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The Shape of Men

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posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:49 AM
Having just been reading a post from males about female shapes, I would like to ask this:

How many men who demand a so-called perfect female shape have a perfect shape?

How many overweight men slag off overweight women?

How come men think they can rate women when they (the men I mean) are not perfect?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:15 AM
the shape of the body is less important to me than the presence
of body hair (ugh)

but, ideals are something to aspire to/wish for...

i see no problem with desiring an ideal silhouette in your partner

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:27 AM
Frankly, I think all people...even men...have an ideal. We do it with all things...I would love to have a '57 Chevy...2 tone, white/turquios. But, i love my truck.

Likewise, we all have an ideal woman in our head... one that just makes us turn to jelly. But, I love my wife...and the older I get...the more I find that she is the ideal woman...for me anyway.

I used to have a wife that was long blonde hair, naturally tan, big brown eyes, and made a pair of jeans look like a million bucks...Hatefullest damn woman I ever met.

Most of the women I have been involved with in my life were not perfect, not models...they were chunky..what we call "corn fed women"...pretty but can hold their own in the field.

That is the wife I have now...but what really turns me on, what sold me on my wife and made life good when I was dating others...

We could make love in the afternnon, and then go out for a cold beer and have a really good deep intelligent discussion or debate... actually new a little philosophy, politics, religion, knew where Viet Nam, Yemen, and Belize was, and liked jalapenos on their pizza too.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:34 AM
My body type is ectomorphic, but I have been regularly working out at the gym for the last decade or so.

Without wishing to sound arrogant, I'm generally considered to have a decent body ( although far from ''perfect'' ), which is largely down to the work I do at the gym.

Being an ectomorph is both a blessing and a curse; it's a blessing, in the fact that I have practically no excess fat retention, but it's also a curse, because I have to work extra hard to gain any muscle mass !

I am very aware of the ''practice what you preach'' philosophy, so any comments I make about women's body shape, is done from the position of knowing that I have had to work hard to attain my current body shape.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

How come men are hairy but they don't want hairy women?

Why do men spit but don't like women who spit?

Why do men brag about sleeping around but call women "sluts" for doing the same?

I can keep going but what's the point. Yes, there is some hypocrisy involved but so what??? It works both ways, maybe men should start complaining about how they're always expected to pay at restaurants or how most divorce courts usually side with the mother.


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
How many men who demand a so-called perfect female shape have a perfect shape?

not sure there is any such "perfect" shape. are we talking aerodynamically or are we aiming for torque here?

How many overweight men slag off overweight women?

umm.. what is meant by "slag off"?

How come men think they can rate women when they (the men I mean) are not perfect?

perfect does not leave to much room for interpretation. i'm also not sure what one would use as reference for the opposite of perfect. like a yin and yang perspective, to help make an informed decision.

then again, why do women rate men?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge
Why do men brag about sleeping around but call women "sluts" for doing the same?

Because there is no skill, or achievement, in a woman having sex with anybody.

A woman can have sex with any one of dozens of men she encounters on a daily basis, just by simply saying: ''Let's have sex !''.

So, women that sleep around aren't ''achieving'' anything, and don't have to work for it.

Part of the fun of having sex for men, is the seduction that leads up to it.

Sometimes you're successful, sometimes you're not.

It's all one big, ego filled, game.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

No s*** Sherlock

For your info, I was asking facetious questions to illustrate that these thoughts are more or less a waste of time.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by endlessknowledge


I couldn't tell whether you were being facetious or not, but I get the general point that you are making.

I just addressed the ''stud/slut'' point, because I see this brought up a lot, by people that can't appreciate the clear difference between male and female promiscuity !

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume you are an overweight female.

I get complements on my body from time to time, but If I was to get overweight, ( I probably will at some point stop exercising so much) I don't think my idea of the ideal woman would get fat with me.

Let's face it. Hot chicks with nice bods are hot. I don't think the fat chick mags sell as many copies as the others.
Men are all pigs. That's why they rate gals.

Being overweight is not attractive to me (I'm a white boy), but there are lots of black guys around here that love a big booty mama.

I do like to point out how people complain about their weight while pumping down a 12 pack of bud, followed up with a bag of chips and an afternoon of couch potatoes. Being a little over the doctors recommended weight is one thing.

Fat and Lazy is just nasty.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume you are an overweight female.

Unnecessary, man.

Poor show.

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
Let's face it. Hot chicks with nice bods are hot. I don't think the fat chick mags sell as many copies as the others.
Men are all pigs. That's why they rate gals..

This is the thing.

It's no use ignoring the reality of the matter, and being ''pc'' about this issue.

Men tend to be sexually attracted towards a woman, largely on a visual basis. This is just nature.

Most men are attracted to curvy women with low-fat.

In fact, the picture of this chick - posted in another thread - would probably be most men's definition of a, near enough, ''perfect'' body on a female:

I do feel a bit sorry for women, in the fact that the most desirable body shape is very difficult to attain ( unless you're naturally blessed with it ).

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
Being overweight is not attractive to me (I'm a white boy), but there are lots of black guys around here that love a big booty mama.

Being overweight, and having a ''big booty'', are two entirely different things.

There are loads of attractive black chicks with ''big booties'', that aren't actually overweight.

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
I do like to point out how people complain about their weight while pumping down a 12 pack of bud, followed up with a bag of chips and an afternoon of couch potatoes. Being a little over the doctors recommended weight is one thing.

Fat and Lazy is just nasty.

I agree wholeheartedly with you here.

Achieving a desirable body shape is not easy, and involves making sacrifices and being disciplined.

When I was at work the other day, one of my colleagues was complaining about putting on weight, at the same time that she was stuffing her face with crisps !

