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The British Invasion of 1964 – How the London Bankers Ended American Sovereignty

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Harkin back to yesteryear to one of the most tumultuous times in American History and let us ask the unthinkable.

In a world where the Powers that Be put everything out there in our face daring us to deny it, was the pop culture British Invasion a real invasion of America?

If so to what end and purpose and how, follow along and we will examine the intriguing possibilities as we revisit those days looking for motive and opportunity.

You may never listen to Rock n’ Roll music the same way ever again!

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Our journey begins on that fateful November 22nd, of 1963 when America suddenly changed as shots rang out on Daily Plaza in Dallas Texas mortally wounding the President of the United States. The unthinkable had occurred but what had truly occurred. By the end of the day John F Kennedy would be dead and all of America in a state of shock and mourning. Texan Lyndon B Johnson would be sworn in as Kennedy’s successor, yet another Texan also played what many contend is a pivotal role that day.

John Bowden Conally the recently elected Texas Governor rode along that day in the front passenger seat of the ill fated Kennedy convertible limousine. Conspiracy theorists speculate as to what role if any Conally played in the assassination of the President. One theory even has him secreting the murder weapon in his boot after the Secret Service Driver of the Presidential Limousine shot Kennedy himself.

While intrigues abound, regarding multiple gunmen, shots fired from the Grassy Knoll, and the mysterious circumstances so many of the immediate witnesses to the event met untimely ends, Conally may have gone on to help orchestrate a far greater assassination than that of the President of the United States.

On June 4th, earlier that year of 1963 John F Kennedy signed a little known bill know as Executive Order 11110.

He may have with his signature also signed his own Death Warrant, as the Executive Order could have, should have, and would have rendered the Federal Reserve Act obsolete.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve Bank a private and largely foreign owned institution the sole right to issue the nation’s legal tender currency.

Executive Order 11110 would give the Secretary of the Treasurer the power to issue Silver Certificates against any Silver Bullion in the United States possession.

For the first time since 1913 the U.S. Government would have another source to borrow money from besides the Federal Reserve Bank, largely owned by Papal Rothschild Banking and the Bank of England.

While many believe it was Kennedy’s downfall to have so challenged the London Banking Cartel with Executive Order 11110, the order itself had been signed and was in effect.

How to keep the American Government from utilizing this in the future became a problem of grave concern for London and its bankers.

An America free to borrow from it’s own Silver Reserves would not only cut the Banking Cartel out of untold profits off of interest, but create an independent United States that need not perform to any foreign power’s pleasure and end to obtain credit in a clutch.

Since the Treasury Secretary had the unilateral ability to issue these silver certificates at his sole discretion, the first part of the problem would be controlling the Secretary of the Treasury.

A problem that might not have been any problem at all since non other than John B Conally would go on to become the Secretary of the Treasury during the critical Nixon White House Years that were to come.

I Want to Hold Your Hand

And so it goes with parents of all ages with children of all ages. That age old desire to guide, on the part of the elder in nurturing and growing the junior.

So had the rocky on again off again relationship between England and the United States always been. An England oft reluctant to fully grant America its independence preyed on its shipping in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, pressing captured American Sailors into the British Royal Navy, leading to the acrimony and rancor that would culminate in the War of 1812. When secession broke out in the 1860’s and the Southern States hankered for Independence of their own, the British were there once more fanning the flames of discontent, and at times financing the struggle on both sides. When World War I saw a nearly bankrupt Brittan all but having lost the war on European battlefields manipulation of the Federal Reserve through the Papal Rothschild Family of London soon saw American Doughboys rushing to European battlefields and laying down their lives to reverse the tide. During the dark days of the Blitz, Hitler and Nazi Germany’s relentless bombing campaign against England and London during the early days of World War II, a beleaguered Winston Churchill turned to Franklin D. Roosevelt conniving how a war weary America might be enticed to come to England’s aide and rescue once more.

For better or worse England and the United States seemed destined to remain forever entwined. Yet to who’s benefit was the relationships to be, who would lead and who would follow, and more importantly how to get the proud and independent minded American citizen to go along with its government when it chose to follow Brittan?

