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Obama: Democratic voter apathy 'inexcusable'

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Intelearthling

I will be one of those "Apathy" sufferer, I voted for him and with great hopes, but now Is nothing there for me to support and the last thing I want right now is Democrats holding congress again.

Sorry Mr. President but you just fail me and many others, but wall street is going to be very happy with more of your financial help at the expenses of the tax payer in the nation

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Hello marg6043. Star to you.

It's really not about making promises that were so extravagant that they were impossible to keep. It's about making promises that were within reach. Promises that he didn't even attempt to keep.

If there could be an award for the "Most Do Nothing President," I'd have to give it to him. Wait. Wait. I take that back. He is partying and taking more vacations more than any other president I can remember.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Intelearthling

He did what he was told to do, the promises were naive, but full of hope for many of us, he did what he was told to do, he catered to the well being of the filthy rich and Wall street, then served the American humanity to the big insurance business and big pharma as a lifetime money gravy train to be exploited.

Now he is trying to once again sell his campaign of hope, the problem is that nobody believes him anymore.

edit on 28-9-2010 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Star to you.

Well said. It's too bad that we can't have leaders who can think on their own two feet. I've always been dumbfounded to the fact that Washington DC is flooded with advisors of different levels of society.

Fire all the advisors and start listening to the American people directly is what I say. Anyone can give advice. Children can give advice but applying this advice is a different story when all is said and done. Our "learned" leadership has got too much book sense and no common sense when it comes to attacking problems the nation now faces.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:06 PM

Well, excuse me.

My city's water tested for fluoride at the concentration of ~1.1ppm (parts per million) in the year 2002.

My city's water tested for fluoride at 3ppm this year.

Apathy? I have another word for it: poison-induced hypothyroidism.

If you as a leader do not want your people to be apathetic, then why permit illegal fluoride water poisoning and other forms of poisoning illegally institutionalized nationwide?

Why don't you ban fluoride by executive order if you don't want apathy?

For fluoride, there is no excuse.

And while you're at it:

For bisphenol A, there is no excuse.
For valproic acid, there is no excuse.
For mercury in all its forms, fluorescent bulbs, vaccine adjuvants, preservative in eyedrops, there are no excuses. (No not even in die Glocke style UFO's, no thank you.)
For high fructose corn syrup processed in mercury cells, tainting children's and adults' treats with mercury, there is no excuse.
For untested Intralytix genetically modified bacteria-eating virii in, for example, lunch meat, there is no excuse.
For genetically modified rather than selectively bred, there is no excuse yet - we don't have the computing power or knowledge to extrapolate the different chemicals produced as a result of a sloppy gene-gun assisted GM seed, propagation, mutation and distribution. We as a race of people, are just too simple right now, to know exactly what we are doing, when we implant foreign genes into evolutionary frameworks of life.

One of the biggest arguments against genetically modified was the genetically modified ferment a vitamin manufacturer Showa Denko used to yield tryptophan from starch; the final product after extraction and purification was later found to be tainted with a "Peak X" only seen on the gas chromatograph. The moral of the story is that a "whole" genetically modified product, rather than a concentrated and heavily tested product, is even more unsafe, because the distributed genetically modified seeds have more variation and less testing per volume consumed to look for these dangerous "peaks" that may also arise in various genetically modified crops.

Your leaders are therefore by definition, poisoners.

For a leader to tell their people, that they have no excuse to be apathetic, cognizant that they are poisoned at the direction of that leader's peers, underlings, and corporate subjects is the height of cruelty.

A reason for which your leadership would accept your poisoning as business as usual: A traditional bully mentality leadership quietly hates Americans to the point of wishing death upon them for producing so much trash, and "poisoning the earth" so they feel if you are, in their judgement, ignorant or poor or weak enough that you "need" to live on the grid, receiving city water to shower in and city trash pickup, then it must be their judgement that you deserve to be poisoned in the grid, not unlike an animal shelter regularly killing the weakest and hardest to adopt dogs to make room for new arrivals.

And if you eat meat, tolerate the commercial trade of the flesh of living feeling animals, then as the singularity makes some of the "in-the-know" stronger and stronger until they are virtually immortal gods, then you will inevitably be judged as animals by the ever more refined gods' standards.

Aside: Two party system is not in the constitution anywhere. Two parties, but one system - so says the two parties. Your answer is right there! There are no laws forbidding cheating/vote machine rigging in a political party's primaries. Show me one, I dare you. I double dare you. And by extension, there are no laws forbidding two parties from colluding. Freedom of association means that I could make a plinko party, hold "primary elections", take votes in a suggestion box I then throw away behind closed doors, and ultimately determine the winner as nominated by a "The Price is Right" plinko game of chance and announce it as the will of the people. And it would be totally legal, outrageous, and the fluoridated public would be just as apathetic, because they'll still be how they are best controlled - fluoridated AND ignorant. So to say that the democrats are the only ones who are apathetic is really a cop-out. The whole populations of both republican and democratic parties are on-the-whole apathetic to the poisoning issues, and have, by definition, settled for less, "the two party poisoning system".

I'm in Ron Paul's district, by the way. Fluoridation in his area has thus increased since he has gained political traction nationwide. Coincidence? Heh.

Of course your mileage may vary. (Who really knows what secrets a President learns upon taking the throne? Yea, that's the UFO distraction that keeps you from assuming the facts you see before you might actually be true.)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:19 PM
If he REALLY cared about voter apathy he's give the voters something to vote for. Instead he just gives them more of the same ... corruption, broken promises, lies, and arrogance. OF COURSE they aren't going to get excited about voting for him or his ilk ... WHY would they?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:52 PM
Why should anybody vote? The "lesser of two evils" is still evil.

Not voting is the next best thing to burning this whole charade down.

Voting, even for the real liberty fighting candidates who will never win just justifies the system. A system that to my knowledge has never once even pretended to represent myself or any of my family throughout the generations.

One could say by not voting Im just letting the mass of morons dictate who will have authority over my life. Well, they do that now. They've always done that.

The only thing I can do is get people to understand that being free is preferable to not being free. Even then I'm at a loss considering how many happy slaves I encounter.

Cast my vote for liberty and 300 million authoritarians shoot me down. I'll just sit and wait for death or the psychotic breakdown that seems inevitable at this point. It may be sad and run contrary to all of the "violence never solves anything" crap but those few idiots who flew a plane into a building have made more of a difference on this country and this countrys government than all the votes of the past 100 years ever did.

Voting is about as useful as shouting in a vacuum.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

That's a great point and one I agree with: we don't need people who do not know the facts or people voting. That is why we need better political and voting education.

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