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Satan and Science, His Creation to Mislead

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by guillotinegleam Also, do you not realize how many innocent people have been killed in the name of religion? Probably way more than science has ever killed.

Yes, I realize how many innocent people have been killed in the name of religion.

But how have they been killed?

Mostly through science and engineering: the science and engineering that make possible the creation of all manner of weapons from guns, to artillery, to missiles, to chemical, biological, nuclear and scalar weapons.

This alliance between the perverse theologies of the religionists and the scientists and engineers of the weapons manufacturers appears to be a marriage made in hell; the ultimate goal of which is to exterminate human civilization itself.

And it appears that they are well on their way toward succeeding.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:08 AM
...This site has too many religious nuts...
How do you delete your account?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:28 AM
Every God I know is/was teaching men certain things.
Do not do this... be aware of that...
This is science in its largest form.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:06 AM
1. The present definition of 'science' is vague nonsense:

a/ If you bite an enemy to death, it's sanctioned by a merciful 'god'.
If you use a stone or a stick, it's devilish technology?

b/ Are quill pens and technology for making writing materials, used for writing early 'christian' doctrine, devilish in origine?

2. Fundamentalist 'christian' (opposing science) argumentation is circular nonsense:

Science starts from observed evidence, and from this arrive at answers.
'Christian' fundamentalists start from answers and invent 'evidence' (e.g. the 'christian fact' that the bible is 'true').

3. Fundamentalist 'christian' (opposing science) argumentation is hypocritical nonsense:

'Christians' participating on this forum have devilish technology in their lives, probably even including satanic toasters. There will be h--k to pay for you later, guys.

4. Fundamentalist 'christian' (opposing science) argumentation is epistemological nonsense:

Science is a neutral, practical tool, not containing intrinsic ethical values. PEOPLE can use or misuse it.
Fundamentalist 'christianity' is, amongst other things, an ethical system, containing intrinsic commands of genocide and murder.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:08 AM
science doesnt kill people, people kill people

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
...This site has too many religious nuts...
How do you delete your account?

Just don't come back, no way to delete your account.

Shame you feel that way though, just because someone has a different view you feel you need to insult and run from a place that encourages different ways of thinking. Best advice I can give is to stay at ATS and be selective about your reading and participation. Only open thread that appear to 100% in-line with your current thinking. This way you won't be stepping outside your box.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

I think you said it much better than me. Thanks....

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

Genesis: Capt 2 / Vers. 17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

First, very interesting thread. I give you a star for being philosophical.

1) Does knowledge and use of the sciences serve the Devil?
Anything that gives people power is a tool, which the devil can use to tempt man into doing evil things. Even though science can be used for evil, we also know that it can be used for the greater good. It is all about the individuals who controls the uses of such tools. Freewill and consequences are connected. If an individual uses knowledge for evil, he or she is allowing themselves to be used as an instrument for evil. - If an individual uses knowledge for good, he or she is allowing themselves to be used as an instrument for good. It is all about the choices in which we make once we gain knowledge (power).

2) Is it true that the more technological and "advanced" a society becomes the more likely they will turn from God to serve the other?
No. If you study literature, science, art, music, psychology, world history, and biblical scripture, you will notice that everything is interconnected. Science is an instrument in which we use to discover what God did; however, it will never be able to prove or disprove God's existence. At this point in human history, the establishments (organizations) in control of science and religion are prohibiting progress on both ends. Once religious sects and scientists recognize that one cannot live without the other, we will have entered into a brand new paradigm in human evolution. Religion should not prevent science from advancing, and science should not prevent religion from existing.

