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Lights, UFO's or Orbs over Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 8th Oct 10

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:54 AM

Shot by myself these lights, orbs or UFO's were seen and filmed over Las Vegas from The Sahara Hotel last week on the 8th October 2010 at approx 5 to 6 pm. I saw at least ten of them fly in some sort of formation south then east to west across the north mountain range heading from the Area 51 / Groom Lake region.

At first I assumed they were helicopters but they seemed to move too slowly and upon zooming with the 10 X optical zoom and taking stills no structure could be seen. These were shot on auto mode ISO 800 1/30 + 1/25 F4.3 @ 9 megapixels, the camera was a Canon Powershot SX110 IS with 10 X Optical Zoom, a very good piece of consumer kit.

I know alot of helicopter flights go out to the Grand Canyon from Vegas but the lights were all the same and moved in a very odd way, bright pulsing white with strobes of red pulsing up and down it seemed (which the stills show). No solid structure can be seen at all, either behind or in front of the lights.

I've checked the national weather data for Las Vegas for that day, the official wind direction was from the South South West, these things came from the North and made a turn east.

edit on 18/10/2010 by Sauron because: embed video

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:03 AM
Interesting footage for sure. Reminds me of the flight patterns coming in to land at the airport. Im guessing thats not it though. I will be interested in seeing what others have to say. Just for the record though, where was the airport relative to your view of this? I know I used to be amazed how many planes they stacked up for landing.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by piema1970


But being serious that is actually very nice footage my only guess is Lanterns, RC planes, or ET

Oh just noticed what you said about the wind, rules out lanterns I suppose.
edit on 18-10-2010 by Crumbles because: wind

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by piema1970

I've checked the national weather data for Las Vegas for that day, the official wind direction was from the South South West, these things came from the North and made a turn east.

Gee these things look a lot like they are wind driven to me, sorry but you are going to get a lot of Balloon comments here.

My first thought were some promotional thingy from a Casino


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by piema1970

Weird that i havent heard about these being seen as i have alot of family in Las vegas. at first i was thinking like radio towers but one on the left looked like it was moving slowly and the others ones seemed to high.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:37 AM
did you have to put the music on it?. im not sure many people will take it seriously. and no offence meant.



posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by piema1970


Here is another image pertaining to your video.


Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

edit on 18-10-2010 by Maybe...maybe not because: ADHD

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by piema1970


You state the time of the video as this:

at approx 5 to 6 pm

You state the direction of movement of the objects as this:

I saw at least ten of them fly in some sort of formation south then east to west

If the objects are flying "east to west" at "5 to 6 pm", those objects are flying into a "low angle" sun.

That would produce high intensity reflections off a glass canopy such as that used on a helicopter.

I note the speed & close formation of the objects also appears somewhat consistent with a group of helicopters.


My guess is the objects are helicopters.

The absence of a "structure" has been shown to occur with planes reflecting sunlight on a number of occasions on ATS, but I've not seen that effect with I guess planes are also an "outside chance".

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by piema1970


To help illustrate my point (above) pertaining to the strange appearances of aircraft when illuminated by the sun, here is a post from another thread by DepthOfField that shows some examples of this.


Don' get me wrong.....I'm not trying say the objects looks like the photos below. Rather.....I'm trying to illustrate how aircraft can take on strange appearances in photos & videos under such conditions.

Posted by DepthOfField on 24-6-2009 @ 21:04:

I didn't bet if i were you it it was not a plain

I've explained above why it could be a plane.

And here are examples taken with different camera, by a guy which i know him, and he knows what he shot: a plain!


Taken from here:

forget the language (romanian), but see the pictures (or try google translate).

Of course, different camera, different bokeh. Yet, "donuts"

On that topic there are other examples of how "strange" an airplane can appear.

Here is one of my personal photo as an example of other kind "strangeness". A sun glint on it's body, but no body seen at all (invisible aircraft?
) . Yet, i know what i photographed, it was an ordinary plain:


Here's another good example provided by DepthOfField

Posted by DepthOfField on 10-1-2010 @ 08:19:

Just one older example of mine... how a trivial airplane, flying maybe at 5 ..10 km up or so, without contrails, can appear later on the photo, when sunlight angles and perspective, along with powerfull optical zoom (12x) can stretch the things.

