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Scientists to drill 13,000ft into active volcano in test that could cause earthquake

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Scientists are planning to drill 13,000ft into the heart of an active volcano in Italy in an attempt to protect the nearby city of Naples by gauging when it is likely to erupt.

But experts have warned that the project could trigger an explosion of red hot magma or even an earthquake.

The team of scientists wants to insert a borehole inside Campi Flegrei, a huge volcanic formation outside Naples, in the hope of gauging how active it is.


Hmm, so I wonder why they don't do this at Yellowstone too? :shk:

But there are fears that the experiment, which will tap into 500-600C hot magma, could lead to an eruption which would endanger the 1.5 million people who live in and around Naples.

Benedetto de Vivo, a professor of geochemistry at the University of Naples, said a similar drilling project in Iceland had to be stopped last year after magma was found at a much shallower depth than expected.

Yeah, no kidding. This has got to be one of the stupidest things they could possibly do! Once that magma is given an escape route to the surface through the newly drilled hole, the sheer pressure of that magma could cause the whole thing to explode- much like a balloon does when punctured.

The rock around that hole may not be able to support the tremendous pressure that will be created when the magma comes rushing up.

This is fricken insane! :shk:

Do you suppose those guys on the drilling team will get any extra "hazardous duty" pay?

edit on 24 Sep 2010 by Hellmutt because: I fixed the link

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Hazardous death benefits for their families, I mean, survivors? What a crazy idea? The gases and fumes around the hole could cause an explosion as they drill, couldn't they?

*shakes head* I hope the residents around there will be adequately warned in time to choose to stay or go during this experiment.

Nice job catching this...

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:45 AM
I have friends in Naples and I would be super upset if anything bad happened to them. Sure they didn't choose to live near an active volcano(military) but I would pissed if it erupted by human means instead of a natural occurrence!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:50 AM
Wow, sheesh is this part of the global [population reduction? Gulf of Mexico...western hemispheres Medeterranian, now the real mcCoy. I dont know I keep turning around to see if I am in some kind of bad B movie

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by TheBloodRed
I have friends in Naples and I would be super upset if anything bad happened to them. Sure they didn't choose to live near an active volcano(military) but I would pissed if it erupted by human means instead of a natural occurrence!

Well be sure and warn them about this event. Link them to the article. Then at least your mind can be guilt-free that you at least let them know!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Already posted up the thread on Facebook!

I like ATS, I get to learn about stuff in advance so hopefully this will do some good.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:07 AM

What an amazingly stupid idea!

If it was already 'bad' once, drilling into a volcano in Iceland, what makes them think that this volcano drilling might be 'good' in Italy?

And what in the hell qualifies as a 'good' volcano drilling anyway? No Boom?

Incredible article. Good Find!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:44 AM
If wonder if people would be able to sue for damages if anything happens...

Insurance is probably already super horrendous there(Naples) anyways.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by lasertaglover
If it was already 'bad' once, drilling into a volcano in Iceland, what makes them think that this volcano drilling might be 'good' in Italy?

It's a bad idea anywhere there is a volcano. Some things are just better left unfixed, ya know? It will probably take losing a few scientists and a drilling crew (not to mention a town or two) before they'll agree not to do it again. To me this is kind of like the LHC in the sense that if there is a big potential to cause a catastrophe, STOP.

Some of the smartest people have the least common sense.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Hmm, so I wonder why they don't do this at Yellowstone too? :shk:


Imagine what would happen if this experiment triggered an explosion in Italy.

Okay, now imagine what would happen if this experiment triggered and explosion at yellowstone.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:33 PM

This has GOT to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever tried!

Its akin to: If I poke a lion with a stick, will it bite me?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Bah, I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the link in the OP to the story does not work. You know what that means right? That none of you clicked on it!

Here is the right link to the


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:30 PM
It hasn't caused any problems in Hawaii where a magma chamber was penetrated (the first time ever) a couple of years ago, or in Iceland where it happened.

The magma rose about 20 feet up the drill hole before cooling into a glasslike substance. A section of the hole eventually collapsed, pinning the drill tip, which was abandoned along with the final 750 feet of pipe.

Unless it is a very (very) large bore drilling rig there is little chance of magma reaching the surface or an eruption being caused.

Kind of odd that the article says.

