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Interesting Past Couple of Nights in My House

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Good evening AboveTopSecret,

You may remember quite a while ago (something like three and a half months) I posted in the Paranormal Studies forum (but it was then moved to the Gray Area) mentioning that I felt a presence in my house when I am alone. Not sure if you guys remember...but if you would like a refresher:
Strong Feeling that I'm being Watched

Now, I decided to post this in the Paranormal Studies forum because I have (what I believe) might be more evidence pointing towards an actual paranormal experience. Ah, enough blabbering about the why, and more with the what.

Early this morning, I was laying in my bed talking to my lady friend before she left for school and right as I was hanging up the phone, I saw a shadow (in my almost completely pitch black room) move at a medium speed from left to right. If it was a shadow person, I believe that it was probably around seven to eight feet tall. A bit of a continuation of my thread from before, I must say that the feeling has stayed quite the same. I feel at times that I am being watched, but it strikes me as odd that it has not really become stronger or gone away. If I wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, even when others are home, I feel a direct connection with "it". My problem is that when it's late at night, I feel an immense feeling of fear. Really startled, but mid day, when I am alone, it almost seems like it's just there and sort of ignoring me. Like we know each other is there but we do nothing to interact.

I know it sounds nuts, I really felt nuts saying it and it takes a bit of courage to say things like that because of the flaming that can go on, but honestly, I feel like it is something paranormal. When I saw the shadow last night, it almost confirmed it for me. Not to mention the numerous other noises I hear when I am home alone in my own room - I hear noises all through the house. Some are the house giving and settling, but others are noises you would hear if someone bumped into something out in the living room or something. I never did actually try to contact it yet, I guess you can call me a coward, but I feel rather startled sometimes. Also, when I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep sometimes I feel like it is right behind me - I turn my TV on and it the feeling subsides a bit.

I know it seems like I might have a mental disorder - If I did, with the symptoms I mentioned...What could it be?
With that asked, I still like to think it is a paranormal situation. I started noticing it when I started researching paranormal subjects about two years ago. This is another reason I strongly believe it is a spirit or something similar. So please, let me know what you think of my updated situation - I will also look back at the old thread myself and read up on what everyone said then as well. Thank you in advance

edit on 10/15/2010 by philosearcher because: to remove emoticon.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by philosearcher

Tall black shape, seen as blacker than the black of darkness in your room. Bad stuff, in my opinion. Some of my family members and I have seen such things in and around my house. It doesn't appear unless a person is alone, too.

We don't believe it is a benevelent entity. I suggest you don't try to make contact with it. You just might find yourself face to face with something you cannot protect yourself from. Either leave it alone or do what we have done before. Tell it with great force of emotion to "Get out! You are not welcome here!"

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for that
As I mentioned before, I do not feel as though it is an evil presence just I get disturbed...I think it's fright triggered by not knowing what it is rather than malevolent intentions of the entity. Either way, I understand what you're saying and I really did not have any plans to try and contact it...The one thing that makes me feel like I'm crazy though is that I am the only one who has ever experienced anything. My girlfriend once felt a hand on her back and at multiple times believes I say something when I don't...but other than that, it's just me that notices anything.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 12:54 AM
I responded to your previous thread, and I do believe you, and I do know that it is something paranormal.

Things you can do: Take back your house. Explain, command, the spirit that it leave your house and all of your energetic space. Explain to it that you are uncomfortable with its precense and you require it to leave at once. Use incense or a smudging stick to help, although not always neccessary.

Do nothing: understand that spirits are not bound by physical boundaries and it may be an earthbound spirit who became attracted to your spirit while you were "out and about" or it could be from a prior tenant. Unless is threatens your safety, most spirits are completely harmless. Being scared by spirits, is generally not intentional, and they are just curious to see what your doing.

Should you need further help trying to get rid of your paranormal visitor, please U2U me and I can help further instruct you. I have helped many folks here on ATS with their paranormal problems.


posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 04:19 PM
You said you feel a connection with it...

