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Why are AE911Truth & Wikipedia Censoring Information about Dr. Judy Wood?

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posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Dear ATS,

Here are some important questions regarding AE911Truth, Wikipedia, & 9/11:

• Why was I silently removed from the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) petition simply for asking Richard Gage if he would examine the research of Dr. Judy Wood? Why didn’t AE911Truth just reply to my well-intended email question, but instead, silently removed me from their petition? I have donated over $100 to AE911Truth, so why was I silently removed from the petition simply for asking Richard Gage a question? Why was I later contacted by Mark Graham of AE911Truth once they discovered I was telling people about what had happened? They could contact me and offer me a refund to try and stop me from telling people about how I was silently removed from their petition, but they couldn’t respond to my email which simply asked Richard Gage if he had looked into Dr. Judy Wood’s research?

• Why was I severely censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I was not even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result.

• Why did United States Army Major Doug Rokke (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that explosives were the only things used on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any proof to back up his negative accusations against her?

• Why did Soviet Nuclear Intelligent Officer Dimitri Khalezov (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that underground nuclear explosives were what turned the buildings to fine particles of dust on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any significant proof to back up his negative accusations against her?

• Why did these high-ranking retired military officials randomly contact me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of the U.S. Congress, and other high-ranking members of our government, with their concerns and the “evidence” they claim to have?

To see the full version of my outline, please see the link in my signature.

To see a brief summary of the evidence which must be successfully explained and has only been successfully explained by Dr. Judy Wood, please see here:

Thanks for your time,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

P.S. - An avid 'thermite-only' supporter in this forum has recently accused me of being a 'disinfo' agent, which is absolutely false. Why does he waste time pointing fingers at me just because I support Dr. Judy Wood, the only researcher who has explained all the evidence? I am who I say I am, a 24 year old medical student living in Peoria, IL, who hopes to become a neurosurgeon. My birthday is 03/28/1986. If anyone would like to contact me with any questions or concerns, here is my email: [email protected]

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 11:09 PM
Ooooo I like this. I hadn't heard of Dr.Wood's research. Good stuff. Thanks for the link!

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by erumisato
Ooooo I like this. I hadn't heard of Dr.Wood's research. Good stuff. Thanks for the link!

no problemo, thanks for actually checking it out instead of blindly dismissing it as many thermite-only supporters would prefer you to do

Have a great evening,


posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:48 AM
she has some good questions about 9/11

yet the government resists even attempting to look for answers to all the questions. This could only mean they know the answers and wont tell them to us.

its sad that there are any questions, the official investigation is clearly a failure if so many questions remain, the purpose was to answer all questions.

isn't it the case that all conspiracy theories begin with a question that has been refused an answer,

When evidence is brought into question and not investigated or answered it moves right into conspiracy theory, how easy it ought to be for an answerable question to be answered,

Which is why conspiracy theories are important questions that need to be answered, are there any that this isn’t true for?

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:58 AM
I think Judy Woods theory is plausible but i would like to know why so many people
brush her aside, some call her wacky etc.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by lambros56
I think Judy Woods theory is plausible but i would like to know why so many people
brush her aside, some call her wacky etc.

Because her theory relies upon fantasy physics and fantasy mechanics. There's no physical basis for it, but that hasn't stopped her hooking up with conmen who claim to have discovered new physics that nobody else can replicate.

People call her wacky, because she is completely away with the fairies.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by pryingopen3rdeye

Maybe because they know that eventually both sides of these arguments, both armed with facts, research and logic will eventually beat each other down to the point of being totally discredited in the public eye

Just a thought...

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by lambros56
I think Judy Woods theory is plausible but i would like to know why so many people
brush her aside, some call her wacky etc.

Because her theory relies upon fantasy physics and fantasy mechanics. There's no physical basis for it, but that hasn't stopped her hooking up with conmen who claim to have discovered new physics that nobody else can replicate.

People call her wacky, because she is completely away with the fairies.

I believe she is a disinfo agent trying to discredit the ae911 movement. TPTB is scared of them.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 11:33 AM
I think she brings up some really great points that cannot be explained by any current theories, and not by explosives.
Even she states that she is unable to state what exactly the energy is that caused the molecular dissassociation that is seen in some of the clips. The one clip where one sees steel completely turn into dust in two seconds is what convinces me that there is something more than we will ever be told about that day that explosives can't be the answer for. She doesn't attack the other theories from what I have seen, either. She seems to honestly just be trying to figure it out.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
I believe she is a disinfo agent trying to discredit the ae911 movement. TPTB is scared of them.

Why would you possibly believe this? What evidence do you have?

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 12:03 PM
went to her site and was intrigued, never thought about not enough steel being there.
also she mentioned the molten steel coming out of the windows. well on saturday
11 sept 2010 the history channeled had all day broadcast about 9/11, and on one of the show they
were talking about the collapse of the towers. and showing different views right before the collapse,
one of the views showed a window that could have been considered molten metal.
if some better at research than i am might want to check it out and email her

i dont remember which show it was, i just remember seeing it when i was on her site.

edit on 13-9-2010 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by PookztA

Why do you have to keep spamming the disinfo from this fake "Dr."? Your threads keep dying for a reason: nobody is interested or cares about her disinfo. You already have a thread here with the same exact information.

You had a thread removed yesterday because you keep posting the same exact information that you just posted again. That is spamming.

Spamming this fake "Dr."'s disinformation over and over again isn't going to get people to believe her.