3) Has science and technology killed more people than any other single thing?
Interesting question... If we are to consider this question, we must examine another one - 'Has science and technology saved more people than any other thing?' Without the existence of technology and science, we would not have developed efficient shelter, bacteria free water and food supplies, and medicines to prevent or stop diseases. Since you and I are have only witnessed a small portion of human history, I don't think we can actually measure the overall affect of science and technology. Only god is keeping a scorecard.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:02 PM
After Adam and Eve were caught eating from the tree of knowledge, (the first two humans, out of a handful, to evolve with full awareness), God pretty much takes the stance of, "Even though mankind will no longer be dined knowledge, what they do with such instruments will define if they are good or evil. It is mankind's responsibility to use knowledge in a manner in which benefits mankind as a whole."

If any of my Christian peers actually read the bible, God never-ever says, "Reject knowledge, science, philosophy, etc..." He says, "You are now responsible for such tools."

Loosely quoted.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

1) Does knowledge and use of the sciences serve the Devil?
2) Is it true that the more technological and "advanced" a society becomes the more likely they will turn from God to serve the other?
3) Has science and technology killed more people than any other single thing?

Seriously? In response to your question of if we all think that you should see a doctor....YES! Why would you even ask that? You've been brainwashed by the christian religion. It happens in 99 persent (I can make up statistics too) of all christians. Its easy and you don't even know its happened until its too late. Maybe if you read over the nonsense that you just posted, you'll relize that its happened to you. You've been brainwashed by the open arms of the christian church. They threaten people with fire, pain and everlasting torture, manipulating people into believing their religion, the greater good and finally giving them our money! Christianity stems down to control of the masses.

I feel so sorry for you. The world that we live in is so complex. You can't simply break it doan to "God and the devil." If you really tried to then you'll find yourself disappointed.

Most all scientists that don't believe in "god" don't even believe in the "devil", let alone "serve him". haha. Imagine that. Hundreds of scientists standing around the Large Hadron collider, drinking goats blood and having sex with eachother, lol. Thats what Satanists do! Their religion is something to talk about at another time.

For now, you need to know that it is not science thats killed more people in the name of...whatever! Its religion. Religion is the top murderer of all time. Millions have been killedin the name of religion. You need to seriously step back and think about your life.

Also, next time you post, don't be quick to spout off retorical questions and make them sound like facts because those questions in your post are ridiculous and have nothing to do with anything except some ignorant backwoods pastors opinion of "science", Let your perfect "pastor" know that science has come a long way since his days in bible school, "Science" saves millions of peoples lives everyday, if thats not "meant to be" then I guess your god will have to just strike those people dead.....since he's sssooo in control of all things on Earth.

Psht. Now I'm just mad. People like you need to wake up to a reality check and start living normal lives. Stop allowing your children to be controlled and brainwashed by the church, as you undoubtably were as a child. Break the bs cycle for your own sake. There's no god or devil, we're alone here on this planet with only ourselves to rely on for what we need....oh yeah, AND SCIENCE!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Section31

Do you relize.... that you just put words in the god that you worships mouth. According to your religion, thats blaspheme of the holy spirit.

ohhhh, the one unforgivable sin. Have fun deciphering and beating yourself up over that, while I live my happy gay life free of any guilt or persecution.

Think of me on sunday.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

it's all your CHOICE, man.
you don't HAVE to do .. anything.

if you think it's a demon devil guy outside of yourself pushing these things on you.. so be it.. that's your perception.

but your reality is what you make of it.. and you don't have to have anything that you think the boogie man is making you have or do.


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by chanel
reply to post by Section31
Do you relize.... that you just put words in the god that you worships mouth. According to your religion, thats blaspheme of the holy spirit.

Actually, I didn't put words in God's mouth. I summed up what his teachings on knowledge were about. You would have known this if you read the bible. I have no problem speaking on my Lord's behalf.

Originally posted by chanel
reply to post by Section31
Have fun deciphering and beating yourself up over that, while I live my happy gay life free of any guilt or persecution.

I have no fear in being persecuted for my beliefs. I have no problem living, dying, and defending my Christian belief system. Only a coward would not take a stand for something greater then oneself.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:36 AM
I have no fear in being persecuted for my beliefs. I have no problem living, dying, and defending my Christian belief system. Only a coward would not take a stand for something

Right...ok, so you've got the same viewpoint on that as a terrorist would being a suicide bomber. Don't you think that there's something wrong with that? Step back and look at the big picture.

