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What the HECK America?!

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:35 AM
I've unfortunately already devoted a few hours to replying to other posts I've neglected in the last week, so I'm going to just reply to this one.

reply to post by centurion1211

I don't really have time to address your late posts in detail, but I can address this one and your outright lying signature.

Politifact has been keeping track of the Obameter for the problems and campaign promises he's worked on.

Interestingly enough, on 121 separate issues Obama has chosen to actually do something about it, instead of blaming Bush.

Look, I provided actual evidence instead of pulling a random out of thin air!

Originally posted by centurion1211
If libs/dems want someone to blame for rise of the so-called tea party movement, they only need to look in the mirror.

You're right, a partially racist movement can easily spring up when a black man gets a position of power

When you add the vitriolic attacks for years on Bush and every other conservative

I'm sorry, are you accusing the American left of vitriol with the way Obama is being treated by the right now?
Nobody question Bush's citizenship
Nobody questioned his religion
Few questioned his patriotism
People may have compared him to Hitler, but not in the same breath as comparing him to Stalin and Pol Pot.
Nobody made fun of him for his name (accept the occasional pun on the hilarity of having both a "Dick" and a "Bush" in the White House)
Nobody called him a terrorist
Nobody said he was actively working against the nation of America.

The Presidential vitriol was pretty bad under Bush, but it can be expected against a president who didn't receive a majority of the popular vote for his first term and was incredibly unpopular in his second.

Obama's popularity, on the other hand, has remained more or less steady, the only changes being in how people on his side of the fence view.

I mean, how about looking at the way the right has demonized Nancy Pelosi and Hilary Clinton?
I've heard the name 'Hitlery' thrown around more than once, and I've seen political ads for politician in GEORGIA attacking Nancy Pelosi directly.

The right is great at demonization,

to shoving the current socialist agenda down everyone's throat using any slimy, back door means possible, you can expect to see a backlash.

I'm currently in Malta, a center-right nation on average, probably a bit more right if you consider a few things.

Let's see a few of the things we have....
Oh, universal healthcare from the government.
And we have the world's 5th best healthcare system?

It's not a 'socialistic agenda' and it's not being 'shoved down your throats'. Here's the thing I don't get, how was nearly a year of discourse and debate with plenty of concessions given on healthcare 'shoved down your throats'?

Obama's administration and the current senate have tried to do everything they can to make peace, they've tried to give concessions, but they really didn't need to do it so much...they do have an insane majority in both houses, they could steamroll legislation all they wanted, but they don't.

Anyway, that's all the time I have for today.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Dude you really lack the understanding gained from being born here needed to understand these observations. They can be very complicated and have to do with many many factors.

For one thing this new right move you see is more like somthing from the old right.....and I just hate to use right and left here becouse what you are seeing in the "right" is more of an old american tradition of small governement and anti-taxation ect ect that goes way back.

What you see now in politics is a back and forth that has been going on for at least 70 years.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

It's not a 'socialistic agenda' and it's not being 'shoved down your throats'. Here's the thing I don't get, how was nearly a year of discourse and debate with plenty of concessions given on healthcare 'shoved down your throats'?

This is classic. Concessions? Like what taking a few of the cherries off the top? And still 1000s of pages?

A year of discourse? Is that what you call what went on between the Dem controled House and Senate and the republicans and the american public?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Wow, now I'm actually offended. Apparently spending a few extra years in the country as an infant give you more understanding of the issues than me? I moved to America with my family when I was two!

Hooray for cultural isolationism, ethnocentricism, and ignorance!

Also, don't talk down to me, of course the issues are complicated, but a lot of them can be boiled down to simple factors.

Originally posted by Logarock
This is classic. Concessions? Like what taking a few of the cherries off the top?

They got rid of single was actually one of the best parts of the bill. They changed the bill massively, they even changed the bill in ways that right wing think thanks wanted them to and were still shot down.

And still 1000s of pages?

906 pages total. I don't know where you're getting 1000s of pages from (oh wait, I do, Fox News and republican pundits).

Comparison to a children's book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (US edition): 759.

I know plenty of people who finished that book in under a week. I'll take a book off of my shelf right now and it's probably upwards of 500 pages. Sure, it's long, but it's a massively complex system that we're trying to tackle. I'd prefer a 906 pages to 50 pages on a bill like that.

Anyway, given a year I'm sure most people could have gone through the bill.

A year of discourse? Is that what you call what went on between the Dem controled House and Senate and the republicans and the american public?

You're right, it wasn't discourse. The American public were outright lied to for a year by the republic party and the conservative media outlets bombarding them with all sorts of stupid catchphrases like 'death panels' and emotional charlatans claiming that their children would be killed under the system.

You are a clear example of someone who was lied to by this action, the fact that you said that the bill is 1000s of pages long when it isn't even 1000 pages.

Unfortunately, you believed it. You'll most likely dispute the fact that the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" is only 906 pages long.

I wonder how many people even knew the actual name of the act?

[edit on 9/6/10 by madnessinmysoul]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Northwarden
Finally somebody on this thread says something meaningful. All I've read so far is a bunch of morons who can't decide which presidant f--ked things up and whos right the left or the right or the center or WTFever.They all did it the left and the right and every pres since LBJ. When are you people going to wake uo and see its not a 2 party system anymore.The banks and corporations are running things the left and the right do what they're told to do. If everybody in the country is like the people on this thread.Then its no wonder they're having such an easy time getting away with it. People wake the f--k up!

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