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Aliens Have Never Visited Earth! Alien Spacecraft Have Never Visited.

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:58 PM
At the risk of discrediting myself I'm going to submit a few theories and a story in addition to this thread. Let's analyze a few things about UFO's and Aliens.

- There are many videos, pictures and stories that have been debunked and labeled hoaxes. There are many videos, pictures and stories that go unexplained.
- Countless numbers of credible military personnel give eyewitness account and some have even offered "objects" for lack of term. Try to uncover this through the Freedom of Information Act and all you get is a redacted document that makes the information ineligible.

The point is that we will never get beyond conjecture until TPTB give full disclosure which even when that happens there will be a ton of naysayers.

There has been studies related to the "Alien Visitation" and lucid dreaming. How many, what kind and results I can't say, I just know that they have taken place. If an alien race is visiting us and does not want to be seen you will never have the proof you're looking for. They would most likely have technology so far beyond our comprehension that they may not even be "visiting" us in a physical form at all and maybe it is all just lucid dreaming.

OK, so now that I've gotten this approach set up take my PERSONAL account on this. Yes this is considered "conjecture" but either it did happen or I was lucid dreaming.

One night while sleeping in my bed I woke up to my cat freaking out at something. I could hear him in the other room when something climbed up on to my bed and I felt it grab my arm through my covers. I immediately wrapped this "thing" in my covers and started beating it with my fist. It disappeared. I immediately tried to turn on my light which did not work so with my cat freaking out still and my mind racing to figure out what was going on I grabbed my military knife and made towards my back door. There was an almost blinding light coming from outside my back room and my back door was wide open. A "being" of about 4'8" that resembled the typical description of a gray was standing in the doorway. I attacked it. By the time I got within striking distance I blacked out and woke up mid afternoon in my bed. My knife was gone and I still haven't seen my cat since.

Either this is lucid dreaming or it really happened. I'm going to say that it really happened based on feeling and the fact that I have no idea where my cat or knife is. I have since moved out of that house as I never felt secure in it afterwords. Nothing can describe or prove anything to how real it was but like every story out there you will all just have to take my word for it.

P.S. This story is a true account of my experiences. Since then I've heard things at edges of the woods in some places and when I investigate nothing is there. I'm not afraid as I know there isn't anything I can do except fight with all my heart or embrace whatever they are. Depending on their intent.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:20 PM
Nah.. no such thing as aliens, or UFO's (UO's or unidentified "objects", but no UFO's) ..

In 84, the local black project military base in AZ, was recruiting (though we did not know it at that moment) ..

Went to class (technical school), and we had a new instructor (temp) .. long story short, he actually was telling the truth about his real job, his current status, certain projects that were dated to the early 50's (such as project copper valley where a craft on the tarmac, simply set's the elevation to max, let's loose with power settings, and is almost in outer "atmo" in less then 2 seconds.. gave no further info on it)

I'm thinking his screws are loose, and waiting for the other shoe to drop (like this is the beginning of a cult offer right?) then he pulls a surprise on all of us at the last ten minutes of class (we really didn't talk much about school related issues, which was a concern of mine) and pulled out a photo album..

When it got to me, I opened to look at the photos (full shots, not border cuts across the crafts which could be considered models) and each and every photo was crystal clear, with all crafts located on the ground (desert setting which placed it in AZ or NV) , and they were not operating.. their were many models, in fact all models you have seen pictures of, but with no blurring, close ups (even saw the machining of the surfaces on many of the older design models)

One was the model that you probably have seen at least pictures of, has the rings of spheres along the leading edge, and the upper portion of the craft (I liked this one, because it had different alloys for the spheres compared to the surface of the craft itself, and the leading edge of the craft was flat with a curved lip at the bottom of the edge, and a beveled upper edge leading to a horizontal inward line to the upward slope of the craft to the top, with machining horizontally in the edge surface itself.. yes the closeups were that close.. the spheres were what looked like copper/brass with a dull just looked "cool" to me which is why I liked it.. really old school attention to detail unlike the newer models with dark coatings and obvious non metallic components, more a "cookie cutter mentality" or production models I would suppose)

