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Clinton Official: Shoot Down Plane To Provoke War With Iraq

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Clinton Official: Shoot Down Plane To Provoke War With Iraq

In the publicity sheet that St. Martin’s Press has been sending out to spur interest in General Hugh Shelton’s new memoir, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, the last highlight is a doozy: “A high-ranking cabinet member suggests intentionally flying an American airplane on a low pass over Baghdad so as to guarantee it will be shot down, thus creating a natural excuse to reltaliate and go to war.”

Turns out the incident took place during the Clinton administration, and She
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:18 PM
This witness account just backs up what I have been saying all along, that the Republicans (neo-con Republicans) aren't much different than the Democrats, as they both work for the same interests that often contradict the interests of the American people and our country as a whole.

The Clintons are no better than the Bushes, who are in turn no better than Obama and after Obama, we will just get some other stooge to do the bidding for the same interests. I have learned over the years that it really matters not whether we get a Republican or Democrat in office, as they both seem to work for the same interests and those interests don't include our own.

What this General is saying, is that the US was basically planning a false flag attack to get us into war with Iraq. This is very telling because many people claim that the US wouldn't do false flag attacks, yet we have the Gulf of Tonkin incident that turned into a lie and even more revealing, we have the USS Liberty, wh9ich was a failed false flag attack and so worked as kind of a "cut-out" model that allowed us to peer into how it happens.

Anyway, for those of you who seem to think the corruption was only infesting the neo-con Republican government and that the Democrats usher in a new government not as bad, we have at least this witness (and a credible one too) that Iraq and corrupt policies of deception are not synonymous with the Republican party or even the neo-con Republicans.

There seem to be forces in government or even behind government that are pulling the strings and both major parties are implicated as being in the back pocket of these forces. I'm not suggesting some grand conspiracy, only reality, the reality that both parties are working for the same interests and those interests are contradictory to our own interests.

Some people may argue that he is just trying to sell books and while that may be the case, just because he has a book out, doesn't mean that he is lying in that book. In fact, memoirs are often the sources to find juicy details of our government because what better way would you relay that information? Memoirs are written after your career and so you are not in jeapordy of losing your livelihood by coming out.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:25 PM
I hesitate to add what some find infuriating, but truthfully, this whole Iraq thing had nothing to do with National Policy. This was an Energy and Financial Cartel operation which the US was beholden to either support directly or be willing to 'go along' with.

Our political machinery is just a facade, left, right, Dems, Repubs, it's all window dressing. Follow the money.

Ike told us that the Military Industrial complex was out of control. We didn't listen. When they applied advanced psyops to mass media, we lost all hold on the real reasons why these people do anything.... everything.

The moment you attribute a name, or a label to the events, is the same moment you have left out some prime suspects.

It's a game..., played by the club.... which neither you nor I are in (hat tip to Mr. Carlin R.I.P.)


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Wasn't there something like this with Project Northwoods?

I'm sure i remember reading about a false flag op to shoot down a US plane in order to justify military action against Cuba ) I think it was Cuba).

Might have heard this at the start of Loose Change actualy.

Edit to add...yep it was Loose Change...go to 0:50 on the vid....

Probably been discussed many times on ATS too. (Opersation Northwoods i mean.)

edit on 18/10/10 by CX because: add video

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by CX

This is old hat. It was a strategy developed centuries ago; and one that people remain vulnerable to as long as they are willing to accept whatever they are told by a smiling face on a TV screen.

We have used all sorts of made up garbage to 'coax' popular support for operations that served no on but the 'generous sponsors' of the political machinery... Tonkin, Barbary Pirates, Perl Harbor, Cuba, you name it.

People do NOT just wake up and decide WE WANT WAR - mostly because THEY are the ones that have to go and die or send their kids to die.... the "leaders" never seem to actually "lose" anyone... do they?

One exception of course... religion... which is in and of itself, a fuse for war.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Amen Airspoon!

So basically this just supports the underlying theme concerning the pressure on U.S. politicians by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC)to go to war. President Eisenhower warned us about this before JFK was sworn in to office back in 1961. When JFK told the MIC to go to hell when their recommendation of Operation Northwoods (as CX mentioned in this post) was made in 1962, Kennedy was dead the next year.