How so?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by HojotheGreat

Ah, call me a quack, but it's almost like one of those "John Edwards" kind of connection, if you know what I mean. I do believe in mediumship and clairvoyance and have looked into those topics a bit, and I'm not sure, but I wonder sometimes if it is the reason I am thinking about this so much. To answer your question though, I feel connected as if it "knows" me, or maybe I am the only one in the household it has an interest to. I'm not sure, and it sounds almost like a fantasy (which I am really trying not to make it into that) but almost as if it's just friendly and like xynephadyn said, it could just be curious as to what I am doing...It's really hard to explain actually. I said about it scaring the living daylights out of me but I feel "connected" to it. Ah, I'm sorry if I install confusion into your minds, really not meaning to. I think the best way to put it is that I am really interested in this kind of thing (spirits and other paranormal phenomena) and I like to think they're all benevolent and happy and curious, except I am still in the unknown at what it is for sure and it freaks me out. Ah, in any case, thanks for the replies guys and gals

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by philosearcher

I experienced something akin to what you report back when I first moved into my present house. I was pregnant when we moved in and I was doing well and not sensing anything unusual. Then my parents insisted I take one of a pair of twin beds they had that was in my old bedroom in their house. I didn't want to because I'd always had sleep paralysis in their house and dreams about being choked by some invisible roaring demon. One of these twin beds had been my dad's and he had been plagued by night terrors as a child and would scream in his sleep and could not be awakened easily or comforted.

I felt a sense of unease once that bed was in our house and some resentment because I didn't really want it but my dad insisted. He wanted more space. All was fairly normal the rest of my pregnancy but after I came home with the new baby everything went bad for me.

As I have discussed elsewhere on this forum I was hounded day and night by a deep hum sound almost lime a large truck idling and shaking the ground. I felt watched at times. I felt cold drafts that I have not experienced since in this house. I saw shadowy things of various size and shape.

My husband could sense nothing. Our cats were my only evidence I wasn't imagining everything. They nice chased a small shadow into the bedroom wall where I too had seen it go and they stared at that wall for a long time.

I had a newborn to take care of but was growing too terrified to really enjoy being a mom. I finally looked a total wreck and it was just getting unbearable hearing someone walking around the house and finding nobody there. The twin bed meanwhile was in the nursery which my daughter wouldn't sleep in. The cats went in there and peed all over the bed and ruined it.

There was even one night when I was sitting in bed reading and my cat was on the bed and the bed shook and lifted slightly without apparent cause. Come to think of it there were so many odd things happening at this time of my life I'd run out of time and room describing it all.

I just took a very practical open minded approach. I reported just enough of my troubles to my doctor so I could get meds in case this was all some form of mental illness. Such a thing has appeared in my family before especially relating to hormone imbalances so I had to be open to the possibility. I got put on a med to balance my serotonin levels. Zoloft. My official diagnosis was extreme post partum depression with elements of psychosis or something to that effect. I was lucid and rational so I could tell the doc felt bad sticking that label on me but I earnestly endorsed it. Anything to improve my situation so I could be a great mom. I did go only after the baby was old enough to be weaned. I wanted to nurse at least a full year so I suffered all these manifestations that long plus a few months extra.

I also kept an open mind to the paranormal possibilities and devised a house cleansing ritual that I carried out with my parents and we kind of threw sea salt all over the house and yard and prayed and ordered evil spirits to depart and benign ones to rest. And then for good measure I had that damned bed carted off to the dump.