Debunks to here disinfo here:

A video of her looking like a fruit loop who can't even remember or quote her own numbers or calculations:

Watching the above video, is she suffering from a mental disease or did "someone else" concoct her "work" and she is just having problems remembering? You decide.

edit on 13-9-2010 by _BoneZ_ because: because because because because because.......

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I've read Dr. Woods website. She has some great pictures on there that I had never seen before of the burnt cars.

As for her theory, why should I believe it more than any other theory out there?

In my opinion, we all still know nothing!

We are all still totally confused, and bickering amongst ourselves, which is exactly what they want.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by thegoodearth
The one clip where one sees steel completely turn into dust in two seconds is what convinces me that there is something more than we will ever be told about that day that explosives can't be the answer for. She doesn't attack the other theories from what I have seen, either. She seems to honestly just be trying to figure it out.

I have no doubt that BushCo and explosives are the main ingredients in the 9/11 crime. But if these pics of steel turning to dust are authentic, this is a completely new wrinkle. The pics of the destroyed vehicles and the distances involved also give me pause.

Think I'll spend a few hours on her website.......

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

A video of her looking like a fruit loop who can't even remember or quote her own numbers or calculations:

Watching the above video, is she suffering from a mental disease or did "someone else" concoct her "work" and she is just having problems remembering? You decide.

I can show you pics of Bush41 puking on the Japanese Prime minister and then passing out. Does not mean jack.

Personal attacks don't help any quest for the facts.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by praxis

I have no doubt that BushCo and explosives are the main ingredients in the 9/11 crime. But if these pics of steel turning to dust are authentic, this is a completely new wrinkle. The pics of the destroyed vehicles and the distances involved also give me pause.

Think I'll spend a few hours on her website.......

Exactly my thoughts when I saw those things. As I have stated in other threads, I have not spent years and years immersed in this as others have, I am not an engineering major... but I have a small amount of intelligence of chemistry and science, and enough to know that if those clips and pictures are real, then we are looking at something beyond what we know currently in the realm of our "arsenal".
I am looking at what she has compiled as a serious alternative to many of the questions the explosives theory really is unable to answer. I have not decided conclusively what to think, and she has a lot of information to look at. Though it is interesting that she sued and no one else has...
And just because it seems like a "fantastical" theory doesn't make it so... most people were unable to wrap their minds around the fact that we conceived of and used nuclear weapons on Japan in WWII until many years later. It was regarded as crazy.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
reply to post by PookztA

Why do you have to keep spamming the disinfo from this fake "Dr."?


The more I observe your actions in this forum, the more it becomes clear to me that you are not seeking the truth. It is amazing how quickly you result to false accusations and attempts to divert people away from Dr. Wood's website. I also love how you say "nobody is interested", when you should be speaking for yourself and only for yourself.

Furthermore, Dr. Wood has evidence, not "theories", and the evidence is what needs explaining. Personal attacks on Dr. Wood do not explain the evidence, and your article which consists of inaccurate, false, and rumor-spreading material is very telling as to what type of truth seeker you are.

Instead of discussing the evidence, you post your inaccurate hit-piece article. Why? Why not just explain how Thermite-alone accounts for all the evidence seen in the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents, at Dr. Wood's website? Why not just explain all the evidence Dr. Wood has gathered better than she can, if she did not "earn her Ph.D in Materials Science Engineering" as you have indirectly claimed with your "fake Dr." accusations against her? What evidence is your accusation based on?

Instead of explaining the thousands of photos, graphs, documents, and videos, at, you choose to post your inaccurate article. Why? Why avoid discussing the evidence?

Watching you avoid the evidence and try to divert people away from her website is very telling, just as Wikipedia and AE911Truth's censorhip of Dr. Wood was also very telling. Why are you trying to steer people away from the evidence Dr. Wood has gathered, as they have? Why not let people view it and decide for themselves?

Also, why do you always post that same ambush interview that Dr. Jenkins did? How come he showed up at the end of a meeting that Dr. Wood was not even speaking at, at approximately 12am, with a full camera and lighting crew, and asked her to be interviewed? How come he only would discuss one small black and white photo, when there are literally thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents, which need to be addressed? Why do you keep posting this old, unscientific interview which barely discusses any evidence, when you could be posting newer interviews which actually discuss more of the evidence?

Here is a more recent interview with Dr. Wood if you would prefer to hear about some of the evidence this way instead of going to her website:

Please discuss the evidence instead of attacking Dr. Wood.

Thanks for your time,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

edit on 13-9-2010 by PookztA because: typo

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by PookztA

LOL what?

She is a quack and if AE911 truth organization doesn't trust her. Then I sure as hell don't trust her.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by PookztA

She is a quack and if AE911 truth organization doesn't trust her. Then I sure as hell don't trust her.

Dear Dragnet,

I am sorry to hear that you let AE911Truth & Wikipedia do your thinking for you.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Perhaps you missed the point which matters most, the same point which BoneZ keeps ignoring:

Please explain the EVIDENCE. Thousands of photos, graphs, documents, and videos, all which need to be explained, all which have been explained by Dr. Judy Wood.

Thanks if you do decide to discuss the evidence, otherwise, please leave me alone.

In Peace,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

edit on 14-9-2010 by PookztA because: typo

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by PookztA
Please discuss the evidence instead of attacking Dr. Wood.

Abraham, instead of referring people to thousands of pictures etc by Judy Wood, perhaps you could pick something specifically?

None of Judy Wood's theories hold any truth as far as I am concerned, so perhaps you could pick what you consider to be the very cream of the crop, the strongest evidence possible, and we can discuss that?

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