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New Talk On The Physics Of Consciousness With Steven Greer

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

WOOT! Chaos is back!

Wise man once say, "Because people seem so intent on derailing this thread, let me just provide the other side of this argument to keep it balanced, this is a collection of my posts from another thread similar to this, made by the same OP actually. I have been following Greer for a while now, long before he made that stupid claim on the moth photo...I've listened to many of his interviews, and the man certainly just isn't in it for the money, he has a true and long standing interest in the Ufology field.

Say what you want about Greer, you can't discount and debunk the hundreds of high status people he's interviewed in the disclosure project. The problem with skeptics, once they think they've debunked one thing, they think they've debunked it all. You can't simply claim everything Greer does is a hoax because you suspect what MIGHT be a photo of a moth isn't what he says it is, or if he charges money for products which you DON'T HAVE TO BUY...

I just read that everything Greer does now gets moved to the hoax section...well, that's just a shame isn't's too bad that what was possibly the biggest effort by high status people to come together and announce to the world the truth, is now played off as nothing of significance because nothing Greer is related to is significant, because Greer is nothing but a con-man...I guess skeptics use the same logic with the UFO subject as whole, they think since some people are crazy, and since some sightings are explainable or hoaxes, that must mean all are, no matter the volume of unexplained cases and witness testimony from not just individuals but groups, and no matter who it is that proclaims Aliens exist, it's still all the work of hoaxers and crazy people to them...

So what, he's human, everybody makes mistakes, why are you so quick to crucify him and discount everything he's ever accomplished, without even knowing the exact circumstances of his situation. I can see why he's not to be trusted, but he's work must be looked at rationally...if you throw it all in the trash because one part is rubbish, you might be accidentally throwing away pure gold along with it... the man is an idol to me, putting aside any scams he may actually have taken part in, he's achieved a lot and I agree with many, if not all, of his view points, and it's disappointing ATS now considers him a con man."

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by rajaten
The problem with skeptics, once they think they've debunked one thing, they think they've debunked it all.

Stopped reading after encountering this garbage. The problem is once you've encountered one skeptic, you think you know them all.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I actually wrote that, and I have met my fair share of skeptics. As I said a page back, I actually respect MMN and think he's a good guy, we've agreed on some things, and disagreed on others, but I respect the way he "debunks" things, in fact I debunk things my self some times. A true skeptic isn't a person who debunks everything and proves it is just something "mundane", a true skeptic is someone who seeks to keep a keen eye and report hoaxery where they see it, and most importantly report the truth where they see it.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by theMegaladon

I wouldn't agree, you can't just totally strip the man of all his contributions. As I said above in my edit:

What would his credentials be exactly? Former ER Doctor does not qualify him as scientist or engineer "free energy" but that is not my point. The only thing he really has contributed was to get all those people in a room and talk. He played a very little role and that was when 1993?. Funny he went to Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa . I live down the road from there we call them "floaters" they believe they can levitate after sitting indian style and meditating. Well what they really do is they sit Indian style then the Maharishi flops around on the ground indian style like a frog and claims they are flying lol. It is unclear when he attended but most of those floaters were stoned out the mind quite often to the point of talking to rocks. I never considered Greer an expert on the subject but like i said he did his small part back then. Someone sooner or later would have put the thing together like Salla. You are minimizing what he has done since by giving him credence for organizing the event. This does not change what he is doing now. Or like the saying goes : it aint where your from its where your at All contributions go to Steves pocket now.

Whether he "rode their coat tails" or not, he was the one that put it all together, he had the vision and desire and made it happen, he organized it, he put in the effort to make it happen, to get those people to testify as to what they believe to be the truth, on video.

He could have played the most important part in the making of the Disclosure Project, and in fact he did, because if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the Disclosure Project!

And now he is talking to rocks and levitating with his Floater powers he actually learned in Fairfield years ago.

edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

Perhaps this guy started out with good intentions but then got a taste of being able to manipulate credulous souls and couldn't control himself. He could have had a plan to become a cult leader from the start but knew he had to lure people with more credibility but once he had them hooked, he could ask them for all sorts of things and they would oblige. So regardless of his initial intent, according to some here he contributed something worthwhile in the past which should not be stripped from him. Ok, but they should consider lamenting that person as effectively dead and see him for what he is now, in the now-- a charlatan.