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had gone a long way towards using economic leverage over the United States when it came to manipulative control. Dependent upon the foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank for influxes of cash and credit during shortfalls in revenue and increased expenditures left Washington at a distinct disadvantage to London’s control of the Bank, and the issuing of Credit Lines.

Yet there always remained that risk that a politician like Kennedy might seek to rectify that. As long as America had Gold and Silver Reserves she might be down, but not out.

Changing that would require a Masterstroke of strategy and cunning. Changing it in a way that the American people would never be wise to it even more so.

How could Brittan continue to hold America’s hand?

The British Invasion would start that same year on December 10th 1963 when Walter Cronkite did a piece on the CBS Evening News regarding the Beatle Mania sweeping the United Kingdom.

The very next day as history tells us a 15 year old girl named Marsha Albert of Silver Spring Maryland a Washington D.C. Suburb wrote to disc jockey Carroll James at Washington’s WWDC Radio asking why America’s Radio Stations didn’t play such music.

On December 17th a week later Carroll James spun “I Want to Hold Your Hand” on the air.

The British Invasion had begun.

The Tavistock Institute Money Can’t Buy Me Love

Money might not be able to buy one love, but it can buy just about anything else in the world, including influence.

If there is one thing the London Bankers have it’s plenty of money, but how can stodgy old crusty bankers not only get the people of America to love them but to do aide them in their bidding as well?

Enter the Tavistock Institute founded in 1947 in London based on Sigmund Freud’s concepts of human behavior this secretive and shadowy organization tied in with the Intelligence Agencies of the World and many Governments and linked to the secretive Committee of 300 set to work on behalf of the London Bankers doing what they do best, creating and effecting social trends.

Applying social sciences to effect human behavior the good folks at Tavistock would devise a new culture, a counter culture, that would rock the traditional American Landscape creating not just new political attitudes but one’s controlled, as the people indoctrinated themselves into it would also be, by music.

Tavistock would go on to conspire with a handful of key British Artists and Bands often through third party mangers and cutouts to social engineer music, using the pitch, tempo and lyrics of the music to transform the thinking and perspectives of the youth of America.

All the while giving them a new crop of heroes and demigods to worship and take direction from.

As the Beatles invaded America taking it by storm the thirst for more British acts and music soon led to a whole host of British bards invading America’s shores to the enthusiastic reception of near hysterical American audiences as Dusty Springfield became the first non-Beatle Brit to climb to number 1 on American Charts.

It seemed America was the you in “Only Want to Be With You”!

Over the course of the next three years Tavistock would continue to work its magic as Chad & Jeremy, Peter and Gordon, The Animals, Manfred Mann, Petula Clark, Freddie and the Dreamers, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Herman’s Hermits, The Rolling Stones, The Troggs and Donovan continue to lay the groundwork for revolution of music.

While Europe had seen it’s own Renaissance of Music and Art during the middle ages, now America too was seeing its own as more and more Americans embraced the new musical styles and trends, and their own avant-garde and artistic nature and beatniks found themselves vogue and in style.

By 1967 the seeds of Tavistock’s deception had completely taken hold, as more and more Americans began to form their own bands patterning themselves off the British Invaders.

Groups like the Beatles especially Lennon and McCartney along with others like the Rolling Stones and The Who would still be seen as peers even gods of the movement, the Rock n’ Roll scene though was becoming distinctly American.

Phase one was complete a new social attitude and perspective had risen in the land.

The Hippie Movement

In January 1967 the Human Be-in, in San Francisco’s famed Golden Gate Park ushered in a new age in America. The Age of the Hippie had arrived.

Focusing on key aspects of the counterculture personality the Human Be-in was the first real exposure to many of America’s youths and radical new concepts such as personal empowerment, cultural and political decentralization, communal living concepts, and ecological awareness, and higher consciousness often by using psychedelic drugs as a catalyst to that. A radical liberal political consciousness that would start to erode and undermine traditional conservative American Values was taking hold.

