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New Chemtrail Pictures!! (or is this just a Natural Phenomenon?)

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Today my family and I went to get some pumpkins from the farmer’s market about a mile from my house. When I stepped out of the car I was confronted with an amazing sight. I have no idea if these are so-called “ChemTrails” or just a natural phenomenon. This is not the first time I have seen this kind of thing around my neighborhood but I rarely stop to take pictures.

I can honestly tell you that I have never been really caught up in the whole ChemTrail conspiracy theory, although I do find it interesting to read about. I am not presenting these pictures with the claim that they are in fact Chemtails, so don’t expect me to defend the pictures as being Chemtails. You see what you get. I watched them carefully while we picked out our pumpkins and couldn’t help but think, “Is this just a natural phenomenon?”

I really don’t know but they look as impressive as any Chemtrail pictures (and accompanying video) I have ever seen posted on ATS, I place them here for your opinions and commentary.

I would have had this stuff up earlier but I was preoccupied with the pumpkin carving.

Photo Info:
Taken facing west in Sterling Heights Michigan near Hall (M-59) and Hayes roads on October 17, 2010 at 2pm.
Near 42˚38.128’N 82˚58.030’W (About a mile SW of this location.)

The Video:

The pictures:

Looking West:

Looking South:

Looking South-West:

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:59 PM
I work in the Fenton/ Linden/ Gaines area and have seen a lot of that the last few weeks.
My job requires me to drive around all day so I am always looking up.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Hey John....I'm south of you in Wyandotte and saw and photographed the same thing....It was either chemtrails or morning glory clouds....I really don't see what else that # could have been....I also photographed a nice almost circular one...

Strangely enough, I took my video during a trip in the country to the pumpkin patch too....Big open skies...But that # today was waaaay over the top....Someone debunk his photos....Then I'll provide mine if needed...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Wow, must be one very busy airport nearby..
Also the conditions must have been just right for consistent contrails..
I sure hope the local air traffic controllers are on the ball with that many flights.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:02 PM
Wow you guys...Me too...It seemingly stopped for a while and in the past couple weeks has been very active...I'm still the kook in my neighborhood who looks up all day...But someday this will become public knowledge...Something is clearly happening....I saw a jet flying with 4 distinct streams behind it...It left a long trail of two parallel strings and the contrails (the other two) that desolved into the air after a minute as all other flights I saw during that time...WTF?
edit on 17-10-2010 by Mattfig because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Mattfig

I saw a jet flying with 4 distinct streams behind it...It left a long trail of two parallel strings and the contrails (the other two) disapated as all other flights I saw during that time...WTF?

Now that would be worth filming...
4 trails but only 2 dissapating? Cool,,,

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Wow, must be one very busy airport nearby..
Also the conditions must have been just right for consistent contrails..
I sure hope the local air traffic controllers are on the ball with that many flights.

The closest major airport is Detroit Metro and it is about 50 minutes to an hour from my house in good trafffic. Not sure of the distance but we never have low commercial airplane traffic.

There is a small airport (cessna hobbiest type) about a mile a way but I only saw a single small fixed wing in the air (much lower than the trails...maybe 1000 feet and had just taken off). I did not hear or see any other planes. Not sure what to make of this!

Selfridge Air National Gaurd is about 3 miles away to the East. Usually you can hear the thunder and roar of them playing their games on the weekend. There was was no military aircraft flying over today. Sometimes we get groups of Chinooks going over the house and you can hear them clearly. Sometimes fighter jets (3 at a time) doing manuvers and once I had a B-2 directly over my house (what a cool sight that was!) But I haven't heard nor seen anything today and I had the patio door open most of the afternoon
edit on 17-10-2010 by JonInMichigan because: typo

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:11 PM
I'm dead east of Detroit Metro Airport and have always observed the flight patterns and which runways are in use since I was young...I guess I'm probably 10-12 miles east of Metro...The whole chemtrail thing resonates with me because it came outta nowhere and is steadily done right over my house and straight into Canada....When it's on, the sky looks crazy..I really don't understand why there is no explanation....It's sooooooo obvious....Most friends, relative,s even my wife, think I'm crazy....I don't get how they don't see it!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by Mattfig

I saw a jet flying with 4 distinct streams behind it...It left a long trail of two parallel strings and the contrails (the other two) disapated as all other flights I saw during that time...WTF?

