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Freemasonary Nazi's and Muslims

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:48 AM
It was all politicking...

Please, freemasonry, Hitler, Vatican, prtoestantism, Islam, all on the same team..

in 1933 eugene pacelli (later know as pius XII) went to Germany and made a papal concordant with the nazis which later enabled Nazi Germany to deal with the 'jewish problem'.. As Hitler himself boasted in a cabinet meeting, on July 14th 1933 "Hitler expressed the opinion that one should only consider it as a great achievement. The concordant gave germany an opportunity and created an area of trust that was particularly significant in the developing struggle against international jewry"

Thus, the papacy worked behind the scenes. Agreed to not interfere with something they equally desired - the complete eradication of Judaism. An 'international Jewish conspiracy"? And how does this play into all the innocent average commoners, women and children that were murdered and tortured in cold blood. Theres a great Rabbi alive today who cant grow any facial hair because Joseph Mengele did some experiments on him when he was 9 years old. He got it good compared to those he performed sugeries on without anasthesia, etc......

no. there was no international conspiracy. It was a pretext to do what they did. As long as theres an apparent suspicion, albeit, one fabricated for the sake of creating that sucpiscion (all the court Jews - bankers, ceos, etc) they can continue milking this lie until they get what they want. today its being engineered again, this time Jew being replaced with 'zionist'. Because most Jews are zionists, all zionists/Jews, will therefore be susceptible. And when that time comes when hatred of zionists becomes a genocidal zeal for 'getting rid of all of them' (this is eepecially prevalent among arab youth) than you have another holocaust, and im sure those who 'hate zionists' wont bother distinguishing between Jews and zionists (its too laborsome) All Jews therefore become zionists and guilty of some phantom crime thats been accredited to them....

Soooo goes the games of occult trickery... the power barons create the most elaborate games. Takes someone whos really paying attention to see it.

edit on 11-9-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:39 AM
Given the quote, I think he is worries that since any man can join Masonry, jews can share their ideas with people have the ability to make change. I think he is blaming the jews for creating Freemasonry (the stories in Freemasonry are based in Jewish history) for this reason.

My 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
By extension, then, are you suggesting that Judaism is connected to some systems of government? You're suggesting that "systems of government" would be the commonality between Freemasonry and the Jews. I don't see it...

Well I didnt use the word judaism i used jewery which was hitlers terminology not mine. Maybe there is not a difference but i think so. From what I read hitler saw a commonality between the masons, jews and bankers.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Taskism

interesting thanks for your for your input. i think this as well but the motive is unclear for me. because freemasonary originated i believed in england. so he must have linked freemasonary to jewery somehow my thoughts on this still lead to economics.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:06 AM
As a freemason, I believe that the catholic church put Hitler up to rounding up Freemasons. Just as the Knights Templar were enemies to the Catholic Church, so was freemasonry to the same. To this day, it is frowned upon and discouraged that a member of the Catholic Church not join Freemasonry. So, the Catholic Church started their own club, with very similar structure and rituals, and called it the Knights of Columbus. True story.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:11 AM
Sorry.. I meant discourage TO JOIN not NOT TO JOIN.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by dontreally
Please, freemasonry, Hitler, Vatican, prtoestantism, Islam, all on the same team..
Same team???

The Nazis claimed that high degree Masons were willing members of "the Jewish conspiracy" and that Freemasonry was one of the causes of Germany's loss of the First World War. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler writes that Freemasonry has "succumbed" to the Jews and has become an "excellent instrument" to fight for their aims and to use their "strings" to pull the upper strata of society into their alleged designs. He continues, "The general pacifistic paralysis of the national instinct of self-preservation begun by Freemasonry" is then transmitted to the masses of society by the press. In 1933 Hermann Göring, the Reichstag President and one of the key figures in the process of Gleichschaltung ("synchronization"), states " National Socialist Germany, there is no place for Freemasonry."