Here is the actual Poster for the Human Be-in. ATS Members might recognize some of the more interesting aspects of it!


San Francisco would become a Gateway to the new Hippie Counter Culture movement as the Haight-Ashbury district became a Mecca to youths and young adults throughout America making their way across the country to commune there, celebrate music and new radical freedoms, engage in mind altering psychedelic drug use and the culminating Summer of Love in 1969 that would lead to the huge Woodstock Festival and newly elected President Richard Nixon worrying about the real possibility that a true revolution might be afoot in the land. Also in the Nixon White House in 1969 was none other than John Connally in his new role as Secretary of the Treasury.

The Merry Pranksters and the Grateful Dead

As young Americans headed west to Haight-Ashbury most had no idea what was really in store for them there.

Yet one man author Ken Kesey and a group of psychedelic drug users that banded around him known as the Merry Pranksters did. Lysergic acid diethylamide better known as an experimental drug developed by the CIA known as '___'!'___'

The United States Government through the CIA had been doing experiments at Stanford University in mind control using '___', Kesey and many of the Merry Pranksters were volunteers for the test, and had strong ties to the Intelligence Agency. The CIA having strong ties to Tavistock in turn soon had a core dedicated group in the Merry Pranksters willing to expose countless thousands to the drug.

Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter along with Ken Kesey was two of the programs more famed volunteers. The Grateful Dead itself got its start as the House Band for the Merry Prankster’s acid tests.

Another major Merry Prankster whose motto was “Never trust a prankster” was Owsley Stanley '___' Kingpin who managed somehow to supply the entire American market for '___' singlehandedly!

Stanley is believed to have manufactured in excess of 5 million doses of '___'.

The Merry Pranksters in fact would load squirt guns full of liquid '___' and squirt them into the unsuspecting mouths of many a Haight-Ashbury partygoer in their infamous “Acid Tests”

Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroine, Crystal Methadrine, Mescaline and Mushrooms would all become drugs that were experimented with in conjuring up a altered state and higher consciousness.

The pervasive drug use would frighten the government and mainstream America, and serve to further bond the counterculture youths into a form of criminality that would lend itself to both common identity and common purpose.

Perhaps most suspicious of all regarding the Grateful Dead’s role in the Merry Prankster Acid Tests was despite numerous drug related arrests amongst band members in city after city year after year, none ever served any significant jail time for the offenses.

By 1969 and the Woodstock Festival America’s Rock and Roll Counter Culture was in full blossom and raging across the land, with millions and millions of hippies living a free roaming, radical communal lifestyle that involved extensive drug use and leisure travel.

When Music and other Counter Culture Related Festivals and Events would be held the hippies would invade where ever they were sometimes in the millions.

Just like a regular army!

The Anti War Protests and Civil Rights

The hippies weren’t just limiting themselves to drug use and rock n’ roll as they began to take up social causes that began to transform America.

From the streets of Selma Alabama to the Washington Mall hippies were weighing in as a political force the likes of which America had never seen before. Lacking any nationwide cohesive leadership and no organized platform their largely spontaneous gatherings were more a cause of amusement and concern than much else.

The Merry Pranksters had formed a strategic partnership early on with another band of American fringe outlaws, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. The Angels would often function as drug mules and muscle whole the more flamboyant and lovable hippies would appeal to the cameras and a strange romance with Media and Advertisers.

Ken Kesey and his Acid Guru counterpart Timothy Leary had seen in '___' and the Drug Counter Culture two separate courses. Leary favored controlled testing environments and clinical type study of volunteers only to see how the drugs might raise conscious awareness in a safe setting. Kesey though favored widespread introduction including to the unaware as a way to transform American society.

That both Kesey and Leary were national figures is not remarkable considering the notoriety their endeavors gained them. Yet what is more telling is how the Government sought to limit Leary’s voice and participation in the counterculture movement through the threat of prosecution yet left Kesey who was much more the menace virtually unmolested.

Was it Kesey’s strong ties to the Intelligence Communities and Masonry that helped him to that end?