There were some other pictures that involved occupants (they are human guy's sorry.. just regular human pilots) with only two pictures that were "blurred" in the background.. I asked why, and he said it was to prevent anyone from seeing the "tech" behind the pilot (which she was looking and smiling right into the camera as well as the guy was too in the other photo)

Thing is, he never said what the power source for them was, the projects goals, or anything like that, but he was looking around the room intently at everyone to obviously check the responses..

I asked how come the photos were clear, and he said it was because when the units are on, they produce a weak gamma field and microwave pulse in a frequency range that blurs emulsions, due to film being mainly a conductive metal called silver nitrate with silver halide salts..

I can (in the 2010 decade) assume that the same problem of blurring with digital cameras, is due to the CCD or MOSFET's pre-discharging because of either the gamma, or (more likely) due to the microwave pulses generated by the craft itself, causing a blurry film or picture to be seen (a lot of blurring is due to the "zoom" function on most phone's, pushing past the "entropy point" of the CCD/FET's pixel resolution..

Anyway, there is no such thing as aliens, or UFO's.. just government/military funded and flown crafts..

BTW.. the next week we went to the same class, the instructor was not there.. I asked the main office about it, and they said "there never was an instructor working there that week by that name".. figures..

I found out later on, it was a recruitment program, and is one of the ways they find raw civilian recruits for black projects..(only after I was in the military did it become clear to me)..

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by SinkingSun

S&F for you.

Some abductees have had to have medical treatment because of strange marks/burns. I am interested to see if there is a Doctor's report that can verify some of the claims. Even if a report states, 'unknown' then that would be something.

also, as for Roswell, well it is a famous place and some of the people 'witnesses' are famous because of the UFO story/event... tourism dollars are important for the economy...

edit on 11-10-2010 by Thurisaz because: expand

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 11:30 AM
I can't help but wonder how many of these Deniers are going to be big enough to admit that they were wrong and eat their words when disclosure comes?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

Modern Times
Even today people refuse to believe that aliens have never visited this planet.

Appeal to majority has has ever been an argument in support of truth.

Millions of people think a higher power created the universe, does that make them right? Even though they have no clue as to how the universe was created?

If it is a military operation, why WOULD we see a shred of evidence, the way that the military complex is compartmentalised, you see things if you have a NEED TO KNOW.

I reccomend reading Timothy Good's book if you havn't already and stop with the blind speculation.

Why would the goverment deny or refuse access to information if there was nothing to hide?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:02 PM

edit on 12-10-2010 by wigit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Hi Everyone,

Long time lurker here with a question in relation to this topic that is driving me nuts.

First off, I believe that there are other life forms out there. No denying that with the size of the universe, and the amount of new "earth like" planets being discovered.

My questions with regard to UFO sightings are as follows:

1. If Aliens have been here and taught us some of our technologies that we have today, why aren't they using them? Specifically stealth technology... The USAF reports of UFO's always involve a blip on the radar screen, and if they are advanced enough to show us the ways of stealth, then why would they show up on radar? In other words, why don't they use stealth technology when they "visit"

2. UFO sightings as lights in the sky. Why would UFO's come here, and fly around with their lights on? People have all these sightings of bright lights just flying around and I can't imaging why the couldn't shut down the lights when they "visit". We can do that with our planes, why can't they?

3. If aliens have the technological capabilities to make it to earth, then they have some really advanced capabilities. Going back to stealth, if they showed us this, then they obviously have more tricks up their sleeve. We are already working on invisiblity in the military, wouldn't they have it too? Probably better? Before we would? Could it be possible that if in fact there are UFO's that have visited earth, they could be floating around in plain sight? Just cloaked?

