a degree in Geology, old, moldy and never used but I'm not qualified to speak about this beyond the fact to know what is normal, you can not base anything on such a short time period. You need to go back to the last quake in the same place of the same size and see what occurred after that. Obviously that's not possible so your gut instinct is as good a guess as any, but still a guess.

One thing I've thought about a lot on the topic of what do you do to warn people if you knew, is should you even bother.

Look at L.A.. Any moment now, literally, Los Angeles will be hit with a massive earthquake, potentially large enough to kill tens or hundreds of thousands. They knew that in the early 70's when I was in College, they have even more proof now and it will happen any moment and it is overdue. Every day those who live on the east side of L.A. wake up and a massive earthquake has not leveled every building in the area is a gift.

So, do they evacuate the whole area and walk away? Would all the millions of people involved just pack up and leave? How do you prepare for an earthquake no structure on Earth could ever stand up too? Or do you just live your life an hope your never in the right place at the wrong time?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The pic you posted of the connecting plates disturbs me, have not seen that before. I hope my friend in Chile is alright, she didn't answer when I called. Thanks for all the hard work - I was here earlier reading and will continue to follow.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:19 PM
of a related note of interest, another event is occurring in the Gulf of California...


Possible undersea eruption emminant? Speaking of which it just rang out with a 6.7 two days ago - yikes

edit on 23-10-2010 by Heyyo_yoyo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
So being the curious one that I am, I was able to pull an event query, and plot these on a map. And this is where a much more disturbing picture emerges.

These are quakes with a magnitude 4.0 and above that have happened JUST SINCE February 26, 2010, the day before the big quake struck this year in Chile, until today 10-23-2010:

You may have to right click "view image" to see the whole picture at once.

With this picture you can clearly see the tremendous amount of pressure release showing, virtually outlining the tectonic plates verbatim. But it especially prevalent in the subduction zone along the Nazca/South American juncture, all the way up into Costa Rica and Central America.

Based upon the pressure points, I will even go out on a limb and attempt to predict where I think the next big one there will happen, which might be right about here:

Just a feeling, from looking at these maps...

Wow! You and I are thinking/seeing the same thing. IMO, I am shocked that the USGS or some Scientific group hasn't come out and stated that there is an active continuous movement which has become more active, and larger movements have been made. (like someone is easing off the brake)....

Think of the Pacific plate as twisting counter clockwise. then look at the red lines and see where the stress points are--as you indicated one--they match up really well. The Pacific plate seems to be putting stresses on the N and S American plates, and we're seeing this stressing all the way into Iceland! (and 2 mini-swarms in Arkansas and Oklahoma).

The Baja quake many months ago is STILL super active, and I'm again shocked the USGS hasn't released a paper or some type of research statement on this continued activity... I hope they have GPS monitors placed. I have a feeling the ground is moving much faster that it was a year ago. And that energy is pushing north, into California...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:12 PM
The pinpoint of the Peruvian / Chilean border area is slam dunked with a massive volcanic chaldera field. Could South America be actually about to begin to split in two?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:34 AM
I'll work more on this tomorrow- gotta crash. But I have another very interesting query map to show about this- what happened before the big 8.8 in Chile. Stay tuned...

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:47 AM
Granite, that link was the most interesting thing I have read since the plasma theory of astronomy and the pleomorphic theory of biology. Thank you!!


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:18 AM
Blaine91555, I think the Katrina experience is a good example for the "should we warn them?" question. There was a good deal of warning about Katrina -- a zillion times more than you'd get with a quake! -- the people getting out was a big mess, plenty of people didn't bother, the disasters predicted multiple times happened to the surprise of nobody except apparently the people living there, the local, regional and state didn't do crap that would let the feds override/join their own efforts for far too long, which (like everything else in our world) of course ended up being entirely the fault of George W. Bush (who is still, despite not having been president for years, is guilty of all evil on earth and most of that by 9am. He was so good for taking that on, why stop now?).

I used to live in Ventura County CA (mid-southern coast between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles), and I was overwhelming crashed on metaphysically with the GET OUT message, to the degree that one reason I left was solely in the hope my peace of mind would restore -- which it did. I was having whole visions about it (never had that about anything else). Actually I seriously pondered at one point that maybe geological effects had some kind of psychological effects on a certain small % of our population -- like how some animals react to impending geological events, maybe a tiny % of the pop gets stuff at an even more subtle level, but it actually filters up to the brain in some fashion that they become 'cognizant' of it in dream/fantasy/vision kind of ways (rather than it being unconscious, or buried in unremembered dreams or something). (Or, I'm just crazy and surprisingly highly functional given that, which is equally possible.)

