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Stunner! Alfred Kinsey paid my father to rape me: Subject of 'research' goes public with horrific

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:32 AM
MODS: Before I start, I put this here as I see this as an attack on the work done by Kinsey. The person allegations have not been cofirmed in a court of law so I didn't think I could put anywhere else (yet).

WARNING. Info in the source link maybe offensive and upsetting to some.

Alfred Kinsey

WASHINGTON – A victim of sexologist Alfred Kinsey's "research" during the 1940s is coming forward with the stunning claim that her father was paid by Kinsey, universally regarded as the "father of the sexual revolution," to rape her and then report to him on the attacks.

Nearly 70 years after being molested repeatedly by her own father, "Esther White" (a pseudonym) is speaking out in hope of prompting Congress to investigate the controversial research. White said she would be willing to testify in person on Capitol Hill if an investigation results in opening the Kinsey Institute files to public scrutiny.
White was 7 when her father began abusing her.

Kinsey's 1948 and 1953 books on human sexual behavior contain tables of information about sexual responses in children as young as 2 months old. Several tables record how long the children needed to be stimulated to achieve "orgasm," and others record how many orgasms the children achieved in given periods of time.

Esther White's data would have been used for this table in Kinsey's first book, though the book focused on male sexual behavior

"Kinsey was not a legitimate scholar. He was not objective," said Janice Crouse, Ph.D., the head of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank at Concerned Women for America. "Instead, he found people who could produce the results he wanted. ... He was very interested in changing the sexual mores. ... He believed any sex act between consenting adults and even children was acceptable, even healthy." Kinsey and his researchers are widely credited with having redefined sexual morality in America.

White says her father and grandfather were paid by Kinsey and that Kinsey was aware of what her father was doing to her. She recalls that her father filmed some of those sessions and sent the home movies to Kinsey. She also witnessed Kinsey handing her grandfather a check.
"Esther White" at age 9

Please, read the entire story-if you can (more detailed info and supporting eveidence). It is a bit disturbing BUT if true, this man and his work needs to be discredit and he should be forever identified for what he is alleged to have been-A Pedophile.

I didn't know this kind of stuff was, researched, by Kinsey. All I ever heard about was the sexual revolution for women etc. I can't believe it took 70 years for this stuff to become public. Especially, according to the article, other academia and researchers knew Kinsey was a fraud!!!

Is there any ATSers that have knowledge in this area, his work-what the talk at the time was etc?

Sorry to have brought this story to light but I think it is one that has to be discussed and gotten to the bottom of.

If anything, for any other Ester Whites that are out there, still, living with similar memories etc. They should be sought out (if anything for additonal witnesses/confirmation etc).
edit on 10/18/2010 by anon72 because: Corrected thread title

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:46 AM

I have heard that Michelle Phillips
of the Mommas & Pappas went through
the Kinsey experience with her dad when young.

The Kinsey experiements and research have been
well known amoung the elite for generations. I don't
think that we are supposed to really know about this stuff.

David Grouchy

edit on 18-10-2010 by davidgrouchy because: wen < > went

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:49 AM
Given much of the science we have seen from the 40's through present, it is abundantly clear that there is little, morally, separating Americans (or any other nation) from Nazi Germany. I understand that this mans work was less "government run" than the Nazi's, but it isn't like we don't have ample examples of that as well.

Pedophiles tend to rationalize what they do with pleas of emotion. We see it will NAMBLA, and we see it with Kinsey.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:53 AM
I don't see the importance behind learning the average orgasm in pre-adolescence. This is really just sick.. I don't know what to say about it. What's the point for the research? That's my question.
edit on 18-10-2010 by Boogley because:

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:09 AM
World Net Daily is the "media" source cited, which makes the credibilty of the report negligible. Further it cites he Beverly LaHaye Institute to back up its claims. Both of these organizations have a very clear objective, to promote the fundamentalist view of sexuality and gender roles, which of course involves attempting to discredit anything that might contradict their position. Take this not just with a grain of salt, but the whole shaker.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by metamagic

So you're saying that this woman's claims/allegations are baseless/false? Even made up?

Well, that is why I put it up here. To discuss.

As it is laid out in the story and backed up with apparent published work of Kinsey's, I say she is crediable. Regardless of what news outlet broke the story.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by anon72

If the "speed of pre-adolescent orgasm" table was published in one of his books or research then there were obviously human pre-adolescent subjects. Regardless of whether this woman's personal claims are true or not, the research speaks for itself. This is sick "science".

Is it verifiable that this table came from his research? Anyone know?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:43 AM
How does one determine that a 5 month old achieved orgasm?

I'ld really like to know.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by anon72

So you're saying that this woman's claims/allegations are baseless/false? Even made up?

Putting words in my mouth is not discussion. I was very clear in my point -- that the sources cited in this story are not objective or unbiased and therefore their "facts" have to be viewed with due diligence. The work of Kinsey has been reviewed in the past and accepted as sound and several dissenting claims are not cause for immediately rejecting that evidence as a conspiracy or cover up.

Her claims should be investigated, but to do this properly it should be done by an unbaised party, not by a group that has a vested interest in accepting them as true at face value in order to justify their own claims and bolster their agenda in forcing their beliefs of the rest of us. If her claims stand up to scrutiny, then serious questions need to be asked about Kinseys research.

