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The Nag Hammadi Codices Conspiracy: The Gospel of Thomas

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posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 05:05 AM
Despite the fact that there are at least dozens of parallels between the canonical Gospels and the Gospel of Thomas, the Christian religious ‘authorities’ have, nevertheless, insisted that the Gospel of Thomas can only be considered as an heretical writing.

On what basis? There is no basis.

For what reasons? There are no reasons.

Other than, that is, their own self-centeredness, arrogance and ambition; and their lust for wealth and power…

And to preserve both the Christian religious establishment and the high esteem in which they are held by their hapless followers.

In other words, although there are no clearly specified doctrines in the Gospel of Thomas which specifically contradict the doctrines of Christian theology; there are, however, too many Sayings in the Gospel of Thomas which the Christian theologians are simply and categorically incapable of either understanding or explaining at all. (And, predictably, the “dragon” media has made quite certain to do everything that it can possibly do to ensure that the dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks cluelessness of the Jewish and Christian religious ‘authorities’ about both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices has never been made known—and never will be made known—to the general public; so as to preserve, of course, the economic and other self-interests of these Jewish and Christian religious ‘authorities’.)

In other words, if the Gospel of Thomas were ever considered to be the authentic words of Jesus himself and an authentic commentary on the Teaching of Jesus, the Christian religious ‘authorities’ would then be required to explain things of which they have no Knowledge whatsoever; which would go a long way toward demonstrating that what the Christian religious ‘authorities’ consider to be the Teaching of Jesus is, instead, nothing more than an utterly bizarre concoction or mishmash—a syncretistic witch’s brew—consisting of the Egyptian-Pharisaical doctrine of the physical raising of a dead body from the grave, a smattering of Roman idolatry, and many of the doctrines of Greek, metaphysical philosophy and other pagan religions…

Whose specific purpose is, instead, to contradict and turn upside down the Teaching of Jesus in the pursuit of wealth and power.

The ultimate consequence of which, however, intentionally or not, will be the near-annihilation of human civilization in a generalized warfare in the Middle East between Judaeo-Christianity, Inc. and Islamism, Inc.

(In other words, in order to understand the theological context for the fulfillment of the horrific Prophecies of the coming “time of trouble” (the Book of Daniel 12:1), one need look no further than the Dead Sea Scrolls conspiracy and the Nag Hammadi Codices conspiracy.)

And chief among those Sayings in the Gospel of Thomas which clearly demonstrate that the Christian theologians have no real Knowledge of the Teaching of Jesus at all—and, thus, are guilty of, at least, ‘theft by deception’—are the following:

1) Saying #11: “On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two what will you do?”;

which is echoed in Saying #72:

“He turned to his disciples and said to them ‘I am not a divider, am I?’”

Commentary: Every esoteric Teaching of either the Eastern or the Western traditions is intensely concerned with the origin of the duality; since the duality is understood as being the origin of division, evil, conflict, violence and bloodshed.

What Jesus is referring to in this Saying is the differentiation of the dualistic, ‘fallen’, space-time consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’ from the non-dualistic, non-spatial, non-temporal consciousness Created ‘by and in the image of God’ (Genesis 1:27) by means of the ‘movement’ of self-reflection (although J. Krishnamurti, for example, considers the duality as originating in the thought and thoughts of the ‘thinker’); which is symbolized as the “great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had deceived all the world…” (Revelations12:9).

2) Saying #13: “Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Compare me to someone and tell me who I am like.’

Simon Peter said to him, ‘You are like a righteous angel.’

Matthew said to him, ‘You are like a wise philosopher’.

Thomas said to him, ‘Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like.’

Jesus said, ‘I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out.’

And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, ‘What did Jesus say to you?’

Thomas said to them, ‘If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of those stones and burn you up.’”

Commentary: First of all, if the Christian religious ‘authorities’ had any understanding of the Teaching of Jesus at all, they would be able to deduce the ‘three things’ that Jesus told to Thomas:

The specific issue that Jesus is addressing here is the propensity of the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ to understand Truth as being equivalent to the thoughts of the ‘thinker’. Thus, Thomas ‘passes the test’ by acknowledging that that the thoughts of the ‘thinker’ are not in any way adequate to the conveying of Truth. And, because he passes this test, he is deserving of additional Teaching which neither Peter nor Matthew deserves.

