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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by HumanMeatsuit

I just joined this site looking for a forum to tell about what I saw today, I live near 23rd and 8th and just went out to catch the ABC and NY1 reporters who did there report that you can see online or TV. Again, I feel compelled to write about what my girlfriend and i witnessed today. Make no joke about it, they were not balloons and the reports speak nothing about the formations that were formed and then broken between the smaller objects or about the "mothership" looking objects. I spoke to the ABC reporter after he finished his report and he was sarcastic and joking about it, and the report of course comes off that way. Nothing about the military fighters that I and several other people saw. The military did scramble jets at high altitudes without a doubt. The guys I spoke with were older blue collar guys that saw the jest with me as did my girlfriend. Their contrails and speeds were definitive. Also, the patterns and the quantity of the smaller objects and their separation and then their union were beyond belief. They were not normal. They covered several hundred miles in seconds to unite and then breakaway from each other. I only witnessed one, near the ending of the entire event, smaller object proceed from a standing holding pattern across what must have been miles of sky to unite with a larger object. They were not balloons. They stop and moved. Scattered and formed. The military fighter (s), was as I said extremely high, well above the commercial air traffic. Their was something up, and it was not normal.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by antar

I dont know how to cancel my account over there, can someone help? Thanks. I just tried and it did not have an option. looks like a MOD came in and the discussion is less perverted and more about the UFO sighting. Still, I think I need a shower after that, yuck!

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by ThePacifist
I thought this site was meant to be about exploring different ideas on the unexplained? Not telling everyone that their opinions suck because they do not conform to your idea/opinions.

Its getting to a point where people post in fear of being made to feel stupid by other members, we do not need to silence each other. This is what TPTB have been doing since the beginning lets not help them achieve this.

I on the other hand, DO believe this thread as a few dis-info agents posting. This is my personal opinion.

Yes, the pictures look like balloons but it could be compared to having someone on the horizon and mistaking them for a small tree in the distance. The main thing, is that we keep open minds to this.

Also here is some food for thought, if aliens knew that we are looking for them would they come in foreign looking ships? Or possible come as something that is familiar with humans? Or maybe even cloak themselves.

Anyway, I'm going to continue reading this thread until I have made up my mind.

No this site should be about considering some new idea, after you've articulated more than a one line thread, giving evidence and always being skeptical and open to consideration. We just have another American left and right. Believers and Non Believers all over again. The few smart people in the middle still get looked over, anyone outside the website looking in would be analogous with the foreign nations just thinking all Americans are retarded, but of course are just regular people thinking all conspiracy theorists are idiots.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:28 PM
I just read and I am not sure if it is a good source but on the NY Daily News site the reporter said it was 5000 feet in the air I want to know who can see a balloon at almost a mile.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
reply to post by tonypazzo

i'll do as i please thank you very much, as long as i stay within the rules then everything is tip top and squeaky.



What you're doing is in fact against the rules, you're posting smart-ass comments that are off topic... Ace ventura?

edit on 13-10-2010 by Enter Ruin because: typo

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by leeko

THAT was an awesome post!!! Welome to ATS, I want to hear so much more! Did anyone you know get video or pictutres? tell all you know and connect with everyone you can who may have gotten images!


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by AutOmatIc
Ok...ok ok...ok. What I can't understand, is, that just about everyone I know has a dang cell phone with a camera. All these people in the city, and there are only a couple of vids and pics available for this sighting?

Come on! Surely there's more. What about all the people who brag about their iphones, and droids....

Where are you guys with your 1080p resolution vids? Unless you're still carrying a pager.

This sighting stinks of viral marketing.

ABC News television cameras aren't good enough for you? See the links above. The TV news is shot in high definition. That's about as good as you're going to get.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by leeko
reply to post by HumanMeatsuit

I just joined this site looking for a forum to tell about what I saw today, I live near 23rd and 8th and just went out to catch the ABC and NY1 reporters who did there report that you can see online or TV. Again, I feel compelled to write about what my girlfriend and i witnessed today. Make no joke about it, they were not balloons and the reports speak nothing about the formations that were formed and then broken between the smaller objects or about the "mothership" looking objects. I spoke to the ABC reporter after he finished his report and he was sarcastic and joking about it, and the report of course comes off that way. Nothing about the military fighters that I and several other people saw. The military did scramble jets at high altitudes without a doubt. The guys I spoke with were older blue collar guys that saw the jest with me as did my girlfriend. Their contrails and speeds were definitive. Also, the patterns and the quantity of the smaller objects and their separation and then their union were beyond belief. They were not normal. They covered several hundred miles in seconds to unite and then breakaway from each other. I only witnessed one, near the ending of the entire event, smaller object proceed from a standing holding pattern across what must have been miles of sky to unite with a larger object. They were not balloons. They stop and moved. Scattered and formed. The military fighter (s), was as I said extremely high, well above the commercial air traffic. Their was something up, and it was not normal.

