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Some of our biggest Negatives

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posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 10:09 AM
Some of our biggest NEGATIVES

These are some of the biggest negatives I have learned over my years. Some I have figured out but others I still have a hard time with. We are conditioned as children to follow rules and obey. Most of our character comes from either our parents or our friends we grew up with, the government, and the internet and TV for the newer generation. Over time if we keep searching the truth we can learn to break free of these chains.

1) As humans we tend to only look out for our immediate family and not our future family. We can live on our beautiful planet earth for as long as Mother Nature and the elements allow us, if we don’t pollute and kill ourselves first. If we all thought about our relatives 1000 years from now and how we can help them out we would be in a better world.

2) We look at the color of other human’s skin and body features as different then ourselves when really we are all just energy, brothers and sisters.

3) We make people afraid so we will look for someone to save us.

4) We fight for single power rather than power for all.

5) We look at age as wisdom, when wisdom has no age.

6) We herd and follow others before we find the whole truth.

7) We get angry over things that at times are just a miscommunication between two people.

8) We group people into stereotypes

9) We attack people when they have a different thought or idea than our own when there is and can be more than one answer to a question or problem.

10) We think all people should think, and act the same so we put up laws to tell people how to think and act for us, and if we don’t follow them, we will be punished.

11) We tell people what we should and shouldn’t put into our bodies and make the ones we think are bad illegal.

12) We look for someone to save us rather than us saving ourselves.

There are many more negatives, these are just some that I have found over my years. Each day I wake, I try to add to the list of negatives that I have done through my life and make myself more positive. I thank positive and negative energy for allowing me to learn these lessons and to better my understanding of how positive and negative energy works. Without one you can’t have the other, and if we were all positive then we would never learn about the negative which wouldn’t be positive. I just try and remember each day I wake up the equation to negative and positive.

1 x 1 = 1
-1 x 1 = -1
-1 x -1 = 1

2/3 positive

66.6666 (infinite)

1/3 negative

33.3333 (infinite)

Odd numbers negative, even numbers positive

Add any negative with a negative you will get an even number. 1 + 1 = 2

Add any negative to a positive and you will get an odd number. 1 + 2 = 3

Add any positive with a positive you will get an even number. 2 + 2 = 4

Still 2/3 positive

66.6666 (infinite)

Still 1/3 negative

33.3333 (infinite)

Minus one odd and one even you an odd number

2 – 1 = 1
1 – 2 = -1

Minus one odd and one odd you will get an even number unless you minus the same odd number then you will get 0 which is the creator 0.0001 (infinite 0 with a 1 on the end which you will never catch because the 0’ are infinite)

3-1 = 2

Minus two even numbers and you will get an even result unless you minus the same even number then you will get 0 which again is the creator 0.0001 (infinite)

4-2 = 2

The positives or evens’ are still 2/3 or 66.6666 (infinite)

The negatives or odds’ are still 1/3 or 33.3333 (infinite)

If you have a positive you must have negative. You can’t get rid of all positive and you can’t get rid of all negative. When there is only 2 positives left or 2 negatives when one goes away you will be left with 0 and back to the creator.

2-2 = 0
1-1 = 0

When you try and attack the creator you will become 0

1 x 0 = 0
2 x 0 = 0

When you add 0 you stay as you are, either positive or negative, odd or even, but you will be with the creator which could be either positive or negative depending on which you are.

1 + 0 = 1
2 + 0 = 2

Thank you for your time reading this and stay positive

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Trudge
Some of our biggest NEGATIVES

2) We look at the color of other human’s skin and body features as different then ourselves when really we are all just energy, brothers and sisters.

12) We look for someone to save us rather than us saving ourselves.

These two really resonate with me. Not only do we look at the color of skin and body features but we tend to look at social and economic factors as well. I have seen- more than once- people look down and look away from people of their own race because that person is homeless or jobless like those conditions are contagious. Yet at the deepest level we are all the same and there is usually nothing to be afraid of. You don't have to give a hand out but treating another being with dignity not only doesn't cost you anything but I feel it enriches you.

Number 12 is something of a personal rant of mine. I see this happening all the time on the smallest personal level to the deepest most complex issues of humankind. I don't know how to stop it except making the decision for myself to stop waiting and start doing!

So, what would you say are our biggest positives?

I would start by saying we can learn and change if we want to.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 02:40 PM
Are you into numerology? Interesting take with the mathematics. Nice ideas in the thread, I don't really disagree with anything you say, I dont believe in numerology, however still interesting to talk about.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by angrywhitechick

Originally posted by Trudge
Some of our biggest NEGATIVES

2) We look at the color of other human’s skin and body features as different then ourselves when really we are all just energy, brothers and sisters.

12) We look for someone to save us rather than us saving ourselves.

These two really resonate with me. Not only do we look at the color of skin and body features but we tend to look at social and economic factors as well. I have seen- more than once- people look down and look away from people of their own race because that person is homeless or jobless like those conditions are contagious. Yet at the deepest level we are all the same and there is usually nothing to be afraid of. You don't have to give a hand out but treating another being with dignity not only doesn't cost you anything but I feel it enriches you.

Number 12 is something of a personal rant of mine. I see this happening all the time on the smallest personal level to the deepest most complex issues of humankind. I don't know how to stop it except making the decision for myself to stop waiting and start doing!

So, what would you say are our biggest positives?

I would start by saying we can learn and change if we want to.

Hi angrywhitechick-

I would agree that a very big positive (if not the biggest) is learning and deciding which way we want to go.

Breaking free of the chains that we have on us is another positive

Learning to love

Learning to be content with what we have

helping, and loving others

To never give up

To understand we are never 100 percent right all the time

Always trying to do better each day we wake up

Those are just some I can think of. Thank you for your post it helped me think of more positive thoughts than just the negatives

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Thank you for your post Endtime Warrior-

This is just one way I look at Karma and positive and negative. There is always more than one way to answer a question.

I know that my way of looking at things might not be for everyone but if you can have an open mind like you did in reading my post then it helps open up new and wonderful Ideas! Thanks again for posting

Added- the numerology to me was just what happened when I tried to explain the positive and negative to myself I just went back to basic math to understand it.

Light/Dark, Positive/Negative, Happy/sad, forward/backwards Matter/antimatter, Big/small, everything/nothing.

There are more but I think they can all be answered by the simple math that we start with as children

Added- Second add was just to spell a word corectly.

Added- Also, I never read anything on numerology this is just stuff I have learned by myself trying to find the truth. Well I guess I was taught math when I was younger so I did have help above and down here

and I was also told about karma and negative and positive but the math and other stuff I have been working on it with positive energy to try and figure these things out.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Trudge]

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Trudge]

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Trudge]

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