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Pentagons plan to silence 9/11's Able Danger whistleblower LTC Anthony Shaffer

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posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:13 PM
The only thing I am surprised about is that fact that this is all being done out in the open. I would think they would just do it discreetly in order to not draw attention. Weird.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:09 PM
After getting into the hype and reading all the other folks hyped-up opinions as well. I think back to just 2 days ago when burning a book was unamerican.
“You hear someone like General Petraeus saying burning the Koran could be dangerous to American troops – hey General Petraeus – how about invading Arab countries and occupying them and killing innocent people? You think that could be dangerous to American troops? Oh no no, our foreign policy has nothing to do with this – they don’t like Americans because we go to Disneyland and shop at Walmart.”
This statement above was made by gerald Celente in reaction to General Petraeus comment about 3 days ago. Now the pentagon will confiscate and surely burn all copies of this novel "Operation Dark Heart"

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:43 PM
I have a suggestion.

That is a forum for select Amazon reviewers. A lot of us also get offers to review directly from authors.

I don't like to post to that forum, or I'd ask there.

Anyway...I did not get this book, but others there well may have.
I will check my recent offerings to see if I see where it was offered. If it was offered to me, and I didn't take it, I will kick my own butt.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
The only thing I am surprised about is that fact that this is all being done out in the open. I would think they would just do it discreetly in order to not draw attention. Weird.

My opinion/ speculation is that the democrats are SO desperate that they are allowing this out there to damn the republicans (this doesn't change the 2 party illusion- only that the democrats want control at this time). Same with Yahoo, Forbes (think about *that* for a minute), etc running the story about Gage et al. Remember "let's move forward" (Obama), "impeachment is off the table" (Pelosi), & John Conyers saying (in reply to questions about investigating/ impeaching Bush/ Cheney) "Do you realize what would happen if we did that/ what you're asking?" back when B/C were still in office.
It is fascinating watching this play out, but they are using it as a distraction from Obamacare & all of the other extremely unpopular things that have happened. That's how bad it is.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:00 PM
Now, I'm normally on the side of unveiling the truth. Obviously, the government identified content in this book that would contribute to disorder and (possibly global) instability. The government is here to protect its citizens, to keep us SAFE. This book obviously has information in it that would endanger our troops in the field, and our citizens in the Homeland.

Just as the Pastor in Gainesville, Florida decided to *cancel* his book burning this Saturday (to save the lives of military members who would surely have died at the hands of fired-up extremists), the Pentagon must PREVENT a book from making it to public (and terrorist) eyes. It's ironic that one person cancelled a "book burning" to save lives, and now, the government must essentially "burn" a book to save lives. This is a strange kind of citizen-government cooperation necessary for the defense and safety of the Homeland.

Apparently, the lieutenant colonel who wrote the book didn't take into account the danger of releasing possibly classified or sensitive information to the American public and the rest of the world. In essence, it seems like he's letting the opposing NFL team get a peek into the playbook. That would surely cost lives. I know we're curious, and I know we want the truth. But, at what cost? Even if a single soldier lost his life because of this leaked information in the form of a book, there would be blood on the hands of everyone who bought a copy, or fantasized about reading a copy. We would, in essence, be contributing to the increase in lost lives.

Please understand that the previous paragraphs are nothing more than my attempt at playing Devil's Advocate. I imagine that the government might use such rationalizations and logic to defend its actions in this matter. I actually hope the book makes it out into the public. It's a bit ridiculous for the government to try to quash the book with this tactic. Again, the previous paragraphs were an extremely dry joke, but I can see the government spouting such nonsense to defend its actions. Great post. Starred and flagged.

edit on 10-9-2010 by GhostLancer because: Sentence fragment could cause cascading exothermal inversion.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:09 PM
The Pentagon controls everything. They even control Hollywood. If you want to produce a film with the military's assistance, you need to send 5 scripts of your film to the Pentagon. They look it over and scratch out the stuff that might make the military look bad. Once approved, they send someone on set to keep an eye out and nothing negative is being said or done.

Once the film is completed, the Pentagon gets a screening and if they approve, well, then congrats.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
The Pentagon controls everything. They even control Hollywood. If you want to produce a film with the military's assistance, you need to send 5 scripts of your film to the Pentagon. They look it over and scratch out the stuff that might make the military look bad. Once approved, they send someone on set to keep an eye out and nothing negative is being said or done.
Once the film is completed, the Pentagon gets a screening and if they approve, well, then congrats.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. You are wrong. You need to send 6 copies of the script.

Seriously, yes. Further, the tendrils of "psychological operations" are in most movies and TV shows, too. Messages necessary for public approval in future, anticipated "situations" are seeded in movies and shows. You get a star.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Tyranny operates by principles which can be easily recognized, and, if the people are vigilant, prepared, and committed to liberty, it can be countered before it becomes entrenched.

Then again the American public just loved the patriot act, and all the other tyrannical jargon imposed upon us in the past decade.

It seems we are on a path to a world where totalitarianism really is total. I always thought that George Orwell’s 1984 was just too far out there to be anything but fiction. Now it seems plausible though doesn’t it?