And the reply of Thomas addresses the entire issue of the origin of the thoughts of the ‘thinker’:

The thoughts of the ‘thinker’ originate in the ‘fire’ of fear and desire; that is the fear of death, the fear for the loss of pleasure, and the desire for pleasure; these thoughts being symbolized in Genesis 3 by the “fig leaves” worn by Adam and Eve to preserve the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ ‘naked’ “selves”; but can also be symbolized as ‘rocks’ which are ‘thrown’ by the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ in its efforts to contradict and destroy the Truth. And, with the direct confrontation between Truth and the thoughts of the ‘thinker’, the thoughts of the ‘thinker’ are time-reversed to their origin in desire and fear; as is clearly expressed in the opening passages of the Second Meditation of Descartes: “I feel as though, all of a sudden, I have fallen into deep water.”

So, the ‘three things’ that Jesus said to Thomas were as follows:

1) there is an intense conflict between Truth and thought;

2) thoughts are ‘stones’ which originate in the ‘fire’ of fear and desire; and,

3) when those thoughts revert to the ‘fire’ of fear and desire in the confrontation with the Truth, they completely consume the consciousness of the ‘thinker’.

3) Saying #37: “His disciples said, ‘When will you become revealed to us and when shall we see you?’

Jesus said, ‘When you disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments and place them under your feet like little children and tread on them, then you will see the son of the Living One, and you will not be afraid.’”

Commentary: Clearly, Jesus is not suggesting that people no longer wear clothes. What he is saying here is an echo of the symbolism in Genesis 3 in which the “fig leaves” are to be understood as the thought and the thoughts of the ‘thinker’, which originate in fear. (As J. Krishnamurti has said “Thought is fear.”) In other words, the experience of the Vision of the “Son of man” occurs against the background of the annihilation of the thoughts of the ‘thinker’ originating in fear. And, thus, the consciousness Created ‘by and in the image of God’ exists prior to both the “self” and thought.

4) Saying #84: “Jesus said, ‘When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much will you have to bear!’”.

Commentary: The “likeness” or the ‘image’ that Jesus is referring to at the beginning of this Saying is the “likeness” or ‘image’ of the ‘fallen’ consciousness, which consists of an image of a “self” which exists in ‘space’ (originating in the ‘movement’ of self-reflection); an image which is extended in ‘time’ by the postulation of the thought of the ‘thinker’, the ‘mind’, the ‘soul’, etc. “…your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest” refers to the violent and chaotic images and archetypes of the ‘unconscious’, the experience of which is referred to as the “individuation process” in Jungian and archetypal psychology (that is, “how much you will have to bear!”).

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:31 AM
Interesting analysis, thanks.

A translation of the Gospel of Thomas can be read here.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
Interesting analysis, thanks.


"Analysis" is an activity of the "beast of the earth" (Revelations 13:11 and Sura 27:82 of the Quran) consciousness of the 'thinker'.

The consciousness of the 'thinker' is one of the aspects of the 'fallen' consciousness; the other aspect being the "beast of the sea" (Revelations 13:1) consciousness of the "self".

The 'fallen' consciousness can have no understanding of Revealed Truth.

That understanding comes from a different dimension of consciousness altogether: the consciousness Created 'by and in the image of God' (Genesis 1:27).

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

I just bought "Beyond Belief. The secret gospel of Thomas" by Elaine Pagels. I have only read a few pages.

I am very interested in this thread. I hope it gets alot of responses. I know I am going to need alot of help with this material.

Thanks for starting the thread!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:42 AM
Thomas is the main Man in my humble opinion! He was the one who brought the real teaching to India an he was excepted very well by the Hindus, even today there are Thomas Churches opposite Hindu Temples in the South of India....I think He was the one who coined the phrase,,,"Know Thyself an youll be Free!"

edit on 12-9-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
Thomas is the main Man in my humble opinion! He was the one who brought the real teaching to India an he was excepted very well by the Hindus, even today there are Thomas Churches opposite Hindu Temples in the South of India....I think He was the one who coined the phrase,,,"Know Thyself an youll be Free!"