If so to what end was Kesey helping them? Long after the CIA had stopped its controversial '___' experimentation Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters were still visiting mayhem on the exploitable youth of the nation.

Anti-war protests on the Washington Mall would see sometimes up to a million participants gathered across the street from the White House and blocks from the Capitol Building.

One incident could have set the crowds into an unstoppable surge that could have stormed the White House and the Capitol Building both.

President Nixon alarmed by the crowds and their anti-War rhetoric asked FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to investigate Hippie Leaders as being possible true revolutionaries bent on overthrowing the Government.

One person above all the rest piqued Nixon and the FBI’s interest and this was none other than John Lennon of the Beatles.

The Beatles Bigger than Jesus?

While the hippie movement had no cut and dry political leader, they did have their Gurus in large part John Lennon and Paul McCartney carried a revered status amongst many hippies that truly made them both more popular than Jesus in the eyes of America youth.

Could one word from John Lennon or Paul McCartney have send crowds of hippies totaling in the millions gathered on the Washington Mall storming the White House and the Capitol?

Arguably yes and now we take a momentary detour to one of the most interesting and hotly contested of all conspiracies to grace these or any other Boards.

Was Paul McCartney killed in 1966 and replaced with a double?

There is considerable speculation that in fact he may have been and was then replaced with Billy Sheppard the one time winner of a Paul McCartney look alike contest, who after that brief claim to fame forever more fell off the face of the earth, adding to the speculation he claimed McCartney’s identity.

If so to what end? Where Lennon and McCartney conspiring with Travistock as the defacto London based leaders of the Counter Culture movement that directly resulted from the British Invasion that they led?

If so what was their ultimate purpose.

Intrigues abound not the least of which Heather Mills veiled threats of explosive secrets after their short and rocky marriage ended in a very messy and public divorce.

How too could his deceased wife Linda heir to the Eastman Kodak fortune have played a role in his development and handling?

On the other side of the coin, by what means did an embattled John Lennon finally win American Citizenship against the campaign of the American Government itself to prevent it, and what really prompted John Wayne Chapman to gun Lennon down outside his Dakota Apartment Building in New York City?

Did the original Paul McCartney have a change of heart? Having once served his purpose did John Lennon outlive his usefulness to London and became more of a liability than an asset once London’s goals had been reached?

There are more questions than answers, though no shortage of speculation as evidenced by the 2600 replies in the above referenced ATS Thread dealing with the subject.

While the Beatles were the biggest act in music at the time of McCartney’s alleged death, that rumors spread like wildfire of after Lennon sang Paul is dead on the Beatle’s White Album would the profits off the act alone warrant the silence of the band in regards to accepting a double for Paul.

Or could there have been even greater motive and possibly threat hanging over all of the Beetle’s heads if they did not go along with it?

What possible motive could any one have for such an elaborate ruse?

What could have been at stake?

The Bretton Woods Agreement

By the early 1970’s the Vietnam War was increasing America’s debt by a staggering amount. Nixon began printing more currency to pay the debts but as he did the amount of Gold in reserve did not go up and the dollar began to be questioned internationally as there was only enough Gold in reserve to cover up to about 22% of the dollars in circulation.

Though Kennedy had hoped through his own Executive Order 11110 allowing the U.S. Government to use and borrow against its Silver Reserves, Secretary of the Treasury, John Connally the man who rode along with Kennedy that fateful day of his Assassination made no such effort to use this option to help in the mounting crisis caused over the declining dollar.

The selection of Conally a Democrat to head up the Treasury Department under Nixon a Republican seems an odd one at first glance. Until one considers their Treasury Secretary’s private counterpart the Federal Reserve Chairman seem to also be appointees where political party stands for far less than it might normally where Presidential appointments are considered.

Does the Papal Rothschild Family and it’s majority interest in the Federal Reserve give it wide latitude in who the President appoints to run the private Federal Reserve Bank and the Secretary of Treasury who liaisons with them?

