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This is a strange one, Villiage in Chinese mountain dissapears after UFO sightings.

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
i just watched the vid, don´t know what to make of it actually.
strange blue light, lots of noise.

got one little question though, if the village dissapeared how did the footage get out?
or did the inhabitants flee?
surely there must be some more footage of this..

thanks for bringing it to my attention

To answer your question as to how the footage got out. From what I understand the footage was not shoot from the village. The big blue light is seen coming from where the village is known to be. The footage was shoot from miles away for the village its self. That is my understanding of it.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

for the last time, the footage IS NOT OF THE VILLAGE INCIDENT. it was reused from May 2010, when it was posted as BEIJING UFO.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Am I missing something or incredibly naive?

I just saw a large blue light and some excited sounding Chinese dialogue. Doesn't equate to a UFO to me???

Hey maybe they want YOU to believe?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by ceetee
reply to post by fixer1967

for the last time, the footage IS NOT OF THE VILLAGE INCIDENT. it was reused from May 2010, when it was posted as BEIJING UFO.

So where is the footage of the village incident or has it disappeared alone with the village?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:41 PM
As with the Chinese airport story where long exposure photos of helicopters with searchlights where used like stock images, but interpreted as actual images, we see the journalistic integrity of any news or reporting agency in the government controlled media of China cannot be trusted.

Even if relating a real story or account, and because we cannot investigate or even discuss these Chinese stories due to this lack of any corroborative evidence it is a waste of time. Unless you are only interested in gossip.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Hambone13b
I found the video on another site here is the link I hope it works.
This is crazy, I was reading about the US Govt possibly setting up a false flag operation to start a war with the extraterrestials, something about seti and nasa doctoring a photo, and then the guy that predicted the sightings on 13 oct, something is on the horizon and I feel like it's gonna be big.

That video was awesome, would someone who speaks this language please interpret for us? I for one am very much in the thinking it is possible and if so, was it alien or government? we do need to establish if it happened first.

I think it did.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Here is an article from a Chinese site. Translation was simple browser translate. Sorry for the lack of structure.

