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Why 2012 (2013) is the greatest threat to the NWO

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:51 PM
2012 Will be the end of the world!!

OK before I start going on about rogue planets, and reptilians aliens etc. Please note that I won't.

Here on ATS I like to try and take a global view on the boards, and not concentrate too much on one issue. The aim of this is to try and gather the threads and see where each meet up.

I think I just found one.

Mayan Calendar aside. Why is everyone so worked up about 2012. And why is the TPTB controlled media, Hollywood now so obsessed with the Sun and 2012?

Very simple. 2012 - 2013 will be a Solar Maximum of it's 28 year cycle.

Now stay with me. Why is this such a big deal? I mean if this happens every 28 years then we've been there and done that, Correct? Right! Except......

July 16th 2010 - Bremen Germany

July 16, 2010: Sometimes a problem is so big, one country cannot handle it alone. That's the message scientists are delivering at today's International Living with a Star (ILWS) meeting in Bremen, Germany, and representatives from more than 25 of the world's most technologically-advanced nations have gathered to hear what they have to say. "The problem is solar storms—figuring out how to predict them and stay safe from their effects," says ILWS Chairperson Lika Guhathakurta of NASA headquarters. "We need to make progress on this before the next solar maximum arrives around 2013."

Nasa Full story

So why the big rush by TPTB to prepare for this cycle in 2012 / 2013?

Is the world going to be fried like in "The Knowing" .... no
is there going to be Crustal Displacement like in "2012" .... Probably not.

So what the big panic by TPTB that warranted a summit with the 25 Most technologically "advanced" countries in the world. And why would a bunch of otherwise demure and boring scientists use such alarmist language.

Is the world going to end? YES for us? Yes. But not as we know it

Should WE be worried about it. .... NO


OK look at it this way. The growing NWO infrastructure, wealth holding, command and control network, which include such civil control systems electricity, water supply etc etc. are all controlled by computer, and centralized systems.

Financial systems and world banking, as well as the majority of the money supply. is NON PHYSICAL. Why do you think the Fed is printing SOOO much money, as well as other central banks. Because they like it. NOOO because the money supply as it exists is about to be wiped out. and they know it. so in order to maintain their grip on society they have to rely and old technology. Money, and lots of it. Trillions being printed. Why would the fed print Trillions of Dollars knowingly if they can just create it on a computer?

Why are TPTB stocking up on physical gold, and tangeable assets? because the days of keeping it in a bank and numbered. And the Old ways of wealth retention take time to collect.

Are we looking at a complete collapse of the system, Yes AND No.

Seeing this. I believe that the aim of the NWO is to have in back up a contingency system that will not take us back to the stone age as some predict but merely back to the 80's!!! (SHOCK HORROR)

But in order to maintain this grip everything that we are experiencing now is linked to this.

They are seeing their carefully built house of cards, under threat. Not from Humanity, but because of their own doing. In their Arrogance, they surmised that they could just automate the entire world, on a bed of silicon and micro processors. Forgetting that every 28 years, we get a good de-gausing by the Sun.

They were so close, to creating this centralized masterpiece, but forgetting how vulnerable it would be. and now the mad scramble to protect the card tower from the open window of destiny. To maintain their maniacal grip on the reigns of history.

Step 1, Keep the people blind and in fear so they cannot see what is happening. As it is said. Problem Reaction Solution.

Sorry this is not as dramatic as other theories out there. But this is my theory. One that is logical, reasonable, and achievable. But it is all seen in our everyday lives, and is easily seen on the state controlled media. HIDE THE TRUTH IN PLAIN SIGHT.

Can YOU see the wood for the trees?

This is our chance. How do we slow the rebuild of the control system, so that when the Maximum hit, and the circuits get fried, and ATS disappears. that the power will not pass from the TPTB to TPTB (1989) i.e. the Banking cartels and elite megalomaniacs.

But back to THE PEOPLE. in a time and place where we can once again determine our own destinies as a truly FREE people.

They are planning. Shouldn't we be?

Are these the end times... YES
Is this a change in consciousness. YES Because everything they have done will be known.
This is everything that everyone here as been saying. Just about 1 millions time less paranoid. and without all the pseudo religious and conspiratorial fluff and conjecture. Designed to blind you. These are he facts. and something we will have to live with.

Will the world and all life on earth end. NO. We will continue, but I believ this is our chance. They have tipped their cards.

Friends.... It's time to call their bluff!

[edit on 7/8/2010 by JakiusFogg]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:00 PM
That's a very interesting theory to say the least. I think the elite have their eyes on 2012 for some reason, anything from the US election to disclosure to a World War to a collective consciousness/subconsciousness causing something to happen.

I'm not so sure how realistic your idea is, but it's an interesting take on the fabled 2012. If I was a betting man, I'd bet it comes and goes without much of anything.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by TheFinalTruth14

Realistic in which manner?

The point that we are heading for a solar maximum, and that the "western" empire has never been so vulnerable. (as it states in the article)


That we can take this opportunity to strike back and break away.

Lets look at the first.

Every facet of our lives it controlled through computers. from your credit cards, to supermarket pricing systems. The internet has its fingers in every pie going. The global financial markets and money in general no longer really exists. except in reams of Computer script. if all that goes in one big bang. So does the control mechanism.

This is something they are not prepared to lose. so this is why I believe they are scrambling to protect it. Would you think they would be doing it for the protection of the human race. NAAAH!! Selfish motives have been the driving force behind every empire since the dawn of man!

OK the second. How can we break the yoke. Simple don't use their mechanisms. When it goes down, which I fully believe it will. We should be ready with our own system. They will be looking for the reaction (SAVE US!!) and will be ready with a solution. (ISN"T IT LUCKY WE PRINTING ALL THIS MONEY, AND BOUGH ALL THIS PAPER, TO PRINT ALL YOUR BANKING RECORDS ON)

To which we reply, Oh that;s great thanks but no thanks, we good here we have our own system.

