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(Help needed) - When/if sites like ATS get censored Plan of Action Thread

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:12 AM
I did a quick ATS Google search and could not come up with anything regarding a plan of action for when the unthinkable happens. I am of course talking about the solemn idea of sites like ATS/WikiLeaks/Infowars etc getting "Wiped off the internet" and what we can do to slow down and hopefully stop the inevitable breaking down of communities such as these after such an attack on our rights. With the amount of people waking up ever increasing, I do feel that we are getting much closer to the days where we can't all meet up and discuss easily like we do here. First off lets look at how important a site like ATS is to the integrity of our species;

- ATS has many people thirsty for knowledge joining up everyday. Every day people are learning more and more from each other increasing the number of more knowledgeable people or "Veterans" of the site. With this we are helping to create an educational experience that is not solely influenced by the government, but also offering an environment that encourages speculation about general excepted "Fact" and opinion. This is so important because people who do this in mainstream education are usually branded as a "Disruption in the classroom" which appears to have aided the ever increasing number of people who can't think for themselves.

- ATS users are always posting important bits of information and news from independent news outlets and journalists which helps give a much less bias view of world events. In effect slowing down the process of propaganda and media "Brain washing". I do not perhaps agree with how highly regarded some anonymous blogs are here on ATS but I do see that it sparks discussion which in turn promotes learning.

- I don't know about most of you lot, but if I was not able to do what we do here, after a major attack such as extreme internet censoring resulting in free discussion platforms such as ATS being killed out ... I think I would start to panic a little. And when there's times of panic and uncertainty, sites like ATS are crucial for keeping a more level headed un-bias knowledge of the world we are living in. Because as I'm sure most of you know, MSM doesn't give you half of "The picture", if any.

So what I would like to discuss with you guys and girls is what to do when/if sites like ATS get taken away from us in the future. Following that It would be crucial to draw up a plan of action we can share which would take effect immediately following such a (IMHO) disaster. This is the part where I need your inquisitive minds ladies and gentlemen.

I think that the most immediate concern would be to open up as many discussion platforms as we can individually and then move towards growing these communities by posting them around to people you know online and in person. These platforms could be in the form of forums, message boards, chat rooms and Social networking groups (Other suggestions are needed desperately)

After these small communities have started to grow and link to each other we should then move towards starting bigger and better platforms. The problem is they will likely be stopped but we must keep opening more and helping each other. And then we should move towards meeting in person around the world to talk, bringing friends, family and strangers together to keep the ever growing number of people awakening on the rise. I am NOT talking about a militia movement. I am talking about giving at least some power back to the people. The power of knowledge. Our birth given right..

If this time comes we must keep communities such as ATS going no matter how hard the task! I do not wish to ever live in a world where I cannot go online to learn and discuss freely without hindrance. Because that my brothers and sisters, would be the final straw.

So I need your help and ideas so that we can draw up a plan of action for if or when the time comes.

Any ideas or anything to add to what I've said?



edit on 20-10-2010 by TechUnique because: A couple of typos =P

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:17 AM
-Reserved for plan of action.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Remember the times of BBS? If the internet goes down it would be a good time to grab the good old 56k to build a Bulletin board system. A shortwave radio could come in handy as a source of info too.
edit on 20-10-2010 by kensho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by kensho

Sorry what is BBS?

Edit- Oh Bulletin board systems , silly me :p
edit on 20-10-2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:32 AM
A BBS would require some setup and phone lines that should be known before communications breakdown.
edit on 20-10-2010 by kensho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by kensho

Any links or resources to how you can set up something like this? So I can jot it down for the plan of action.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

While I hesitate to use aphorisms from a film like Johnny Mnemonic, one of the plot elements of that film did hold the answer to your question...

When high tech reaches a point where it cannot be compromised upon its own terms, you go low tech.

As mentioned above, BBS is one possibly answer, though I think this is limited in scope as it would be very difficult, in a digital age, to house a stack of modems, on open phone lines, without them being compromised by intelligence services.

Small spider networks relying upon direct client to client communication - ala' Bluetooth might be a remedy though.

Or, more likely, Sun Tzu will show us the way. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

If the western world begins to heavily censor the Internet it is my belief that other nations, probably in Asia, will make it a point to host materials that the west has forbidden. Those with a bit of tech savvy will still have access via this conduit of information.

Having said that...

I do not think that our access to sites such as ATS will ever be compromised. The Internet is our modern equivalent of bread and circuses.. This is our metaphoric pacifier. In reality any information of a critically volatile or secret nature would not last more than a few minutes on this site, or any other publicly hosted site, so the risk of any website compromising the government is nearly nil.

I can assure that big brother, if such a term is actually applicable to the reality of what we face, is much happier with us all spending our days on ATS, postulating and pondering, than if we were all to suddenly lose access and actually take our collective analytical prowess into the streets. It's much safer to offer us this distraction than to take it from us.


