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Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician

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posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:06 PM

Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician

A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday.

Wilders' Freedom Party scored the biggest gains in June 9 polls and is currently negotiating to form a new minority government with the Liberals and Christian Democrats. Polls show Wilders would win a new election if one were called now.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Backwards. I know there's been alot of things said about Muslims and the whole concept of Islam in the past few weeks on and off ATS so sorry about the repitition of such topics but... seriously, you would think that if this Cleric would like to promote his religion and the image it has abroad, he wouldn't be pushing for the beheading of a Western politician.

I realize he doesn't represent his entire religion but he certainly isn't helping it. If a Christian were to preach the killing of Jews and Muslims today, many would say he is backward and condemn the entire religion (and most likely site the Crusades). However, when a Muslim cleric speaks about beheading Christians for speaking against Islam today, people are quick to point out that he doesn't represent the religion and it is just an isolated few Muslims that are extremists.

Threatening to behead people in the name of a religion is something that cannot be tolerated. If only the 'extremists' would learn.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

I have just been talking about this goon Geert. To be honest, if you read or listen to his rhetoric, you'd want to take his head off! The guy is a whack-job with pure right-wing racist genes.

Edit: We (UK) bared him from entering the country for a while. Good thing too.

[edit on 3-9-2010 by LarryLove]

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:32 PM
This cleric may not be representing the majority of his religion, but the thing is he is in some manor a person of standing in his community or possibility country. So when he calls out for something like this there should be other clerics, and the populace on the hole speaking out to condemn him. So I would ask where is the evidence of that happening?

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:35 PM

These eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light, these are of a psychopath. Dr. Samuel L. Loomis

Think about it! Does this quote go well with this article?

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:36 PM
No difference from:

'Dutch politician calls for beheading of Muslim cleric.'

The overwhelming majority people wouldn't prescribe to either view. What we need is all people coming together with understanding and celebrating our differences.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

It's funny actually because I have this Muslim (Russian) friend that defends Islam and all its tenets, but doesn't go as far as condemning any sort of terrorist act or calls for Jihad. He defends Islam and says the world misunderstands the religion (which is true to an extent), yet he never condemns actions that are done in the name of Islam which the Western World condemns.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

thanks for the example. You might want to tell your friend that speaking out against these horrific acts would go a long way in giving the religion a better image.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

They would speak out, if they werent so damn afraid of having their families killed and being beheaded themselves.........

I love how people tell us to celebrate diversity and all that.......hey im all for it

But there is a difference in diversity and a group of people who want to kill me.......

Im not willing to be so PC that i let my head get cut off.....

Im just as tolerant as anyone of religions and anything else, but the minute you start trying to tell me i cant do something because of YOUR religion, or you become a threat to me or my family safety, welp.......youve given up your right to be treated fairly by me......

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Is this an anti-Islam thread in disguise?

We know all about Geert in the UK. He's much like Griffin (BNP) and the EDL loons. There's freedom of speech and there's racist rhetoric and Geert is full of it.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by LarryLove
reply to post by Portugoal

Edit: We (UK) bared him from entering the country for a while. Good thing too.

Indeed you guys did, sadly its people like these who fantasize the uneducated into believing that everything non muslim orientated is evil and must be put to death. Then again, eventually he too will visit the inside of non marked leer jet with a flight plan that is not listed at any international airport.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:55 PM
They don't have much of an escalation process do they, it's either "you're our friend" or "we will keeeeel you", and they don't appear to have any friends..............

But of course it's only the "extremists" that say this type of thing. Darn those pesky extremists, Islam would be so kind and tolerant were it not for them

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Retseh

I would like to see as much an outcry about the Islamic Community Centre in New York as I would about the thousands of children abused by Catholic priests and the fact the Vatican covered it up for years.

Oppressive religions breed disgusting people.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by LarryLove
Is this an anti-Islam thread in disguise?

We know all about Geert in the UK. He's much like Griffin (BNP) and the EDL loons. There's freedom of speech and there's racist rhetoric and Geert is full of it.

......and that somehow condones the statement of the radical Muslim cleric??? I swear I'm living in some alternate universe where common sense has just gone out the window. Hopefully one of his followers doesn't try to take him up on his idea, though I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they do attempt it.