The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz in German) was passed by Germany's parliament (the Reichstag) on March 23, 1933. Using the "Act", on January 8, 1934 the German Ministry of the Interior ordered the disbandment of Freemasonry, and confiscation of the property of all Lodges; stating that those who had been members of Lodges when Hitler came to power, in January 1933, were prohibited from holding office in the Nazi party or its paramilitary arms, and were ineligible for appointment in public service. Consistently considered an ideological foe of Nazism in their world perception (Weltauffassung), special sections of the Security Service (SD) and later the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) were established to deal with the Freemasonry. Freemasonic concentration camp inmates were graded as “Political” prisoners, and wore an inverted (point down) red triangle.

The preserved records of the RSHA - Reichssicherheitshauptamt Office of the High Command of Security Service pursuing the racial objectives of the SS through Race and Resettlement Office, show the persecution of the Freemasons. The number of Freemasons from Nazi occupied countries who were killed is not accurately known, but it is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 Freemasons were murdered under the Nazi regime.*

And you're trying to claim Hitler and Freemasonry were on the same team???

There was a time when there existed a number of lodges in Iraq when the country was under British Mandate just after the First World War. However the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution, with the abolition of the Monachy and Iraq being declared a republic, under General Quessiem. The licences permitting lodges to meet were rescinded and later laws were introduced banning any further meetings. This position was later reinforced under Saddam Hussein the death penalty was "prescribed" for those who "promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organizations."*
Death penalty for being a Freemason? In the 21st century? And because it supposedly promotes "Zionist principles"?

All Jews therefore become zionists and guilty of some phantom crime thats been accredited to them....
And the same goes for Masons because they allow Jews to join the fraternity. How many Masons have been killed for "some phantom crime that's been accredited to them"???

Yet you maintain that "freemasonry, Hitler, Vatican, prtoestantism, Islam, all on the same team". Talk about ignorance...

You say Hitler and Freemasonry are on the same team.
Hitler says Freemasonry and the Jews are on the same team.
By the transitive property, that must mean that Hitler and the Jews were on the same team.
But like you said, "It was all politicking," right?

We all know that you don't believe Orthodox Jews should join Freemasonry. Yet I've shown, with links to articles written by rabbis, that there are Orthodox Jewish lodges in New York. (And you, the expert on Orthodox Judaism, who last I heard hasn't even finished his conversion yet???)
Similarly, the Pope has maintained that Catholics should not join Freemasonry, because we're willing to sit side by side with Muslims and Jews in peace and harmony instead of trying to shove Jesus down everybody's throat at any opportunity. But there are plenty of Catholics who've ignored the papal bulls and joined anyway.
(Did I just compare you to the Pope? Probably, insomuch as I think your opinion is also irrelevant to freethinking individuals.)

edit on 9/11/2010 by JoshNorton because: Additional righteous indignation.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by fianna

Originally posted by JoshNorton
By extension, then, are you suggesting that Judaism is connected to some systems of government? You're suggesting that "systems of government" would be the commonality between Freemasonry and the Jews. I don't see it...

Well I didnt use the word judaism i used jewery which was hitlers terminology not mine. Maybe there is not a difference but i think so. From what I read hitler saw a commonality between the masons, jews and bankers.

and Hitler was......................................... lying.

His sole interest, along with the interest of all of Europes nobles/leaders, with vatican at the hem, was getting rid of Judaism. Look at european history.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Okay. Follow this logic. The church was against masonry because they believed masonry to be behind modernism and the enlightenment (which they were along with rosicrucians and others). YET, the catholic church has museums filled with greek and egyptian art and treasures. Greece was the most modern and liberal of all, and yet the CHURCH who appears to be so conrservative because of how they direct their masses is against Freemasonry? #, youd think they be all for it with the way theyve preserved the memory of Greeece. If your against their ideology, spirtiuality and wanton exhibitionism, you simply do not preserve their memory. But they do, and they DO IT because theyre actually PAGAN. Roman Catholicism is Gnostic at its core. Christianity was a creation of rome, Rome was all about hellenisitc/egyptian/babylonian mysticism. They even for awhile imported Mithraism from the east (this could explain the presence of the 3 magi in the new testament, along with the symbolism of 3). Their sole enemy , on a purely spiritual and ideological level was Judaism, even to the degree where during Bar Khobas revolt he appropriated 40% of Romes legions to Judea to completely wipe out and eliminate Judaism; killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process. 10 great rabbis were subjected to public execution, and the greatest of them, Rabbi Akiva, was tortured in front of his many students by having his flesh raked off. This is why Rome created a religion that took Jewish themes, language and even stole stole their prophethic tradition and applied the prophecies to 'yeshu' a Jewish rabbi who fullfiled all the requirements to be the jewish messiah. Actually though, Yeshu was an earlier version of Sabbetai Tzvi (whom the Jewish sages say was a reincarnation of Yeshu) who as we know tried to divert Judaism away from Torah and Mitzvot into accepting that the 'new' deal was one where man can serve G-d as completely blameless and free from sin. He therefore is a 'righteous sinner'. Rome designed the New testament. Its filled with neo-platonic ideas and philosophy. Its not Jewish, its pagan, and thus the ROMAN catholic church which established itself in the fearsome and gaudy city of rome built its very foundation on the ashes of the ancient Rome priesthood.

