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Pastor says Quran-burning suspended, not canceled.

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:12 PM
Well, looks like it may be back on.........seems he feels lied to by the muslims he hade a deal with. Hmmmmm, guess Obama will have to step up his attack on this preachers rights. If he does decide to go forward with it, do you think the federal government will step in or not......I'll bet they do.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Apparently, now he is going to try and see if he can get an agreement to get the Mosque moved in Jerusalem.....

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:15 PM
As much as I feel the actions of this pastor is rather low and hypocritical (considering that his actions only prove extremism among Christianity as in Islam) I do believe it is in his right to go ahead and burn the Qur'an, just as it is the right for that islamic center be built in New York, just as it is a right in this country to burn the American flag. Like wise just because those rights are protected they are not assured an audience or support. Regardless of the pressure being mounted on the islamic center to move, they ultimately make the choice to move or stay. If they choose to move, that is their choice, they cannot blame that their rights were violated. Regardless of the backlash against this pastor (evidently he was looking for it), at the end of the day he makes the choice as to whether to go ahead or not, nobody is forcing him not to. It goes both ways.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:02 PM
If he was lied to by Rauf then now he has every right to burn two Quran.
I just hope he has the proper paperwork that shows he is compliant with city ordinance that will allow him to legally burn in public.
Maybe some Firemen can chime in on this.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

You never bothered addressing questions in the other thread and now you start your own?

I will try again: how did Obama attack this idiot's rights?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

By even asking him to reconsider his position he was basically cow towing to the percieved threat made by the very people the preacher is against. How dare he suggest someone give up their rights on a maybe. And finally.....different topic, please stay on it.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Wow. Again, he asked the fake preacher to consider the consequences of his actions. Most people with brains would consider what their actions would lead to. Obama simply asked this fool to do the same.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Riddle me this is he any more a fake preacher than the imam calling for death and destruction...............................................seems still like Obama is more concerned with stopping what this man wants to do, than what the muslims want to do.....again no outrage from abnyone about them burning bibles.....not gonna agree man, just let it go.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

You forgot to provide a source for Muslim Americans burning Bibles.

Riddle me this: If Obama was trying to stop this man from carrying out his rights, why did he wait so long to say something? And again, how did the wimpy soundbite Obama gave crush anyone's rights? The fake Christian has the right to do anything he wants, so long as he is prepared to deal with the consequences. If 1 American soldier is hurt or killed as a result, he should be charged as an accessory.

ETA: Which imam preaching death and destruction are you referring to? Surely not the one from New York who is working with the government to stop religious extremism?

edit on 9-9-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Still stuck on this only applying to, whatever, not worth even discussing with you. As far as the Imam in NYC, hmmmm......his rights are intact he's trying to incite violence and gets a pass.......oh well, isn't it time for one of your calls to prayer?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:44 PM
What deal..??

No one cut a deal with a crack head, the guy is delusional and want hear his voice only!

Go on and burn the book see what will happen later! If you have balls to do it!

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:01 AM
It’s not really the fact that he may burn a Koran… it’s the attention he’s getting and the fact that his intentions are being broadcast worldwide. So it’s a collusion of corporate/state media, bloggers, discussion forums and one pastor. Without the broadcasting his potential act and the act itself would be restricted to his local 50 member church and a few local observers. So this whole scenario is intentionally magnified a billion times by the higher ups to incite Muslims. If state media was able to ignore Ron Paul for the longest time even though his following was growing exponentially, they sure can ignore an unknown pastor of a small, 50 member non-denominational Christian church

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Still stuck on thinking Obama has any say outside of America. He cannot tell people outside of the US not to burn Bibles or the flag. He is not president of the universe.

How is the imam in New York inciting violence? There has been no violence; only rhetoric on both sides. If you bothered to read anything about him you would know that he has been working toward peace and understanding for over a decade. But you go right on hating.

edit on 10-9-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:19 AM
Well well, why am I not surprised? I still say this is a psyop to incite hate for a broader agenda. Its blown way out of proportion and gotten way too much media coverage for it just to be a "coincidence"

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:57 AM
any one of us on this website can go buy a quran or any other religious document/book and burn it ourselves at anytime, like hell if any MSM would take notice.

it is freedom of speech to do so and it is their right and freedom of speech to disagree with it,

someone burns your favorite book in protest and it upsets you? then no other recourse is acceptable then to in turn burn the favorite book of the culprit. and yet we are told that if the book gets burned the recourse will instead be possible murder/suicide/death (terrorism). being the typical defiant american i say burn the freakin thing especialy because of such a threat,

i thought the official american stance was to never negotiate with terrorists? obama taking the threats literal and using that as an excuse to 'suggest' the book not be burned, seems to me like an agreement to negotiation terms with a terrorist group, after all obama himself did name al-quida as the risk.

