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Rep. Alan Grayson: Bush “Let It Happen”

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:43 PM

“If we are going to talk about 9/11, why don’t we talk about how not so much the people who died on 9/11 were disgraced by the possibility of an Islamic athletic center several blocks away; how about the fact that they were disgraced by a president who let it happen?” he asked. “Who went on vacation for the entire month of August after he was warned in writing that Osama bin Laden was actually finding targets in NYC and learning how to take these planes and do terrible things with them? The thing itself said ‘hijacking’ and they did nothing about it.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

It would seem like more and more people are coming to their senses and logically rejecting the OS that doesn't make much sense at all. Apparently, Rep. Alan Grayson made the aforementioned remarks on MSNBC's "The Ed Show", when speaking about the controvercial "Ground Zero Mosque".

You may remember Rep. Grayson from Florida's 8th Congressional District, as he supported Ron Paul's Federal Reserve Transparency Act.

Now if only the rest of the public and unguilty government officials would simply put two and two together, instead of allowing others to do it for them, we might actually get the real and independent investigation we deserve so that justice can be served and freedom maintained. The silver lining to this Mosque debate, may just be that more public officials and influential citizens come to their senses and speak out about the inconsitencies of the OS, thus putting a seed in the minds of those incapable of thinking on their own.




  • posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:52 PM
    would you please stop posting ur picture
    on these threads !!! It makes u look
    egotistical, lmao.

    I like Alan, he's a gem on the floor
    of the chamber. And most of the
    time he is spot on. I don't think he's
    far off on this either



    and that pic is just cheezy bro.
    it looks like he just got caught
    getting a cookie out of mom's
    cookie jar.

    boy, I say boy
    that was a joke son
    went right over ur head boy

    great kid, but don't listen to a word ya say

    [edit on 22-8-2010 by boondock-saint]

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:53 PM

    Those are some harsh words. I bet he'll have to apologize for his use of words very soon.

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:55 PM

    Originally posted by kj6754
    I bet he'll have to apologize for his use of words very soon.

    to whom ???
    Bush is no longer in office

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:06 PM
    Thank you for the information. You always seem to produce quality information in various topics! Who else in the gov will stand up and start acknowledging the atrocity of all atrocities.

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:16 PM
    Great thread, thanks airspoon.

    Here is the vid:

    Cenk Uygur is the best news-guy out there.

    I recommend anyone that has never heard of him before, to check out the show "The Young Turks".

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:20 PM
    reply to post by airspoon

    What you mean, Bush did nothin'? That guy got his butt out of DC, didn't he?

    [edit on 22-8-2010 by Aliensun]

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:32 PM
    I know,I know lets blame Bush right up to I dont know maybe November of 2012,geez when are the Dems gonna do anything for the people? I know I know its all Bush's fault forever and a day later and nobody can ever do anything to turn it around.

    Thats all the dems ever do blame Bush, thats all they do. I got an idea Grayson whats the Dems plan to get us some jobs? Huh? What is your plan,why dont we do that? Oh I get it you dont have a plan either except to continue Bushes policies. Idiots,they're all idiots both sides the whole cabal.

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:44 PM
    reply to post by nickoli

    This is far larger than any democrat vs. republican issue. In fact, there isn't much difference between the two parties, save for maybe relatively minor cosmetic issues. Both the Dems and Repubs are only two different sides to the same coin and neither have your best interests at heart. Many argue, and convincingly so, that this false two-party system is designed to make us believe that there is an opposition, when in fact there isn't. Again, this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans but rather corruption and tyranny.

    Both parties falsely use accusations of partisanship in order to get away with whatever they are being out on. They would love for you to believe that this is because of partisan motives, that way nobody takes such accusations seriously and you go on letting others do the thinking for you.


    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 06:39 PM
    Alan Grayson believe Al Qaeda did 9/11. Do you agree?

    If so, where does that leave thermite, holograms, mini-nukes etc?

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 06:48 PM
    Let's see...the planning for 9/11 took two-and-a-half years...I believe during the bulk of that time Bill Clinton was in still has to be Bush's fault just has to be.

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:07 PM
    reply to post by roboe

    If so, where does that leave thermite, holograms, mini-nukes etc?

    Yeah, all of that silly stuff, like holograms, nukes, 19 cave-dwellers with box-cutters, pancake theory, no fighters to scramble, most things in the OS, etc...

    While I agree that all of those things are silly, I also agree that there should be an independant investgation, a transparent one at that because frankly, most of the things that we have heard about 9/11 are just silly. It would seem that the only facts, backed by evidence, coming out about 9/11, are those being brought to light by people rejecting the OS.