Want me to go through Church history and list off some of the horrendous things they did - specifically to the Jews? They used the mythologem of Jesus, and the esoteric idea that Jews with their staunch 'extreme morality' destroy the 'self' ie; Jesus with their penances etc, and so because of this theyve punished them throughout history. Its actually deeper than a ideological disagreement, but a total hatred for the creator G-d and his people who he gave a mission on earth. They therefore subjugate and dehumanize the Jew, and will go to the most elaborate lengths to create an impression, an APPEARANCE, which they themselves manufacture, a god of sorts, which casts them as the enemy of all mankind. Theyre the ones who steal from the masses, control the money etc. Yet if anyone with a brain takes a look, there are thousdand of non gentile families in the world, so many of whom have traceable histories that go back into ROMAN times. In addition to this, ideologically Judaism and the west are oil and water. How could Jews, if they truly are Jews loyal to their tradition, be in a position to lend money to people who grossly outnumber them and ideologically are maliciously against them. It doesnt make sense. the Jews who are in positions of power are ONE of them, and one with their ideological agenda. IT also serves to create the impression that Jews run the scene.

Now, seeing Judaism was vehemently against the 'enlightenment', which in the jewish world was called the haskalah, therefore Judaism was also fervently against Freemasonry and any other secretive body which endorsed this philosophy. Go by a charedi Jew and ask him what he thinks of freemasonry. If he knows what hes talking about he'll categorically reject and realize that its tenets, mentality, ethos and history is completely and utterly against the simplicity of Torah and Judaism. Oh, and the historical relationship between zionism and masonry is again a totally socialistic and secular relationship. The beginnings of zionism is not religious, but secular. These were NON religious Jews who were apart of the haskalah who wanted for their own collusive reasons to establish a Jewish state, which, might i add, would have a secular and non jewish identity. They wanted Israel to become just another member in a pan middle eastern state (which is what the current elites in power are pushing for). Only later with Abraham isaac cook did the orthodox traditionalist Jews begin supporting the cause of zionism, while at the same time opposing the secular socialistic zionists. They had to protect Judaism, and preserve it. Fortunately today 6 out of every 10 israeli 2nd graders are orthodox Jews. So, seems like g-d has flipped the situation and has again one upped the nobility.

Thus, i think ive established an ideological relationship between the papacy and their art loving secretive pagan foundations, Freemasonry which has worked as the arm of the vatican despite the fact that the Vatican has overtly opposed them (sorta like how they 'oppresed' the early gnostics. Its all for the sake of appearances and necessity. They have no allegiances to those of a like mind, but to a plan, an agenda, which is greater than the sum of its parts) and the Nazis which essentially had the same socialistic, atheistic vision of society (and the nazis were spiritual aswell, as we know from Hitler, Himmler fascination with the occult. Of course this is completely normal in the upper echelons of society) merely condemned the masons and killed some as a way to justify the accusation that they and JEWS were involved in an international conspiracy. You include a secretive body like masonry, which is indeed involved in an international conspiracy with Jews/Judaism, and you therefore increase leverage in targeting the group youre specificalyl targeting ie Jews. So a few thousand masons were killed. Im sorry that happened; but thats nothing compared to the 6 MILLION Jews killed by the Nazis.

