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War with Iran and WWIII are next

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:25 AM
War with Iran and WWIII are next

It is now Sunday, August 29, 2010. According to Dr. Michel Chossudovsky and about a thousand other experts, the United States will be declaring war against Iran sometime in the very near future. Why? A war with Iran is necessary to launch WWIII. Hell, a war with Iran has been a crucial part of the Evil Empire’s plan for many years.

The plan? Of course. The Empire of the City has been planning WWIII for perhaps 100 years or longer and conquering Iran has always been an essential part of their
Imperialistic Agenda. Folks like Zbigniew Brzezinski have been praying for and drooling over this wicked scenario for years.

It is all so easy for them. The Empire of the City will stage another 9/11 like false flag operation, blame it on Iraq of course, and use the O’Reilly’s, Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, and Beck’s in their media to sell this evil war to the horribly ignorant masses.

Ideally, both Russia and China will enter the war on Iraq’s side and all Hell will break loose. The Empire of the City’s Brzezinski will then have a massive orgasm. His long time dream of starting WWIII will be realized.

Why launch WWIII? Because WWIII serves to accomplish so many objectives for the Evil Empire, most important of which is the establishment of a one world government.
After the smoke clears and several billion dead bodies are incinerated and disposed of, the remaining global population will willingly allow the Evil Empire to do whatever they want.

Ladies and Gentlemen, WWIII will occur and nobody can stop it. It has been in the planning stages for at least the past 100 years. The Evil Empire of the City States, led by the Jesuit General in Vatican City and the Rothschild led Central Bankers in the City of London, will use their U.S. and Israeli Military and Intelligence operations, along with their Project Omega forces, to do all the dirty work.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Fine. Let all the idiots duke it out. I'm going into the mountains to chill out. Too many people on this rock anyways.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Ohh look more fear mongering....... We are monitoring their nuclear reactors to make sure that they are not going to develop nuclear weapons... Iran officials state that the reactors are for electricity only... There is no WW3 that is imminent, you are making false claims and fear mongering.

And why are you talking about IRaq? I thought it was with Iran? And we never blaimed Iraq for 9-11.... Your "facts" are all sorts of jacked up!! LIES LIES and more LIES

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Reign02]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 09:38 AM
Gotta say even though (as most of us can understand this evident fact) your OP is pure speculation, I am convinced that a next major war is imminent. People writing this of as far-fetched speculation and fear-mongering are guilty of the very thing they accuse OP of... Making a claim without evidence.

However there most certainly is evidence to support the notion of a new war in which Iran will be a major player. However all evidence available is rather circumstantial and therefore we are left to guessing games as to how and when this is gonna go down.

Fear-mongering must be the most ridiculous argument used on this board. Hello this is ATS... The subjects presented here, in general dont discuss the beauty of rose-petals. So to conclude that some subjects are scary does not say they must be nonsense...

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 09:44 AM
I though that war would have already started
since many hard signs pointed to it
it was stalled on purpose ..because everything is in place now
if they wanted this war ASAP .. another false flag would had already happened...
but i beleive if you see another news propaganda
Exemple: saying Lebanon attacked Israel patrol on the border
then we may have the start of a potential WW3
but its not there yet
it can be anytime soon thats for sure but we dont know and we will never know

it wont be a surprise premptive strike if everybody know the date of this attack on Iran

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 09:58 AM
Why would Russia and China go to war over Iran? And I assume you mean Iran because you talk about Iraq in most of it, of course you also talk about the Vatican and London Bankers do maybe you do mean Iraq. China is making bank from the US. Why would they go to war and wreck everythng they have done? What possible interest would Russia have in a war it could not win? I have heard this WW3 fantasy since the first Gulf War. Sorry to tell you, it aint gonna happen.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:12 AM
I believe it is soon. It would make a lot of sense to start WWIII now because the november elections are coming up and the democrats know they will lose.

If a war occured before then, Obama could suspend the elections because we would be under a national emergency. Something like what he tried to do with the failed swine flu epidemic.

I wonder if WWIII is what all the mass graves, caskets and fema camps are waiting for?

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Fine. Let all the idiots duke it out. I'm going into the mountains to chill out. Too many people on this rock anyways.

