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Michelle Obama ranked world's most powerful woman (not a joke!)

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:41 AM

NEW YORK (Reuters) – First lady Michelle Obama beat out heads of state, chief executives and celebrities to rank as the world's most powerful woman in Forbes magazine's annual listing on Wednesday.

Kraft Foods Chief Executive Irene Rosenfeld, who led a hostile $18 billion takeover of Britain's Cadbury, came in second, followed by talk show host and media mogul Oprah Winfrey, who is ending "The Oprah Winfrey Show" next year after 25 years to launch her cable network OWN.

This year Forbes changed the way it ranked women, basing the list less on wealth and power and more on creative influence and entrepreneurship.

"In a telling sign of her charisma, the White House is putting her on the campaign trail to headline fundraising events in battleground states like California and Colorado," Forbes said. "She's also effective: In response to her Let's Move! campaign against childhood obesity, companies like Coca-Cola, Kellogg and General Mills have pledged to reduce the calorie content of their foods by 2015," it said.


The biggest laugh I had today (so far) is that the Mrs. 1st Lady got this "title".

Personally, I think it reflects how the judges really weren't concerned about facts behind this decision. I guess taking lavish trips to other countries-followed by hords of aids/assistants-costing the US taxpayers millions of dollars.... is the top qualification.

*Note: All of them there in Spain... on our dollars.....

Oh sorry, allegedly figting childhood fatties..... lol The proposed legislation she supports DIED in congress.... a little point missed...

What a sad symbol for the truly hard working women in this world that ACTUALLY are doing things and making things happen. Nice and timely though.... a month before the elections....WHAT A JOKE!!!!

Just another example how far the US is sliding downward..... IMO-of course.


I say Palin is far more qualified than.... Mrs. First Lady. Palin is far more influential (in the current political scene and on Special Needs issues (to name a couple). Anyone care to argue that point? lol I am sure there are a few here.....

*Palin speaking at the Nevada Tea Party rally

*The small gathering she was addressing in the previous photo...
edit on 10/7/2010 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:51 AM
Thanks, I neede the laugh. Michelle is the most powerful woman.....what a joke. I agree, the judges didn't look at anything that mattered, just who her babies daddy is. What a joke. S&F for you my friend.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:10 AM
That is truly tragic for the women of planet Earth.

Not being a misogynist here, I mean, the worlds most powerful man is most likely a tragic result too.

Who votes for this?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:19 AM

This one will enrage the feminists ( which is always a bonus ).

Michelle Obama is considered the ''most powerful woman in the world'' purely because of the job that her husband holds !

Sisters are doing it for themselves.

I consider Sarah Palin to be a MILF, but I don't think she holds that much power; unless you count a failed attempt at becoming the Vice-President of the USA under a lame duck presendential candidate as constituting power.

She's no Emmeline Pankhurst, that's for sure.

edit on 7-10-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: Spelling and clarity.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:49 AM
The only thing I find more sad in the OP other than Michelle being named world's most powerful woman is even thinking that Palin could be there or even in the top 10 in any way.

We are talking about the WORLD not America, outside of the borders of our nation Palin is either never heard of or is a laughing stock and for good reason.

Michelle has done nothing to earn that position and celebrities shouldn't even be allowed on that list unless they got there by being in politics, business or charity. We need not teach people that fame and success is more important than hard work and intelligence. That's why I would cast my vote for Angela Merkel for world's most powerful woman, love her or hate her she is a powerhouse.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by anon72

And Her Majesty The Queen came where on this list exactly?


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by anon72

What an insult to all of the world's democratically elected female politicians, and even heads of state. No matter how discredited this presidency becomes, this is proof that Obama worship will always be around.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM
You know what is ironic. I can see why Michelle Obama ranked the list; surprisingly she ranked hire. Lady Gaga and other celebrities I'm not surprised are on the list! Now look at time magazine and countless other magazines that honor celebrities more then any other person that could save a life, the planet, create peace. Pop culture sells.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:12 AM
MO wields power in what sense?

I hear her fashion designer went bankrupt,

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Come on ATSers...jealousy and envy aren't pretty.

Trying to tear her down because you don't like her husband...tisk tisk.

And I just have to
about Palin...she is soooooo powerful...she ran away from her job as governor....that is powerful...powerful stupidity and greed.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

take the palin aspect out of it. what makes michelle obama worthy of this? why is this not an insult to women all around the world that hold actual democratically elected positions in government?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Oh jeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!
She can put that 'honor' on the shelf next to Obama's unearned 'honor' of the Nobel Peace Prize.
The world has gone insane. Absolutely insane.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

And I just have to about Palin...she is soooooo powerful...she ran away from her job as governor....that is powerful...powerful stupidity and greed.

You chastise everyone and then in the same breath stoop to our level, hypocrite much>

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I am no prize... really... but the first lady, no matter how much she is made just plain UGLY.. Remember when the press tried to compare her and Jackie O? what a joke.... sorry but this is funny! Roll on the floor laughing!

PATHETIC Its the office behind her that is the power... ANYONE could be in her place ANYONE

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:22 AM
my wife is the most powerful woman in the world.

she can make me do stuff the cia and the Genghis khan could never hope to.

love you hon!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

take the palin aspect out of it. what makes michelle obama worthy of this? why is this not an insult to women all around the world that hold actual democratically elected positions in government?

I don't will have to ask Forbes Magazine why they think Michelle Obama is worthy...I didn't create the rankings. I'm pretty sure they are free to base the rankings on whatever they want...or do you think it should be illegal for them to do so?

It's not an insult to anyone...because it is a ranking done by a sell magazines and create buzz. Do you really think having some unknown woman from some country most haven't heard of on the top of the list is going to create any buzz??? Who was on the top of the list last year...don't cheat...just off of the top of your head...who was it?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

And I just have to about Palin...she is soooooo powerful...she ran away from her job as governor....that is powerful...powerful stupidity and greed.

You chastise everyone and then in the same breath stoop to our level, hypocrite much>

ahem..."stoop to our level" least you can admit it.

Here is the difference...I'm laughing at Palin for her guys are bashing Michelle Obama because of her husbands actions...and I think you hate the fact that most of the world has a favorable opinion of her.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
it is a ranking done by a sell magazines and create buzz.

I gave ya' a star for that. I hope to goodness you are right and that it's just a business decision and that the people who ran this don't actually believe it .. and that anyone they may have polled don't buy it either. God .. I hope you are right. But considering the intellect of Americans these days and their obama-worship ... I'm scared to hope you are right.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:31 AM
If ever there was a white elephant in the room to point to the fact that this list is utter rubbish is the fact it omits Her Royal Highness The Queen.... whom is quite obviously the most powerful woman in the world and quite possibly in the entire history of the world.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
I'm laughing at Palin for her actions...

But she does have more power than Michelle Obama.

I think you hate the fact that most of the world has a favorable opinion of her.

WHY do they? She hasn't done anything .. not really.

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