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Bigfoot/Sasquatch Fact or Fiction?

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by jaysinn
I'm willing to bend my way around rational, proven reality to accept theories if they seem to make sense and fill in gaps without completely denying existence as we know it. I believe these creatures exist, but I came to some thoughts about them years ago.

My main theory, and again this requires a measurable amount of "quasi-faith", is that these creatures are multi-dimensional. I've had my experiences in my life that lead me to believe there are concurrent multiple dimensions, layers of existence. What if these creatures don't spend all of their life in our plane of existence? What if these sightings are of actually instances where these creatures have "bled through" the barrier between their reality and our own? We never find bodies. They quickly disappear. We may find evidence of their involvement in an event: throwing of rocks/branches, broken trees, foot prints, smells, etc. But we, like nearly every skeptical argument, have yet to hold scientific, physical evidence of these things. How? Why?

Writing this off as hokey is the same, to me, as writing off Bigfoot as hokey in general. We have no way to prove there exist or do not exist this species of creature. Therefore, we have no way to prove or disprove that my theory is anymore right or wrong than the next.

Bottom line is that we all take to these stories, these myths, these fables, that are handed down by families and friends for generations. Why do we? They're entertaining. They interest us. Let it be what it is. If someone believes the stories or maybe believes they have sighted one of these insanely elusive creatures with their own eyes, let them. They aren't hurting anyone. Sure, they can't prove that they really saw what they say they did. But you can't prove that they didn't.

Its all about accepting each other and what we all believe. That's what makes us all different.

Yes jaysin. spot on.

Two points apply here i think.

One of the local bars had a celebrity in it tonight. Tony Stewart of Nascar fame, drinking in a small town bar. If you told me a week ago that he would be there, i would have said bs.

The sighting I had was concrete. i saw the thing. Many people will say Im stating a sighting for a multitude of reasons. They will challenge my experience. But the sighting challenged me. It challenged my intellectual snobbery. i seriously went from a to z in terms of whats possible in his world,

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by supersajjad

He's not an experiment by scientists. Using dating techniques, do you have any idea how far back into history that mandible goes? Let me give you a hint, a few thousand years before recombinant DNA techniques were even conceived.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Ok, I once, some years back, saw a video on youtube about a bigfoot. I cant find it anymore...

But I really liked it. You see a "snowy slope" on the background with also trees. Maybe it was some sort of skieslope. While there where two rows of no trees... if I remember right. Then on the background you see some creature walking from the right to the left. like some 100 meters away...

Someone knows where I am talking about??
edit on 18-3-2011 by Lunica because: booo

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Take a look at this.

Apparently the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) is willing to give 100 dollars per second of Bigfoot footage and 200 dollars for clear Bigfoot footage.

Is it really a suprise some people are making fake videos in the hope of making some money?

edit on 11-4-2011 by FoxMulder91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:24 AM
I just had to give this fantastic piece of work a bump Slayer. Truly awesome.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 12:10 PM

--------------------Thread Update-------------------

Interesting discussion....

Bigfoot hunters think they’ve found DNA evidence [EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS]

At a press conference today in Fresno, Calif., the Sanger Paranormal Society reached out to the public to help come up with the needed funds to pay for a thorough analysis of DNA from an alleged Bigfoot creature. Sanger founder Jeffrey Gonzalez presented photographs taken of strange impressions left on the windows of his pickup truck that was temporarily abandoned in a snow storm when he and several others were on a Bigfoot expedition over Memorial Day weekend in California's Sierra National Forest.

When the men returned to retrieve Gonzalez's truck, they were startled to discover the window markings -- including a large paw-like image -- and what they first thought was evidence of hair on two of the truck windows. Story continues below Gonzalez called in forensic/law enforcement photographer Mickey Burrow, who has spent 14 years as a qualified court photographic expert and crime scene processor.

"I immediately started wondering if there could be some DNA left behind, because if this thing put its face on the window, I thought there was probably DNA on there," Burrow told AOL. "I've got the know-how. I've done it more than 5,000 times on crime scenes. In this case, I treated it like it was a vehicle that got burglarized.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

You know what they say, never say never. But I doubt it, Slay. Seriously. As I read somewhere the other day, wouldn't a skeleton at least have turned up somewhere by now?

Wouldn't they be at least dumpster-diving, or applying for food stamps?

Well considering this story about an AWOL cow, a smarter animal like a bigfoot could possibly hide.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:57 PM
Personally I think it's fact, based on my one and only sighting.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by bphi1908
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

You know what they say, never say never. But I doubt it, Slay. Seriously. As I read somewhere the other day, wouldn't a skeleton at least have turned up somewhere by now?

Wouldn't they be at least dumpster-diving, or applying for food stamps?

Well considering this story about an AWOL cow, a smarter animal like a bigfoot could possibly hide.