We must first tear down the MSM’s credibility, or we can never ever expect to see reform. It is easy to spread truth without the media being involved. It must however be truth and not conjecture. If you dig the truth can be found! Bush's global gag rule covered alot more than just abortion stuff! The Global Gag Rule was reinstated by President George W. Bush on his first day in office in January 2001.
The Gag rule was first used during WWI to control American Media. At present a debate over the loss of American liberties is basically forbidden in the MSM. Our supposed free press is compromised, by foreign share holders and parts of our own government.
Americans have a duty to resist tyrannical government. It is stated clearly in the US constitution!
In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty, variously stated throughout history, of the subjects of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Belief in this right extends back to ancient China, and it has been used throughout history to justify various rebellions, including the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

Lord Acton (1834-1902)
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Charles Douglas Land (195?-????) "Last seen in Texas"
"Fox news is not the voice of the American people, even though they purport to be."

edit on 10-9-2010 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
The real issue is a one/two possibility:

---Either "they" are trying to cover their behinds, because of gross negligence and incompetence (and the embarrassment, lack of respect and possible criminal issue);

---OR, as mentioned, at some level there may have been a decision to allow it. Perhaps it was thought to not be as extensive as turned out. (And, that is a corollary reason for not 'admitting' it....perhaps).

Are either of these two options acceptable in your eyes? Because in mine, they both sound really sinister.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by airspoon
.... First of all, our government shouldn't be keeping secrets from us, especially seeing how our government is supposed to serve us. In fact, our government is supposed to be by, for and of the people, yet they feel the need to keep so many secrets.

Airspoon - you are so right. America needs a complete purge of government, and a new political system developed.
The current system has run it's course and has failed due to corporate corruption and foreign government involvement.
For starter's - you need ALL Government people to be natural born citizens, not just the president. Dual Citizenship does not cut it. And a purge of the CIA would not hurt either.

I saw a news clip of the remaining good cops in Mexico grabbing the corrupt cops to clean up the forces. Something for the US Military and LEO's to think about

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:26 AM
As Alan Rickman might say ""

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

This isn't a Republican/Democrat issue. This is an attempt to totally blow the lid off of the 9/11 deception that the U.S government has pushed since that fateful day.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:05 AM
How can the information be dangerous to the troops in Afghanistan today?
Anthony Shaffer has not been in service for many years?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:40 AM
This is the best thread I have seen in awhile.
S&F of course.

I wish I could get my hands on a copy, the government absolutely is hiding something.

It's not even a secret at all, it is like they don't care how sloppy 9/11 was carried out, and are laughing at us.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:40 AM
He could easily publish it online. He could set up a blog and charge for the pass code to read it online. They can buy up as many copies as they wish, but the written word will not be silenced forever.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:51 AM
Thanks for all the stars and flags, I really couldn't believe this either when I read it. I just wanted to mention that one of the only specific things that I have been able to find that they wanted out of this book was the fact that Shaffer had a meeting with the actual author of the 9/11 Commission book, Phillip Zelikow. The quote from Wiki:

"Specifically, the DIA wanted references to a meeting between Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, the book's author, and the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, removed". (the note says it was referenced from FOX news Sept 10th 2010, so take it with a grain of salt, as I guess you should with anything from wiki)

If this turns out to be true, this would be something that the Army editors ok'd, but that now the DIA wants hidden. Just one more attempt at shaping the way the future looks at 9/11. It all stinks of a continuing cover up IMHO.

BTW, I thought this was rather amusing considering the current situation. Was reading the reviews of this book in a previous posters linked to Towers Book site. Guess who got a review copy and raved over it??

This is one terrific book, done with fascinating detail that allows the reader to experience the hard sharp edge of what it is like to be a 21st century intelligence operative searching the by-ways and back alleys of the harshest environs and most troublesome terrorist havens on the face of the earth."

--Lt. Gen. Patrick M. Hughes, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency

Yes, that is the former Director of the same DIA that wants the book eliminated, go figure.

edit on 11-9-2010 by PersonalChoice because: Forgot to add DIrector of DIA quote

edit on 11-9-2010 by PersonalChoice because: ((Former Director))

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 02:52 AM
I bet when the seller on ebay ships the book ; it get lost in the mail. Maybe run over by the UPS ot fedex truck or just lost.

The pentagon will be the high bidder anyway and win the auction.

edit on 11-9-2010 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by impressme

That is a very good point you have there. So why has ebay let this auction still proceed ? this would in effect be case in point treason in some way or another. I wonder if ebay is letting this auction ride for now because of all the hits there getting on the auction. that makes ebay just as guilty, if treason is considered. The depatment of Justice might intervene in this auction just because of that matter alone.

I think this sale of this book on ebay should be taken down for many reasons. I wore those silver oak leaves on my shoulders ( LTC) I would hate to see any of the troops in my former command killed because of the info in this book. I’m sure it’s good read, but just a hint of any Intel could cost someone there life.

edit on 11-9-2010 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:18 AM
The author Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer was on the Alex Jones show.

One of the 9/11-Commissioners told me personally – Everybody was covering for someone, within that Commission. That is to say: Everyone who is an Commissioner had an agenda.
- Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, Video part 2

edit on 11-9-2010 by Drunkenshrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:44 AM
The ebayer that is selling this book has two bids so far. 1,100.00 Who knows the buyer could be someone from the pentagon.

People do not know how easy our government can keep secrets, I don’t care if hundreds of people know the truth about the books contents. This book deal should be a prime example of how our own government will stop at nothing to keep their activities hidden.

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