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Iran's press t.v. reveals U.S. true agenda...

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Facts about Iran:

In 2002, US President George W Bush declared Iran as part of an "axis of evil". While Mr Bush's successor, Barack Obama, has softened his tone, Washington continues to accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Iran, which is building its first atomic power station with Russian help, says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful.

The country has an abundance of energy resources - substantial oil reserves and natural gas reserves second only to those of Russia.

Full name: Islamic Republic of Iran
Population: 74.2 million (UN, 2009)

BBC News

Transcript excerpts from Iran's Press T.V.: 'U.S. financial elite destroy the dollar'

Press TV: Is the dollar in a freefall or exactly what is going on?

Keiser: Well what's going on is you have the banks in the United States committing a financial holocaust. It is probably the worst holocaust in the last 100 years. What there doing is they're destroying real estate values, jobs, wages and pensions. And they do this by flooding the market with more debt in the form of US dollars. As your package accurately said, the US has no reserves upon which to issue dollars; therefore, by definition every dollar that is issued is debt. This debt holocaust is wiping out the middle class on purpose. Because the rich people in America want to buy those houses. Those millions of houses out there that people are still living in. They want to buy them back for maybe one penny on the dollar. This is a financial holocaust by design. The American bankers are holocaust brokers. They should be in front of a human rights court and taken up on human rights abuses and all hung.

Press TV: Now Max, you're saying that it's by design for the benefit of the rich to destroy the middle class. Wouldn't that in effect destroy the economy as a whole?

Keiser: No, because if you're a Goldman Sachs banker, you are completely protected from this phenomenon. Plus you're buying gold, you're buying silver and you're buying tangible assets. So you are not taking any risks. It's okay to simply wipe out the middle class. It's a holocaust. Just like the holocaust we saw in WWII. In America we are seeing the holocaust of the middle class by a few extraordinary, greedy, corrupt bankers on Wall Street; principally Goldman Sachs, J.P Morgan and the gang.

Press TV: If the US uses the quantitative easing of printing money, do you think they want to get out of this economic downfall or do they want to continue to print the money to basically put the country more into this economic slump to benefit a few? Is that correct?

Keiser:Yes, it's a domestic terrorist attack on a sub-group; in this case the middle class. If they wanted to bring about a solution, the solution is very easy: Ring fence all the corrupt banks, put all of that bad debt behind a firewall like they did during the savings and loans crises of the 1980s. The Resolution Trust Corruption ring fenced all the debt and they restarted the economy by creating some new banks. And these new banks were able to get loans and they could create inflation, which would have the effect of stimulating the economy. That is clearly the way the solution could be offered. But this is not what's happening. So clearly we must conclude that the bankers on Wall Street our not doing the obvious solution but the complete opposite of what should be done. They are increasing the debt load by flooding the market destroying houses, jobs, wages and pensions.

Max Keiser is a TV presenter, radio host, entrepeneur, broadcaster and journalist.

Max Keiser is the inventor of the virtual specialist technology / prediction markets, Hollywood Stock Exchange, Karmabanque, and PirateMyFilm

Max is presenter of “The Oracle with Max Keiser” on BBC World News, which aired every Friday from 9 January 2009 through March 2009.

Max is a former Wall Street broker.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:52 PM
What's sad, is that this information is far more trustworthy than anything in our own media or government. I would expect our own government and their media to spin a much larger web of lies than Iran and their media outlet. But wait, aren't they supposed to be the "axis of evil"?


posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Isn't Press TV a government run news agency?

If so, what seperates them from the likes of Fox?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Voooo

If press t.v. is an Iranian government program then I can already see a big difference between their government run programs and the U.S. programs. Could you imagine if this transcript was broadcast around the U.S.?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
What's sad, is that this information is far more trustworthy than anything in our own media or government. I would expect our own government and their media to spin a much larger web of lies than Iran and their media outlet. But wait, aren't they supposed to be the "axis of evil"?