Radical Muslims are just whacked out crazy, IMO. If the vast majority of Normal Muslims don't like being grouped with those crazies, then I suggest they start calling them out and condem them louder than anyone else.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

I love how anything that questions Islam is automatically anti-Islam. That's like being called racist when you say your friend, who just so happens to be black, loves fried chicken. It has nothing to do with race, or religion or creed or whatever. If a white Christian were to call for the beheading of Muslims and Jews and the recontrol of Jerusalem into Christian hands, not only he, but the entire religion would be pinned down and condemned.

This thread was created to point out the fact that Muslims (a cleric in this case nonetheless), are not helping the case for Islam world wide with calls for beheading (especially of Western Leaders) and Jihad. If you don't want to be seen as backwards, then condemn these types of actions, don't support them.

"Oh but what about the Crusades the Europeans had in which they savegely killed Muslims?" Fair enough. Those happened. That point can't be denied. That was backward thinking! The sad thing is that people still go on "Crusades" of sorts for their countries, but that is never questioned.

England's industrial revolution created ridiculous levels of pollutions in its cities and featured horrible rights for workers and horrible living conditions. Should China and India be allowed to catch up to England and industrialize today? No, the terms of the IR were wrong and could have been dealt with differently. Now, should Islam "catch up" to Christianity and have a Jihad of its own? No, the terms of the Crusades were wrong and could have been dealt with differently.

It's not anti-Islam. It's what is right vs. what is wrong in the 21st century. If you want support and to be understood and tolerated, which I am all for, don't support extremist measures.

There's a difference between saying something is wrong with the fact that Islamic Clerics are calling for beheadings versus saying that all of Islam, including those who do not support fundamentalism, should be burned and wiped off the face of the Earth.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by pavil

Your opinion is valid, I just despise right-wing racist goons like Geert whose opposition to Islam is based on vanity and the power he wields by convincing the few that Islam is out to take over the world.

To be honest, a world without the likes of Geert is a world a little less closer to fascism.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

Okay, but bringing Geert into this questions your motives from the get-go. Spin this all you want, but it is interesting you are referencing Geert.

There is too much racism and right-wing nonsense on ATS at the moment.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

Again, trying to say, its okay that one religion is doing this since another is doing that.

You cannot justify beheading as okay in Islam since Catholic priests are allowed to be pedophiles. Why do you have to keep score? One crime cannot justify another! Both are wrong.

I'm not saying Muslims should not be Muslims because some bomb others, or Catholics should not be Catholics because priests touch kids, but don't support it! I don't think a Catholic priest has come out and publicly stated "Touching kids is the right thing to do in God's eyes!" However, you see Imams calling for "Jihad" and "Beheading" in defence of Allag!

Don't justify one crime with another. If you think that one religion is acting improperly, than be better than that religion's representatives and don't exemplifying yourself in a way to even be able to be compared to them.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

I'm going to be honest with you now. I hadn't even known who Geert was or did until someone earlier in the thread said referencing Geert was questionable as he was kicked out of England for his comments.

This isn't about Geert. This is about a CLERIC calling for beheading a Western Leader (as much as his role as 'Leader' could be questioned. I'm sure you would also say that whoever drew Mohammed in the cartoon should be beheaded aswell?

I have/ had no motives in creating this thread. I have nothing against Muslims or Islam's right to exist. I just don't understand how anything questioning Islam is anti-Islam or ignorant. I don't understand how a Cleric has called for a beheading (NEWSFLASH: He isn't the first and he won't be the last, whether or not Geert is involved) is okay.

Honest question: Disregarding Geert (who obviously is a questionable character), do you think it's right that an Islamic Cleric is calling for the beheading of ANYONE!?!?! Since we were just comparing crime for crime, I'm going to pair this question up with the Catholic question: Do you think it's right that a Catholic priest touches little boys?

I hope the answer to both is no, otherwise, there's just no way this is a discussion even worth having.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

You know what, I am going to call a spade for a spade here. I am not religious and couldn't care less what an Islamic cleric says, especially when Geert-the-racist is in question. Geert is a loon. Period. We (the UK) thought he was dangerous enough to bar him from entering the country for a while. That was due to his racist rhetoric which was designed to incite and not unite.

I can understand why many Muslims speak strongly about the West and certain politicians. Let us remember we have spent the best part of nearly a decade killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in the name of Christian democracy.

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