The best thing to do is buy one of those nuclear bomb proof shelters. Once the nukes start going off, it will be a use them or lose them scenario. I'm talking of course of losing the bombs and most importantly the population of the country launching the nukes. That means global fatal radiation levels (Antarctica may be safe. .. but that's a huge maybe).All this... is the horror of nuclear weapons. The scariest thing about nukes isn't their destructive power, but the stupidity of our race; we who exploited this quantum nightmare in the first place. What's even more disturbing is the extreme lack of qualification to handle these weapons, primarily due to the fact that human beings are evil monsters.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by sliceNodice]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Reign02
Ohh look more fear mongering....... We are monitoring their nuclear reactors to make sure that they are not going to develop nuclear weapons... Iran officials state that the reactors are for electricity only... There is no WW3 that is imminent, you are making false claims and fear mongering.

And why are you talking about IRaq? I thought it was with Iran? And we never blaimed Iraq for 9-11.... Your "facts" are all sorts of jacked up!! LIES LIES and more LIES

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Reign02]

Although I agree this is nothing more than fear mongering, and I am pretty sure the OP meant to say Iran instead of Iraq... the US did attempt to tie 9/11 to Iraq when the Bush Administration was selling it's invasion to the public. That is a fact, and far from a lie. Feel free to google it and see it for yourself.

For the OP... I do not think any false flag event will be needed. The propaganda is all about Iran trying to get nuclear weapons. All they will do is say Iran was using it's nuclear reactor to make weapons grade uranium and it is game on. There will be no false flag needed to justify the attack. That is one of the amazing things about the "Global War on Terror" is that it gave the US an open ended ticket to continue to expand the Empire.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Fine. Let all the idiots duke it out. I'm going into the mountains to chill out. Too many people on this rock anyways.

they're nuking those mountains by the way.

that cave won't work either, i heard they're using that brand new weaponized flu strain too.

isolating yourself won't work either, i'm going to follow you when i am sick.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
I though that war would have already started
since many hard signs pointed to it

Don't you mean a lot of fear mongering threads and bogus reports followed and supported by innuendo?

it was stalled on purpose ..because everything is in place now

No, It hasn't happened becuase in the real world wars are fought over necessities, Taking Iran out isn't necessary YET.

if they wanted this war ASAP .. another false flag would had already happened...

People see false flags everywhere these days. So many are so delusional that even if there were a real tragic world event done by individuals or groups with real agendas it will get slapped immediately by the gullible with a "False Flag" sticker and ignored.

That's stupid, naive and dangerous

but i beleive if you see another news propaganda
Exemple: saying Lebanon attacked Israel patrol on the border
then we may have the start of a potential WW3
but its not there yet

No, that means a conflict that has been going on in the region for decades is simply continuing as always, Brother killing Brother. Isn't the human race great?

it can be anytime soon thats for sure but we dont know and we will never know

And in the meantime some of us will go to work, pay our bills and spend our free time with friends and family.

it wont be a surprise premptive strike if everybody know the date of this attack on Iran

OK Swami, do you know this mythical date?
I'm pretty sure people here would love to be enlightened. As far as WWIII, Talk is cheap, but in the REAL real world both Russia and China wouldn't risk losing millions over Iran it simply is not worth it.

Sounds to me that here at ATS we have a few little boys whistling in the dark.
That is all.


posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Well, this is just another one of those threads that do not do anything other than rile people up. There's nothing to it and there's nothing that can be said against it.

It's pure speculation.

I do agree that this particular scenario is likely. But the whole Iran issue has been so quiet ever since the media 'Blitzkrieg' before the reactor fueling that they really do need a false flag to set this conflict in motion.

Which leads me to further speculation!

Dream Psychic Who Predicted 9/11 Says More Attacks Soon

I know I am adding to the already tall house of cards, but that's what this thread is all about. Looking for proof where none exists is not the point of this discussion and everyone angry at this fact should re-read the OP.

Like I said in the other thread:

Time will tell.

Edit: Quick change to the hyperlink so you guys land on the first page of the thread.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Tarrok]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

i have learned my lessons
i have see what they are capable of
9/11 false flag happened
2 illegal wars happened
Gaza happened
Lebanon Happened
the drumbeats happened ... my ears are less naive than before thats for sure...

its not a necessity for the US..i agree
but its a MUST for the zionist entity
they are the ones responsible for 9/11
many zionist agency in the WTC were warned to live and sell some actions

even with the BP oil spill .. many market actions where sold a week before the "incident" .. there is NO coincidence especially those coincidences

im a big skeptic and open minded but im not a fool
i know what is going on .. and i know the chances of something happening soon are still high .. sadly
i will be the first to admit one day if i see that no more wars will happen
for this moment i cant tell you that ..
lets say to be fair its a 50/50 chance Israel will attack Iran with the US help
starting with Lebanon ..
they sure hell know how to provoque with the news telling the world they can wipe out all lebanon infrastructure in 4 hours
someone is looking for a war thats certain
i CANT predict the futur but i can feel the ME boiling at the moment the risks are there.... that it can get much worst

what do you said again that you disagree ?