Irans press t.v. reveals U.S. true agenda...

Oh my Lord.

Get real...

PressTV exposed.

PressTV Propaganda

[edit on 11-8-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Everything's propaganda to someone. None of what they say is real news. It is though more of the recycled variety that we get everytime the neocon/zionists pick up the pace on Iran. Thanks for posting.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Max Kieser can be heard on Genesis communication network on Saturday mornings, or on demand anytime there.
There are a lot of good shows on Genesis...
Maybe some of the best internet and shortwave radio there is right now.

So if you don't like press tv, catch MAX at GCN, which hosts a lot of Christian shows too BTW.
Im sure if last Saturday's show didn't cover this, then next Saturday's will.
You can also access his web site from there too.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:43 PM
watch keiser a fair bit and he seems to speak allot of truth but he's totally up himself and i find my self wanting to throw the t.v out the window

as for press t.v they do some very good journalism concerning America and the u.k but i don't listen to them when they talk about Iran (the odd ahmadinejad interview i suppose)
the same goes for Russia today they have some amazing documentaries but i don't take there word as gospel when it comes to Russia. keiser has a show on both channels and I'm sure there daily. they both report things about my country that British news doesn't touch.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Max Kieser should be part of a staple media diet for anyone on ATS - if you want to understand what is happening in the global economy, withoujt the layer of BS - watch Max.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I don't know if we can trust the Iran government or not...but I do not trust our government without a doubt. The article points out some very interesting points that jive with other theories I have read. Whether its true or just a propaganda piece, it bares information that looks to coincide with other information and theories on the subject.

By the way, my brother served two tours in Iraq. We sent him new tennis shoes on a few occasions. I guess it's easier to run and move around in sand with tennis shoes than it is with stiff boots. Also, keeping your feet dry is not a problem. Just a thought.......

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:17 PM
They got away with it once
I think America will fall for it again.

The American Holocaust

The American Holocaust
The Dust Bowl, stock market crash and Great Depression resulted in the deaths of an estimated 7.5 million Americans. The natural and unnatural events had one major result, removing millions of Homesteaders, American Indians and freed slaves off the petroleum rich Great Plains during the largest oil boom in US history.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by bputman

I have to admit to being rather surprised (and insulted) that you or indeed any member of ATS have so little knowledge of MK. He Talks this talk and walks this walk almost every day in US and International MSM and non-MSM. Wake up lad!! He's one of this world's main Info-warriors. Also where is the 'reveal', this should be struck from your title. This is a misuse of the word. It implies knowledge being imparted for the first time. We all already have this knowledge, so does max and so do hundreds of millions of others.

It would be great in future if you could restrain yourself from starting patronizing threads that preach to the converted when they should be directed at the people in your life who have yet to wake up.

Is it me or is this site getting ever more dumbed down?

Bputman, for your convenience here are some links to explain to you what dumbing down means.

and here's a free e-book

[edit on 11/8/10 by inkslug]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Are you suggesting that American media doesn't spread propaganda? The basis of your argument against PressTV is that they used an old picture? How about American media and H1N1, 9/11, Iraq War, etc... What about American media and the bailouts? If the extent of the evidence against the western MSM was an old picture or two, your argument may have legs to stand on, however the strongest propaganda spewed out by American media outlets is what they fail to report on.


posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by airspoon


I'm not defending American media.
Don't be foolish. But to put PressTV up on a pedestal like that is IMO ignorant and dangerous.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by bputman

PRESS TV is about as reliable as cousin Jim Bob, MSNBC, CNN, FOX News, hell any "News" group has no credibility... Especially Press TV aka Iran State news.

There will be no war with Iran, we cant even get the hell out of the two we are in now.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by airspoon

So, according to you:

US Media = Bad. Nothing but propaganda

Iranian PressTV = Good. Shining beacon of truth.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 09:40 AM


I'm not defending American media.
Don't be foolish. But to put PressTV up on a pedestal like that is IMO ignorant and dangerous.