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Sure, explains the mechanics of a BBS. what is required is mostly a modem and a free line to hook it up, and the software. Since it is an old tech there could be some of them still floating around the net. I would suggest to hook it up on an old computer too, maybe running only DOS or a very old version of windows like 3.1, because it makes the handling of the serial modem much easier. This depends of the kind of software there still out there whether it runs on a new version of windows or DOS, Linux ,etc is a list of BBS systems and their platforms. I hope that our situation doesn't get that bad that we have to really use this, cheers

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by TechUnique


I like it when people anticipate on things to come and I have pondered this same thing many times but I am afraid that letting everybody know, on ATS, where to re-group after ATS falls is kinda counter-productive. That's kinda like saying :" I am not gonna tell you I hid the treasure under the old oak tree".

I am afraid it simply a matter of soaking up as much as you can before it all goes south. You know, every man for himself, and God for us all.....

reply to post by kensho


I still have my MSX ready to go!! Qbasic, those were the days.

I still remember typing the entire script for "dragster" from a book, needless to say it never ran because of same typo I never found. (If A$="" then goto 20)


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by TechUnique

If the western world begins to heavily censor the Internet it is my belief that other nations, probably in Asia, will make it a point to host materials that the west has forbidden. Those with a bit of tech savvy will still have access via this conduit of information.

I definitely agree with this but it would be crucial to make it easy to access these platforms for the general population.

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by TechUnique

I can assure that big brother, if such a term is actually applicable to the reality of what we face, is much happier with us all spending our days on ATS, postulating and pondering, than if we were all to suddenly lose access and actually take our collective analytical prowess into the streets. It's much safer to offer us this distraction than to take it from us.

Although I agree with you that at this current time it would most likely not be in the immediate interests of "TPTB" to actually close down sites like ATS I do believe that there is a good chance that it could happen in the future. Therefore I think it would be wise to come up with a plan of action if (like I said) the unthinkable happens.

Thanks for your input. I also agree that the BBS wouldn't be a viable worldwide option although would work to an extent.


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by kensho

Thanks a lot! I have added this to the plan of action template.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by TechUnique


I like it when people anticipate on things to come and I have pondered this same thing many times but I am afraid that letting everybody know, on ATS, where to re-group after ATS falls is kinda counter-productive. That's kinda like saying :" I am not gonna tell you I hid the treasure under the old oak tree".

I can definitely see your point but I do believe that if enough people dedicate a bit of their time to this cause if it happens, then we can open the door to a lot more people before the door is completely sealed. I see this as my sole and shared responsibility as a human being.

I definitely see where some of the problem you stated is but I must disagree with classifying a plan such as this as counter-productive as I believe that keeping the door open if only for a little while longer is anything but counter-productive. Thanks for your input.
edit on 20-10-2010 by TechUnique because: Edited out a bit of unnecessary code.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Is this thread serious?

You mean we wouldn't have access to the alien threads and the like?


Come on, what relevance does ATS have on the world, that if it it ceased to be, chaos would ensue?

People did and still can communicate without the Internet y'know.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by TechUnique


I understand my reply may be a bit confusing, I get like that sometimes but "keep the door open"? For who?

You can chance the name of site but I hardly think that'll confuse the spooks. Gather somewhere else and they are bound to follow. Guess we'll just have to meet on the docks. Every Wednesday night 8 o'clock, pier 15.


edit on 20-10-2010 by operation mindcrime because: grammar

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:35 AM
S&F for making a decent point. I'm currently working on a way to use "their" own systems against them in the event of a censorship blackout. That's all I'll say.
edit on 20-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by TechUnique


I understand my reply may be a bit confusing, I get like that sometimes but "keep the door open"? For who?

Not confusing at all

What I mean by "Keeping the doors open" is keeping the abundance of knowledge on sites like ATS as freely and easily as possible to obtain. To who? To people who are confused about issues in the MSM and about issues that aren't in the MSM, but also to people who don't have a clue about alternative subjects and wish to view and actually discuss them in an un-bias manner.

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by TechUnique


You can chance the name of site but I hardly think that'll confuse the spooks. Gather somewhere else and they are bound to follow. Guess we'll just have to meet on the docks. Every Wednesday night 8 o'clock, pier 15.

edit on 20-10-2010 by operation mindcrime because: grammar

I understand how this could make it almost impossible to discuss on some platforms but it could still be feasible on other levels such as chat rooms, social networking groups, BBS and any other ideas we can come up with in this thread. There is definitely something we CAN do if it happens. If enough people help then we can definitely "Keep the door open" for confused newcomers, even if only for a short while it will have helped.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Mactire
S&F for making a decent point. I'm currently working on a way to use "their" own systems against them in the event of a censorship blackout. That's all I'll say.
edit on 20-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

I am not condoning what you say but I am asking god for your blessing

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Hello, I think we should all invest in one thing, preparing for the inevitable:

Short-wave radio equipment!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Signals
Hello, I think we should all invest in one thing, preparing for the inevitable:

Short-wave radio equipment!

I think that is a brilliant idea, I'll jot it down. Do you have any good resources for buying, setting up and maintaining Short wake radio networks?



posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:59 AM
I think this plan of action is flawed
because it is based on the assumption
that you will have a usable phone line
AND a source of electrical power.
In my rural area we usually lose both
when a major storm comes through.
So might I suggest we use some
other form of comms, like shortwave,
CB's .... if those frequencies are not
being jammed. And if all else fails,
we can all discuss it around a campfire
in the ATS Bat Cave !!!

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