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Thousands in Afghanistan protest now-suspended plan to burn Korans

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Shouts of "Death to America!" rang out as Afghan demonstrators Saturday denounced now-suspended plans by an American pastor to burn copies of the Muslim holy book, the Koran. More than 10,000 people took part in a protest in Logar province, south of the Afghan capital, Kabul

common folk's this right here should prove what the preacher was talking about.
at least it does to me.
they are a violent religion PERIOD...

he is not burning the book..
but they still screaming death to america ect..ect...

My point is this..
If Christians decide one day to go holy war on them..and do like they do try to kill off the competition so to speak...would you be for or against it?
cause apparently alot of people love the idea or think it's ok for the muslim community..yes not all..but dang near 50% want to kill or hate Americans/christians with a passion.

So tell me what will make all these islamic people happy?
americans obey there law's? on our soil?
Do they want us to marry 7 year old girls like Muhammad did to appease them?
Or should we stone to death our wifes that cheat on us?

As i said in another thread...
Dope heads use the bible ..any bible lol to roll there joint's with..
We don't go around killing them for it lol
It's just a book..
burning it does not change the meaning of what was written in it.
they sell em for 9 bucks all day long.
it isnt like god or whoever wrote the one bible he is burning.
a company did..and they have a good business going on.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:13 PM
i wonder would it be the same if it was the other way around?? islam threatens to burn the bible, would the not be the same if not more people protesting threwout the world??

imo the paster acheived what he set out to do!!!

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Let's not forget you're occupying and killing their citizens.

Or do facts not apply to your reasoning?

Or to put it simply:

If lots of Afghani soldiers were in your country, killing your people and then you hear about some mad Afghan cleric burning piles of your favourite books.

would you not be saying EXACTLY the same thing? Death to Afghanistan?

Yes... I think you would.

edit on 11-9-2010 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

Have you ever thought, that maybe, just maybe Afghans are sick of the occupation and want the US out of their country. After 9 years of occupation they have seen nothing but corruption and drugs.

Maybe the anger had been fuel for so long, that all it needed was a little spark, and this was that spark.

Let the second phase of uprising in Afghanistan begin.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by oozyism

For once Oozy I agree with you completely.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Let's not forget you're occupying and killing their citizens.

Or do facts not apply to your reasoning?

Or to put it simply:

If lots of Afghani soldiers were in your country, killing your people and then you hear about some mad Afghan cleric burning piles of your favourite books.

would you not be saying EXACTLY the same thing? Death to Afghanistan?

Yes... I think you would.

edit on 11-9-2010 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

And that is why. It has nothing to do with the qur'an at all, it's all beca... no wait, scratch that. Every time someone says anything about islam penchant for violence, it's our fault.

Burn the qur'an... RAGEE!!

ok we wont.. RAAAGGEEE!!

Can we at le... RAAAGGGEEEE !!!

But I .. RRAAGGGGEEEEEEEEGrrgrrgrrgrrrr444

Religion of pieces indeed.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

Strange because i'm in a room in university, and i'd guess that 30% of the people in this room are Muslim

and STRANGELY none of them have rioted, raged or destroyed anything.

Maybe you're just believeing everything the TV tells you.

One day you'll have a mind of your own. I have faith that even the most supid of people are wholly capable of having thoughts of their own that aren't dictated by idiotic and blind patriotism.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:46 PM
They would do better to protest the Taliban which is really the source of all their troubles.

Anyway, they want us out. We want to be out. So it is obviously time to just pack up and leave with no more foreign aid money and let them just have at it. Let the Chinese deal with their insanity.

We need to entirely leave the middle east and make it quite clear that the only thing we want to do with them is to buy their oil. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of couse that means no more immigration from anyone born in those countries as well. Also means giving Americans traveling in those countries a warning that they are on their own.

Not that doing that will stop the hate on the USA they all seem to have. It won't. They always have some excuse and in any of those countries it is easier to blame the USA than to look in the mirror for the source of all their troubles.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

So we have a group of people ready to kill or be killed over something as stupid as burning a book. And then we have a bunch of simple minded afraid fools begging them not to do it.

I find it funny and ironic the people who defend the poor extremists. Are the very people the extremists hate the most. Fools on both sides of this issue. And the sheep it eat it up. What a world we live in.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

They are a violent religion, but we happen to be in their country, bombing the hell out of it and killing hundreds of thousands of Afghan citizens. That too is violent. Just has a different lable.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

And we have another bunch of people who have invaded their country, destroyed it, killed hundreds of thousands of their people, on the basis of a fake terrorist, so that we can take control of their country, their economy and steal their natural resources. You think that is better?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:58 PM
It's great we brought Democracy to Afghanistan so the citizens can express their freedom by burning American flags.

It doesn't matter what we do. It wouldn't matter if we weren't even there..These peace loving people (remember Jimmy Carter's description) just love us so much...

It's not that they hate Americans, or British, or even the hug-able Cunucks. They hate what we represent starting with Christianity and ending with Western civilization. We as a nation are just too stupid to figure this out.

Time to break out the koran toilet paper.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Jenadots

They never asked us to be there in the first place, and the didn't ask for our brand of 'foreign aid'. All they want is for us to stop killing their people, stop destroying their country and get the hell out of there.

Tell you what, why don't I come and trash your home and beat up your loved ones and lay claim to your assets, on the pretext that I'm protecting myself and helping you? Something tells me you would not agree!

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:59 PM
You watch too much CNN

My parents are muslim, they've never wanted to kill an american, or anyone. Neither does anyone in my family (approx 60 of us, first cousins) The people you see on TV are no different then the KKK

Personally I am not religious, but even if I was, I as a person have enough sense to not want to kill someone over the burning of some paper. A high percentage of muslims feel the same way.

Your ignorance is proof of their control

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by hinky

Ahem, did anyone ask them if they wanted our brand of Zionist vulture capitalism - oh, sorry, democracy?

I don't remember ever hearing that we had been invited to demolish their country and kill their people, do you?

Or do you think that US and its allies have every right to invade a country to deliver, ahem, 'democracy', even against its wishes?

edit on 11-9-2010 by wcitizen because: mistake

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by scoobyrob

They do that everyday and who gives a flying donkey turd?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Ghandi



posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Incase you havent noticed the people have hated America well before the gulf war, So it's not like they ever liked us and we hurt them into hating us, They have always hated the US and its allies.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

But somehow you seem to think it's ok that we are there in their country destroying it and killing their people and taking control of their economy and their resources?

It's not about blame, it's about seeing that the situation is more complex and engineered than the propaganda being spewed out by the Gov and the politicians.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

To quote a famous movie:

"We are here to help the Afghans, because inside every muslim there is an American trying to get out."

You have valid points, which I consider wrong, but you keep posting your opinions and I'll do the same..

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