    With that being said, some things aren't really silly at all, such as the facts, something the OS is extremely light on. To suggest that the thermite evidence is silly, is foolish unless of course you are a scientific expert who ran your own tests.

    As far as nukes, holograms, aliens, the OS and the other silly theories not backed by evidence, you simply can't implicate all who seek the truth with believing in that non-sense. Some even argue that many of those "out there" theories are designed to discredit the entire movement because ignorance has a way of doing just that.


    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:10 PM

    Originally posted by airspoon
    As far as nukes, holograms, aliens, the OS and the other silly theories not backed by evidence.....

    WTF? You mean my pet theory; that 9/11 and the destruction of the WTC by an army of Bush clones, all trained in the dark ninja arts and lead by Dick Cheney, is false????

    posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:56 PM

    The [CIA] actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said. [Washington Post 5/25/10]

    Yeah Obama did it, that's why the CIA had to fake his confession, that's why they had no proof to give the Taliban, that is why he has never been indicted, and that's why Bush just forgot about chasing him later on in his presidency.

    Personally it looks like limited hang out in an election year to me.
    Obama is sinking like a stone, Bush is a convenient scapegoat, and the republicans are getting set to make a comeback against a bunch of non preforming democrats.
    This is also about wikileaks too.
    gotta keep the bogey man alive....

    PS sandf it does need to be discussed.

    [edit on 22-8-2010 by Danbones]

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 02:04 AM
    S & F. Good story and good info. He kinda looks like a bad attempt at GGI but maybe its my monitor?

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:22 AM
    reply to post by airspoon

    I would not say Bush ignored the warnings prior to 9/11. I do believe he used those attacks to benefit his corporate buddies but I do not think he is solely responsible for it. There mere fact the attacks happened under him as president is blame enough, but full blame? No.

    How many warnings does the CIA send to the president on a monthly basis about some attack occuring? Even before 9/11 there were a number of different factions and organisations domestic and foreign who had made threats of attacks on US soil. I think the idea of the Bush administration having been sent a warning letter about a pending attack by Al Qaeda, the administration at that time probably had a half a dozen more prior and more so following the attacks from different nationals, organisations and so forth. So I do not believe Bush could have easily spotted a needle in the haystack.

    Involving of the United States in the middle east over the last few decades has contributed significantly to these attacks. I find it interesting where so many americans were insistent we needed to 'liberate' these islamic countries (when we were merely waging another corporate war for the American industries) and bring freedom to the arabs and muslims, and yet they want to restrict muslim americans here because of the actions of afew? Theres this double standard people hold and yet they continue to brush away this reality and insist that this is about 'sensitivities'. This is really about double standards and ignorance of the american people. We are so quick to lable an entire peoples on the actions of afew, but we give passes to ourselves over the actions of those that claim to represent us.

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:39 AM

    Originally posted by roboe
    Alan Grayson believe Al Qaeda did 9/11. Do you agree?

    If so, where does that leave thermite, holograms, mini-nukes etc?

    I do not agree with Alan Grayson.

    I believe it was an inside job orchestrated by the puppeteers.

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:45 AM
    Geez that guy looks like Shrek. I adjusted my monitor and he's just two ears away from it.

    obligatory 2nd line.

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:46 AM

    Originally posted by airspoon
    reply to post by nickoli

    This is far larger than any democrat vs. republican issue. In fact, there isn't much difference between the two parties, save for maybe relatively minor cosmetic issues. Both the Dems and Repubs are only two different sides to the same coin and neither have your best interests at heart. Many argue, and convincingly so, that this false two-party system is designed to make us believe that there is an opposition, when in fact there isn't. Again, this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans but rather corruption and tyranny.

    Both parties falsely use accusations of partisanship in order to get away with whatever they are being out on. They would love for you to believe that this is because of partisan motives, that way nobody takes such accusations seriously and you go on letting others do the thinking for you.


    Let's see hmmm ...

    Sachs backed Obama.

    Rothschild backed McCain

    Sachs and Rothschilds are in bed together= CHECKMATE

    IMO It didn't matter who you voted for....all players were hand-picked!=

    The Bankers are running this show.

    [edit on 23-8-2010 by KIZZZY]

    posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:58 AM

    Originally posted by nickoli
    I know,I know lets blame Bush right up to I dont know maybe November of 2012,geez when are the Dems gonna do anything for the people? I know I know its all Bush's fault forever and a day later and nobody can ever do anything to turn it around.

    yes we're blaming bush for something that happened while he was in office, it would help if you actually read the thread and not just be another fox new bot

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