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How do we take back our world?

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Recently I have awoke from a blinding slumber to a world completely manipulated by a group of elites. Now, everything makes sense. Everything, that is, but one thing.

How do we take back our world?

To you fellow residents of the United States, how do we take back our country?

I have a feeling it starts with taking back the United States, and the rest will follow suit. Seeing as how many revolutions around the world began because of the American Revolution's success, I am fairly confident that it will happen again. Once people wake up as I have, things will be that much easier. Still, I don't have a clue how to take back control, assuming we ever had control in the first place.

I wont be a leader in this revolution, obviously, but I wont blindly follow anyone to my death either. I must know, how do YOU suppose we go about bringing real change?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

I have to ask first this question,

Is it our world?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:30 PM
Work for yourself
Grow your own food

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Arguing if the earth is our planet should be saved for another thread. By our world, I mean our society, our communities, our countries.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by TheNewKid
Work for yourself
Grow your own food

Well, not everyone is able to do that. There are too many people for that to be possible. We have to work together if we want to stand a chance for anything.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I would like to give my answer to that question.

Yes it is. Just because we don't take care of it or ourselves, doesn't mean its not ours, it just means that we are not responsible or deserving enough to treat it as good as it has treated us.

Not to say that we couldn't treat it better, we just don't try hard enough to do it. Sure we can blame big companies, but until we decide to stop using companies that poison, or start standing as one, not only will we lose the planet, that has provided us with the substances to live, but we deserve not to live here either way.

If we didn't have big companies, or big money, controlling everything, do you think that this planet would be in peril? I don't think so. There are over 6 Billion people on this planet, and we still think there's nothing we can do. That means that Big Companies are maybe a handful.

When we get out of our scared state of mind, and realize that WE can make the change, we will become extinct, by our doing.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:40 PM
it is simple

Go in a small 3-5 acre farm, without building a high carbon footprint
McMansion and all that goes with it ------------------------- think Amish or Menonite ideaology

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

I also think that we have to become one, but I also think that it is possible for Everyone to grow food. If you live in an apartment building and 1 person, just one per apartment were to grow 1 thing, you can feed the whole building.

People say, oh no one will ever do that, well with that state of mind, no it never will. If I told 3 neighbors to invest 10 dollars each and we can eat what we grow and lower our food bills by almost half, do you think they will say no?

Even if we have to be the ones to make this proposition, its better than doing nothing at all.

Whats the worst that someone can say? No. Then ask someone else. I would say yes, would you?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I would invest in that in order to be less dependent on the corporations. If you have food and your own plot of land, you don't need much else.

But that is hardly realistic on a global scale, especially when the world is going to take a turn for the worse once the Dollar completely crashes. It will be a global depression beyond anything in human history and millions upon millions will die in poverty, nearly to the billions.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

See we are the global scale, we just don't see it. We are the ones that have to say, we don't want to take it anymore. They are the minority, but we think that those with money can stay in control, because they use large portions of that money to convince we are nothing.

I saw something not to long ago, about a company that was using biodegradable packaging, and because it made to much noise, people stopped buying them, they lost money and they discontinued the packaging and went back to the original

That's why things are the way they are now.

If we stopped giving them the money, they stop making the products. If we all stood down and said NO, they would have nothing. We have the power, we always have.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Modern America and others, I commend your question and I also commend your decision to ask it on this forum, rather than where answers will be suppressed. While I'm also newer to the information and even newer to making survival and other plans for myself and my family. Let's think about what the American Revolutionaries did and see if we can't figure out a way to put that in modern speak and see what we can do.

One of the big things they did was boycott a lot of goods. They made a lot of their own foods, clothes and so on. This made it so their reliance on the King was limited and so that they wouldn't pay all of those taxes forced onto them. We talk about how we have taxation WITH representation today, but what happens when your representatives are corrupted? So, I would say one of the first steps, which someone already brought up, was to look into taking care of yourself and your family like a true woman/man. Those of you who say 'Not everyone can do that' are incorrect. In fact, if you get yourself in the right prepared situation, anyone can. The real thing is 'not everyone will do that' and that likely also means a lot of people will either work with the system for safety over freedom or simply, they will just die.

Once through their actions, they were able to show they could depend on themselves and didn't need the oppressive governance to survive(and therefore fear manipulation won't work much), you already take away a lot of their sly tactics. The next step is to find people who are agreeable enough with you to rebel against the oppressive elite. What we obviously find in the History books is that the rebels and revolutionaries were not lone wolves, they worked in packs and added up quite quickly. People had different reasons for rebelling, but what they found in common was the ability and desire to rebel and as long as you have that in common, you can tear down the oppression. When there were boycotts, almost everyone participated.. that's something you don't see very often today. Not only do you need to find people who believe as you do, but you should share concrete information and proof with your brothers and sisters in this nation. Some already are, but some won't reach everywhere and we need a diversity of people to represent the rebellion.