Prove yourself to someone.
You just signed up today, you have to be able to do better.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:31 PM
The Daily News photo doesn't look much like balloons to me. It's like I said, if you give it a few hours we'll have more reports, pics and videos. Just relax and stop calling everything a hoax without good evidence.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by chaeone86

Yeah, people look back at the Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" hoax and think how did people fall for it?
We've just been shown how people fall for it.

I have been following ...reading along, doesn't mean we "FELL" for anything, just following that way if something special does happen you will have been up on it from the first which is nice. Then you can provide the up to date info to others who are to busy to watch the buzz.
People on ATS like to stay open minded.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Char-Lee because: add thought

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:32 PM
here's an article i found that supposedly reveals some footage at new york. not sure if anyone else posted these yet but i'll post'em anyways

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Well I am am the guy who called into the Jack Blood show. I saw these UFOs, whatever the hell they were with my bare eyes. I live on 34th btw 9th and 10th in NYC. We got a call from a friend who was shopping in Midtown. I went out side and didnt see #. Went up to our fire escape and sure enough these were these silverish glowing orbs that changed position, stood still at times, and vanished and appeared spontaneously. I don't give a # if anyone believes me, I really didnt feel like typing this crap up. I have better things to do... but it made me laugh after I did a google search on it to see what was being said. Anybody who says it was ballons is talking out of their ass. These things had to be at 50,000 ft. I worked on A-6 Intruders in the Marine Corps, VMA 224, 2nd MAW out of Cherry Point, NC. I can gage these things pretty well. I believe they were some kind of military eye in the sky type of craft. I dont believe in aliens. Even if a craft landed in front of me and a little green man walked out I would still suspect the goverment. But that didnt happen.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
If you have verifiable proof that these were balloons than please post the links, otherwise, you have no more of a definite idea of what it was than anyone else. Even if you think something is a hoax, you still need evidence to back up your claim or it's just speculation. You'd think ATS is the main stream given how quickly people will start claiming everything is a hoax.

hmm yes, id love to catch one of those helium balloons that floated of a few thousand metres in to the sky and travelled a few miles across america but unfortunately i cant fly and i live in england, but surely videos, photographs clearly showing balloons and corroborated by eyewitnesses should be enough?.

then again no, believers will just believe no matter how much evidence you show them to the contrary, then they'll call it a black psy op and call us disinfo agents or something but then expect you to believe that they got abducted by aliens with nothing more than a story....



posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:33 PM
The people who made this hoax sure is making a lot of money off of it right now.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Wow, this is interesting. Could be some just attempting to make sure that the 10-13 thing comes into being. I don't know. . .if it's not on MSM, it just can't be happening.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by andrewh7

Yes I saw the abc news footage, I was just wondering why there was only a handful of pics and vids being touted for this particular "sighting". If you look back, it started with the video of the people standing on the street. Then, the video went viral on Twitter...and then somebody posted two pictures. Only two! Those also went viral...but where are all the other vids from all the tourists/New Yorkers who saw it? I mean you'd think there would be more considering everyone nowadays carries a cell phone with a camera...that's my point.

If it was a viral campaign, then kudos to those guys! It worked!

edit on 13-10-2010 by AutOmatIc because: viral

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:34 PM
Something that caught my eye

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by leeko

thanks for the post leeko, your first person account adds to the ongoing debate. I just wish I'd been in NYC with my tripod and large lens DSLR - if it kept still long enough there must be someone who got some good photos with professional gear.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Enter Ruin

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
reply to post by tonypazzo

i'll do as i please thank you very much, as long as i stay within the rules then everything is tip top and squeaky.



What you're doing is in fact against the rules, you're posting smart-ass comments that are off topic... Ace ventura?

edit on 13-10-2010 by Enter Ruin because: typo

sue me.....



posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
The Daily News photo doesn't look much like balloons to me. It's like I said, if you give it a few hours we'll have more reports, pics and videos. Just relax and stop calling everything a hoax without good evidence.

I think the daily news photo is a digital mock up.
I think that "like this one" is a way to get away with it. Why not straight up say, photographed here.
And light may cause a silvery balloon to look like that.

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