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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Hi all-

Last night I wanted to start writing a book so I wrote my first page. I hope you enjoy it and there will be much more to come this is just the intro. Anyhow I hope you have a great day!


In the beginning there was only one, an infinite ball of energy that had no size but was infinite. Being pure infinite energy was the warmest feeling that can be imagined but has its disadvantage; there were no interactions, only pure warm infinite energy. Although it was the best feeling ever imagined there was still a void, or a pull for interaction with others, and darkness was created. Light and darkness had much fun with each other but still there was a void missing, they both wanted more interaction, so they created circle. Circle allowed light and darkness to combine to form a new energy made of both light and darkness, universes were then created.

Light, darkness and circle had so much fun in this new universe but still they wanted more interaction so they created solar system inside the universe with circle. The solar system light, darkness and circle agreed was much fun so they made many universes and solar systems. They had the best fun ever imagined with these infinite universes and solar systems but after many infinites they still felt a pull for more, so they created planets within solar systems. Light, darkness and circle had the most fun they have had so far with the planets. Planets were much fun to smash but something was missing, that’s when they created line.

Line combined with circle, light and darkness to create creatures. Creatures was the most fun any of them had ever had they all agreed, but still after the most fun ever imagined there was still a pull for more. After much thought they agreed that it would be the most fun ever if someone other than themselves could control creatures, so soul was created.

Soul combined with creatures so they could learn about line, circle, light and darkness. When soul combined with creature however, things changed. Creatures didn’t understand line, circle, light and darkness with there new souls, that’s when opposites were created. Soul tricked many creatures and told them there was only one. Soul did not lie to creatures, there was only one in the beginning but that was many infinites ago. Creatures argued over who was right and wrong and that there must only be one, that’s when line, circle, light and darkness created sun. Light, darkness, circle, and light put sun in charge of planets, creatures, and souls and agreed that they would watch how things would turn out.

They all agreed after many infinites that it was much fun to watch the interactions of creatures argue but there was still a pull for more, that’s when right and wrong were created. Line merged in the middle of circle, light entered one side and darkness entered the other to create balance. Balance allowed creatures to see both sides to each argument and decide what side they agreed with most, that’s when good and evil were created.

Good saw everything warm and happy as the only way to be, and evil felt the opposite. Once good and evil were created creatures divided into three groups, one mostly good, one mostly evil, and one that understood both but didn’t know what side to choose so they stayed balanced but did not fight. One day light, darkness, line and circle decided that the most fun ever would be to see who could get the most creatures to understand them so challenge was created.

Challenge decided to make an infinite game, a game of good, evil, and balance. Challenge allowed good, evil and balance to compete for creatures. Light was in charge of all creatures that were made of mostly good. Darkness was in charge of all creatures that were made of mostly evil. Line and circle were in charge of all creatures of balance. This is where our story begins……

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Trudge

I added just a little bit more to the intro but because the server was being updated at ATS I missed the 4 hour window to make changes to my frist post. I just changed the last paragraph here is what I changed.

Challenge decided to make an infinite game, a game of good, evil, and balance. Challenge allowed good, evil and balance to compete for creatures. Light was in charge of all creatures that were made of mostly good. Darkness was in charge of all creatures that were made of mostly evil. Line and circle were in charge of all creatures of balance. The three groups broke apart to start the new game, each empowering creatures to follow their command. Each group taught their commanders what they should teach others about these newly formed groups. Many infinites later, our story begins….

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Trudge

Here is a little more that I did this morning.

Over many infinites war became second nature to all 3 groups. Light being good, taught its creatures to follow the code of law. This code broke apart light, darkness, line, and circle and only showed what light brings. Light taught its creatures to only follow light, because if not, darkness would surly kill them. This formed very strong creatures, but ones that only obeyed and did ask questions. Light ruled by law only, if any law was broken by a creature, then that creature was to leave, never to return no matter what rule was broken.

Darkness, being evil, taught its creatures to only follow the code of death. It, like light, broke apart light, darkness, line, and circle and only taught about darkness. Darkness made a test instead of a law to make its creatures very strong as well. This test was a test of pain; all creatures had to pass this test in order to be with darkness. If any creature was too weak to pass the test of pain, they were slowly tortured to death in front of darkness creatures. Once this test was passed or failed darkness told the creatures if the ever disobeyed they would see the same fate that creatures got that couldn’t pass only longer. This created very strong creatures, but again, like light, they only obeyed and did not think for themselves.

Line and circle, being able to use light, and darkness, made truly strong creatures. They showed their creatures the gifts that both light and darkness could bring to them. With the knowledge of both light and darkness they truly became the strongest creatures. However there was one problem, being from both allowed free will, which meant creatures of both light and darkness could persuade line and circles creatures to change sides unless they were truly balanced. Once a creature of balance switches sides, they convert to either light or darkness but become much weaker than a light or darkness creature because they are no longer balanced. Because line and circle knew this about balance they trained their creatures very hard, this killed many creatures in the process. It is easier to see only one side than two, so although line and circles creatures were the strongest creatures by far, only half survive the training.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Trudge

Wow what a breath of fresh air. I've read a lot of fiction online today and this was by far the most pleasurable to read. I love it, but I think it would be incredibly difficult to sustain this style for a whole novel.

Just a couple of technical points and they are totally pedantic so don't stress. I saw the word 'infinites' three times. It would seem you are meaning to say the plural of infinity which is of course infinities. We all have blind spots like this. Also in keeping with the style I thought it might be cool if you first 'create' death earlier in the piece so that you can later kill the creatures. Just a thought.

Anyways I look forward to the next bit.



posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by inkslug
reply to post by Trudge

Wow what a breath of fresh air. I've read a lot of fiction online today and this was by far the most pleasurable to read. I love it, but I think it would be incredibly difficult to sustain this style for a whole novel.

Just a couple of technical points and they are totally pedantic so don't stress. I saw the word 'infinites' three times. It would seem you are meaning to say the plural of infinity which is of course infinities. We all have blind spots like this. Also in keeping with the style I thought it might be cool if you first 'create' death earlier in the piece so that you can later kill the creatures. Just a thought.

Anyways I look forward to the next bit.



Hi inkslug-

Thank you very much for your reply and I am happy that you enjoyed the intro to my book. This is my first try at trying to write something like this so i'm sure some changes will need to take place.

The reason I added death so late in the intro (there will be plenty of fighting and death in my book) was that I wanted to show very simple thoughts at first. When light first came into existance the only thing it knew was a wonderful warm feeling until it realized itself and wanted interaction with others.

The "infinites" instead of "infinities" is to hard for me to explain, I should look at just changing it to very long time or something to that nature. Thank you for your input on that.

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