4. What I notice with UFO sightings is they tend to get more advanced as we get more advanced (what we perceive as space craft, what we see on TV). Think about it, back in the 50's and 60's they were basic flying saucers, all had the same shape, etc. Now we have cigar shaped, triangular, huge ships, beaming lights, etc... Why is that?

Just some questions I had, that I couldn't answer myself.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

Ok so governement officials from the time of roswell, witnesses, astronauts, pilots, Nasa Specialists, all claiming this event has happenned are all B.S as well. I see. Well if you think so, why are you even here? I mean theres no need for people who don't believe things like this. This is a forum to discuss the strange and the unusual. If this is all such B.S why not just point your browser on "more interesting" forums.

Oh and I like people like you who simply believe whatever the public says they should believe. They allways live their lifes not fully knowing what they can do or what they become. They only become what others tell them they can be.

And isn't it obvious that the world contains so much more then just what you have been told. You live a life of limitted meaning and still are happy to spread around the ignorance. Ignorance is not the solution. It is only but of fear that this whole post transpires. I hope you someday witness something so strange and so bizzare, and that you meet people that are so convinced you are a liar, that it makes you understand things in a different perspective.

It is easy to say that nothing exists, if you close your mind. And to you nothing will exist. But I am here to deny this ignorance of yours. Aliens do exist, there was a meeting, the united nations is moving to instill officials, Majii documents are popping to the surface, strange lights can be seen everywhere, the battle of los angeles did in fact exist, U2 pilots chasing ufo's dissapeared.... etc etc.

You cannot just simply come here and deny what has hapenned in history. It does not work that way. And to you I say good day.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by TheFlash
I can't help but wonder how many of these Deniers are going to be big enough to admit that they were wrong and eat their words when disclosure comes?

I know I said i probably would not reply to this topic anymore, but I couldn't resist.
But isn't there suppose to be some Alien Invasion or Disclosure Today? Seems like that was more BS.
It Seems you UFO Believers are proven wrong nearly month (if not every week or even everyday).

Oh well I'll take that as a victory for my opinion.

What is the next Date?
Anybody want to "channel" one of their alien friends?
or ask their Alien friend what is the delay? Engine Trouble? Ran Out Of Gas?

BTW since some of you kids are having an insanely tough time reading the OP, once again I never stated aliens do not exist, my argument is I believe they have not visited earth.

Oh Well Good Luck UFO FANS.....

edit on 13-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by AtruthGuy

Originally posted by TheFlash
I can't help but wonder how many of these Deniers are going to be big enough to admit that they were wrong and eat their words when disclosure comes?

I know I said i probably would not reply to this topic anymore, but I couldn't resist.
But isn't there suppose to be some Alien Invasion or Disclosure Today? Seems like that was more BS.
It Seems you UFO Believers are proven wrong nearly month (if not every week or even everyday).

Oh well I'll take that as a victory for my opinion.

What is the next Date?
Anybody want to "channel" one of their alien friends?
or ask their Alien friend what is the delay? Engine Trouble? Ran Out Of Gas?

BTW since some of you kids are having an insanely tough time reading the OP, once again I never stated aliens do not exist, my argument is I believe they have not visited earth.

Oh Well Good Luck UFO FANS.....

edit on 13-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

Apparently the answer to my question is 'zero'.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
I will say it is refreshing to see the other side of the argument stated as terribly as the "proof of alien" threads!

Mix it up some, ya know?

While your conjecture, and speculation, is superb none of it is proof, at least not what you count as proof.

So, when you can give me absolute proof there are no aliens visiting the planet (and that other stuff you talked about) I will give you absolute proof that they are visiting, deal?


