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Weird Dees Illustration of Human Alien Hybrids

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:43 AM
Hello there!

I just wanted to bring this picture to the attention of ATS. It's pretty creepy I think you'll agree, but as always, the picture speaks volumes.


I found this on the Rense website he usually has a Dees illustration of some kind at the top of the news links. They usually have running themes of Illuminati and Zionism, but this one was different for me and stood out. The picture is titled 'ET Hybrids In The After Time.'

A very fitting title given the content of the picture but as always the picture, as a piece of art, is open to interpretation. Taking a very literal view the picture appears to show a time when human and alien hybrids are the norm, and some sort of devastation has occurred here on Earth. Have the hybrids been sent to help? Did they get left behind? Is their superior knowledge the sole reason the crops are growing so well?

Everyone including the dog seem to be pretty happy!

But what do you make of it?
edit on 7-10-2010 by Big Raging Loner because: To add links.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:45 AM
Seems similar to the girl in splice to say the least, not really sure what to say about it, but what I find interesting is we see "humans" and then the hybrids, but where are the ones that helped create those hybrids? They don't seem to be in the picture unless those humans are really them and have chosen that form to fit in?

Also here is the picture of the splice girl.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:58 AM
I feel sorry for the Alien hybrids, because, supposedly many of them never get to see Earth on the ground, right now, it is said that they are being used as worker slaves for their parents, never getting to see their earth parents, and the ones who do get the privilege to come down, they still have to obey the commands and orders given to them.

Remember, most of these hybrids were not created by a consensual act or agreement. Their human mothers or fathers that were abductees did not ask to procreate with an alien species, this is not what they have willed and it isn't even natural procreation, they don't call it ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION for nothing. Still though, I feel sorry for them, because nothing about them is natural, they weren't made natural, and as far as evolution goes, Extraterrestrial beings are (biologically speaking) and Invasive Species, any mixing that occurs between organisms from another planet with Earth will produce something that Mother Nature and the vibes on this planet have not permitted. And for this reason, I believe that these hybrids could be mentally unstable, not saying they may be dangerous, but inside, their will be an emptiness that no one of Full Blood (alien or human) can fill or help to explain.

I would hate to look at myself in the mirror, and not know who I am, or what I am for that matter.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Big Raging Loner


That looks a lot like the starchild skull, whose genetic testing shows that its mother was human.

edit on 7-10-2010 by dusk18 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2010 by dusk18 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2010 by dusk18 because: (no reason given)

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