How do people like this interpret their behaviour rationally ?

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Sherlock Holmes]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:35 AM
From a personal point of view I have never dated girls based on their body shape, I don't really have a "type" at all in that sense.

One of my ex's was a 6'1" Austrian model, but others have been overweight and truthfully not one of my ex's looks anything like another.

If anything I would say that the shoe is on the other foot when it comes to body fascism between sexes.
I know plenty of men that freely admit that they prefer larger women, but I have never ever heard a girl say that she really really finds fat hairy men attractive.

All of the men that womens magazines etc hold up as sex symbols are just as clichéd and "perfect" as the women that men supposedly lust after. Have you ever seen the male lead in a movie take off his shirt to reveal a big pair of man boobs?

Do you see any fat men on this list

[edit on 7-9-2010 by davespanners]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Excuse me, but I have to say, WOMEN are the shallower of the two.

This is a personal observation. I work in sales and have been single for a long ass time.

Just think about this. How often do you see an extremely obese man with a skinny, hot lady? NEVER!

How often to you see an extremely obese woman with a skinny ass dude? All the damn time. 'Nuff said.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Also, to answer your question more directly:

How come men think they can rate women when they (the men I mean) are not perfect?

Because women are attracted to other attributes besides physical apperance. 1. Money 2. Power 3. Fame

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
reply to post by catwhoknows

Also, to answer your question more directly:

How come men think they can rate women when they (the men I mean) are not perfect?

Because women are attracted to other attributes besides physical apperance. 1. Money 2. Power 3. Fame

So, your theory suggests that ALL women are gold-digging power hungry and egotisical? Should i take a wild guess and say your single???

If you ask me women have got it bad, most men dont take care of their bodys. You say Gym and they get a puzzled look on their faces. Ahh, gone are the days when men did hard labour which resulted in there bodys being mmmmm

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
So, your theory suggests that ALL women are gold-digging power hungry and egotisical? Should i take a wild guess and say your single???

Ummm....First of all, don't put words in my mouth (post).

Women are attracted to men with money, power and fame. Women are inherently NOT rich or powerfull, unless they're famous. Sooooo....we go for the next best thing.

And yes, I'm sure it was tough figuring that I'm single....since I posted it in this thread about an hour ago.

If you ask me women have got it bad, most men dont take care of their bodys. You say Gym and they get a puzzled look on their faces.

Really? Because out of the people that I've ever trained, all but one have been male. Of course, anecdotes mean nothing. To be honest, I see more dudes at the gym than I do chicks. Of course, that could just be anecdotal.)

People in general don't take care of their bodies; it's not a male vs female issue.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Women are attracted to men with money, power and fame. Women are inherently NOT rich or powerfull, unless they're famous. Sooooo....we go for the next best thing.

So, you confirm that you think all women are gold digging, power hungry and egotistical!?!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Unbelievable. Why are you still putting words in my mouth?

Here. I'll break it down for you since you can't seem to comprehend what I'm saying:

To put it simply; NO!

Women will lower their physical standards if a guy has either of the three aforementioned traits. It's not gold digging, power hunger or egotism. It's called ATTRACTION. It's a simple fact.

Are there exceptions? Absolutely. But there's always exceptions to the rule.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:29 PM

S&F for you! Let us pick apart the men the way they pick apart women!

And it IS usually some fat gross beast of a man who feels he's entitled to the 'perfect' woman!

I don't need any man because I can run my own life. I like tall slim men. And they must be educated and have a nice job. Not $ mind you - I have my own money. I would never date a doctor as medical stuff freaks me out. And certain types of biz guys are unethical jerks.

It's more about being a 'polished' person. Well spoken with ideas and goals. And somewhat of an unusual person.

No kids nor wants kids - I am CF.

I like "avante garde" sorts of people, and men who follow their own convictions.

I do not like heavy men (a little chubby is OK), I do not like ignorant and uneducated men, and I do not like followers.

No redheads, no fat guys - it kills me- the men who describe themselves as "Football Player Build". Uh huh. This = FATASS! I mainly like men that resemble ME
(Blue eyed blondes), and think like me.

I do like some Mexicans and Black guys - if they fit the above "thinking" criteria. And are good looking.

Saw a really fine black guy at the store today - tall and slim and outfitted head to toe in black leather motorcycle gear. Mm mm mm! I should've went back in the store and talked to him!

You gotta be good looking, have a slim muscular body, educated and somewhat 'on the edge'.

Joe Blow Boring Suburbia? - NEXT!

You gotta be on my level. I'll give myself an 8.5 out of 10, I expect the same in a man.

And I cannot stand stupid or willfully ignorant men! Or "followers".

I don't need a man and I'm good looking so I can pick and choose. I also do not mind being alone.

For some reason - "The Simpsons" popped into my mind - specifically the episode where Homer says that he got Marge because he "knocked her up". Yeah - that's the ONLY reason he could get ANY woman!

Homer Simpsons and Peter Griffins can take a hike as far as I'm concerned! I'm out of their league. We need to put a stop to these TV shows which depict some BONEHEADED SLOB with a hot woman! It's all that's on TV! The aforementioned cartoons, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond (OK he's not fat but he is an ignorant jerk) - it's all total BS and makes loser men think they can get a hot, decent, smart woman.

It's the TV brainwashing.

I might be interested in a somewhat homely guy if he had a really exceptional personality.

And offers some benefit to me.

Yes I know I sound like a very fake, shallow, unemotional hardass. Hey - I'm just doing what the men do

What's good for the gander is also good for the goose!!!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:55 PM
Edited cause my mom said it was mean

[edit on 7-9-2010 by DevolutionEvolvd]

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