Now that would be worth filming...
4 trails but only 2 dissapating? Cool,,,

That is when I first realized my new phone does not have a video camera...But it was right over me and I have the HD cam ready if I see it again...Anyone care to start a metro detroit chemtrail blog? I don't even know how to go about it - but I could contribute some interesting stuff now that I have a good camera on hand...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Thanks, my post was sarcasm, waiting for the debunkers.
I'm not sure the Gov or anybody else is spraying deadly chemicals, but pics like yours are everywhere and never really explained..s&f btw,

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Oz Weatherman may have some balloon information regarding these specific trails, but unless someone posts the actual spraying operation in effect (typically from unmarked aircraft, with claims that commercial aircraft are involved), the topic and its background are well-covered here, from both sides of the fence. Photos like this will not likely add much to what has already been said. But here's some food for thought.

For the past few years investigators and researchers have been searching for hard evidence on the elusive phenomena of chemtrail spraying. If one searches GoogleNews for articles on chemtrails in (with 4500 periodicals represented) not one article will be found. There is simply no coverage on this topic in the mainstream media.

Imagine our surprise when we discovered extensive proof of government involvement, funding, sponsorship, multidisciplinary research, policy making and implementation of global atmospheric modification under the classification of 'Geoengineering.' This is the chemtrail smoking gun we have been looking for.


These chemtrail spraying programs, which are apparently being conducted on a worldwide basis, are evident to anyone who has the desire to look up and perceive the evidence. Yet, definitive proof has remained elusive.

Total denial by governmental authorities, the shunning of this topic by mainstream media, the systematic discreditation of researchers, ongoing coverups by the scientific establishment, and a coordinated systematic policy of disinformation has relegated this topic to the realm of fantasy and paranoid delusion. Regardless, it continues to go on above our heads, and has now grown to become the largest coordinated global engineering project in the history of our species. How can I make such a preposterous claim?

Aircraft Mechanic Discusses Chemtrail Spray Equipment Aboard Commercial Aircraft

Chemtrail Pilot has Breakdown, Speaks Out

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Thanks, my post was sarcasm, waiting for the debunkers.
I'm not sure the Gov or anybody else is spraying deadly chemicals, but pics like yours are everywhere and never really explained..s&f btw,

Ok...hahaha.... I'm approaching this with an open mind. A lot of people post pictures of a couple of squiggy lines and say "explain that!" Well, as my wife put it, "It looks like farmers field rows in the sky!"

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

I should mention one thing. If one looked north-east the sky was blue and clear. I thought I would mention that for completeness.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Mattfig
It's sooooooo obvious....Most friends, relative,s even my wife, think I'm crazy....I don't get how they don't see it!

lol, I quit pointing it out to my friends/family they all laugh it off.

Anyone care to start a metro Detroit chemtrail blog?

I'll start taking more pics, however all I have is my cell camera. I have a few pics from a couple months ago in the Davison area.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Well I'm on the fence with poisonous chemtrails simply because there would be far easier ways to poison the population. Water etc.
But that doesn't mean they're not geoengineering for some reason.
As for no pics of the actual spraying, if I was the devious type, I would spray at night/early morning when you could not film the trails and most people are in bed.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by scitpeks

Daily Mail article lies about the causes of chemtrails

Editor Note:

If you have never heard of chemtrails / geoengineering before or if you have studied the subject in-depth the article called The Company of Howard Hughes’ Climate Change Fight - Old Govt Documentation On Geoengineering, is one of the most informative articles on the subject of chemtrails / geoengineering.

When you compare it to the Daily Mail article below on the same subject you will see a clear picture of how the mainstream media can sell the public any lie as long as it sounds credible and if you never heard about chemtrails before you could easily find yourself agreeing to it, believing it makes perfect sense. After all it sounds quite credible and they even have scientists and cloud experts explaining this new theory of what causes this supposedly new phenomenon.

I'm not trying to be arrogant in the presentation of any of this, but there's so much to uncover. It becomes apparant quite quickly that the scope of this issue is so massive that it creates Stockholm Syndrome, and with the help of some devoted disinfo agents, can easily be deflected by those who would keep it under wraps. Please glance at this collection to see the nature of the beast we are dealing with.

