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President of Iran Ahmadinejad brakes larry king on everything nuke isreal and us 2010

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by oozyism

There couldn't have been any gays executed in Iran, because according to Ahmadinejad, there aren't any there.

Oooowee, if that was true then how was two homosexuals hanged in Iran for being homosexuals according to Western propaganda

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:49 AM
now that was a thrashing......Ahmadinejad certainly came with his game face on for this interview and if he hasnt changed the opinion of most to invade...they are asleep or in collusion. i can say that throughout the interview, he made many valid points and in terms of the israel questions, he seemed to be expecting them sorry...hurt Larry Kings feeling a little bit. now i would like to see OBAMA vs AHMADINEJAD!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:50 AM
Talking for 10 minutes about stupid hikers is Larry King sense of a good interview.

And the US government supports Israel because it supports human rights. GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK.


Ah yes, the US government.

Larry King, the eternal shill.

And Ahmadinejad knows english. A few years back, he had a blog and I talked to him in english, and he answered back in english... of course he could have had a translator, but it would surprise me that a guy like him who knows a lot about the US can't read/understand english.

And Ahmadinejad wants what a lot of people in the US want... STOP FUNDING ISRAEL AND USE THE MONEY FOR THE POPULATION WHO NEEDS IT.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:58 AM
As simple as that, its the why and the when and the how, its the media and our perceptions of it, who lies, who tells the truth?

Why do we keep turning our heads, why do we keep the unsustainable rolling us off the cliff?

Its not Iran or the US, its us.
we allow them or anyone to push without opposing any sort of reasonable or equal resistance, we en up in the bottom...

horray for rhetoric, words are mightier than the sword, but can they fight off a nuke? hopefully!

let that word be FREEDOM!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:03 AM
why was he continually interrupted? and why does larry king still interview if he dosent have the stamina to listen to an answer? and why does a group within america feel that it can use america for its own benefit? i know the answer to one of those prior questions.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I wasn't saying it's true, I was pointing out what your hero said. If he's as intelligent as you guys are saying, why the hell did he say there were no gay people in Iran? He's clearly delusional if he believes that, and a liar if he doesn't. Again, I'm not a fan of our government here in the U.S., at all. But how some seem to look to this guy as some sort of savior, is very hard to grasp. In fact, I'm starting to think that not only is the 2 party system here in the states a big scam, but the entire world body of leaders is a scam. A bunch of staged BS, just like professional wrestling, meant to keep us all hating each other and rooting for our favorite talking head, while the elite 1 to 2 % of the world population that holds ALL the wealth, keep screwing ALL of us over.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by 27jd

Personally i don't believe from reading the posts that most people are viewing Ahmajinedad as some kind of hero or saviour....He is delusional if he for one second believes there are no gays in Iran...they live in fear...just as many gays do in many arab nations.
People i think are just seeing that He is not this absolutely horrible Dictator that the westrn Media has been portaying him as. I also se people are starting to realize the influence Israel has had over the US and how the MSM (run by ZIonists) is controlling what is said.
Now Larry King comepletely tried to post leading questions to drag Ahmajinedad down a road to antagonize him into becoming argumentive and it did not work...People saw the frustration in his face and it gave Ahmajinedad some credit.
Someone said and used the emotional bit about people of the world being American haters...I dont believe most people are that naive...People i think are saying that your government(as many other governments). Are towing the Israeli line and we know it is wrong.
I posted a political map of the (zionists) influence in your NON ELECTED congress members holding key positions in the US government and it is not a pretty sight.


I made that map but dont just belive it.... do it yourself

edit on 013030p://f29Tuesday by plube because: a word

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:01 AM
While watching this dictator it was obvious when he was offended. Yes he may have brought up SOME valid points however at the end of the day he's a pathological liar ( I could tell when he lied in the interview) and is in no position to be judging the USA since Iran has one of the worst world records for human violations.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

Ya i know i saw that brakes lolol even me im confuse and yes english is not my first language my first is polish 2nd french 3rd is english and my 4th is russian so ya sorry for that folks, I wish my english would be 100% Perfect im working on that.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:04 AM

In fact, I'm starting to think that not only is the 2 party system here in the states a big scam, but the entire world body of leaders is a scam. A bunch of staged BS, just like professional wrestling, meant to keep us all hating each other and rooting for our favorite talking head, while the elite 1 to 2 % of the world population that holds ALL the wealth, keep screwing ALL of us over.

Spot on mate...
Now you just need to apply that school of thought to Iran and how their president has been demonized .....just like they demonized Saddam H....

Some countries dont lie down and take it like a man from the US of A, they push back, refusing to be dictated to.....Ahmadinejad(thank god its written above, I would never spell that namecorrect...) is busy "pushing back"...something bullies dont generally like.

And as someone said, this is not about him being "a hero", or the childish "go live there if you like him soooo much(yawn...zzzz)....for me personally its about "the underdog' or right against wrong....nothing worse for me than the "do as I say, not as I do"types....

And noneedtoknow....DONT apologise for your bad spelling.....if anything it should be the person belittling you who should be sorry for his complete lack of tact....shame on you English speaking person....!!

edit on 28-9-2010 by benoni because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by SeventhSeal

I will wait for you to bring it

You made the claim, now bring it, so I can say, "I said so". You will know it will be bingo, if the truth behind it is BS, that the original story is not gays being executed because they are gay.

Sodomy is illegal in Iran and is punishable by death. Why is this is so difficult to comprehend?

Remember this? Gay Iranian Teens Executed

He has also mentioned that there are no homosexuals in Iran One of the many sources

More Source

I'm not pulling the whole "LET'S BOMB IRAN!" nonsense nor do I believe we have any business with the country. It is their problem, not ours.