edit on 10-9-2010 by pryingopen3rdeye because: removed unintended quote

i wanted to say, i do not have any dislike for islam or any religion, i only support the burning of the quran for the sake of supporting the right to do so, personaly i dont think any religious document should be burned, but i also think that anyone who wants to burn any such thing should not be disallowed,

and now that so many are pursuading this man to not do it even so much as threating him, this to me says it is more important for him to excercise the right to do so then it does even matter what he's burning or why, just that he can.

edit on 10-9-2010 by pryingopen3rdeye because: had more to say

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:06 AM
Honestly, when will we ever learn from our history?

It is clear that any and all holy books should be made out of flame retardant materials.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Ummmm, maybe the reason Obama, and Gates, and the rest of the world is telling this moron to chill, is, ummmm, because we have troops directly in harms way and we don't want anyMORE fanatics trying to gun them down? It's not a trampeling of rights thing, its a "DUDE you are a F'ing moron, sit down and shut up" thing.

I love the people that get all bent out of shape about Free Speech, just because you CAN say whatever you want, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Yeah the guy can burn whatever he wnats, whenver he wants. But he shouldn't do it, because it serves no purpose other than to incite more irrational knee jerk reaction type crap. We don't need that right now. We don;t need muslim extremists getting anymore extreme. We don't need ignorant sheep getting anymore STUPID ideas.

Anyone who supports this guy based on his "right" to do it is probably someone who likes to go around saying inflammatory crap just to get reactions out of people.

What the guy is doing is creating more problems for all of us than we need right now. I'm all for Free Speech, but this is one guys "right" I would love to trample on.

edit on 10-9-2010 by Gigatronix because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:13 AM
I think this bloke is loving the attention at the moment, and thats what it comes down too, and nothing to do with religon at all. I mean, their are Christians out there who think the white race is the only race that matters. Does that mean the non white people should go out and hurt every white Christian?

This bloke is just getting his 5 mins of fame

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Gigatronix
Ummmm, maybe the reason Obama, and Gates, and the rest of the world is telling this moron to chill, is, ummmm, because we have troops directly in harms way and we don't want anyMORE fanatics trying to gun them down? It's not a trampeling of rights thing, its a "DUDE you are a F'ing moron, sit down and shut up" thing.

pretty much, and the point is he doesnt have to shut up he has the right to scream if he so chooses and no one should hinder that right, it is the reason for the existence of the troops.

if the troops or the administration is for some reason afraid that protests or expressions like this are gonna put them at more risk, then they shouldnt be over there,

the troops presence there isnt much different then burning these books, their fighting for our rights while telling us to censor ourselves?

Originally posted by Gigatronix
Anyone who supports this guy based on his "right" to do it is probably someone who likes to go around saying inflammatory crap just to get reactions out of people.

tryin to get a rise or what. was that comment/accusation/"inflammatory crap" actualy necessary or productive? or are you trying "just to get reactions out of people"

the problem here is not what some dude wants to burn or why, the issue is the MSM broadcasting it calling for reaction and polarization, no one would have even heard of this guy he would have burned the freakin thing no one would have noticed and the world would have kept turning, and yet now he is seen as a villian if he does it, WHY? it is not for what he does but the fact the the media WANTS people to be mad about it,

any harm that comes will be more of fault to the MSM then to this man or the group/s that do the harm.

edit on 10-9-2010 by pryingopen3rdeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by pryingopen3rdeye

Originally posted by Gigatronix
Ummmm, maybe the reason Obama, and Gates, and the rest of the world is telling this moron to chill, is, ummmm, because we have troops directly in harms way and we don't want anyMORE fanatics trying to gun them down? It's not a trampeling of rights thing, its a "DUDE you are a F'ing moron, sit down and shut up" thing.

pretty much, and the point is he doesnt have to shut up he has the right to scream if he so chooses and no one should hinder that right, it is the reason for the existence of the troops.

if the troops or the administration is for some reason afraid that protests or expressions like this are gonna put them at more risk, then they shouldnt be over there,

the troops presence there isnt much different then burning these books, their fighting for our rights while telling us to censor ourselves?
I'm not gonna get into the politics and conspiracies of why we're there and what it represents and all that. The point is, just because you can do something doesn;t mean you should. JUst because you have the right to throw yourself off the cliff doesn't preclude me from stopping you or at least trying to talk you down. What he's doing is destructive and inflammatory, serves no purpose at all, other than to get this already confirmed criminal and psychopath more attention.

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