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2012 Mayan Calendar 'Doomsday' Date Might Be Wrong

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Interesting find

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:37 PM
I'm sure this subject has been flogged to death. However, i suppose it bares repeating because some people are always new to this. There is no prediction of the end of the world in the Mayan Calendar. There is the end of a cycle. It's really no different from most of us moving from the 1000s to the 2000s. It's just the start of another arbitrary cycle humans use to measure time with.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by FireMoon
I'm sure this subject has been flogged to death. However, i suppose it bares repeating because some people are always new to this. There is no prediction of the end of the world in the Mayan Calendar. There is the end of a cycle. It's really no different from most of us moving from the 1000s to the 2000s. It's just the start of another arbitrary cycle humans use to measure time with.

We always have to be redundant on most things, Firemoon, for there will always be those new members that have the same questions, and even though the search feature is there, oftentimes queries do not come up with matches.
If memory serves me correctly, the onus of the Mayan Calender cycle comes from an inscription around the gate of the Sun at Tiahuanico, which supposedly states that " Every five thousand years is the end of one civilisation and the beginning of another," or something along those lines.

I do honestly believe that we create tomorrow by our thoughts and actions of today; as the old saying goes " be careful what you wish for."
Do I believe it will all end in apocalypse on 12-2010? Perhaps... but There is also just as much chance that it could be the beginning of a new era for humanity; I choose the new beginning.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Interestingly ...the word apocalypse doesn't mean end of times... etc etc.... it means, the unveiling. that which shall be revealed.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Personally i can see this 2012 nonsense going on for a long time (well past 2012) with various "authors" claiming that the dates were wrong and the world will infact end in 2013... 2014 etc etc

I think a lot of these doomsday predictions stems from the need to feel important. When most people will go through their lives with nothing interesting actually happening.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:23 PM
The whole 2012 thing is a complete load of bunk for a number of different reasons.

The main one being their calendar ending on a specific date. So what! It had to end at some point, if someone asked you to create a calendar, then you would probably go up to a good few decades/hundred years before you decided to stop. The fact that your calendar happened to end on x date, was simply a coincidence & doesn't mean a doomsday scenario, or any kind of scenario for that matter.

Another one was directly related the end of their civilization. As their water supply was beginning to dry up, they started sacrificing people to appease their god(s). The problem here was that they would throw the dead bodies the water they were using. Needless to say, this major health hazard helped speed up their demise. They couldn't see a short leap into the future never mind thousands of years.

Sadly when this date passes, other kooks will crawl out from under their rocks & many more end of day prophecies will be discovered/predicted/foretold.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:31 PM
Assume the end of the Mayan cycle really is on Dec. 21, 2012...

I don't think this would mean that any specific "event" would happen exactly on this date or time; that's not how the universe works (it doesn't appear to work that way, anyway). Rather, "the event" would "ease in" and "ease out" from this date/time.

This could mean at this very moment, a transition is taking place on the planet. We are "easing in" to a point in the near future. You could say humanity is approaching a "runway" for "landing." As we approach the "zero point," the point where our wheels touch the ground, the transition leads the planet along a path where "the event" becomes more clear, noticeable, and perhaps understandable.

With that said, this is the only prediction that will come true: the next 2 years will be strange and very interesting.

If there is a doomsday, which I happen to believe there isn't, it's happening right now.
If there is a New Age in store, which I happen to believe there is, it's happening right now.
Or...nothing at all might happen, and it's all in our imagination and the imagination of our ancestors.
But it's important to know that our imaginations are as much of an "event" as a reality where no "event" ever occurred.

In essence, "the event" has been happening for thousands, maybe millions of years, but we may have been too far away to actually witness it. "The event" may have also happened already, possibly many times in history, and could continue to happen repeatedly throughout the future.

That's my take on the Mayan calendar.
edit on 22-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:37 PM
actually, the world political stage is spiralling out of control, with elite leaders tendrils amongst all we call democracy, and this world is teetering on an edge (for many years actually)
I could say that since I was a child, I have had a feeling that the way things are would not always be, and that I would have a chance to see the change. That was many years before there was internet or any kind of information like that available for a child.

Then I came across 2012, mayan, conspiracy stuff. Sounds plausible, yet....

it matters not what "human" number of when it will happen. Something will happen anytime from now till 40 years from now, but the way things are, it cannot continue and it will *POP* and it will be soon, days, months ,years, it matters not,but im sure most of us will be here to witness it

and some will say i said so, others will cry like scared children.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Le Colonel
I could say that since I was a child, I have had a feeling that the way things are would not always be, and that I would have a chance to see the change. That was many years before there was internet or any kind of information like that available for a child.

Thats perfectly natural paranoia, everyone feels like that

Anyway, the world isn't spiraling out of control, if anything things are getting better. Personally I think 1991 was a far more important year than 2012 will ever be. I think its far more important to look at why all these amazing (read world changing) things happened in that year, under a US president who had previously been Ambassador to the United Nations, Director of Central Intelligence, Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, Vice President and finally president.

Sounds like a lifetimes work coming to fruition to me.

edit on 23-10-2010 by KineticFaction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by KineticFaction

Things are getting better. ARE YOU SERIOUS. Do you read the news, go on the internet, talk to people, watch t.v, what is getting better? Mothers home cooked meals, what? ARE YOU SERIOUS.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by nite owl

Hold on just one moment.