ALICE event National Qinling, Shaanxi Qinling Mountains supernatural events! Night unidentified object suspectedalienwho flew over a village and then disappear, the message block, all roads leading to this area are based cards, this large number of troops to the Qinling Mountains area, including tanks and missile launchers, to just, Xianyang high has also been blocked, the event this morning when the army several road bound for the Qinling Mountains. Passing from the streets of our county, tanks, missiles, transport vehicles as well as that, covered with canvas. About 10 o'clock last night, many people have seen our county over the Qinling Mountains have a very strange direction of the flash, the kind of flash is purple, the place was full of black clouds around three to five. Middle clouds associated with flash, thunder. A full half an hour. Western iBT this event, according to the propagation path. "At 15:00 on October 11, a QQ user wrote in his signature: 'the foot of the strange things in the Qinling Mountains', that is, these words became the beginning. To yesterday, this information has been spread through various channels." Western news networks yesterday, there have communicators in the information received to the plot, resulting in more heterogeneous the content network posts. Speculation on the causes users have Savage,UFO, nuclear, aliens, and other versions. Rumors do not have pictures and video evidence, but for that "mystery", rumors also said, "Internet everywhere in the 'harmony' of this news." October 13, one on "the end of the Qinling Mountains to a village to disappear overnight," the post pass crazy on the network, especially in the micro-Bo was crazy reserved. After many journalists confirmed that the network confirmed rumors of the news department. "I have heard, yesterday at 4 am, a village in the Qinling Mountains at the end, all disappeared overnight! ... ... There are a large number of troops sealed off the scene ... ..." Baidu Post Bar in the Qinling reporter saw a lot of friends concerned about the so-called "foot of the Qinling Mountains next village disappeared." More users skeptical on the matter. Reporters today (13), respectively, to Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi Military District, and the Qinling Mountains surrounding Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an, Shangluo confirmation, the parties did not receive any relevant reports have indicated that Network attached network belongs to the rumors. SEO Strategy Almost all linked to a village, now a large number of troops cordoned off the surrounding population is found in the bomb during the war. Said that local people had found a number of road UFO flying over the sky ~ Exposure rumor: Network transmission Qinling Qinling village disappeared suddenly disappear in a village in the whole process of parsing rumors Network transmission in a village in the Qinling Mountains suddenly disappear the whole process of parsing rumors "I have heard, yesterday at 4 am, a village in the Qinling Mountains at the end, all disappeared overnight!" 13, this message transmission on the network crazy. Reporter to the Public Security Department of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Qinling Mountains surrounding military and other departments throughout the city confirmed, the parties have not received that report such incidents. Different versions to the plot, there have been divergent views October 13, one on "the end of the Qinling Mountains to a village to disappear overnight," the post pass crazy on the network, especially in the major micro-blog has been widely reproduced. At 15:37 on October 11th, Tencent QQ users in their signature on Zhang Li Xing wrote: "occurred in the Qinling Mountains of strange angles," is this simple sentence as the beginning of the subsequent rumors of the incident. At 17:18 on the 12th, Sina User "NDSWJ" published micro-Bo: "one about" Qinling strange, "the log is still morning in Xi'an Communication, at noon Institute of Translation and the Yangling area, the afternoon reached the Hanzhong area, estimated at night Shaanxi spread it! This is the power of the Internet! " 13 at 01 am when the 03 minutes, users "phantom parties" a Baidu news release: "The whole village is said to no one, and now the army has to intervene. It is said that the incident occurred when unidentified flying object was seen flying over several Road . looks like now with all this stuff about being harmonized. What is this situation? " 13 am, such information has been through forums, watercress, and other ways to start crazy meager spread rumors about the cause of the incident users are savages, UFO, nuclear, snakes, wasp, giant salamander, aliens, and other versions. The reporters also found that there have been communicators receiving the information in the plot, and once again spread, resulting in networks becoming more and more rich and paste the contents of heterogeneous. IP addresses are not posting claiming to be witnesses in Shaanxi 13 pm, some of the readers posted for the network to discuss and investigate the truth, many cities and counties around Qinling, friends said, "We are very calm here." Some eyewitnesses claim to release news release users have been searching out the IP address of users, not shown in the Shaanxi Province. Some Internet users posting that was published in the Qinling strange morning, afternoon, was published in Hanzhong, Xianyang strange. User purely silly nonsense. Most network news View Post found that most of the time and only a simple plot, and no exact location. Some Internet users referred by the village in Xi'an weeks County Press call to confirm, but also no exception. All the rumors on the network do not have any precise information, there is no picture and video evidence. 13 pm 15 points, the western network reporters to Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi Military District, and the Qinling Mountains surrounding Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an, Shangluo confirmation, the parties have not received any related reports that , then west net net release of information to be clarified. Network Communication "inexplicable disappearance of the Qinling Mountains village," Department of rumors An "end of a village in the Qinling Mountains disappear overnight, the army has been involved in" the post popular on the network, especially in the major micro-blog site has been widely reproduced. Western news networks yesterday, Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi provincial military district, a number of cities around the Qinling Mountains have not received relevant reports have indicated that the incident should be Internet rumors. Propagation path. "At 15:00 on October 11, a QQ user wrote in his signature: 'the foot of the strange things in the Qinling Mountains', that is, these words became the beginning. To yesterday, this information has been spread through various channels." Western news networks yesterday, there have communicators in the information received to the plot, resulting in more heterogeneous the content network posts. Speculation on the causes users have Savage, UFO, nuclear, aliens, and other versions. Rumors do not have pictures and video evidence, but for that "mystery", rumors also said, "Internet everywhere in the 'harmony' of this news." Some users are also net posts for discussion and investigation of the authenticity, many cities and counties around Qinling Internet users said "very calm here." Some witnesses claim to have been users did not search out the IP address in the Shaanxi Province. Some netizens posted that this morning was said in Xi'an, the afternoon was said in Xianyang, a purely silly nonsense. Further reading: East-west across the mountains in central China, the important natural and geographical boundaries. Han Ban Gu's "two Du Fu," already has a "Qinling" name. Qin worked the land of history, it said Qinshan or Qinling. Generally located at latitude 32 ° 30 '~ 35 °, longitude 103 ° ~ 113 °. Western Ways of Engaging, Diebu, Zhouqu territory Min Mountains and Kunlun Mountains Diego for the sector; the foothills east of Henan barberry; the northern boundary of the north western part of self-Lintan baishishan (elevation 3908 m), the East extended to the southeast of Tianshui The Huoyan Shan (2559 m), then east to the northern foot of Qinling fault zone is bounded by the eastern section of the northern boundary of the south bank of the Yellow River into the mountains of Henan territory is bounded Zeyi; southwest Gansu, Sichuan provincial boundaries as the boundary; south of the Han River and Yonekura, Daba boundaries; Southeast straight Yun County.


posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Wow, thanks to Twitter (I take it thats a place full of twits?) the world now knows about a missing village? Like, someone saw is disappear and twitted ...... or it could be a bogus rumour... ???.... Nah!!!

ATS shoudl be called TGB.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
OK, thanks to the NYC twitter thread, I stumbled across a twitter about the thread title. Chinese Villiage dissapears after UFO sightings, or something it said. Anyway, this link says that there's a video (but it's blocked in the UK, if someone can ATSerize it that'd be handy)
link to the video hZ2UxMjIwMTQ0L3BnMQ==&showAd=0
Now, that forum links to a post on a Chinese UFO forum, which when translated through an internet translator thingy, comes out like this.