That's my advice on how to repair the cognitive dissonance-- take it or leave it.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:28 AM
Well, I just see it this way. He has an interest, others share this interest. He provides a way for people to indulge in this interest, and it does cost them money. Whether he believes in his "cult practices" or not, he hasn't made a cent from me. I've seen all his work free on YouTube and other sources. If people want to test out what he offers, and they have the money to spare, it's their own bad luck if nothing actually happens, but maybe Greer has in the past led people to experience some sort of Alien contact, though it's doubtful. Sure, I can accept he's probably not the most trustworthy guy, but I still respect him as a leading figure in the effort for disclosure, he's everywhere and always working on something, things that aren't just for his benefit. I believe, no matter how much his intentions have become diluted, he still has core values which I strongly agree with, and I believe what he does isn't just for his benefit all the time. I haven't lost hope in Greer yet. One moth photo and few potentially silly comments aren't going to sway my opinion to a point of hatred where I insult the man needlessly.

edit on 9/9/10 by CHA0S because: spelling

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:40 AM
Now we have a more clear picture of where Greer is getting the levitation crap from. He did not learn it from the ET's he was in to the stuff 20 years before the Disclosure project. He got it from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who developed the Transcendental Meditation technique. It is not much different from the Ralien & Heavens Gate crap. He is implementing his old concepts and bridging it together to keep his followers interested just adding more magic to the whole Disclosure material. Because it sells and the new agers eat it up. It has nothing to do with Aliens or the whistle blowers in disclosure people. He tries to associate all his spiritual beliefs and implement it in with something totally different the military industrial complex projects, ET's , free energy you name it. All wrapped in one product that he sees marketable. He even has contradicted Clifford Stones testimony. Stone says the Greys are Alien as well as several others in the Disclosure conference. Greer is claiming all greys are artificially made by black projects "programmed life forms" by the PTB. What does that say to you? Disinformation.

Meditation debunked

According to Greer, he enrolled in Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, but in 1974 he "left traditional college at Boone to enter teacher training at Maharishi International University"

These are floaters



edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
everyone already thinks he is scum and MMN comes in 9 times out of 10 to seal the deal and derail the thread from it's initial purpose, into something more like what we are doing now, arguing about Greer instead of what was presented in the OP.

Do you not find that interesting though? That Greer manages to split a community so decisively? Not that I'm a big fan of many conspiracies, but in many circles on this and many other sites, that could be perceived as a classic disinformation tactic.


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I guess you are correct. I never thought about it that way, but I don't think that was Greer's intention. I don't know, it just seems to me he deserves more respect than what people seem to give him here on ATS. I mean, as far as I know, he's never really pulled off any big hoaxes, he doesn't seem to want to intentionally fool anyone by doing that, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt with the moth photo and pass it off as a silly mistake, it wasn't a big thing in any case IMO. Now, if he were to repeat something like that again, I would lose a great deal of respect for him.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Greer defies the laws of physics!


um...What's up Doc?

edit on 9-9-2010 by KIZZZY because: add on

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by KIZZZY

Greer defies the laws of physics!


um...What's up Doc?

edit on 9-9-2010 by KIZZZY because: add on


Hey Kizzy just heard Alison Kruse is claiming all her "Orbies" and "Blinkies" have left and are now in Italy?

Is this where the Goblin king has been hiding?

Wonder if Greer scared them off with his yoga powers of maharishi enlightenment?

Or maybe it is because her BF broke the IR camera?

One can only wonder it is a magical world we live in isn't it.

edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by theMegaladon

Alison on sabbatical eh? Maybe Greer got jealous with all her vectoring prowess. Ya think?

Well at least we do have Greer stating in his own words that he levitates without even thinking

about it to his know, the invisible Aliens!

edit on 9-9-2010 by KIZZZY because: correction

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by theMegaladon

Here is further potential inspiration for Greer's CSETI scam.

"Dr" George King - a UK taxi driver claimed to have contacted aliens and set up a cult known as the Aetherius Society. King was the self-proclaimed "primary terrestrial mental channel" for the ETs describing himself as the "voice of the Interplanetary Parliament". He practiced yoga, vectored extraterrestrials, wanted to "heal" the planet and requested donations. Sound familiar?

Though King is long dead the society is still on going and cash donations are welcome!

Deja Vu?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:20 AM
OP, as I said in my first post I am not a fan of Greer, reason being is that he could have taken the disclosure project all the way but he was nobbled and took his cause down a one way street heading straight for the sewers. I was gutted when I saw where he was heading but that was a while ago now and it could be that he has changed his tune or so I thought.