Was it exerting pressure through Conally to not use America’s Silver Reserves as a remedy will first Switzerland redeemed 50 million in paper money for Gold in July 1971 and then France demanded 191 million in gold in August the following month, causing the dollar to plummet against European currencies, prompting the Swiss to withdraw all together from the Bretton Woods system that had managed the U.S. International Monetary System since the Great Depression.

With the Swiss Bankers now pulling out of the Bretton Woods system clearly something major had to give.

And give it did when on August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon did the unthinkable and unilaterally terminated the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold.

While the World held its collective breath fearing a ensuing pandemonium that would make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park, what was to come was something no one foresaw?

Or did they?

The U.S. Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency

The Currency Crisis that had been precipitated by a run on the dollar by foreign nations was quickly averted by Nixon’s bold move but as first the United States took its currency off the Gold Standard and other nations soon followed a new kind of beast arouse.

The fiat de facto instrument of debt currency for all debts public and private as legal tender attached to nothing of any value at all whatsoever.

Except for the value the bankers want to give to it. The very same bankers who issue it and the bankers who without firing a shot had just gotten the mightiest nation on earth to surrender its sovereignty with nary a whimper of protest or complaint against their actions to that end had won a stunning victory.

Make no mistake about it, the Federal Reserve, tied to the International Monetary Fund both international in scope, now determines just how much cash can be issued into the economy and loaned to the government arbitrarily, with no actual need to have anything of value to back its own actions. With the U.S. Government it self having nothing of convertible value itself that can be rendered into any easily transferable instrument on its own, without the foreign owned Federal Reserve becoming involved and being involved.

What would have possessed Nixon to do this?

Had Conally his Secretary of the Treasury been compromised and had been long compromised, having started out as a Texas Oil Tycoon, to then go on to be Secretary of the Navy one of the most powerful and secretive positions in the U.S. Military, to then become the Democratic Governor of Texas who rode along with John F. Kennedy his last and fateful final day after having the temerity to seek out a more financially independent America through Executive Order 11110? Did Conally play a role in Kennedy’s assassination and for that very reason, and did Conally play a role in the assassination of the Gold Backed U.S. Dollar then later as Treasury Secretary by making sure as the only person who could that no Silver Certificates or Reserves were used to offset the staggering debts caused by the Vietnam War.

Yet ultimately did the London Bankers have an even bigger stick? A stick provided to them through the Tavistock Institute in the form of a British Invasion that led to a counter culture within the United States that was decidedly anti-Government, anti-conservative, anti-War and anti-Nixon?

Did the London Bankers through leverage it could exert over the Counter Culture movement through luminaries and leaders like McCartney and Lennon threaten Nixon with crowds of angry hippy protestors storming the White House Gates and running amuck through its halls?

Had they enlisted Tavistock long tied to the MI6, CIA and MOSSAD to produce this plan and facilitate it with the Intelligence Agencies help, while creating a flourishing black market in Narcotics that funds black operations for the Intelligence Agencies to this day?

Would the extreme liberal elements that so divided America that pressure from them caused armies in the field to be withdrawn then later be leashed through a budding security state, then built up to counter the drug culture with the War on Drugs?

Did America loose its financial sovereignty; suffer its first battlefield loss, shattering the myths of its invincibility once and forevermore, while all the while the seeds were sewn for a politically correct Police State all through an invasion?

A British Invasion!?!?!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

S&F, with a side of A+ and 10 cool points Protoplasmic.

I may not fully agree with some of the speculation, but the questions posed peek my interests. It is not a stretch to consider that government and/or social engineering geared organizations/individuals did have some influences on pop culture, media, and the mediums of communication that dissiminate what information the general public becomes aware of, and/or is purposefully fed.

I am comfortable re-reading the Opening Post and giving some more thought about some of the questions raised and pondering the ramifications.

I realize some of the material is speculative, but there may indeed be a level of factuality to it.