You are a human being living on planet Earth. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your survival based on the choices that You make for YOUR own life. "God" is not here.... where is he? On toast in Mexico?

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by chanel Right...ok, so you've got the same viewpoint on that as a terrorist would being a suicide bomber. Don't you think that there's something wrong with that? Step back and look at the big picture.
Interesting... Historically, Christianity has been fighting a defensive war. Terrorists fight an offensives war. Big difference in perspective. One fights to establish peace, and the other attempts to entice fear. When it comes to the nine Christian crusades, they were in reaction to an invasion force entering southern Europe. Our relationship to the (unnamed) invasion force has always been a defensive course of action. If you do not believe what I am saying, you might want to do some research about the Dark Ages. It is very insightful. True, some periods were about expanding order after the fall of the Roman Empire; however, the BIGGER wars were about defending against the (unnamed) invaders.

You are missing the BIG picture. Not me.

Originally posted by chanel You are a human being living on planet Earth. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your survival based on the choices that You make for YOUR own life. "God" is not here.... where is he? On toast in Mexico?
Since I am not trying to convince people that something invisible exists, I will pass you up on answering that question.

You see, I am not a fundamentalist.

When I interpret biblical philosophy (The King James), I rely on history, science, psychology, art, and literature. You asked me the wrong question. Your hint is in bold.

edit on 10-9-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

You remind me of the old inchisition that use to burn people.
The man that invented the matrix for writing was burned, just because you would think otherwise you would drown.
Look at the pope and the church, it's full of ocultic simbols, it's the same side, same people. One pays god and one plays satan, while god is something else. If someone tells you god told me to tell you to go and kill your neibhor children would you do it ? Can someone perfect, equal give such an order ? Divine means pure, that is god.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

Does this apply to the thread's intent?

Two quotes from Stephen Jay Gould (just one of many, like Carl Sagan, that I respect for their clarity of thinking).


Nothing is more dangerous than a dogmatic worldview - nothing more constraining, more blinding to innovation, more destructive of openness to novelty.

Stephen Jay Gould

That, to my mind, is a concise indictment of religion, when it is dogmatic and unyeilding to new discoveries ---- discoveries that science usually provides.


Science is an integral part of culture. It's not this foreign thing, done by an arcane priesthood. It's one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.

Stephen Jay Gould

No commentary required for that one.

More here.

Today is his "birthday"....(He died 20th May, 2002).

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:58 PM
Re: Section31

You wrote:

"Interesting... Historically, Christianity has been fighting a defensive war."

You certainly have a way of twisting things. That christianity fought a defensive war against an invading islam, doesn't in any way justify a picture of christianity being meek and peaceful otherwise.

You wrote:

"True, some periods were about expanding order after the fall of the Roman Empire; however, the BIGGER wars were about defending against the (unnamed) invaders."

And you continue twisting. This 'order' which was imposed in 'some periods' were actually the killing of between 2-5 million europeans (historians give varied estimations according to their pro- or anti-christian attitudes) over a period of centuries. The people killed were socalled heretics and later non-christians in general.

You are demagogically trying to hide that under the 'bigger' wars, as if the bigger wars justified a european genocide performed by the church. Or maybe it just slipped your historically well-informed memory.

In the last open conflict between the church and heretics (at Montsegur), the church actually used devillish technology in the form of siege-weapons. So obviously kinglizard isn't the first good christian being tempted by the devil. The church did it much earlier.

This thread is getting grotesque, 'christians' condemning something they use every day of their lives.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Remember I only speak for myself, not all Christians. I't quite likely most Christians would reject the idea I put forth. I do find value in discussing it though.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:48 AM
So the often manifested 'christian' bid for world domination is only to be taken as an extension of a debating club.

Try another one.

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