My point has been made. Yuo should be able to see why its not ok for Jews to join masonry, partake in its rituals, despite what some fringe rabbis have to say. Im not saying Judaism is completely incompatible with Freemasons, or that there arent good upright masons who woluld definitely fit the halakah of a righteous gentile, but the body itself is steeped in an ideology that is incompatible with traditional Judaism and the whole point of Judaism.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Some interesting replies here.

I just finished reading a book some weeks ago that might shed some light on all this, if memory serves me it was entitled "Secret History of the Jesuits" or "Secret History of the Jesuit Order". This book is a freebie download from Google/books as I remember. It really sheds some light on the true power these "Warrior-Monks" had throughout the centuries in creating history as we know it, or should I say as we think we know it, and the control and influence they had over nations. Anyone interested in Secret Societies, Ignatius Loyola, Germany WWI and WWII up to the 70's or 80's this is a must read in my opinion.

I have to side with the theory of the Catholic Church/Jesuit Order being ultimately responsible for the demise of Freemasonry in Nazi Germany.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:50 PM
I'm reading other posts and I find the concept interesting.

First of all the word is "Freemasonry" not "Freemasonary"
Second, jewery is spelled "jewry"

The Nazis (perhaps more than Hitler himself) used Catholicism to cover their Nordic occult practices, including the use of runes. The idea of the "Aryan superman" comes from some of the same sources that inspired Freemasonry, namely Persian philosophy.

Hitler was obviously a puppet and I'm sure he was demonized once he refused to follower orders, just like Saddam Hussein and Mahmood Ahmadinejad.

The idea that opposing Jews, Judaism or the State of Israel is somehow "anti-Semitic" is a grave fallacy that needs to be clearly explained.

Hitler was no Aryan himself, his father's name was actually Alois Schicklgruber and he was paid to change it to "Hitler" by somebody, I forgot who.

Another fallacy is saying that something is wrong because Hitler did it. Hitler raised a dog and got married, so maybe those things are also morally outrageous? Combine that with the word "Muslim" and there, you now have a hot-button topic.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Boomer1941
Some interesting replies here.

I just finished reading a book some weeks ago that might shed some light on all this, if memory serves me it was entitled "Secret History of the Jesuits" or "Secret History of the Jesuit Order". This book is a freebie download from Google/books as I remember. It really sheds some light on the true power these "Warrior-Monks" had throughout the centuries in creating history as we know it, or should I say as we think we know it, and the control and influence they had over nations. Anyone interested in Secret Societies, Ignatius Loyola, Germany WWI and WWII up to the 70's or 80's this is a must read in my opinion.

I have to side with the theory of the Catholic Church/Jesuit Order being ultimately responsible for the demise of Freemasonry in Nazi Germany.

Jesuit philosophy had developed their own moral relativism long before the 17th/18th century when it became more mainstream. Read 'moral probabilism". And Ignatius Loyola even said "the end santifies the means".

It doesnt take a scientist to know that the catholic church is a remarkably corrupt and the most succesfully adept at manipulatig public perception. They are so conventiently behind the lines. Todays catholics look to the church in such innocence, as if the last 2000 years of their sordid history didnt exist. Literally, theyve rewritten history. We forget that past and how theyve treated Jews especially, and pretend like the last 60 years this is what the Vatican has been about. Kindly stepping aside from the 'political' scenes. *throws up*. It is absolutely dumbfounding. 90% of the popes ever elected have been from NOBLE aristocratic families, around Italy, usually, but also Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Spain, France, Austria. Literally, do a wikipedia search on every pope, and every did not come from 'low' humble beginnings, although the more 'mythologized' ones have dramatic stories about them, like pope gregory 'the great'.

