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There WILL be war in the U.S.!

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:56 AM
There WILL be war!

It is simply NOT avoidable.

Some scenarios to consider:
1. As far as the global masters are concerned, Americans are only good for tax revenues or as warriors fighting globalist wars. The Americans are losing their ability to pay these tax revenues and they have their backs against the wall. The federal government is afraid of the military, so much so they are attempting to lock them out of the elections. Also, the federal government will be UNABLE to pay the military. Eventually, the Americans will stop fighting these foreign wars en masse. Worse, a great many of them could be killed while overseas in a false flag attack to prevent their being of use to patriots back home.
2. The Banks will force the hand of Congress on the foreclosure issue to validate their crimes. This will mean a line in the sand will be drawn between the Americans and the Big Banks. Congress has to choose a side. History teaches that Congress will choose the wrong side. The affect would be wholesale revolt, and we know how governments treat revolts.
3. Hyperinflation is historically what happens when you print money backed by nothing to fund government liabilities. This is the current path taken with the full knowledge of the risks involved. The destruction of the American way of life will be the reality, with domestic rioting and food wars the result.

Strike three.

Anything could set things off, though, when things start getting real ugly.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Stewie

I posted some links to validate my scenarios, but one or more conflicts with ATS copyright policy. Since I am not sure which of the six links posted, I will refrain from posting any links.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Stewie

The best strategy of any nation wishing to conquer us would be to simply from the shadows continue to fuel us to another civil war. It wouldn't take much...

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Righthaven has been causing trouble with some sites using their articles lately.
Perhaps you linked one that they control?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Sounds good to me, the sooner the better. I grow tired of this world and the ones running it.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Just wondering where you came up with any of this, What is your research material? I was in the military and still know many people serving. I can tell you that not being paid is not going to change many people serving right now. You don't join the military service for the money.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by shadow watcher

That is likely.

Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by amc621

True, but you must have the ability to buy food and drink. What circumstances sent the Russians home?

These are scary times for all of us, and the military overseas are particularly vulnerable. I am not calling them traitors because they will insist on being paid.

Thanks for the comment.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Stewie

You didn't answer my question, where do you come up with these conclusions? Is this just something you made up in your own head?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Sure is starting to look like the people are getting "Fed Up" with all the corporate and banking
thieves ripping us off all the time isn't it? In any case, I don't think it will come to a civil war,
a revolution maybe but not a civil war. Just look overseas and what is happening over there,
people marching in the streets and organizing themselves and here the marches in Washington
which are being ignored by the MSM. Interesting is the investigation into the Mortgage crisis
where 50 states are investigating what is going on there. Methinks issues for sure........

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by amc621

One at a time, so that I will not lose ALL of the links by posting ONE copyright violation.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Another link...

Let's try two more, there should be no problem with these.

I think the "U.S. Military in revolt" link was the one that poop canned my links.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Another that helped me come to my conclusions.

To answer the question, is it all in my head? The answer is yes and no. These are MY conclusions, but the evidence of a breakdown are all around us. There are lessons in history on how these are handled by governments.

I can bring those links if you like.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Thanks for the link, however something like that doesn't help your case. These times are tough, no doubt about it. Still this is not the late 1920s, WWI or WWII or 60's where this country suffered from so much racial hatred.

I appreciate your's, and anyone's, opinions, however lets make sure you tell people this is MY opinion, not a statement of fact.

By the way, I think your opinion is WAY off base.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by amc621

Events will determine whether it is a statement of fact, just as events will determine whether YOUR statements are factual.
Invariably, when one analyzes trends, they make predictions based upon those trends. They may do so silently, or they may do so on ATS. I choose ATS.