Does all this sound absolutely silly? Of course it While I had to put up with it it was devastating. I am proud I had the guts and pragmatism to consider all my options and take every step that made sense for each possible scenario. Since I did everything all at once I will never know which treatment was the true cure but everything went back to normal right away. I do sometimes still see those weird shadow things but only if I spend too much time reading about them on ATS or get caught up being fearful or pessimistic about something.
edit on 18-10-2010 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: Sorry for typos. iPad won't let me scroll to make corrections.

edit on 18-10-2010 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: iPad won't let me scroll to correct typos. "lime" was supposed to be "like" and "nice" is really "once" in the first few paragraphs.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Sorry since I can't edit my post to clarify I have to post again instead. To clarify, the bed I felt shake and lift up was my own in our master bedroom and not the creepy twin bed in the nursery.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:23 PM
I used to experience shadow people and still do from time to time. However, I guess my experience differs in that I always experience it while falling asleep or waking up. Could be a trick of the brain but I dont think so for this reason and only for this reason. When I first started experiencing it I kind of shrugged it off and it became more and more intense the more ignored it. So after discussing with with someone who didnt think it was my imagination or that I was crazy, I told it to go away. I felt a connection with it as well, but it was more of a telepathic connection because I could never speak when whatever it is was around. But anyway after that night when I told it to leave it subsided. It still happens from time to time and I do the same thing and it stays away for months/years at a time. Hope this helps.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

When I was experiencing all the things I described I think that due to a combination of post pregnancy hormones and insufficient sleep my brain chemistry got messed up enough to mimic the state the mind is in when it's between being asleep and awake. I distinctly remember my sensory input feeling off like I was experiencing even ordinary things as in a dream. I remember no matter how many lights I turned on in the house I felt everything was too dark. I usually only experience that problem in my dreams.

So I do think a lot of my issues were a result of the chemical state of my mind at the time. But I don't think all manifestations were a product of my mind. Due to my and a third person's sighting of shadow beings around a different family member when they were suffering mental illness, I believe it's possible that actual entities of some sort can exploit a disordered mind as a conduit into our ordinary existence. So that they manifest so that others can see or experience them, too.

Anyway if there's a lot of so called paranormal stuff going on, I think it can't hurt to be open to examine how messed up brain chemistry or unbalanced hormones could permit a conduit for these manifestations. As well as cause outright mere hallucinations of them. I am often frustrated with friends who either want to dismiss everything as imagined or go the other extreme and say everything is paranormal. I think the mind can mix in a bit of both and also be exploited by third party outside "entities" just to add to the confusion. Oh yay.

That's my best guess anyway. I'll not claim to be an expert on it.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:58 PM
I know I personally would try to contact the said entity. With my mind especially, because our minds are more powerful than we know, so if you feel a sort of connection, try talking to it, aloud or inside your head whichever you prefer. Try to keep an open mind and write down what thoughts come to you when you think about it, or answers you get when trying to communicate.

Be careful, but know that as long as you know in your body and mind that nothing can hurt you, you should be fine. I know some others may think that you have to do a ritual, but in my opinion thoughts are just as powerful.

Have fun, and keep us updated!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:16 AM
A humble thank you to all who replied. I was monitoring this thread right after I posted my last post but when I looked away it actually sparked up into a bunch of replies

As for the near future - I will keep everyone posted. Recently, I've not felt too odd in the house. Last night while I was online I kept seeing a shadowy object "poke it's head" around the corner from our hallway. Can't be sure if it was the entity or not (I only ever saw it out of the corner of my eye, when I looked away it wouldn't be there), but it caught me off guard the first couple of times and then I got used to it until it altogether stopped.

My girlfriend's father recently passed away just in March, I wanted to tell myself it was him because he was really a great guy. These things kind of started happening then, so I kind of just made the connection.

If I can muster the courage to try and speak with it, I will make sure to let you all know how it went. I don't know if ATS would appreciate another thread about my haunted if some time goes by and anyone is interested and doesn't hear anything from me, feel free to U2U me.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by philosearcher