But experts have warned that the project could trigger an explosion of red hot magma or even an earthquake.
But doesn't name them. Sounds like typical Telegraph sensationalism.

edit on 9/24/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Lol, you are mostly correct. I did not read your article, but I did read about it on Tuesday when it was mentioned in the Eruptions blog which is one of the best sources on the planet for current volcano info.

Regardless, once the shock of hearing about a bunch of scientists drilling into a volcano wears off, the real question does become why?

They say that it is out of fear of a possible large eruption that they are drilling down to get an idea of how soon this might happen to the Naples area.

What worries me most, is not the fact about them drilling...but that they are scared enough about an eruption to drill into it and see. That's scary.

Excerpt from Blog:

Tuesday Tidbits: Drilling into the Campi Flegrei caldera (revisited), Middle Eastern volcanoes and Planchon-Peteroa from space and more Eyjafjallajökull
Erik Klemetti on September 21, 2010, 5:47 PM
Sorry about the lack of posts today - I've been trying to get over a nasty headcold and my ability to concentrate on much has been less than great. So, I'll post some tidbits of news I've run across as I recover:

Drilling into Campi Flegrei: It seems like the story about the potential hazards of drilling into Italy's Campei Flegrei will never die. Researchers lead by Dr. Giuseppe De Natale plan to drill 13,000 feet into the active magma chamber (they hope) of the caldera system and I've posted twice about how this is not likely to prompt an eruption. However, Nature has now jumped on the bandwagon of the potential hazards of this project - but now the angle is fears of an earthquake being generated. This fear might be more realistic, as drilling in geothermal fields has been known to generate seismicity - but again, there is a lot of fear-mongering going on concerning this project even though the geologic data that could be collected might help better understand this very dangerous caldera.


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Common sense isn't common and isn't often accompanied by genius. So, if they drill and it explodes, what is it that they will understand more clearly? How hot is hot? How much damage an 8 mile wide volcanic eruption can cause...
I would not want to work on that rig. I would make the Deep Water Horizon disaster look like the smallest firecracker at a July 4th celebration.
Purely INSANE!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Its one thing to study nature (volcanos in this case) quiet another to do something that would put lives at stake - IMO not a good thing to mess with Mother Nature! I suppose those living at the bottom of the mountain have no say in this? Who gives permission for scientists to drill into any volcano? and why?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by lasertaglover

The only critic I can find quoted says this:

Hitting magma so close to the surface could theoretically cause an explosion in the well or trigger small earthquakes, which could be dangerous near a big city.

What's the reason for the drilling?

By measuring how the temperature of the rocks increases with depth, researchers hope to locate the centre of the magma more precisely. Borehole fibre-optic sensors measuring seismic activity, temperature and ground deformation will be installed and connected to above-ground stations, to regularly monitor the caldera's activity.

Increasing the level of monitoring it does not mean an eruption is imminent. It's just a good idea. The earlier warning should an eruption develop, the better.

Early next month, researchers will begin to sample rocks and install underground sensors inside Campi Flegrei, a giant volcanic formation in southern Italy. They hope to learn where the magma is stored and what signs might precede an eruption. Campi Flegrei last erupted in 1538, and the ground in the area has been swelling for the past 40 years, leading to fears of another eruption within decades.

edit on 9/24/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:17 PM
I read through this whole thread and the article twice before I realized that they're drilling into a caldera volcano.
I'm all for learning more about volcanoes but by drilling into a caldera seems rather, umm..., potentially not so smart.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Three_moons
I read through this whole thread and the article twice before I realized that they're drilling into a caldera volcano.
I'm all for learning more about volcanoes but by drilling into a caldera seems rather, umm..., potentially not so smart.

Exactly. That's why I mentioned Yellowstone: it's also a caldera- more like super caldera, four or five times the size of this one.

But ok, I'll temper my post somewhat and reduce the doom alert seeing as phage and all have provided other cases of where they have drilled with no real problems. I appreciate it. Those are the kind of valuable, thread-contributing posts we need to make more of on ATS. Stars for all.

Nevertheless, beware. I don't like the idea of drilling into a caldera either.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Shadowfoot
Wow, sheesh is this part of the global [population reduction? Gulf of Mexico...western hemispheres Medeterranian, now the real mcCoy. I dont know I keep turning around to see if I am in some kind of bad B movie

NO, just your avatar

So, the thing will/may erupt and perhaps kill everyone, or they can try to alleviate it in a known manner.

And this is scary..

I see.

No point cutting your skulls open to remove a tumor then eh?

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