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Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Hi everybody,

I found this verry interresting article plus video.

Could there really be a connection between the Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles ? Are they telling the same truth ? Are they alien made ?

UFOTV Presents: Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles - An Extraordinary Connection (2010 documentary filmtrailer)

Scholars and researchers have discovered an extraordinary connection between rare ancient 6000 year old Sumerian symbols, ancient symbols from the mysterious Mayan calendar, and a group of amazing signs and symbols found among crop circle formations believed to be extraterrestrial in origin, that are now appearing in the farmlands of the English countryside.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by css1981

I did not take a look at the video but right off the bat I am a bit leery of spending time watching the video since there are no prophecies associated with the end of the long count calendar. There are other Mayan calendars that do have predictions such as low yields of corn and squash. Not a problem for me.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I posted this a long time ago.

Dont you people bother to SEARCH ats first. Obviously not. Well done!!


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:35 AM
Thanks for posting this video. Im a noob here and it was the first time I'd ever seen it, and truth be told, it scares the bejeebus outta me that so many people doubt the existence of ETs when elaborate CS like those pop up

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by dmefoc

Why do you think that elaborate crop circles suggest the existence of ETs? Crop circles have become more elaborate over time simply because trivial ones no longer make the news. These elaborate ones are not really in the news anymore. It's a dieing prank.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:44 PM
My friend,

Originally posted by MrRed
I posted this a long time ago.

Dont you people bother to SEARCH ats first. Obviously not. Well done!!


Good for you, well done

Now, care to join in the discussion?

Obviously not

OP, very interesting indeed. I've been studying the Mayan's for several years now and can see a correlation with Crop Circles.

Off to watch the vid, which is new to MANY thanks for posting it

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:58 PM
The video makes no effort to connect the Mayans and crop circles. The video claims there are Mayan symbols in crop circles and shows none. Why is that? It seems that the claim is a false claim.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by MrRed

posted on 13/10/10 @ 07:07 this post I put this in Aliens and UFO because crop circles tend to be associated with UFO activity.

What ? check my posting time..... so who is first ?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by Spiro

Thank you,

this is indeed such a interresting video.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:35 AM
I don't find the video interesting at all. The video seems to make a lot of spurious claims that it dfoes not back up. It spends more time describing gadgets than supporting its claims.

The video is not so much an interesting video. I'd call it an engaging video in that it keeps your attention while not supplying any information. It does that by jumping all over the place employing a lack of coherence as a theme.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:47 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by stereologist
The video makes no effort to connect the Mayans and crop circles. The video claims there are Mayan symbols in crop circles and shows none. Why is that? It seems that the claim is a false claim.

There is indeed reference being made to both the Mayan Symbols [albiet one
] and Crop Circles [again, albiet one

I found the informtation informative, though after watching it I have been aware of its contents for a few years. What I didn't know was the connection that was made with the Mayan symbol and the crop circle.

Im not at my PC at the moment but from memory, I believe the connection is being made around the 11min mark.... though best watch it all as I could be off the mark somewhat

Be safe be well,


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:55 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by stereologist
I don't find the video interesting at all.

I suppose its not for every one. I found it interesting indeed

The video seems to make a lot of spurious claims that it dfoes not back up. It spends more time describing gadgets than supporting its claims.

The video seems to back up what is being presented with usefull, factual information. There is more there than gadgets.

The video is not so much an interesting video.

Indeed, you have already mentioned this

I'd call it an engaging video in that it keeps your attention while not supplying any information. It does that by jumping all over the place employing a lack of coherence as a theme.

Each to there own maman, though I must say I feel the complete opposite

Many thanks for the input Stereo, its always good to hear ALL views

Be safe be well

edit on 18-10-2010 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by css1981
reply to post by Spiro

Thank you,

this is indeed such a interresting video.

You are very welcome, thank YOU!!

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Spiro

Can you tell me which crop circle has a Mayan symbol in it? I've asked this before and no one has answered the question.

The video as far as I saw did not bother to make any connection other than to mention Mayans.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:17 AM

The video seems to back up what is being presented with usefull, factual information. There is more there than gadgets.

What sort of factual information? They report that their equipment was not sufficient to pick out the people making the crop circle. They mention a flash of light that they do not bother to investigate. About all they do is mention a failure in their equipment, which is seen as an artifact in the video.

The video was low on facts, especially the connection between cereal benders and Mayan culture.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:20 AM
i do not think 2012 should be the end of human.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:21 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Spiro

Can you tell me which crop circle has a Mayan symbol in it? I've asked this before and no one has answered the question.

The video as far as I saw did not bother to make any connection other than to mention Mayans.

As I said before, Im not at my PC to retort back to so please forgive my lack of information to answer your question.

Having said that, there is without a doubt, reference being made. Seeing is believing i suppose

I will be back at my PC tomorrow evening and will reference it for you then.

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:31 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by stereologist
What sort of factual information?

Im have managed to view this video again thanks to my buddy in work.

If you watch the video from 9.48min it shows the reference to a crop circle and a Mayan Symbol.

I can't for the life of me pronouce the symbol however, it sound like he says.... HoonabKoh....or KoonabKoh?

In any case, I believe this answers your question

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Thanks for the info. There is egg on my face. I stopped just shy of the info.

Here is what I thought after going back over more of the video.

The video claims that the Maya knew about the galaxy. They did not. The claim of a "strong energy flow from the center of the galaxy" is made up. The Maya did not know about galaxies. Nor did the Maya know about the sun as portrayed in the video. All of these nonsense claims runs from 8:30 to 9:30 in the video.

The claim at 9:30 about SOHO detecting an energy flow from the center of the galaxy is more rubbish. SOHO watches the sun, not the galaxy. The claim that the Maya knew about energy flows is repeated. It's more rubbish.

At 10:02 is the Mayan glyph claim. The claim is that the crop circle is a Maya symbol. The black figure superimposed over the crop circle and the crop circle do not look alike. Then the crop circle is redrawn as it stands and the narrator explains why the crop circle and the Maya glyphs are so different. As I said the glyph and the crop circle do not look the same.

The artwork in the field has rays, a crescent moon and a blob described in the video as a comet. The only similarity between the Mayan symbol and the crop circle is the shape which could be described as a hook or spiral. That's not much. Think of the simpler symbols used in the Latin alphabet. Would this video confuse an 'r' and 'n' or an 'n' and an 'h'. What about 'c' and 'o' or i' and 'j' or 'v' and 'u'. The differences between these symbols is much less than the differences seen in the video.

At least in the following site the symbols are somewhat similar - well better than the video.
The 2012 Maya Solar Shield Crop Circle – August 2, 2009

There is more shoehorning to be found here
2004 Mayan Crop Circle of the Year
A rug I own must be Mayan according to this claim.

Lots of people are trying to interpret the human artwork called crop circles. It's difficult to keep this form of art in people's minds so people keep embellishing the work with complexity.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:08 PM
My friend,

reply to post by stereologist

You raise some very interesting points, indeed

I will be in a better position to read your presentation, with the links you provided, along with a reply when I get of this 5 day, 15 hour shifts

Speak soon maman,

Be safe be well


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