Thanks for putting this together and sharing it with us ProtoplasmicTraveler,

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:21 PM
This post is like from the Rolling Stone of ATS conspiracy theories.
Great contribution.
The piece generates many a cohesive thoughts.
As we know by now the great money maker entertainment is.
Everyone want in.
This piece may be as critical as the Titanic disaster of 1912
when the telegraph was in full use and David Sarnoff went
to RCA to build a radio and TV empire.
Also tied to the FED survival by way of a Mr. Astor assumed
to be opposed. Yet getting a ship to sink is hard to believe.
Thus 1964 might be the start of the great bankrolling of the
illuminati entertainment business.
Before the Titanic I'd say the lighting with GE power lines
since 1900 was a critical time for bankers. In which case
other power sources should never come to light for their

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

I am hoping the thread prompts a lively discussion and some great music videos and trips down memory lane too.

I don't think we can discount the possibilities of Social Engineering having played an orchestrated part during the 1960's and early 70's.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:37 PM
As all always proto, your theories are always the one to ponder on during the day, I do think that the Beatles were sent to conquer America during the 60's and Paul is a double.

Star and flag for you as always, thanks again, great post, keep them coming.

Regards, Naeem

edit on 27/9/2010 by naeem11111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

You are quite welcome my friend. It’s a highly speculative and somewhat unique perspective on a very fascinating part of America’s recent past. Personally I feel a lot of the things that happened in the 60’s and early 70’s set the stage for what’s happening today.

The War on Drugs and then the War on Terror born from the same concept, and the beginning of the end of things like Unions, living wages, stay at home moms, strong family units, and conservative values.

Whether by accident or design what happened during those tumultuous and often fun filled and chaotic years, led to a lot of changes that are its real legacy today?

A few different members asked me to elaborate with a thread on this all. Thanks for giving it a read and sharing your thoughts!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Another amazing post that should be a book. My question is this.....why was John Lennon killed? My theory is that he wanted no part of the sharade any longer. He wanted out an dto be done with it. Well, TPTB can't have that now can they?

More later...

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great thread Proto my friend, I am still reading through before I comment more.

From what I have seen it reminds of these words of wisdom.

Stars & Flag

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:54 PM
Good read, but I do disagree with the below part of your post..

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
When World War I saw a nearly bankrupt Brittan all but having lost the war on European battlefields manipulation of the Federal Reserve through the Papal Rothschild Family of London soon saw American Doughboys rushing to European battlefields and laying down their lives to reverse the tide.

By the time the Yanks turned up, in 1917, there was no "tide to turn" and we most certainly had not been defeated on the Eorpean battlefields, it was in fact the opposite. germany was virtually done, had bled alot and run out of treasure and food. The UK and France could have continued for much longer, by sheer virtue of the fact we had more men and were'nt hungry..

It's this little bit of your entire post that has me doubting the veracity of the rest of it. If you can't get simple, verifiable facts correct, what hope is there the rest is accurate?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Conspiracy theory at its most paranoid.

Listen to Killing Joke, especially their album "Revelations."

You'll love it!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but also the only time a Beatle played at the White House was when Barry
was elected?
s+f for looking outside the box.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:26 PM


edit on 27-9-2010 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by naeem11111

Testing also

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Replying to your post Proto

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Another test, replying to a reply


edit on 27-9-2010 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Test reply
'___' theory?

edit on 27-9-2010 by Gmoneycricket because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:58 PM
Now I can reply, sorry to everyone I have been slow to respond to and thanks to BlupBlup and LadySkadi for trying to help out!

edit on 27/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So logging out and in again worked...

Who woulda thought it?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by naeem11111
As all always proto, your theories are always the one to ponder on during the day, I do think that the Beatles were sent to conquer America during the 60's and Paul is a double.

Star and flag for you as always, thanks again, great post, keep them coming.

Regards, Naeem

edit on 27/9/2010 by naeem11111 because: (no reason given)

It certainly is a fascinating possibility that McCartney may have been killed or murdered.

What troubles a lot of people regarding that is the motive. When you place the motive in the context of this thread it becomes a whole different ball game though.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So logging out and in again worked...

Who woulda thought it?

I am not sure, I tried that twice before, I tried restarting my computer twice before and updating my wireless connection and clearing my browser twice before.

But you know what they say "The Third Time is the Charm" thanks for pitching in.

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