Where did I put PressTV upon a pedestal? Many of you misunderstood the phrase below:

If press t.v. is an Iranian government program then I can already see a big difference between their government run programs and the U.S. programs. Could you imagine if this transcript was broadcast around the U.S.?

Did I put PressTV on a pedestal? No, I simply answered a question by starting with IF. A big difference because, IF, they were controlled by the Iranian government they are doing something the American government programs would never do. That would be telling the American people exactly how they are destroying the economy.

Every media that is own by the government or by any corporation will use it to their advantage. Even if PressTV was purely trash they hit a golden topic. The transcript purely describes exactly what the elite are doing to this country and how the rich care less about the middle class.

The transcript is the important part here, not PressTV.


Also where is the 'reveal', this should be struck from your title. This is a misuse of the word. It implies knowledge being imparted for the first time. We all already have this knowledge, so does max and so do hundreds of millions of others.

I bring many topics onto ATS knowing that most members might already know it. My topics are not usually generated towards ATS hard core members, but rather to people who are still looking for answers. Not everyone on ATS' website knows the truth.

My headline is not misleading as you imply it to be. Reveal means to make visible, make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret, disclose directly or through prophets.

It does not always mean the first time as you stated above.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by jerico65

US Media = Bad. Nothing but propaganda

Iranian PressTV = Good. Shining beacon of truth.

That was neither said, nor implied. Reread my post and keep in mind that nothing was written between the lines, so to speak.

My intention in the above post, were merely to suggest that it is the American media and US government who is far less trustworthy, IMO, than the state-run Iranian PressTV and even the Iranian government.

In other words, if PressTV or even the Iranian government is saying one thing, while the American MSM and/or US government is saying something entirely different [on the same subject], I would have far more reason to believe the former over the latter and truth would probably be better served in that direction as well.

This is contrary to the notion propagated by my government, that Iran is part of the "Axis of Evil". Furthermore, we are lead to believe that we are lucky because we have a free press (implications of free from political influence) yet places like Iran and China have state censored media. In all actuality, it is us who are the unlucky ones because at least the people of those countries know that their media may be, could be or is in fact censored.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



reply to post by SLAYER69

I wasn't putting them up on a pedestal. Rather, I was only pointing out the reality that although we are lead to believe that Iran is the evil control freak, hell bent on micro-managing society, censoring their press and propagating lies and deception through manipulation of information mediums, we only need to look directly in front of our own faces to smell the stench of this abominable reality.

No pedestal here, only the step-ladder of context.


posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 12:36 PM
I'm a new member of ATS, although I have been reading it here and there for a while. This is a new and refreshing topic for me, personally.

I'm not new to the ATS-styled "world" of looking *into* things, however, and have been researching for years into "fringe" and "offbeat" topics that are abundant here.

That all being said, I appreciate the topic. Thanks. Hey, no one knows *everything* about *everything.*

Now, my opinion about this. How can the media, controlled by Iran and its leaders, really be trusted? I mean, and this may sound naive, their President and religious leader have both vocalized on countless occasions for the destruction of Israel and the West in general. How can their media be reliable?

The reason the US is still putting pressure on Iran is because they are continuing with their nuclear ambitions. Peaceful use? Yeah, right, and they'd like to sell you some lakefront property in the desert, too. Again, they have called for the destruction of infidels and countries of the west. And they are developing a "peaceful" (??!!) nuclear program? Not going anywhere near that kool-aid.

However, the issue about bankers trying to destroy the middle class... I do agree with that. But, that was obvious before this article/interview to the perceptive.

I'm sure that the majority of the *people* of Iran are much like the majority of the people in our country: they want a peaceful existence, a means to support their families, and a good, bright (non nuke flash) future for their kids and their kid's kids. But the nut-jobs at the head of that country are going to insure they get invaded or sanctioned ad infinitum.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Now I'm so confused!

I previously learned there was no holocaust from press tv but now they are telling me this is another holocaust but a financial one and in America.

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