I've been enjoying so many of your posts and really appreciate the humour you bring to these threads but on this instance........ how do you prove a negative? I think the OP could have added more examples but then if I felt that strongly I would have started my own thread. I have no issue with the possibility of sentient life existing elsewhere in the universe, but I've yet to be satisfied that means they have visited this planet... how do I prove what I don't think has happened based on a lack of credible evidence that it has?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by azonie

1. If Aliens have been here and taught us some of our technologies that we have today, why aren't they using them? Specifically stealth technology... The USAF reports of UFO's always involve a blip on the radar screen, and if they are advanced enough to show us the ways of stealth, then why would they show up on radar? In other words, why don't they use stealth technology when they "visit"

How do you know they're arn't? How could you know, if its out of sight, it's out of mind. Maybe the ones that have been spotted on radar are created by humans, or a failed or older technology of these alledged "ETs"

2. UFO sightings as lights in the sky. Why would UFO's come here, and fly around with their lights on? People have all these sightings of bright lights just flying around and I can't imaging why the couldn't shut down the lights when they "visit". We can do that with our planes, why can't they?

Who knows, maybe its an effect of the technology they use, maybe the output of energy, or maybe they're doing a performance for us, who knows, we don't understand alien technology so it would be silly using human knowledge to work it out.

3. If aliens have the technological capabilities to make it to earth, then they have some really advanced capabilities. Going back to stealth, if they showed us this, then they obviously have more tricks up their sleeve. We are already working on invisiblity in the military, wouldn't they have it too? Probably better? Before we would? Could it be possible that if in fact there are UFO's that have visited earth, they could be floating around in plain sight? Just cloaked?

Think you answered your own question here. The sighting we see could be military human crafts, test crafts. You won't know until you know whats going on in the Black Operations performed by military, and even members working on the Projects have no clue as to the "big picture" that is going on.

4. What I notice with UFO sightings is they tend to get more advanced as we get more advanced (what we perceive as space craft, what we see on TV). Think about it, back in the 50's and 60's they were basic flying saucers, all had the same shape, etc. Now we have cigar shaped, triangular, huge ships, beaming lights, etc... Why is that?

Not so sure about that, remember digital cameras/camcorders were not widely available to the public in the 50 and 60s, they won't have spotted many of the different crafts, let alone actively looking for "UFOs" in the sky.

Sorry about the brief answers, im just giving you my personal opinion

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

no pic nor videos? oh yes people have a lot of imagination to make up pics of the Greys for instance ,your statement is full of ignorance since you don't know why The Greys came here?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

You may want to re-investigate your so-called lack of evidence..This is a 2-hour presentation in 12 parts.

Part 1-

edit on 10/14/2010 by OrwellWasAnOptimist because: fixed YouTube link

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by OrwellWasAnOptimist

Turned if off when i saw "Return of the Nephilim"

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by keops
reply to post by AtruthGuy

no pic nor videos? oh yes people have a lot of imagination to make up pics of the Greys for instance ,your statement is full of ignorance since you don't know why The Greys came here?

says the guy with a "alien crop circle" avatar...

Alien traveled light years to laser a self portrait of himself in a random field eh?
edit on 15-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware
reply to post by OrwellWasAnOptimist

Turned if off when i saw "Return of the Nephilim"

So did I...
Atleast it didn't say "Galactic Federation".
.aka based off a teenage video game.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Here are a couple of photos of the United Startes Air Force UFO from the 1950's I am posting pics as I will also post the link to the pictures, descriptions and the story behind it all.

these are the only pics ive ever seen that i truly think are real. Aliens and there craft have never visited. but what we are seeing in the skies is the Air force and governments technologically advanced war fare aircraft.

All credit goes to whomever took these pictures as you will see these same pictures and more on the link I provided for you as well as descriptions and a story behind these discs
edit on 15-10-2010 by kid_cudi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by kid_cudi
these are the only pics ive ever seen that i truly think are real. Aliens and there craft have never visited. but what we are seeing in the skies is the Air force and governments technologically advanced war fare aircraft.

Yep Thats My Argument. Everything Can be explain as
Natural Occurence
Common Sense

edit on 16-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 11:20 AM
why you are so sure about your proof,i am not sure,but it is not convincing to convince members here to believe you.most member here believe alien's exist

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