Go by rome and check out their Vatican museums. Im amazed that such a 'holy' place visited by so many pious and faithful christians doesnt have a reputation for being a sesspool of debuachery and exhibitionism. The art they preserve within the 'eternal city' is Pagan and greek. you have statues of a naked dionysous, bacchus, apollo, Hermes, mercury, asclepius, aphrodite, venus etc....How can christians be so bloody stupid; nay completely and utterly hypnotzied by this idolatrous pagan religion. The popes of the last 100 years and especially the last 4 or 5 (reaching its pinnacle with jp II) have been regarded as men who conducted themselves as god - men, God on earth. Read on Pius IX, or Leo XIII. Damn, every single one has something megolomaniacal about them. Theyre enormously evil. About that moral probabilism. It basically proposes that all morality is relative; therefore the only guage of what is considered probably right, is what the pontiff says, and whatever is morally wrong, is what the pontiff says. In such a system, there are no right or wrong actions aside from what the Pope considers right ro not. He is essentially treated as God on earth. The 1st Vatican council actually granted the pope infallibility in all religious matters; although this opinion was already exercized long before the 1st vatican council. For instance, when innocent III launched the 4th crusade he made sure that every Jew was converted or killed in the towns the crusaders rode through on the way to Jerusalem...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by dontreally

With regard to the history of Popes, Tony Bushby did some good work on that one.

The Criminal History of the Papacy - Part 1

The Criminal History of the Papacy - Part 2

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Someone asked for some proof the Islams are making propaganda... sorry for the delay but really i never kept records of the things I had seen but here is an example.

edit on 20-9-2010 by fianna because: wrong link

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:33 AM
this seems to have been a rather complex discussion. however, back to the matter at hand.

Hitler had a strong distaste for freemasons, because of thier speaking out against his party. moreover, masons can proudly attest to having helped hide a great many people from the SS. I think the answer is really that simple. I too am a mason, and I have been dumbfounded by their repeated slander.
as for the "you aren't high enough to really know whats going on" argument, I should point out that my grandfather was "high up" in the masons, and not in any way occultic. while I am not, just yet, as "high up" as I would like to be, I am most certainly heading there, and the principles taught are those which anyone should embrace.
to relieve the suffering of others
to improve ones own moral character
to regard men by their character
to protect a brother

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by network dude

Hey Dude, I hope you are well. If you want to learn a little more about the alleged roots of our society, may I suggest this book:

The Symbolism of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey

It is free on the internet to download, although I cannot remember where. Sorry.

S&F Brethren All

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Josh, I have a question that you may be able to answer. Regarding our Compass and Gauge symbol, it reminds me of the two chevrons represent the masculine and the feminine, which dates way back in history.

Any views? If you wish to answer via U2U, please feel free.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by TheLoneArcher
reply to post by JoshNorton

Josh, I have a question that you may be able to answer. Regarding our Compass and Gauge symbol, it reminds me of the two chevrons represent the masculine and the feminine, which dates way back in history.
My personal opinion, those who want to go down that road have read too much Dan Brown. I don't buy the "sacred feminine" or "generative principle" hoopla that I've seen on a lot of anti-masonic blogs.

I think it's a lot more simple than that: the square and compasses are the two tools for drawing right angles and circles—the most fundamental units of geometry. They aren't building-blocks themselves, but they're the tools that allow us to develop those building blocks which enable us to become better men.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

wouldn't it be a kick in the pants for all the folks who try to read into the super sekret meanings of our symbols to actually discover that their initial meaning is the true one, and the lesson they teach is simple, yet perfect and beautiful. It's like trying to fly before you can crawl forward, only to find out we weren't meant to fly.

I wish all masons could interact the way we do here. I have learned much more on this site than I have anywhere else. Most of it just explained things I thought I knew, but was to obstinate to realize.

have a great day.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Nammu

I know secrets about the freemasons I shouldn't know, and I mean beyond the brotherly love part. Yes, they're a loyal and a strong faternity to join but if you know more than you're suppose to ...well, most freemasons don't so it really doesn't matter. What I know is, the "perfect being" is said to have brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, and be Jewish. It's also believed Judaism is the oldest religion in the world and the most popular, which of course isn't true. But these are from my own personal sources that I can't share where I got them from or there's a possibility "bad things will happen." So, in the end, you can discredit me if you'd like.

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