[edit on 8/29/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:56 AM
It CANNOT be said enough. War with Iran or anyone MUST NOT be allowed to take place.

Humans are no longer fighting with sticks and stones, but all kinds of WMD massive launches simultaneously. Humanity will be wiped out except the elites who will be hiding safe in bunkers.

The war with Iran is NO fear mongering. Both Israel and Iran had been antagonistic and rhetorics non stopped. It was supposed to happen months back, the way the N.Korean war was supposed to happen after the Chosang was sunk.

But fortunately, saner heads prevailed, with an awakened masses questioning and pushing for full investigation before joining in the drum beats.

Wars had always been the solution to economic woes, for it makes the masses forget about their woes and direct their anger of leadership economic mismanagement into murdering of our fellow brothers and sisters enmass.

While we kill each other, our youths bleeding in the sands and mothers weep, the elites and their generations enjoy life at the French Rivera. It had happened before and will only happen again. Culling is the only way that the elites can escape sharing their hoarded wealth.

Thus if we are live, we must keep a close watch at false flag events, and for any atrocity that happened, never to rush into judgement, but seek for investigation and then hold those accountable fully responsible, the way the Nkorean issue had been handled.

But as mentioned several times by me, TPTB may be inept but they are fully capable of learning, adapting and improving cunningly, which we must stay awake at all times.

There is enough on Planet Earth to feed everyone and a few billion more several times over with increased knowledge and technologies. The only thing is that we must share and distribute wealth rationally and fairly.

None will survive the comming war, even those in bunkers, as the planet would be destroyed and could never produce anything again, and the remnants that survive will ensure no one lives, ensuring only that in the end, only 1 mortal man will be left alive only to die out once his cellular tissues decay.....

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I am sure EVERYONE that has any idea of the actual situation (read: armaments, population) will agree with you.

It's those brothers and sisters that are still fast asleep that worry me. It makes me sad to no end to think they would want to involve people in another war. The absolute worst one yet.

It's absolutely frustrating because they have no idea. They do not think about it and let the media/govt. do it for them.

"THEY" are saying it's ok.
"THEY" know what they are talking about.
"THEY" have all the evidence they need.
"THEY" are looking out for us.

Argh, no matter how often it is said. It falls on deaf ears, doesn't it?

"Hold the line
Friend of mine
Sing a song
Soldier on"

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Hmm.. I thought we were already in WWIII aka "The Global War On Terror" aka A flimsy excuse to invade anyone at whim using manufactured evidence.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:42 PM
'They' are not resting at all on the war rhetoric/fear mongering.

This article from June describes how Iran has enough enriched uranium to build two nukes. There was another earlier this week that took the story a step further stating that Iran has two nukes.

Now that thier reactor is fueled we will see more of this type of story.

This is why there was no action taken to prevent the fueling, TPTB needs this reactor to go on-line. The efforts to sell the public on secret facilities failed so now they have a public project to fill the role.

The MSM will not go into any detail about how long it takes to produce weapons grade uranium. All they'll do is point to the reactor and tell people 'That's where their nuclear material comes from.'

It's all scripted, they just need to call Action.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:48 PM
from how i read it the OP was trying to say that the war with IRAN will start over IRAQ ie were just pulling out of there and leaveing that garrison in hopes iran will try to occupy iraq and then form a super country in the middle east?

i dont think its too likely to go down like that and it reminds me of a tom clancy book so that may be where the op got the idea just my two cents

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

But surely there's enough people out there to resist another war?

Or are they just going to do another shock false flag and then do whatever they want? Like they have before?

Maybe it's because ATS and other alternative news sources have become my focus of information gathering and the fact I don't live in the US anymore, but surely there must be massive resistance to this should it occur.

A false flag would really have to hit hard in the US and be very clearly be from Iran for people to actually say yes to a war?

A false flag in an allied country wouldn't be enough, or would it?

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:50 PM
ATS has been beating the Iran war drum since 04.
Though, it is interesting that they have Iran completely surrounded by U.S forces, I think the U.S wants to conquer Iran from within, they're just trying to make ahmadinejad paranoid and frightened. The U.S knows they won't be able to get away with a war, there's already too much pressure on Afghanistan and Iraq.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by hippomchippo]

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