The following picture shows the same plane, and the time marks when the photo was taken, together with some relevant EXIF data (F-number, exposure time):

here another external version, since ATS media portal recompresses too much the file adding some jpeg artifacts):

While when up from my head, the plane is easy to understand, later, when much far away and low to the horizon, along with sun glare on its body, the shape became much more "anomalous".

Integral post is here:

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

edit on 18-10-2010 by Maybe...maybe not because: Format

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by piema1970

you have caught some day time U.F.O.s nice

i think this is good footage and adds to the light orbs that have been reported alot latley
there is inteligent control shown in the movement and they are seen as a group
the sun cant be discounted
but i doubt the sun would reflect of all the objects evenly creating the effect as they are obviously to far apart for the focal reflection from the sun to be reflected evenly to your view point
ie there would be some orbs reflecting more brightly than others or the brightness of the objects would apper to change from your point of veiw

this is the footage i have been looking for thanks
and good quality too


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

They also seem to have running lights, and a red flasher. The zoom shots are a little fuzzy so could be mistaken but if compared to this video of a helicopter, you can see the running lights and its red flasher and as it gets further away it even starts to look vaguely ufoish at the end. Mark play time at about 50 seconds or so.

IMO thats a group of helos.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2


They also seem to have running lights, and a red flasher.

Gee.....I can "almost" see some indication of that in a few places in the video, but it's all a bit vague.

The zoom shots are a little fuzzy so could be mistaken but if compared to this video of a helicopter, you can see the running lights and its red flasher and as it gets further away it even starts to look vaguely ufoish at the end. Mark play time at about 50 seconds or so.

Yes.....I think it's there.....but only vaguely. It's more that the whole object "changes shape", suggesting a nav light is there. But you really have to want to see it!

IMO thats a group of helos

Yes.....I think so.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

edit on 18-10-2010 by Maybe...maybe not because: Clarification

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:18 AM
las vegas to grand canyon helicopter or plane tours?



posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by piema1970


You state the time of the video as this:

at approx 5 to 6 pm

You state the direction of movement of the objects as this:

I saw at least ten of them fly in some sort of formation south then east to west

If the objects are flying "east to west" at "5 to 6 pm", those objects are flying into a "low angle" sun.

That would produce high intensity reflections off a glass canopy such as that used on a helicopter.

I note the speed & close formation of the objects also appears somewhat consistent with a group of helicopters.


My guess is the objects are helicopters.

The absence of a "structure" has been shown to occur with planes reflecting sunlight on a number of occasions on ATS, but I've not seen that effect with I guess planes are also an "outside chance".

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

please note in the following screen shot you will see the UNIDENTIFYED flying objects to the far left of the screen are not very bright but the ones in the middle are
this is not a sun strike case
in the following frame you will see they are acually pulsating light not reflecting it

this is the best footage thank you so much


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

LOL! You don't have to want it that bad. They all look like they're blinking.

Any way I know thats a night time video but its just a comparison for the lights.

Still convinced those are helicopters though.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

If you would have a listen you can clearly hear the copters in this video. About the same distance speeds are a lot faster. just a warning this is a video of combat but far away combat involving copters.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

LOL! You don't have to want it that bad. They all look like they're blinking. Any way I know thats a night time video but its just a comparison for the lights. Still convinced those are helicopters though.


Doh! :bnghd:

I thought you wanted me to look at the daytime video again!

I'll look at the night-time video now.

Maybe...maybe not

edit on 18-10-2010 by Maybe...maybe not because: Doh!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:29 AM
two sequential frames
frame 1

the next frame

the words pulsation light comes to mind
this is not sun strike


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Crumbles
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

If you would have a listen you can clearly hear the copters in this video. About the same distance speeds are a lot faster. just a warning this is a video of combat but far away combat involving copters.


The problem with the op's video is that a music soundtrack has been added, so we have no way of hearing any such H/C noise.


I would expect the H/C's in your Liveleak video are much higher performance craft & therefore much noisier than the types of H/C's used for tours, etc... if indeed they are being used for that.

I also think wind, terrain, specific orientation to the observer, etc... will also influence the loudness of the H/C's relative to the observer.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by XPLodER


Camera auto-focus effects can also cause "pulsating".

I also think the pixiliation inherent with the compression of this video is a big contributor to this apparent "pulsating".

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

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