Oh. I'm very sorry for your loss. I do hope you keep us posted. I'm subscribed to this thread and will check for updates. I do indeed see shadow "things" mostly via peripheral vision or so quickly I can't see them head on. I would have thought the first time I experienced this phenomena that it was just my imagination but my dad told me he saw them too around the same time I did. This was in conjunction with a different time frame and set of circumstances than the one I outlined about my post partum "haunting". I never heard of other people experiencing this until I found ATS. The common elements of various reports lead me to believe it is some sort of external manifestation and not something imagined. Good luck and may you be protected by goodness as you deal with this issue.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by philosearcher
I'm not sure what you may have encountered,but it seems to me these shadow people sightings are on the increase,I'm not trying to derail your thread or take it in another direction,is it me or is there an overall increase in paranormal activity?lots of people have witnessed these entity's,not sure if it the earthly changes or that we are just speaking of them more openly?I have not seen anything like what you describe but I do find this subject extremely fascinating.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

The first time I ever experienced a shadow entity was around the very early 1990's. I never experienced them prior to that though I'd experienced sleep paralysis manifestations and saw other inexplicable things since early childhood. A lot of people seem to think shadow entities and the black eyed kids phenomena are somehow linked. The BEK story first appeared around 1997 or 1998. Somewhere on the Montalk site I linked to earlier the site author stated our planet had passed through some significant place in the galaxy or universe around that time. I'm sorry to be vague. If I try to minimize this page to find the reference I'll lose my reply. But the thing I'm getting at is we supposedly passed some sort of place in the universe where we supposedly would have more interfacing with other dimensions and that date is approximately around the time the first reported BEK encounter took place. Who knows?

Between respected ATS member Oz Weatherman giving a respectable account of his own BEK encounter and some good consistent reports on shadow people I'm willing to be open to reasonable theories and conjectures.

Getting back to the OP for a moment I have never personally experienced the return or contact with a departed loved one in the form of a shadow entity nor have I heard anyone else mention such a thing. I've had what I consider genuine and comforting contact with departed loved ones in the form of dreams and once seeing a traditional ghost who actually spoke to me and identified herself and stated her purpose for the manifestation. I was definitely caught between dreaming and coming awake at that point. I also encountered what must have been ghosts in the traditional form while totally awake and aware. Those seemed of the residual recorded energy kind that just play like a looped video and didn't seem interactive at all. But never have I encountered one of those shadow things and felt it was someone I ever knew or felt that it was in any way kindred to humanity. If anything, I would guess that feelings of fear or grief for an actual loved one just attract and energize these things. For example in my first sighting of them and my dad saw them, too, they often surrounded my mom as she grieved the passing of my dad's father whom she was close to and loved like her own father. They were not a comforting presence and in fact my mom was having a nervous breakdown at the time. My personal opinion is that they are best ignored and discouraged by just trying to stay positive and focused on the what we can sense of the physical material world while we are still lucky enough to be a part of it.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Speaking of peripheral shadow sightings...At my old place of employment, mostly everyone there saw something out of the corner of their eye but when they went to look there was nothing there. Literally I was like

But thank you for the contribution to the thread, and the condolence. I took it much easier than my girlfriend did. When you mentioned never hearing of a loved one come back as a shadow entity, it clicked in my head and I thought the same thing. I've never heard of that either, but I wonder if there could be a possible connection with a lost loved one in an attempt to protect me from whatever the shadow creature is? Also, one night I walked out of my bathroom and out of my hallway. I saw a really low and kind of long entity dash at maybe a medium speed from my kitchen to my living room (it was a short distance, my house is rather small). That one made me jump a little, but I never saw that one again. The next one I saw was a few weeks later when I saw the one in my room.
Honestly, the fear that I get when these things show themselves I believe it might just be the fear of not knowing what they are. I do not necessarily feel threatened by their presence, just a little spooked. I do not really feel as though they are a danger to me.