Well, he certainly seems to have been more perceptive than either Peter or Matthew.

But, on the other hand, there is nothing, in his writings at least, which suggest that he had as much Knowledge of the Teaching of Jesus as did Mary and John.

And, almost certainly, in that order.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Then why does Thomas get such bad press, the reason anybody gets bad press is because there usually saying something that's hitting a nerve!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Then why does Thomas get such bad press, the reason anybody gets bad press is because there usually saying something that's hitting a nerve!

Well, because you can't make millions and tens of millions of dollars 'interpreting' the Gospel of Thomas...

Whereas you can make at least tens of millions of dollars interpreting the Revelation of John.

I once talked to a theologian at the University of Notre Dame--an Elizabeth Schussler-Fiorenza--who had received a $50,000 grant (can you imagine?) to 'study' the Revelation of John.

I visited her in her office in the basement of the Notre Dame library and asked her how she was going to spend so much money.

She said that she was going to fly to the Middle East and visit the locations of the "seven churches"......

(I kid you not.)

I told her that she didn't need to go anywhere...

That the Seven Churches are the seven chakras of kundalini.

Well, she did not exactly cancel her travelling plans, if you know what I mean.

In other words, the Revelation of John can very easily be expropriated by the Christian religious 'authorities' because of its symbols.

The Gospel of Thomas, on the other hand, is more dangerously incapable of being explained by the Christian religious 'authorities'. And, because the Christian religious 'authorities' are incapable of understanding the Gospel of Thomas, it can only be an evil Gospel.

Michael Cecil

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

. . .their own self-centeredness, arrogance and ambition; and their lust for wealth and power…
The people we think of as our "Church Fathers", it must be realised, became so designated as a reward from the establishment that they helped bring about. These were the most ruthless and ambitious of the particular group of the Alexandrian elite class who for one reason or another joined up with the emerging segment of "christianity" that was the most well connected politically to the seat of empire.
So there came into being, that contained these particular people, a group who were given what amounted to a license to kill, normally meaning the older form of Christianity that existed among the Palestinian Jews, the ones who would have actually known Jesus and his disciples. Their writings were systematically hunted down and destroyed, to the extermination of the so-called Hebrew Gospel, among others.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Thats what the sermon on the mount is all about! the 5 Loves an the 2 Fishes represents the 5 Chakras from Base to Throat, an the 2 Fishes is the 3rd eye an the Crown! they were hungry for Spirit they were Hungry no more....

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60


But I wasn't referring to any "Church Fathers".

What I was referring to were the theologians that I have personally contacted over the past 34 years.

It is specifically their lust for wealth and power that have created the current situation in which a generalized military conflict throughout the Middle East--likely escalating to a nuclear conflict--is merely one military 'incident' away.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
Thats what the sermon on the mount is all about! the 5 Loves an the 2 Fishes represents the 5 Chakras from Base to

How different the world would be today if this 'Eastern perspective' on the Teaching of Jesus had attained prominence rather than the Western perspective specifically denying both the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and the loose correspondences between the Vision of the "Son of man" and kundalini.

No Christo-Fascist Christian Fundamentalists.

No 'Rapture'.

No Christo-Zionist backing for the Zionist repudiation of the Law and all of the other Revelations and Prophecies.

Michael Cecil

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:45 PM
It was the same with the Blind Man,,, He was told the Bigger Picture! which he replied,, i was Blind but now i can see!
Also the turning water into wine! ,,,The Nazarene was chating in the corner,,when somebody shouts we'v run out of wine! an somebody else says,, if you listen to the Nazarene his very words will make the sliva in your mouth taste like the finest wine there is!,,,they were thirsty for spirit! they were thirsty no more!

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Thats why Jesus said you can do as I do, just listen to the quite Voice within, Detox your Body! Fast an Meditate.. Thats why He went into the Wilderness, an when He came back he was a Healer..

