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My Generation

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:18 AM
It is my observation the the generations following the last, ave become increasingly alienated from their patents generation.
This gap is getting far wider every cycle.
It may be the exponential increase in knowledge,the incredible speed of communications,the rapid obsolescence of technology,or other factors, but it aparently works to make communication, and understanding between generations increasingly exasperating.
The children fail to appreciate the paents struggles, and the parents have less concept of their childrens reality all the time...
There was a time when this situation was practically unnoticable,generations past.Perhaps this accelleration of estrangement is to blame for much misunderstanding.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by neo96

while i agree that 'we' should not look for help from outside ourselves, your fear of 'the government' seems to not take into account that 'the government' is merely an extension of the people.

I tire of the vague boogie monster 'the government' is made out to be by the right wing.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by justadood
reply to post by neo96

while i agree that 'we' should not look for help from outside ourselves, your fear of 'the government' seems to not take into account that 'the government' is merely an extension of the people.

I tire of the vague boogie monster 'the government' is made out to be by the right wing.

Right wing, left wing, it doesn't matter, they are the same. There is no boogie man more dangerous than the government. This government in no way reflects what the founding fathers planned for this nation.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Our generation has actually far surpassed our up-bringing more so than any other generation. We want to break boundaries. Our generation want's change and wants to evolve as a whole. Our generation wants to know the true feeling of freedom. The people running this world right now are either dependent on the system, abusing the system, or mostly just ignoring it as long as they're getting what they want. And that's right. In order for us to make a difference everyone has to want it and take part. In some cases I think how could they let it get this far? Ha well I know the answer to that. Carelessness and selfishness. Our generation wants to break free from that. There's a part of me though that thinks maybe everything falling apart, sadly, might be what we actually need. So we can rebuild a better environment, government, maybe?
It's a nice thought....a very nice altruistic thought...have to plant the seeds somewhere! Why not here.

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