Thirdly is, as a group, stick together and let them know that you aren't just hiding away in some bomb shelter or up in the mountains... your in the war zone and your ready to fight legally, verbally, intellectually and should they make the first move, even physically. You want to know intimidation? Intimidation is 300 million sick and tired people who've about had it and they won't take it anymore. Will that cause more obvious oppression that kills people by the dozens or thousands? I don't know. But frankly, I would rather have it go down that we went down knowing what was going on and not submitting.

The most important things to remember are that when an idea of freedom, peace and love are truly meant and fought for(not physically, necessarily), then they will come to be. Abraham Lincoln said that no challenge from outside of the USA would take it down, if it was to fall, it would fall from the inside out. Don't let America fall, because while America stands for ill health, stupidity and sunken values today, at one time it was the greatest country on the face of the Earth, led by the greatest men on the face of the Earth. Prove to yourself and prove to the world that the past is not sealed off and the future is not set in stone.

Mr. Dalton

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana
You could opt out and go alternative, but that's only taking back a little bit of personal power and ignoring everyone else's plight.

It's been said that to make change you have to do it from within the system. But, the system rejects and destroys anyone who is intent on creating healthy effective Change for the vast majority of people.

So that leaves the population with Revolution as the only means to force any real change.

Problems with that is most people are very afraid of the idea and so won't support it, and most are afraid that it will be them who end up dying for the cause. And let's face it, some will die for a Revolution because that is what it will take.. a few martyrs deaths to inflame the pathetically-slack plebs into action.

"When only one path remains, it is the perfect path."... ancient Druid Maxim.

The People have the Power in Numbers.... like the ants in the movie "Antz" that were also suppressed by an apparenty more powerful group until they realised they had the power to force changes. And so we are left to ponder.. who has the courage to begin this Revolution for Humanity?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

Modern Americana,

I have listed a few things below. I read Mr. Dalton's post and admired it greatly. He is right. But I see the darker side of human nature, so my post is a bit gloom and doom in comparison. I apologize in advance. These are just my personal thoughts. And when you mention taking back our world, I took at it at it's extreme meaning.

I have thought about your question a lot over the past year and realized that it's a very difficult thing to accomplish. Your question is a very complex one. As you can see from ATS posts, it's very hard to get a majority of people to agree on anything. First, people have to wake up and see what is going on. There are many reasons people don't. They are in a daze due to poisoned bodies, minds and souls. There are too many distractions and people find comfort in sitting behind their computers and TV to block out reality. People are suffering from illnesses, depression and stress. Media is a huge disinfo machine, spewing out lies upon lies that people actually believe. Every aspect of our lives and abilities to survive are owned and controlled by our governments and corporations.

In order for us to take back control of our planet, we have to learn to take back control of ourselves, our minds. Thinking outside the box is not permitted. We have been taught to police each other. Children even police their parents. Even our own friends and families police us.

Another big reason is FEAR. In order for us to take back control of our planet, we have to surrender ALL control first. We would have to bring the entire system to a halt. That is almost impossible. Do you know how much of the world's population is medicated? How would they get their medicine if all hell broke loose? People who are living on food stamps and government assistance programs, can't live without it. If we went on strike globally, all the supplies and manufacturing would stop. How long will people allow this to go on if they start getting inconvenienced or start to get hungry or need to go to the doctors? No food, transport, etc. People will start policing each other again, panic and fight for survival. It would be massive chaos. Even if it was done peacefully, people would start to turn on one another.

Laws are sneaking up under the radar everyday. Very soon all naturopathic medicines will be illegal, growing your own food will be illegal, conspiracy web sites will be illegal, etc. etc. Before people even realize what's going on, all of our rights and powers will have been taken away. It's happening right now! When everyone realizes what has happened or when people have lost everything, no food, no jobs, no money, no health, they will get angry and irrational and start to fight back. When it gets to that stage, the governments will easily take them down and detain them indefinitely. The global governments are already anticipating this will happen in the future and are VERY prepared for that scenario.

So the answer to your question is: THROUGH SELF SACRIFICE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Seti_Starr

Thank you for your post, and thank you Mr. Dalton for yours.