I'm just stating how it is in Iran. That's all, buddy.

I'm also not going to insult you but I recommend doing some more research on the matter. Good luck.

edit on 28-9-2010 by SeventhSeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
He was dead on about a lot of issues and he made quite a few valid statements that the US needs to recognize...however, its hard to support a man who has homosexuals put to death because they are who they are.

Other than that, well played Ahmadinejad, well played.

You could certainly add to the list of those put to death. Look no further than one of his main opposition parties and their supporters.

I'm 1 minute into the 3rd video, and I must say... I don't view him so much a President anymore as I do the King of Diversion or the King of Comparison. I'm surprised many of you are so impressed. It's like watching a kid make excuses for not doing his homework. All we're missing is...

My Dog Ate It.

Oh, I almost forgot.. Dogs are unclean, so he'll have to chalk it up to the FBI.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:23 AM
They were executed for raping a 13 year old boy, according to your link....

Ever heard of Marshan Allen??

"In 1991, Marshan Allen helped two acquaintances of his older brother commit a robbery. While Allen was waiting
inside a van, one of the acquaintances botched the robbery and murdered two victims. Allen did not have any previous
record of violent crime or felony convictions, but because the court found that Allen had helped steal the van that was used
to drive to the victims’ house, he was held accountable for the two murders. At the age of fifteen, he was sentenced to life
without parole. He is currently thirty years old and is being detained in a penitentiary in Illinois.

In October 2005, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch published a joint report of the United States’
practice of trying children as adults and sentencing them to life without the possibility of parole. The Rest of Their Lives: Life
Without Parole for Child Offenders in the United States is the first national study regarding this issue, and it provides data
that highlights a stark contrast to that of the rest of the world. Currently, there are approximately 2,225 prisoners who have
been sentenced to life imprisonment due to crimes they committed as children. Of this number, approximately 59 percent
received the sentence for their first-ever criminal conviction. Sixteen percent were between thirteen and fifteen years old at
the time they committed their crimes and 26 percent were convicted of felony murder in which someone else actually
committed the murder, without the knowledge or intent of the juvenile, as was the case for Marshan Allen.

In sharp contrast, all fifteen members of the original European Union do not allow children to be sentenced to life
without parole.1 Thirty-one African countries prohibit the sentencing of children to life without parole.2 While Malawi, Nigeria,
and Sierra Leone’s laws allow for the sentence to be used, it has never been used in practice. According to research
conducted by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, in 2005, there are only a dozen child offenders serving
sentences of life without parole outside of the United States: four in South Africa, one in Tanzania, and between four and
seven in Israel. While other countries’ legal systems may allow for life imprisonment of juveniles, it appears that the
sentence is used rarely, if at all."

Do I agree with Capital Punishment, regardless of the crime?? NO....

Should a 15 year old boy be locked away for life, with no chance of parole for stealing a car?? NO....

Whilst the cases are different, starkly so, I mentioned Allen to highlight that relative to the rest of the world, Amerika aint some peaches and cream kinda place either.....and therefore I find it a little rich that you should sit in judgement ....America needs to clean its own backyard up before it starts complaining how long the neighbours lawn is......

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Spot on mate... Now you just need to apply that school of thought to Iran and how their president has been demonized .....just like they demonized Saddam H....

Update: Under the Saddam Regime you couldn't perform music on the streets unless you were willing to take the risk of losing your eyes, tongue, or both.

I met a man who had his eyesight taken... He had a choice, but it wasn't all that great of one. He opted out of having his tongue cut off realizing his voice would serve as his legacy.

Did America ruin Saddam, or did he do much of it on his own with one sizzling hot human rights record? Just wondering mate...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by benoni

Whilst the cases are different, starkly so, I mentioned Allen to highlight that relative to the rest of the world, Amerika aint some peaches and cream kinda place either.....and therefore I find it a little rich that you should sit in judgement ....America needs to clean its own backyard up before it starts complaining how long the neighbours lawn is......

But we sure know how to accommodate those wanting to make a better life for themselves... Including quite a few escaping from various regions in the Middle East. How would you like some poison with your Pop Tarts before heading off to school? How about being accused of adultery? Hope you got the stones to face that rap... Or better yet, refuse to marry someone, and see how long it takes before you're a Ms. Potato Head.

We could go back and forth all day... Fact of the matter is something needs to be done about it not passing the buck.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
It's one thing to be fooled by the whole Iraq fiasco (your allowed one mistake) but to allow yourselves to be fooled again by the same smoke and mirrors routine is outright foolish. gain from this.


That comment in itself is hypocritical - Iraq was NEVER a mistake and should NEVER have been allowed - how dare you come out and excuse the US government when its own people and the people of the world saw right through it from the beginning. It disgusts me to think that you canexcuse yourself in retrospect knowing full well at the time that it was wrong. So no... you are not allowed even that mistake.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:36 AM
Without going back and forth, I agree...

But what needs to be done, and where??

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by benoni

They were "accused." But in reality, they were punished because of the laws against homosexuality that exist in the country. Hell, you can be even executed for armed robbery

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:45 AM
You know how you see Iran as Draconian??

Thats how most civil societies see the US's Laws....draconian!!

You execute are you any different??

Pot..kettle to me.....

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by benoni
Without going back and forth, I agree...

But what needs to be done, and where??

Start anywhere really... Although America remains a land of potential and a Nation of willing protectors. The question of what is answered by awareness. Instead of taking national holidays off... Perhaps we should have a Day of Understanding in which everyone takes part.


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