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magic can be both good and evil most times its used for evil

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:42 AM
Magic is a science. A good witch I once knew and greatly admired put it quite well I think. Magic is like water. It is benign. You can use it to make tea or poison; you can take a nice bath in it, or boil your neighbor to death.
Unfortunately it is taught and practiced usually by those who use it only for ill or selfish purpose.
Magic should not be hidden or secret. It is simply a science that should be studied and learned for its positive possibilities. Much harm can be done with witchcraft, and usually that is all that is done with it. The enemy spoken of within these pages seems to have harnessed this power for their own heinous purpose and directs the minions and slaves to use it improperly.
As surely as it can do harm, so can it do good. As surely as magic and witchcraft can cause problems and make sickness, death and grief; and as surely as it can be used to enrich those who are proficient with it, so can it be used to heal and cure the problems of the world.
Those that are referred to as witches for having special abilities can and should use these abilities to help their fellow human beings. Why is selfish purpose mainly the impetus there? What are they being led to believe that makes them feel it is somehow just to use their special knowledge and abilities only to do harm to others and for selfish purpose?
If they feel they have no choice, because they are already damned, they are wrong. As was stated before, absolution is for everyone. God doesn’t care what you felt forced to do before you knew any better, it only matters what you do once you learn better. A baby is not punished for being a baby and doing baby things. Neither would we be punished for doing baby things, but it is expected to want growth and development, and to eventually leave childish attitudes behind.
It is high time the witches of the world unified against the common enemy and declared their freedom. Of all, they have the power to do so. Their talents should be directed towards healing and evolution of our species. What is the excuse not to? Depopulation and control of the masses is not their concern, but God’s. Have a little faith in your Creator, the Earth Mother. She is well allied with God the Father in truth, and with just a little help and proper attitude from us can cure all our ills; solve all our problems. All we need to do is allow God and Nature to take its natural course without constant interruption and interference. The Earth is a living Creature; a solid part of the Universe and God. She is in no way allied with the enemy. To believe they are in cooperation is to believe that our Creator is suicidal. Of course that is not the case. She is however, at this time, overwhelmed by the collusion of her own children and the enemy that is destroying her. That cannot succeed. She cannot be destroyed by this attack on her Body, however we can be. The human race and all the other creatures now living on Her surface. Of course we all know enough about science to know that everything on the face of the planet and a good ways down under could be destroyed and She would simply give forth life later on, again. It is up to us to prove that we are the creation worth keeping. Our present collective behavior does not give this impression, and for all of us this is dangerous.
She gave us magic. I believe She meant for us to use it for problem solving and healing. She gave us plants and herbs; also for healing. It is said that for any problem we might have, the Earth has provided solution, it is just up to us to find it and use it properly. Much could be solved with the Science of Magic. There are also other sciences that would be instrumental, but one thing at a time.
edit on 21/10/10 by alysha.angel because: spelling of the title

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:46 AM
You should not be sharing this sort of information with Muggles.
Hogwarts with hear of this!

- Lee
edit on 21-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Lord Voldemort was pretty evil. I agree, magic is mostly used for evil, but what about magicians like Albus Dumbledore and Harry Houdini? They were pretty upstanding guys until they died.

DAMN YOU, LEEEEEEEEE! Beat me to it.

edit on 21-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by 547000
Lord Voldemort was pretty evil. I agree, magic is mostly used for evil, but what about magicians like Albus Dumbledore and Harry Houdini? They were pretty upstanding guys until they died.

DAMN YOU, LEEEEEEEEE! Beat me to it.

edit on 21-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

then you have people like Merlin as well , the downfall of the human race may be caused by this magic .

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

"magic can be both good and evil most times its used for evil..."

So is Religion, Media, and in my opinion all tomato based condiments and sauces. Moving on...

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

What's you opinion on Criss Angel? Is he using magic for evil?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by alysha.angel

What's you opinion on Criss Angel? Is he using magic for evil?

that depends . im a firm believer that all people who are rich ect are secret devil warshipers

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Out of curiosity when you say "magic" do you mean holistic science by any chance?

The whole Earth provides us with the answer deal sounds more like holistic medicine and such to me which is not the way I tend to look at "Magic". When I hear the word magic I start thinking Zatanna and Harry Potter and such.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:04 AM
["that depends . im a firm believer that all people who are rich ect are secret devil warshipers"

Wow that is a hella blanket statement right there. Why do you think that?

edit on 21-10-2010 by illuminotreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

For me, folk magic since the end of shamanic times, has been the last resort of the powerless.
Whether this has always been good or evil is a moot point.

To me prayer is also a form of magic.
How many prayers are really only for the good of others, and selfless?

For example, how good is it to make a magic bubble against psychic attack which sends the curse back to the enemy? Isn't that just tit-for-tat?

The problem is we can only judge ourselves against our intentions, which require a religious yardstick outside magick. Otherwise it's just shades of gray.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by illuminotreal
["that depends . im a firm believer that all people who are rich ect are secret devil warshipers"

Wow that is a hella blanket statement right there. Why do you think that?

edit on 21-10-2010 by illuminotreal because: (no reason given)

personal experiance over the course of 15 years .
edit on 21/10/10 by alysha.angel because: spelling

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by alysha.angel

What's you opinion on Criss Angel? Is he using magic for evil?

that depends . im a firm believer that all people who are rich ect are secret devil warshipers

You mean like what Dylan is talking about here:

I've read quite a few celebrities mention similar things.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

yeah its exactly what im talking about ,

to be honest that is just about the only way to move up in the world unless your lucky enough to be born into money .

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

You'd be surprised at how much money you can have when you save up instead of spend it all.
edit on 21-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel

Originally posted by illuminotreal
["that depends . im a firm believer that all people who are rich ect are secret devil warshipers"

Wow that is a hella blanket statement right there. Why do you think that?

edit on 21-10-2010 by illuminotreal because: (no reason given)

personal experiance over the curse of 15 years .

I think this is an interesting "Freudian" slip.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I don't agree magic is used for evil, it is on which side you are. I would like to share the belief in a mother and father nature however I cannot imagine they would allow their children to fight eachother unless they are evil and let their children fight to see who would be strong enough and whoever wins would be allowed into some greater world which is even harder than this current. The weaker children would not survive there so it's better that way.

Originally posted by halfoldman[/i
reply to post by alysha.angel

For example, how good is it to make a magic bubble against psychic attack which sends the curse back to the enemy? Isn't that just tit-for-tat?

I'd have to say that is not very realistic. It's not like tennis where you see a ball coming at you and just by looking at it would stop it dead in it's tracks, then sends it flying back to your enemy. Suppose there's 10 people in a coven throwing all kinds of curses at the same time, good luck trying to think of a magic bubble, you might as well think of a pink elephant if you saw any of the balls coming to start with. The worst kinds of curses would use the bubble against you, just as using your own words against you to make you look bad, those curses use your own energy and last a lifetime. Note that I am not into curses mind you.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

the downfall of the human race may be caused by this magic .

Yeah and the downfall of the human race may also be caused by pixies and elves too... and surely Unicorns will wreak havoc upon our cities and destroy our crops... Meanwhile morons on television warn us of terrorists with bombs, food shortages and a world filled with nuclear weapons, little do they know the real threats to the world.

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