Archive for the ‘Global Warming Agenda’ Category

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:51 PM
You have contrails, and lots of them. But you also have lots of cirrus clouds, so the conditions are right for them to form and persist.
Detroit is a busy airport. Fifty minutes to an hour away in good traffic doesn't mean anything to a plane going around 500 MPH. And contrails do not form from "low commercial" airplane traffic; they form very high up. The perspective might make them look low, but they are about 25,000 to 40,000 feet up. One of the things perspecitve also does is make them look they are all joining just over the horizon; they aren't.

Assuming a flight altitude of 39,000, the pilots horizon is 235 miles away. Assuming you have a clear view and are six feet tall, your horizon is only 3 miles away. Why is this important? Because the perspecitve makes things seem much nearer than they are and even the slightest distance beneath a contrail works out to be miles. So what you see as being near, isn't. What you see as being just below the trails wasn't a mere 1,000 feet, it was closer to 30,000 ft.

And finally, they are contrails. Tests have been done, many, many times by many different entities for many different reasons. They have all shown the expected products of exhaust from jet fuel through a jet engine. There are many more planes in the air over just a few years ago; more planes, means more contrails. Unless and until someone is able to do some accurate, valid testing of a trail in situ, like science does, that shows anything not expected, there are no "chemtrails". It is an internet myth only, started and fueled by people who don't know and understand science, to people who don't know and understand science and who will accept anything with a mystique while avoiding actual facts.
To all the men who's wives think they are nuts, your wife is right.
To all the people who think a picture shows cannot tell the chemical composition of anything using only your eyes, especially something miles away. All a picture or video shows is that someone knew how to use a camera and a computer AND that they don't understand basic science about the atmosphere. Try it yourself: make two piles the same size, one of salt, the other sugar. Take a picture. See if anyone can tell the two apart. Same thing. Contrails are made of the same stuff as clouds, so will look like clouds, act like clouds and persist like clouds. It's water people. And pollution. Just like a cloud.
Do I get bonus points for being the first debunker?
edit on 17-10-2010 by stars15k because: missing a space

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

A lot of contrails, that lasted for some time, apparently.

First, I looked up on an aeronautical chart (you can too) and your location is very near the Salem VORTAC. That facility has, as part of the normal Jet Airway route structure, "Jet 70" airway, that runs almost precisely West/East, in your location.

I don't know how to grab a screenshot, so you'll have to go to, and when the page loads, look for the box, upper left corner to input a location. KDTW (for Detroit Wayne) works fine. Click 'Go", and a VFR Sectional will load. That is for low-altitude reference, so you want to find a button labeled "Enroute H-10", that brings up the High-Altitude (over 18,000 feet) chart. So, you will see the Airways, and "J-70" there.

I'm guessing (the winds aloft can be checked) that there was a fairly strong, slightly angled north or south wind, at altitude. Angled to the magnetic course of the Airway. So, as the airplanes fly past, reference to points located on the ground (the Airway Route structure) their contrails will drift along, with the prevailing winds, after being formed. The regularity is accounted for by the fact that the airplanes likely had a certain regular spacing, when laying down the contrails, as they flew by. Remember, too, that just a few thousand feet vertically, separating those different contrails, will be hard to gauge from seven miles beneath them.

Found this link to aviation winds aloft for time period...closest to your area is Muskegon, for reporting and forecasting purposes. The winds cover broad areas, and localized differences are minor.

Wind direction was forecast 280 degrees TRUE (not magnetic, as the Aeronautical charts are oriented to). And, you can see at 34,000 feet, about 96 MPH velocity. Magnetic Variation in your area is about 5 degrees west, so the winds magnetic direction would be about 285. That gives them about a ten degree angle across the Airway...and made the contrails space so evenly, as you saw.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by stars15k

You have contrails, and lots of them. But you also have lots of cirrus clouds, so the conditions are right for them to form and persist.
Detroit is a busy airport. Fifty minutes to an hour away in good traffic doesn't mean anything to a plane going around 500 MPH. And contrails do not form from "low commercial" airplane traffic; they form very high up.

I guess then it would be interesting to know where the OP is on the map and what recognized flight paths may account for the multiple trails he has filmed..

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Must be the "good" chemtrails since there are Army bases right there...

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