SO.....I listened to the youtube video at home and to be honest I am even more pissed off with him now. Do you know why? because he has taken the ideas of very intellectual authors and spun them in to his own creation I am so angry with him, because he should at least aknowledge the people that he stole his ideas from. Sitchin, Strassman, Hancock, Mkenna, Frecska Sagan, and of course many many more. These are the real pioneers of exploring the physics of Consciousness not Greer.

Please OP I implore you to read some of the books by the authors I have mentioned and you will see how much of a charlatan this guy is. Its not that everyone is jumping on Greer to steer the conversation away as debunkers and cointelpro e.t.c this man really has been contaminated and will only do harm to the studies of ufology and quantum consciousness.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:53 AM

That is why i feel the way i do about Greer and other con men because of my passion for this subject i believe to be a real phenomena and have experienced it first hand. I take personal insult by these types and feel i am protecting others like myself... as i use to follow Greer some time back. I have been called a disinfo operative even a tin foil hat wearing UFO nutter. From both sides and im more grown up now and seasoned from experiencing good intel and bad intel. I use to be naive and buy in to almost everything. Evolved to skeptical believer.

We want THE Truth and will not settle not some persons fantasy

Deny Ignorance

Originally posted by torsion
reply to post by theMegaladon

Here is further potential inspiration for Greer's CSETI scam.

"Dr" George King - a UK taxi driver claimed to have contacted aliens and set up a cult known as the Aetherius Society. King was the self-proclaimed "primary terrestrial mental channel" for the ETs describing himself as the "voice of the Interplanetary Parliament". He practiced yoga, vectored extraterrestrials, wanted to "heal" the planet and requested donations. Sound familiar?

Though King is long dead the society is still on going and cash donations are welcome!

Deja Vu?

The resemblance is uncanny, they are both of the same mold.

Seems one Hoaxer is always inspired of another hoaxer with these types. Just as the IR camera cults we are seeings after ESETI has inspired so many to follow the trend there for an example, we have the yoga new ager hippie charlatans to boot. We have the GFOL and Raliens mimicking each other too. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have a even clearer & detailed idea of what Greer is as i will be focusing more on this charlatan. These people are dangerous and delusional there is no telling what they are capable of. Someone needs to keep a close eye on them. We dont need another Heavens gate on our hands.

Photo of the Pre-Greer channeling the ET's


edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:04 AM
Please help Greer fulfill a dream to walk in space..... A must for all Greer fans!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Master Shen long

Your character assassination and defamation cant stop the great momentum he has caused towards

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Master Shen long
Please help Greer fulfill a dream to walk in space..... A must for all Greer fans!!!!!!!!!!!

That is hilarious!
I signed the petition

But can the UFO community get the millions of dollars back from greer to buy the rocket?

I think these guys can help. They should use Greer as the dummy, has to be a one way trip everyone wins!

edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by torsion
reply to post by theMegaladon

Here is further potential inspiration for Greer's CSETI scam.

"Dr" George King - a UK taxi driver claimed to have contacted aliens and set up a cult known as the Aetherius Society. King was the self-proclaimed "primary terrestrial mental channel" for the ETs describing himself as the "voice of the Interplanetary Parliament". He practiced yoga, vectored extraterrestrials, wanted to "heal" the planet and requested donations. Sound familiar?

Though King is long dead the society is still on going and cash donations are welcome!

Deja Vu?

Now ya see you learn something new every day! I had no idea there existed another

con-cult-artist-new ager that *coughs* um..channeled ET's oh and vectored in the Aliens

as well!

So, Greer is not the first. What a copy cat cultist Greer is!

Did this guy do kundilini as well floating around levitating?

edit on 9-9-2010 by KIZZZY because: need overhaul

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:34 AM
Well KIZZY growing up 20 miles away from the Maharishi cult i heard story's of the heavy drug usage and bizarre rituals that took place at the institution, going back to the 1970's Greers tenure there. Mescaline and peyote usage was part of the curriculum was the word. Then to find out Greer attended just blew me away as it was right before me. Sure gives you perspective how these people tick. It is indeed a cult mind set and delusional approach to such a more would be scientific field of UFOligy with Greer and company. And the floaters were often ostracized types in society socially awkward people that are attracted to these programs. There was shooting there a few years ago by a student dont remember what exactly happened. But the cult is very much like the Heavens Gate cult and Raliens. Certainly deserves some deep study in to this agenda that is unfolding before us.

edit on 9-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

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