Fundamentalist activists like the LaHaye institute and wnd believe their positions are divinely inspired and therefore any evidence that they may not be totally correct has to be discredited and dismissed somehow. When you start with the assumption that Kinsey must be wrong because you don't agree with his conclusions, you will tend to uncritically accept any claim as true no matter how tenuous.

Her claim is just that, a claim. Anyone can make a claim. It may be an error, a lie or a honestly held delusion. Or it may be true or partly true. But the sources do not consider the realistic range of explanations.
edit on 18-10-2010 by metamagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:10 AM
Anyone fimiliar with the Kinsey report and it's MANY failing will not be surprised by this.

However, there is nothing we can do to roll back the devastation this man has wreaked on our culture and times. All that we can maybe hope to achieve is acknowledgement of the wrongs.

I'd add that getting a similar report done MAY help in identifying where problems exist, but personally i think since then that society has travelled too far.

All we can hope for is in fact truth. I think the truth has come out over time, but now we need public acknowledgement of the truth, and also a very close look at all the lies.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:27 AM
At least WND had the rare honesty (inspired no doubt for the potential of a libel suit) to link to the following:

Where did Kinsey's information about children's sexual responses come from?
Kinsey clearly stated in his male volume the sources of information about children's sexual responses. The bulk of this information was obtained from adults recalling their own childhoods. Some was from parents who had observed their children, some from teachers who had observed children interacting or behaving sexually, and Kinsey stated that there were nine men who he had interviewed who had sexual experiences with children who had told him about how the children had responded and reacted. We believe that one of those men was the source of the data listed in the book.

Kinsey Institute Webpage

It has always been my understanding that Kinsey's research was anecdotal rather than experimental, which is what has made it controversial from the scientific perspective. The moral repugnance among non-scientists is similar to that which they feel when an anthropologist describes the customs of cannibalistic tribesmen they have interviewed.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by metamagic

what you are saying is true.

Doesn't mean what they are claiming is false.

How do you think the guy got data on "organisms" achieved in 2 month olds?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by JonInMichigan

How does one determine that a 5 month old achieved orgasm?

I'ld really like to know.

By measuring the change in how they were crying.

That thought doesn't get better with more time rolling it around in your head.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Nice - very 'unbiased' of you.

Here is some news for you - even scientist have ethics and morals.

The man showed such a significant lack of ethics in his research that another "semi-science" group could depict him as showing sociopathic tendencies. Which isn't the same as having good science cred.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by anon72

OK, I do not see any scientific value to knowing these facts, and it is certainly distasteful and even criminal to do this type of thing to kids and babies, but how does any of that lead to discrediting the work? I mean if there were test subjects, and there was a study, and the results were tabulated and published, then the work stands on its own merit despite the sickness of the subject matter.

On another note, I was surprised to learn that an orgasm was even possible for someone that has not reached puberty? I don't understand how this is possible? I can possibly understand maybe some type of electrical stimulation giving an involuntary response, but I don't understand how manual stimulation could do it to a child as young as 5 months that would have zero understanding of the sexual nature? I hope no one can explain this to me, but if anybody has an explanation for this, I would like to understand it.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You're pulling my leg, right. About the info supplied not being discredited? Please tell me you are.

Some committing sexual abuse on a child and then reporting on it-isn't science. It's sick.

What did Kinsey do, conduct a blind study to check to info/results.

All is good, when done in the name of science?

Give me a break.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by anon72

I'm not saying the research is appropriate, and I certainly wouldn't want to be associated with it, but I don't understand how it invalidates the results? Data is data. Cold hard data.

If some serial killer takes decades and does tons of work on his "subjects" and he discovers some novel new health therapy or cure, is his research invalidated because of his methods?

I entirely agree with crucifying the guy responsible for this, but I don't see how we can throw the data out. Data is data. Data has no emotional attachment, it is just data. Plus, these kids suffered either way, so if any morsel of science can come out of it, we need to seize it and not waste the suffering in the name of morality?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:26 PM

The person allegations have not been cofirmed in a court of law so I didn't think I could put anywhere else (yet).

Its funny how everyone will always refer to a "court of law" when the truth needs challenging.

In my view a court of law is the last place you will find the truth.

Kinsey (I loved the film with Liam Nielsen) has long been suspected of being a dirty old raping pervert. However, proving it is going to be difficult as the women who MAY come forward are all old as hell. Again, leaving any credibility down the toilet. Who listens to old people with any seriousness. Unfortunately, I do think he was a dodgy character.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by MrRed

In a case such as this, the Court of Law is the only thing we have to get justice-deterimine if a wrong was done etc.

What else would you suggest?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by anon72

On another, semi-related much does it cost to convince someone to molest or rape their own daughter? I can't begin to imagine the conversation, or how someone would survive the initial reaction? I know the article says that the grandfather was a good friend of the doc, but I have good friends, and I can't imagine asking them to rape their daughters, film it for me, fill out a questionairre, use a stop watch, and then bring it all to me and let me buy it?
Pretty sure, if I went to my 'friends" with a proposal like that, you wouldn't hear from GRA anymore. Probably be fertilizer in my buddy's garden after that proposal!!

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