I thought, back then when I was living for awhile in L.A. and thinking about quakes, about the idea of being trapped between a collection of millions of people, in a culture best known for gang members, anorexic barbie dolls and tort lawyers, and it made me feel a little like nuclear war makes me feel -- like I don't actually want to survive in the outer radius of that please, I'd rather just go with the blast and not have to deal with the nightmare of the fallout!

I don't think there is any way that you can predict an earthquake close enough to be 'responsible' in warning people. If you're too early on the date, they call it fraud and are on their way home when it hits, or back home. If you're late on the date it's nonhelpful, at least. If you're right on the date, half the people ignore it, and those who don't ignore it, get in massive snarled traffic jams trying to get the heck out, if they can get out at all before it arrives.

As a last note, the problem with earthquakes is that the experience of them -- I've been in about half a dozen -- really varies depending not only on the quake, but on the ground you're on. For example, I was living in Camarillo CA when the Northridge quake hit. That one was unique in that the first jolt from it was massive. I was deeply asleep. A male voice inside me commanded GET UP!! with such force that my *body* reacted to it, and I was literally stumbling forward as I woke up on maybe step 3 completely confused, and on the next step the world jerked sideways a bit and on the next step (mildly crashing into a hallway wall) I heard the 10' wide, 10' high designer block and wood bookshelves that covered two walls of my room start crashing down. (My bed was covered with 30# bricks, 3 in the pillow area. I'm pretty sure I'd have been killed or really seriously injured if I hadn't moved. My subconscious saved me, apparently!)

The aftershocks (constant) from that went on for a bit. One day, I was talking to my friend on the telephone, another friend was with me. I lived in the valley in an apartment and she lived maybe a couple miles away if that, up on the hill (shale). An aftershock hit while we were on the telephone, and it was so severe that both me and my friend ran outside to the open grass. (My apartment was just not a good situation for any degree of possible collapse, long story.) The swaying of the building as we watched was so ridiculous that as we agreed, watching it conveyed the gut feeling that just half an inch more and it would SNAP and fold like a house of cards.

As it finally subsided, I went back to the house and talked to my other friend -- she was still on the phone -- and she said, "Oh. Was there another aftershock? I thought maybe I felt something but I wasn't sure." I mean... we couldn't believe it. It was a *major experience* for us. For her, she didn't even really know anything happened.

The morning that one had hit, it was really an extreme experience, and we weren't even near the epicenter. People's refrigerators got thrown over, big display cases and bookshelves, some water pipes broke in our complex, it was damn frightening in severity and just went on and on. My friend on the hill however, her family woke up with some shaking, and in bemused curiosity, went outside to their great view and gradually watched as green and blue lightning from transformers blowing out lit up the sky and the whole region crashed into darkness. For them, it was an earthquake but just enough shaking, mostly from the first jolt, to wake them up. For the people in my apartment complex less than two miles away, it's was a huge trauma.

The maintenance guy and I talked about this, and he said that the whole complex and he theorized a good chunk of the valley, was on such soft ground it was like sitting on an ant hill.

So the point to this (long, sorry) story is that even if you know a date and a time and you tell people to leave, unless there is some giant tsunami and you know how tall/far it'll go, you don't even know who to tell that is most appropriate. My friend's whole neighborhood on the hill didn't consider the earthquake any big deal. (Her husband, my boss, came into the office later that day, where I'd gone to be sure everything was ok there, and -- power off -- asked me why I wasn't working. Seriously, for him it was a non-event. He couldn't understand why everybody was making such a big deal of it.) But even a slight difference in one of a thousand factors, and it could have been vastly worse for the people in my apt. complex. I, at least, probably would have been killed, by the very shelving units that I kept asking the guys at the stone and lumber places how to 'anchor' in my walls and they just laughed at me about how nothing that heavy was going anywhere under any condition.

Some people are better off staying where they are. Some people are better off getting the hell out. This even includes people who live incredibly near each other, but on different kinds of ground. And of course, were the climate different (eg heavy rain), the hills could have been the most dangerous place instead, with everything sliding down them.

It's just impossible to estimate well enough to say much of anything except, we know one is likely to arrive soon, please be as prepared as you can.


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