October 13, four in the morning event, it is rumored that the Qinling Mountains, four in the morning a Qinling mountain villages began to disappear. Now the army has blocked site. According to eyewitness, UFO nearby. Qinling Mountains of snakes have fled, insiders of the Qinling Mountains nuclear base accidents. Sohu News: 13 October, a bottom of "Qinling mountain village disappear overnight" posts in the network fengchuan, especially in micro-Bo was crazy. Journalists through multi-party confirmed, confirmed the news of the network. "I hear, 4 am yesterday, Qinling Mountains at the end of a village, all disappear overnight! ... There are a large number of troops in the scene ... "

Is this some kind of random hoax, or has this happened?
(did a search, so if this is a repost, appologies)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:49 PM
How convenient it is,
This village that is very remote and nobody really knows of till now
suddenly disappears.
good place for a story like this cause no one really can prove anything.

With all the craziness since the 13th, still no real proof of aliens

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:41 AM
did any of you recent posters read the actual thread?

some information was released in chinese, via a forum. Someone attached a pic and video still to the words. The pic/video feature a glowing blue light on a hill. This video was originally posted in May and has nothing whatsoever to do with the words released.

Since the original report, there has been no other report from any person or journalist in the area. There was another pic released via the chinese ufo forum, which featured a blue orb in daylight on the landscape. This picture has no explanation and is most likely fake.

The whole story of the village disappearing comes from one internet post, with no other source to corroborate it. You should think no more about it at this stage as anything you will come up with is pure speculation. Read through the thread here properly or follow it at my site, where we have the latest information without having to wade through pages of posts.

You'll also notice that there is a new movie on the horizon with a low budget called Skyline. It's looking quite possible that this entire story was cooked up on purpose to raise interest in the forthcoming film. It would not be hard to build a frenzy on the reports from China of late re: UFOs/airports.

my site is here, for those who want to keep up to date

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:44 AM
This sounds like that part in The Book of Revelation...The Rapture?

People on top of a mountain...144,000...people disappearing. The rest who remain on Earth suffer a horrible fate? Pestilence, disease, famine, war, natural disasters, locusts, etc...

Can someone please confirm?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by ceetee

Thanks for the info. I thought it was weird that there was only one post on one forum with no follow-up from any other source. People are really excitable these days.
to you for attempting to inject logic into an irrational world.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by SunshineLaws

no problem. This is why we made the o-fu site, its supposed to compliment sites like ATS by summarising so people can drop in and get the latest, without the constant retreading of the old info...

It won't be long before the next event takes place, who knows what craziness it will be. Did you notice bigfoot was in China recently too?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by BobbinHood

Something isn't right here. Villages don't just disappear without getting serious media attention.

Yes and every murder in your city makes the news as does every rape.

Second - Its in China - not exactly the hallmark for open journalism. google blocked them for censorship....

third - Media attention??? Imagine your local news team. Do they inspire confidence in their reporting abilities or are they narcissistic high school kids who want to be on tv?

fourth National media - Fox inspire you to seek truth? Almost all news agencies have "ireporter" or some other version of YOU tell US. To think, in this day and age of INSTANT news from the eyewitnesses via net will be out trumped by media outlets is static in thinking.

How big media works. - an accident happens. Someone on the scene calls the media. They may or may not investigate depending on the story, the location, the desires of their owners (R. Murdoch).

So could a rural village disappear and the military get there first? idk think?

Those military individuals are they there to show CNN the best location to set up their tripod? No. They are there to get to the bottom of what happened and take action as necessary. CNN will only get in the way.

Im sure CNN China drives anywhere they want in a Communist country....

The failure in media is what ATS the excellent source that it is. You hear news first on the web. So so so many people say oh I woudlve seen it on the news...If you watch the news they report stuff a day or two later than I read on the web.
How did Mileys naked pics get reported on? Cnn? Fox? No a blogger. A blogger posted them and the ccn, E, Fox etc etc reported on it. (Cheesy example but it drives home the point.

The very existence of this site and your presence belies your logic.

edit on 18-10-2010 by maluminse because: miley cyrus

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Its on a fault as well.

Sink hole?

Im trying to google map it. The lat/long from the article bring up Sydney Au... : D

Im doing it wrong Im sure but I gotta go to work.
edit on 18-10-2010 by maluminse because: add map info

Edit 2 - Net is getting more hits on the story. Surely some generated by same source but others too
edit on 18-10-2010 by maluminse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Not sure if this link has been posted or not yet, but here it is anyways. The blue light video

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by windwaker

This sounds like that part in The Book of Revelation...The Rapture? People on top of a mountain...144,000...people disappearing. The rest who remain on Earth suffer a horrible fate? Pestilence, disease, famine, war, natural disasters, locusts, etc...

There's nothing about a mountain with regard to the Rapture... and the 144,000 are supposed to be how many of God's chosen are NOT raptured; they get to stay here and witness for him. Believe me... you'll know the Rapture when you see it.

PS: Thank you for not calling it the Book of Revelations...
Kind of a pet peeve.
edit on 10/18/2010 by Thought Provoker because: had to add a postscript.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:32 PM

I think its Only a Matter of Time before they reveal themselves

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:26 PM
edit on 18-10-2010 by Ross 54 because: link not working

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