Actually I remember seeing a show on TV about a man in Florida I think running into one that was dumpster diving. I think it might have been Monster Quest about the Skunk Ape. If I remember correctly the man shot at the creature.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69
I have always wanted to believe in Bigfoot, however I'm not the type of guy who just believes things without evidence (Like Religions for example). But I will say that after reviewing every little scrap and shred of "evidence" on Bigfoot I could get my hands on within the past few years, I'm definitely still considering the possibility. The Pacific Northwest is an amazing place, with unmatched beauty and enormous areas of unexplored wilderness. I've been a hunter since I was allowed by my parents to hold a gun. And I spend a tremendous amount of time in the wild, and all I can say to those noises is that I've never heard anything like them in my short life so far. I really want to take it to some seasoned hunters in BC or to some scientists to do a proper analysis of these recordings. And who says they have to be Bigfoot? It could be another species we haven't found yet. Just a little while ago in Africa they found a completely new species of monkey they didn't even know existed. So who knows? What I do know, is that from now on, I'll NEVER be in the wilderness without an IC recorder and HD Camcorder. I highly encourage everyone else reading this post to do the same if you frequent the forest because I'm sick of these terrible quality "Bigfoot Tapes" or "Bigfoot Recordings" that pop up all over YouTube. They don't prove a thing. Having a new, modern HD camera with a shotgun microphone attached to it, will allow it to be zoomed with great audio capabilities and awesome visuals at range. And an IC recorder for those weird moaning and whooping sounds should they ever be heard while I'm out and about.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:32 PM
The one thing that really gets me mad is the amount of hoax videos that are out there. As long as we search for a creature in which there is no concrete evidence on, there will always be hecklers, nay-sayers, what have you. Some people just absolutely refuse to just except the fact that there could actually be something else out there that JUST HAS NOT BEEN FOUND! Just because its something you don't see everyday and can associate a name with, does'nt necessarily mean it doesnt exist either. For instance, the Coelacanths were thought to have gone extinct in the Late Cretaceous (65 million years ago ), but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa! Latimeria chalumnae and the Latimeria menadoensis are the only two living coelacanth species, which are found along the coastlines of the Indian Ocean. It is a Living Fossil!!! Also,The megamouth shark, is an extremely rare species of deepwater shark. It was only discovered in 1976 and only a few megamouth sharks have been seen or caught to date in 2011. I believe its safe to say that whatever species bigfoot belongs to. It is absolutely 'more rare' of a species, and the chances of having a sighting is even less than that of capturing or filming a megamouth shark. I firmly believe that there are species of creature out there that we have not found yet. Obviously further and persistent exploration of our oceans provide proof to have life that we've clearly though been extinct. Also, one that has never been found (Megamouth). There's plenty of deep sea bioluminescent creatures that are documented yearly! So, in closing, if we can prove the existence of a new species in our own oceans. Than why is it so hard to believe that it couldn't happen deep in the forrests or swamps of North America?

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:51 PM
I think it's appropriate to post a link to This ATS Thread here for added discussion. Very interesting possibility. I have always thought the attempts to debunk the Patterson footage weak at best. The admission it was a hoax by the perps is the real puzzler to me.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 09:14 PM
If you look at her leg closest to the camera you can see a bulge between hip and knee. This moves with the muscle as she is walking. Even better than that, same leg between foot and knee........look at THAT muscle!!

I didn't read all the replies so I'm sorry if this is repeated.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:12 PM
This is the most detailed analysis of the patterson film I have ever seen!
With this being filmed in 1967,before all the hype,before bigfoot was mainstream or even really known,who or why would this film be a fake?
I think you have made a good case for the authenticity of this film.
My mind has been blown away!
Thank you.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 03:51 AM
With the finding bigfoot team out looking constantly yet coming up with nothing and all the time science standing on the sidelines shaking its head and the lack of any bodily proof of Bigfoot's existence I have to think that its just a nice story.

But I believe that Bigfoot is real.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by moonrunner

The wilderness is just so vast, that a group of people could look forever and find nothing but empty forest. Most sightings, including my own, are sheer accident. Right place at the right time.

I've been in the back of beyond, and I'm sure I've been places that no one has ever been, except for me, and assorted wild life.

So just because these groups, who are noisy as all get out, don't see anything, in and of itself, means nothing.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by seagull

You had an encounter or sighting of bigfoot?
I am very intrigued.
I am sure you have shared your story,so I must go search for it.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by seagull

I found it.

All I can say is that I have heard it/them.
Camping in the backwoods of Georgia.
I have camped alot and have heard many things,but that sound made me want to haul ass out of there.
My hair is standing up on the back of my neck just thinking about it.
Probably why I haven't camped since.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:44 PM
What I don't get is, after their confession of hoax by Patterson et al, they BURNED and destroyed the costume (allegedly by the wife)?? Why? That was some piece of theatrical handiwork of an outfit. The time and effort involved must have been significant. Looked very convincing, especially for that time.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:19 PM
I just learned the gorilla suit was claimed to be a mail-order?? THAT is hard to believe. That tight-fitting (even with proper equiptment/padding) would be a customizing challenge. The guy would have to be naturally big to begin with. And the breasts? Why breasts on a gorilla suit? Were they implants? :-)

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