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

Despite the fact that there are at least dozens of parallels between the canonical Gospels and the Gospel of Thomas, the Christian religious ‘authorities’ have, nevertheless, insisted that the Gospel of Thomas can only be considered as an heretical writing.

On what basis? There is no basis.

For what reasons? There are no reasons.

Sure there's a reason for banning this from the canonical gospels. It's right here:

Thomas 3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

You don't want your followers believing stuff like that, right? Then who would need the Church, or the Pharisees?

With regards to the Revelation of John, please stop interpreting it. The pretarist got it right and we're the only ones who can back it up.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 10:53 AM
I would like to add that if you do a bit of extra research on the individual gospels within the Nag Hammadi text, one in particular stands out.
The Gospel of Thomas.
For one it is written in very primitive form, in that it is not organized into a narrative story like the gospels of matthew, mark, luke, and john. Rather it is the sayings of jesus collected together but unorganized. Which would lead one to believe that it was actually written BEFORE the organized narratives of matthew, mark, luke, and john were established together by the roman church, wouldn't it?
Also the fact that it has remained preserved through the centuries un-touched nor "corrupted" by the early church should also give this a small boost of originality.
Furthermore and lastly I would like to add that these texts HAVE been dated. The main reason this SPECIFIC gospel sticks out the most, is because when dated, it wound up being OLDER, then Matthew, mark, and luke.
With due process that also would make this gospel older than john.
So to me this gospel is impossible to dismiss, seeing as how it was around before the others were even written.
That's screams authenticity in my mind.
I believe it was left out of the Bibles organization because it was carefully hidden so that the truth within could not be corrupted, so to be released with pure authenticity and light of knowledge for the true seeker, during a time of greak darkness. i.e. modern civilization.
Just some fact surrounded by my thoughts here

I do apologize for not posting any links but I am on my iphone which makes it a little difficult, my laptop charger shorted out

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:11 PM
The reason why The Gospel of Thomas is left out is because:

- It was a Gospel developed over time

- This Gospel came into the picture way too late to be included.

- It had teachings that someone from around Jesus's time would NOT be saying (it sounds more Eastern)

- Jesus says that children are from the kingdom of heaven, and that the kingdom of heaven is already here. Yet Jesus was a Jew so he was supposed to believe that the kingdom can't come until the Messiah comes and if he IS the messiah, why is this left out of the Gospel of Thomas?

Also, you don't need the Gospel Of Thomas to tell you that the kingdom of heaven is inside of you. It is said in other Gospels...

On important thing to note:

In the Gospel of Mark, first Gospel ever written about JESUS,

- We found out that Mark chapter 16 is a FORGERY!

- Jesus's family is NEVER mentioned, not even Mary

- There is no virgin birth

- There is no resurrection

- Jesus never said you have to be baptized and believe in order to be "saved"

- The main teaching of Jesus in Mark is "faith", he said that if you have faith you can do miracles like him.

- Jesus said, the most two important rules is loving God with wholeheartedly and love your neighbor.

- He also taught how to live in the simplest way, become last and serve others and you'll be first...

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:21 PM
Well, fortunately for me, I can decide for myself how I want to interpret the sayings of Jesus or how much weight to give the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas. I mean, it's not like the Vatican or any other Christian authority is forcing me to do anything.

So why get all worked up about it?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

If you dont think.. you have nothing to be scared of. Just like the apple of knowledge on the tree. Before we ate of it we were the mind of god..

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

this SPECIFIC gospel sticks out the most, is because when dated, it wound up being OLDER, then Matthew, mark, and luke.
You may be slightly confused as to the meaning of this.
Copies of the regular canonical books of the New Testament only date so far back because they were in constant use and deteriorated until they were discarded and replaced by copies, so the originals are no longer in existence.
The Nag Hammadi library was preserved in a jar to avoid destruction from people trying to get rid of books not in the official canon, so to start with, this would mean the jar containing the book of Thomas would have been buried to escape that fate, after the canonical books were well established in their usage by the church.

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