So, yeah. The MIC wants war, and they get the politicians to want war under threat of assassination. This latest story supports the plausibility of motivation for the MIHOP theories of 9/11 - those motives were clearly entrenched before Bush was even in office. Turns out Cheney was just brazen enough to make sure it all happened - by orders of magnitude worse than the Clinton/Iraq suggestion.
edit on 18-10-2010 by harrytuttle because: add mention

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
One exception of course... religion... which is in and of itself, a fuse for war.

Yeah, but a bigger fuse seems to be money and power.

At this point I don't think there can be any question at all that TPTB will use any means necessary to achieve their objectives. I mean Christ, we have multiple threads all over ATS that document the known plans for the invasion of Iraq being the center of attention the day Bush took office.

But I really let out a yelp when I read Shelton's response to the request!!!!
I mean, does it get any better than that?

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

The hair on the back of my neck bristled, my teeth clenched, and my fists tightened. I was so mad I was about to explode. I looked across the table, thinking about the pilot in the U-2 and responded, “Of course we can …” which prompted a big smile on the official’s face.

“You can?” was the excited reply.

“Why, of course we can,” I countered. “Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.”

It's too bad the joint chiefs didn't react the same way to the proposed plans for Operation Northwoods, and that it took JFK to tell them they were all nuts and veto it. Any wonder he was assassinated?

I think it is fair to say that as ATS alone we have established, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they will most certainly sacrifice lives. Not for freedom, as is espoused, but for pure political and monetary motive.

1,000,000 lone wolves should become a pack. And do what they need to do. They are justified.
edit on Mon Oct 18th 2010 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Many people falsely believe that either of the two parties are in opposition to the other and therefore most Americans attribute the Iraq war to the Republicans. By naming names and pointing to Democratic officials who not only voted for war, but apparently tried to force us into it, you are stripping away that false sense of opposition that the two party system gives us and exposing "the game" for what it is.

As soon as [most] people start to realize that both parties are beholden to the same interests (which by the way are not the interests of the people or the country) and don't really oppose each other on the issues that really matter, we may break this cycle of trading Democrats for Republicans and Republicans for Democrats every so many years. This cycle really gets us nowhere and with the masses blaiming one party over another, instead of seeing it for what it is, these kinds of things are going to continue to happen.

I have heard many people, even some right here on ATS, argue that they can't wait until election year and Obama or the Democrats are out of here. Really, what good is that going to do? Sure, we get the no-good Democrats out of here, but we are only trading them for the no-good Republicans and the same interests prosper either way. With either of the parties, you, I and the vast majority of Americans all lose.

I think by dispelling the notion that the Iraq war was not a Republican issue but rather an issue of those controlling government, people will then see it for what it is and the seed of truth will be planted in the minds of the people. I believe that it helps dispel the notion that either party is really in opposition to the other and if they are both working for the same interests, then we realize that those interests aren't ours and that we have losy control over government.

Until we (meaning the majority of Americans) recognize this, we have no hope of ever returning our republic to the hands of the people. The people have always held the power, thus there has always been revolutions through out our history. In years past, TPTB have held their respective people at bay through physical force but now we are held back through deception, a manipulation to make us believe that we hold the power and I believe this manipulation is done through the two party system, to where the people feel like they have the power because they trade one party for another, giving the illusion that we are in control. That way, they don't have to control us with standing armies.


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Wow, no government defenders have made an appearance on this thread, yet? If not them, it'll be the political party miscreants that will try to turn this into a blame game between the donkeys and the elephants.

You are right airspoon, by the way.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Just read this story at War Room.

Not that I'm surprised in the least..but I have to admit that I was a little floored at a few things..that it isn't making any MSM news; yeah I know that shouldn't surprise me either but a story is a story right?

Also, and maybe more surprising is the lack of attention this has received on ATS.

Am I wrong? The War Room report is dated 10/15, I just noticed it on facebook through a Campaign for Liberty news update today. I know that anyone that is a usual reader at ATS isn't surprised by any of this, but it just seems like it should be bigger news than it is. Maybe I should get this book, just to have a hard copy of that little story.


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