I must respond to your final statement about self sacrifice. That is what made the United States so great back when it was new. It wasn't just the freedom, it was the fact that people were willing to give up their own bread to feed others; they happily joined the war effort to fight to save Europe, twice. It wasn't until the Vietnam war and the fact that people saw how horrible war was, the way the government initially handled the Civil Rights movement, and President Nixon's scandal that people started to rebel against authority again. It was then that sacrifice was thrown out the window. And it was propagated in the following decades with personal computers and the internet. People wanted to live for their gadgets, to live for money, not for a cause.

They became so twisted in this arbitrary battle over left vs right that they didn't see, and have yet to see, that it is the middle that is the real problem. Not the moderates, no, the people that are at the center of all of this; the people that will be responsible for the turmoil and mass chaos that will ensue in the coming years. I fear for my life, my family, and my country. I love the United States and its ideals, the Americana ideals -- baseball (now football) and apple pie, the American dream and the willingness to sacrifice for others. I hate, however, how people have become.

I don't hate people, but I hate the fact that no one is willing to sacrifice. I would if I didn't think I was the only one doing it.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Here is another question for you guys:

Once we take back our society from the elites, how will we keep it from happening again in the future?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by Modern Americana

I have to ask first this question,

Is it our world?

Very good question. The answer is that it is not; it is Yahweh's. We are only privileged to have the opportunity to live here.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

[How do we take back our world]
Out of the box thinking. If some person's stole my
truck, and recked it. Would I want my recked truck back?" NO".
Do you really want your broke indebt country back? They recked it,
they can pay for and keep it. Stop spending your money. The Gov., will
give you free money, jest to keep the country going. Of coarse, then they have a
pay check.
Reading this may help Ephesians Chap 6 verse 5-19

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by 19rn50

What are you saying? Of course I want my country back. I love what this country used to stand for, and I miss being able to have nothing but good things to say about it, back when I was naive.

I want to be able to be proud of my country. I am not proud anymore, but that doesn't have to be permanent. We can take it back and restore it to what it once was, before FDR, before Wilson, even before it was recognized as a country.

I want it to come together under a just cause and really pull through in the end, and prevent this nightmare from happening again.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:14 PM
It is about time somebody asked this question. We blabber on and on about the elites doing this and that, but we never actually concentrate our minds together to think of ways to knock the elite off the top spot.

I agree that we need to be more independent from government with food and resources, and more dependent on our neighbors. But, first we have to help each other get to the same place mentally, then we will be able help each other take back the world physically.

Most people have no idea that we have long lost the world to overloads, nor do they know that they are even lying to us. Although, being in college I've found that most college people know a lot more about the government corruption, media propaganda, and elite than most people on ATS give them credit for. None I’ve met have visited ATS, but plenty of them don't believe 9/11's official story, know why we are truly occupying the Middle East, and don't believe the MSM 100%. The only reason college kids can't find the answer to their questions is that they don't have enough time with 4-5 classes and work. We don't have enough time to sit there and question every news article from a biased MSM source, or the intentions of the Oligopolies that make up each industry. Same goes to people with 9-5 jobs and a family to take care of, they have no time!

I think the answer has been and will be the Internet, otherwise we may have to find another planet as all the land on this planet has been claimed by the elites and government. The Internet is the only place anybody anywhere can search for an answer to their question then be able to make their mind up for themselves. We have to keep communicating to those near us and those we never even see. People read what you type if you have an intelligent idea. We have to wake each other up.

- I think the first step is to get more time to question the events around the world.
- We have to have the facts straight to back up the real version of the story that is being told so others will come to the same realization we have.
- We have to have successful protests to get the message out so everyone can wake up.
- We have to become more independent and grow our own food, but we can't be hippies and be content with settling for 3-4 meals a day.
- We have to truly want to help every individual in the world.
- We have to utilize technology and our brains to outsmart the elites and come up with better ideas for solving the world's problems.
- We cannot be infiltrated or bought out.
- We have to protect our rights, and demand more rights instead of letting them get slowly taken away.
- We have to get RESULTS, we can't just sit here bitching about it. We have to do something.
- We need to get over our differences to become one. Not a One World Government one, we need to unite as people for The People to take back our land and help the world away from the people that thirst power.

edit on 6-10-2010 by tooo many pills because:

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:19 PM
If your looking for a revolution then a complete economic crash would actually be a good thing.
The French revolution was born out of the masses who could barely feed themselves watching the royal elite eating exotic food and lining their walls with gold.

In fact Aristotle said "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime."

If people have money they are afraid of losing it, if they don't then they no longer have anything to lose. As Janis Joplin once sang "Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose"

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