TWILITE22 - I totally agree. It seems as though there might be a rise in all paranormal activity. To me it begs the question "why?" but on the other hand, it guess it could just be how we percieve it. Maybe there was always this much activity but people always turned the other cheek if you know what I mean. Hmm, not sure...But I agree with you that it is very fascinating. I've always had an interest in the paranormal, and while this kind of spooks the heck out of me from time to time, I do enjoy having the mystery and the opportunity to overcome my fear and really investigate.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by philosearcher

Oh yes, that long low fast moving shadow that one in my yard late one night a few weeks ago when I was walking my dog. We had the outdoor light on. I always try to take a rational logical approach and I could POSSIBLY explain it as some sort of real shadow forming as a result of the outdoor patio light causing us to cast shadows I wouldn't readily identify as part of my own...except this shadow made the dog jump! I have a big tough dog that doesn't spook easily. But the shadow moved faster than our own movements could account for and while I did not physically react to seeing it, the dog sure did. I was startled, too, but over the years I have tended to train myself to not jump when startled. I usually freeze instead. It usually works better that way even in normal circumstances--less likely to spill stuff in the kitchen for example!

And right after I saw that one, I looked up and saw a larger one about 8 feet tall and man shaped, but like a man hunching over, walk very fast across the street from one neighbor's house to another. I keep trying to tell myself it was just a deer.

The little shadows that could almost pass for cats in their size and speed and motion don't strike any fear in me but the larger ones do. Not because of size alone but somehow I sense a difference in their natures though superficially they seem to be different size varieties of the same phenomena. In my worst post partum days I experienced one that seemed to swoop over me like a bat as I was changing my daughter's diaper on the changing pad on the bed. I actually screamed and ran back a few steps. Coward!

I think I can only see these things when I have been thinking on supernatural subjects or anything too scary for too long. So when I visit ATS I always try to mix my reading material to include the political subjects and some more off the wall ones. It's always my joke that I read the Chupacabras stories as a sort of brain bleach. It's not that I ridicule the belief of them, or outright scoff at them, but it's always funny to see some poor animal with a bad case of mange presented as a Chupa. (Not that it's funny to see an animal suffering from a horrible disease, mind you, but that people are so easily hoodwinked into thinking these are chupas). Plus just the name Chupacabras makes me giggle like a little kid. I just hope if they are real, I never see one though.

edit on 21-10-2010 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: Edited for clarification of a point and correcting a typo

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:15 AM
It looks like you have gotten some hopeful responses. You know that in every topic like this, both sides have to be layed out. I'm going to speak for the skeptics because someone always has to.

What you are describing sounds a lot like the feeling I got as a kid when I was afraid of the dark. I had a strong imagination and I believe it fused with my concept of reality to instill a true fear out of virtually nothing. The feeling of something watching you, or something being there, could easily be from thinking about it. Maybe the "it" is just the thought itself; he potential for what you considered to be real.

I try to go by "If you don't know, don't judge." I really do want to believe in entities and such, if only because the idea is so fantastic. I am not you so I can't judge whether or not you saw something beyond your imagination.

But just as a protocol, I have to say what any good skeptic would say... Maybe you are imagining things, maybe what you saw and what you feel is all in your head.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Bananarama

Hey thanks
I had let this thread go for a while as I have not been on ATS as much except for on the mobile site. I apologize if anyone is not exactly excited that I am posting to a possibly 'dead' thread, but I did want to thank Bananarama for the input. It makes sense, and I am really not going to say that my imagination had absolutely nothing to do with it.

However, to keep everyone posted on how things are going now that a bit of time has passed, I must say that things have gotten much better. I do not know what happened...maybe the entity (if it is a spirit or other unseen being) just moved on? Could it have been simply nothing more than my imagination? Personally, I doubt it...but like I said I am not going to say that's impossible. More or less, I guess I just stopped paying so much attention to it...which is why I thought maybe it just moved on. Not sure...Honestly, I feel a bit of relief but (and I know this does not make much sense at all) in a way I feel a little bummed. Not that I am trying to invite it back, it was just an odd and unique experience.

From time to time, I still get minor odd feelings and hear noises (just the run of the mill bumps, which could be chalked up to the house settling) but nothing as bad as what I mentioned in this thread or my last thread. I mean, it was never all that awful just pretty frightening at times. Finally, I hope this made at least a little bit of sense, I understand that I swayed back and forth a bit in this post...But to me it makes sense. If you have any questions just ask.

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