  • People are better fed and have a higher standard of life than in anytime in human history. ref
  • Practially everyone in the world (all of the western world) has the whole of human knowledge at there finger tips (ie the internet). ref
  • There hasn't been a major war in the past 60 years. A war in europe is unthinkable now. ref
  • All the superpowers no longer seem to want to destroy one another with nuclear weapons over political ideals. ref
  • Racial segregation has ended in the western world and is slowly being driven out of the rest of the world. ref
  • Human Knowledge is (on average across all sciences) is doubling every five years. ref
  • Dramatic drops in child mortality in the worlds poorest countries. ref

All this scare mongering with 2012, Peak Oil, Global Warming, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Alien Invasions, War on Terror, War on Drugs, War on Cancer, Gulf Oil Spill, Federal Reserve and of course the NWO; keeps you guessing and scared and stops you asking the real question who is profiting...

The Media.

In my country in the past 10 years or so, we've gone from the news on tv reported about 5 times a day, to about 15 24hour rolling news TV stations. No wonder people are scared and think things are bad.

Yet they still keep breaking for advertisements every 15 minutes to show you the latest in intruder alarms, headache tables, exercise equipment, and of course my favorite nicorette gum (while giving you constant reports of how smoking kills).

Believe me, I've never been as serious my friend.

edit on 24-10-2010 by KineticFaction because: bad link

edit on 24-10-2010 by KineticFaction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:36 PM
well friend, the date is right. The interpretation is wrong. 2012 is just the beginning of what has to begin. Not the beautiful place where some people say. Not a place of peace, and freedom. 2012, is the beginning of what has to begin to our degenerated civilization. The Mayans knew what they were saying about 2012. Just that we don't know how to interpret their wisdom. 2012 is not the end. But the beginning of it. If anybody disagrees with me, i don't know, because the truth will be truth, even if people don't believe.

inverencial peace to all!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by themiddlepaths

This is based on what evidence?

The majority of mayan scholars say that there is no mention of predictions of "the end times" in any exisiting mayan accounts. The long count ending in 2012 is also said to be a misrepresentation of mayan history and modern Maya do not consider the date important. ref, ref, ref

Why do people seem to want to embrace the fact that the world will end if their lifetime? Do you want it to end?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by big_BHOY

The whole 2012 thing is a complete load of bunk for a number of different reasons.

The main one being their calendar ending on a specific date. So what! It had to end at some point, if someone asked you to create a calendar, then you would probably go up to a good few decades/hundred years before you decided to stop. The fact that your calendar happened to end on x date, was simply a coincidence & doesn't mean a doomsday scenario, or any kind of scenario for that matter.

I've got a few predictions...'prophecies even?

1. A few names associated with all this BS will gradually distance themselves from 2012 (before the date) as they look to making their money in the period after 2012.

2. The 2012 internet phenomena will be the subject of books one day with psychologists looking at how it all occurred.

3. The 2012ers will vanish from ATS and never refer to 2012 again out of embarrassment. The lucky few will learn a valuable lesson and effectively have their BS Detectors recalibrated by the whole crazy-ass experience.

4. The idiots with an investment in the subject will claim that 'something happened' and it's effects will be a 'gradual process.'

The number 4 guys can stick their vibrations right up their densities.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by HAMMERAX

it seems a comment made at the OP linked like words right out of my mouth...

Musivick Von Lunas
so, the timelines do not correlate or correspond...well, neither does the repeating cycles of the Maya correspond to any other culture or people on the Globe.
The Long Count & its Tuns reflect only the Maya civilizations cyclic future

The really eerie thing was the Aztecs had a prophetic timetale that pointed out the time when the feathered serpent appeared in the eastern sky that soon would appear bearded strangers with the God of the Cross... this was the year 1519 when it began, that for 50 years there was enough time to slaughter the civilizations of both the Aztec and Maya empires ny the hands of the Spanish and the Missionaries of the God of the Cross.

its my vision that what befell those civilizations in 1519 will replay in the 2012 era upon those who destroyed the Aztec & Maya cultures...with the return of the feathered serpent...and that is the meaning of the doomsday for the world-->in that the Maya & Aztec cultures/empires are resurrected

Today, 5:59:09 AM– Flag – Like

i've stated on different ATS threads... the prophetic Tuns, and the Maya calander priests were only concerned with their own peoples... they were not forecasting for any other people or nations or cultures...

their 13 cyclical 19.5 year time periods had to do with their particular city-states and perhaps their cousin they were involved with these other metropolises to the measure of attacking them for gaining people that were kept as sacrificial specimens to the victorious city-state and its ruler(s)

the 2012 'window' lasts somewhat longer than the final longcount calendar 'Tun', but less duration than the 'Baktun'

going green & the low impact living models are the first glimmerings of a Maya ecosystem/lifestyle revival

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:38 PM
What if 12/21/2012 is not the day the world "ends" but is the end date of the destruction of the world where the destruction "event" has already passed and it is just the start date of the new Cycle. What if the Events
now happening in Japan are just the beginning of the end. All the Quakes lately in the Ring of Fire, All the extreme weather conditions happening around the globe. Now a volcano erupting in Japan and some in the Asian continent. Just bad Timing ?
There are a great many topics on the net about the moon's orbit drastically changing. But the mainstream media has blacked out this information. Scientists do not know why this is happening. some suspect it has something to do with Planet X. Obviously if the moon changes orbit it will affect Earths gravitational field . Maybe a Polar Shift that will start a chain reaction of Earthquakes and volcanos that will eventually engulf the Earth.
This is a somewhat older post but it has a recent update on the orbit shift:
Other information is available on the internet , if you search for "moon's orbit change" or other phrases to that effect.
Could this be the beginning of the End ?!

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