Thanks for your comments. We shall see.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:38 PM
or, we could do something like pressure the people of america to watch these senators and every official in general as if they are stalking them. every one of them is human, and every human being seems to have a deep dark secret about them.we pressure them to actually study the people who are being elected,and ignore basicly everything the msm gives you. you befriend members of the miliatary, the police, realizing these people too are human. they have families too, even in high places of power. yes, its true that riots are a terrible thing, but what happens when the riot police are in favor of the mob, pushing revolt to protect their families, and their freedoms? nobody wants this, but we can avoid it, we just seem to procrastinate, and lay down to take it.
the war has already begun, its called the war on terror, and it started years before the wtc buildings were even built by the same companies that prophit from their destruction. we are in a war on terror, but the lines on who we should be terrified of are being blurred, and every freedom is ticking away more and more the longer we take to stand up and say "wait a second, something isnt right."
paypal, walmart, and oil are the devil, hahaha
now they record EVERY call and text to make the world a safer place, when before 9/11 kicked presidents out of the flippin white house for wire taps in a specific few key places. why.. the hel... is it now ok to look through every single thing just bc you thing you own the airwaves they are transmitted on now? wtf changed so drasticly? you people were fooled into seeing that the still terrible loss of life from the towers were more important than anything else. i mean jesus, there were no jets that saw the highjacked plane and thought, "huh, they are going straight toward manhattan where they can kill 20 times more people than occupy the plane, should we take them down? our f16s could have with ease, but they didnt. on the other hand, didnt one allegedly crash in a field in the middle of nowhere, but still relatively close enough to hit dc? could it be possible this plane was one that wasnt "sticking with the plan" and was the only one to be shot down? so, we need help from the people in this country, and the people in other countries across the world that are starting to see how muc of a slippery slope it has become. we gotta wake the hell up people, this is rediculous, but if you dont, the war the op has stated could possibly be 2012. could just be when the shadow government decided to enact the final part of the plan that would insure it was in the clear so to say. needless to say, i will most likely get a visit from my friends with a sharp escalade and navy blue suits, who also wanted me to stop my research of an electromagnetic generator/call for inventive individuals to invent one with magnetics also known as lodestones, some of the most powerful. now why, would nsa not want that? its a curious thing really, but why go to the trouble, when a generalors powered by these powerful magnets could run indeffinitely, putting the components of gasoline generators into the obsolete category. now when i sat down and thought about it, they do that with projects they want to be the ones to discover. think about it, you discover something so simple as infinite power that surpasses nuclear technology for everything but raw destruction. maybe this explains the push to burn up all the fossil fuels we have, you make heeeeellllaaa bank the whole way there, and once the wells start drying up, you come out with a "prototype (you mastered decades ago) to pull all of humanity in its hour of need, for a nominal fee of course, in case statues, or nobel prizes in their honor arent enough. just stand up and say something isnt right, and even if that isnt true, you will look at them a little bit closer. but like when children do something that they arent supposed to do. if someone is not there to set an example, and correct them, they will never give up that behavior bc they know they can get away with it. take control of your country before it takes control of you

ps- cant wait for our chat agent p****, as you can see, ive shown no proof this time, and thus will be labelled as a quackpotas as i call it, please just have the respect to come talk to me directly, not through people at work. you know you just wanted it to seem like i was on the run from the cia or some #, they were terrified for their life. its one thing to fight a war on terror, another to use terror as your own means to information gathering and manipulation

i no longer underestimate the government with good reason. it has been a pleasure to grow on this planet with so many of you at my side, but if that ends because of my tendency to be open, and think it right to want even simple minded people who dont have the capacity for research can at least start thinking. maybe it would be a spark to keep thinking, and they will no longer be simple minded.

much love--quackpot

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by amc621

As for the first Great Depression,
I tend to agree with Gerald Celente at Trends Research Institute.
Watch the short video on the home page, and check out his latest. He doesn't run away from his predictions.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Mr. D

Those guys overseas don't have the world reserve currency (dollar) as their currency, we do. This has delayed the affects of the mismanagement of our economy. But, the plans have been laid for a new currency, and the chickens will come home to roost for Americans.
Thanks for the comment.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Have you ever heard of chicken little? Give anything a long enough time line and it will happen. And should this post not be in the predictions thread?

I am sick and tired of these threads trolling for flags.
edit on 14-10-2010 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

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