We are 99% of the people. with 1 % of the wealth. But 99% of the brain power.

But anyway. I know being thrown back to the 1980's is not that dramatic. but it is a chance. I just feel we have to grab it with both hands.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:14 PM
So here it is,

Disclosure - that would be cool

World War. We can;t have wars if the people (us) refuse to fight it
Money - They can't control us if we refuse to use their money. it is their debt after all, why should we take it, and have to pay it back.

Remember Y2K, everyone was freaking out, they had the problem they had the reaction and they gave the solution.

Well here is the problem again. the point will be is there enough people now awake in this post 9/11 world that are sick to death and no longer want the solution???

Where is the tipping point? and are we as a movement there yet?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:20 PM
The moon, the moon, the moon is on fire. The moon, the moon, the moon is on fire. The moon, the moon, the moon is on fire...We don't need no water let the moon fu&er burn, burn Moon fu&er BURN.

If one goes, so does the other.


[edit on 7-8-2010 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by TheFinalTruth14

If I was a betting man, I'd bet it comes and goes without much of anything.

But isn't this the point though.

I;m not talking 2012 as some big mystical re-arrangement of everything, but some thing that is natural and unpredictable.

Now the brainiacs are suggesting that while this will not be the biggest. it is the most dangerous because of the technological dependency of our society.

So if the worst happens, and everything goes bang. TPTB will be ready. and their hope is that you will not notice too much change, just a set back while they rebuild the matrix. and carry on.

Can we take the red pill now?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:24 PM

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:26 PM
I think we should be doing everything we can to reinforce our grids and satellites, not for imminent disaster as this cycle of sunspots isn't supposed to be anything special, but because, like you said, solar flares are unpredictable and we could have our entire world collapsed by one.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

Although I am glad to see you are grasping the concept here. What you are saying though is the Antithesis of what I am stating.

Are you sure you're not Pro NWO!???

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
reply to post by hippomchippo

Although I am glad to see you are grasping the concept here. What you are saying though is the Antithesis of what I am stating.

Are you sure you're not Pro NWO!???

I don't understand the purpose of wanting our electrical grids wiped out by a solar flare...
It would be a global catastrophe and would result in the deaths of probably billions.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

Would it though.

Or is that just what they want you to think in order to illicit from you the desired response, in order that they can gain final total control.

As i mention this cycle is something that happens every 28 (twenty eight) Years, meaning this has happened 4 times since 1900.

did billions of people die then?

So why would we now.

Why do the MSM push this idea constantly down our throats that if the worst happens, we all going to be back in the stone age.

No at worst, we will be listening to Duran Duran on the Radio. And back to Analogue TV. Oh wait! they turned that off. (Isolation tactic)

The WORST of this would be for TPTB in that for that split second their control matrix is down

I'm just saying for me at least that seems like a window of opportunity to get of the grid.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
reply to post by hippomchippo

Would it though.

Or is that just what they want you to think in order to illicit from you the desired response, in order that they can gain final total control.

As i mention this cycle is something that happens every 28 (twenty eight) Years, meaning this has happened 4 times since 1900.

did billions of people die then?

So why would we now.

Why do the MSM push this idea constantly down our throats that if the worst happens, we all going to be back in the stone age.

No at worst, we will be listening to Duran Duran on the Radio. And back to Analogue TV. Oh wait! they turned that off. (Isolation tactic)

The WORST of this would be for TPTB in that for that split second their control matrix is down

I'm just saying for me at least that seems like a window of opportunity to get of the grid.

The cycle isn't what can wipe out our electrical grids, we've pretty much been lucky that the sun hasn't sent us down a solar flare powerful enough to knock out the grids.

A power solar flare is what could do it, the cycle is just the amount of sunspots per I think 11 years and (I could be wrong, I'm not very well versed on this topic)

What this would do, is stop nearly all food production, it would stop all trade based on electric means, it could potentially cause the starvation of billions within a few months.

I really don't think you're realizing the scope that a solar flare could bring.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo

It would be a global catastrophe and would result in the deaths of probably billions.

Doesn't this statement there though demonstrate just how useless we has average people have become in less that 250 years!!

To they point that we cannot survive and would surly die should a couple of capacitors blow up!

That is how far these scheme of social engineering has gone! naught but slaves, helpless and meek without the master to provide.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by JakiusFogg]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
So here it is,

Disclosure - that would be cool

World War. We can;t have wars if the people (us) refuse to fight it
Money - They can't control us if we refuse to use their money. it is their debt after all, why should we take it, and have to pay it back.

Remember Y2K, everyone was freaking out, they had the problem they had the reaction and they gave the solution.

Well here is the problem again. the point will be is there enough people now awake in this post 9/11 world that are sick to death and no longer want the solution???

Where is the tipping point? and are we as a movement there yet?

You don't make a seed vault for economic collapse, you make one to replant the earth.

You don't give away half your billions if you are trying to lock down on finances.

You don't see a Black president unless it's in a disaster movie. Not that it should be that way, but that's how it is.


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg

Doesn't this statement there though demonstrate just how useless we has average people have become in less that 250 years!!

To they point that we cannot survive and would surly die should a couple of capacitors blow up!

That is how far these scheme of social engineering has gone! naught but slaves, helpless and meek without the master to provide.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by JakiusFogg]

It's more than just reliance on technology, it's the mindset of people as a whole.
Look at katrina, really.
It took a day or two for people to completely lose their mind and go looting.
Not to mention how interconnected the governments of the world are and how many of our documents have been placed online.

We really really need to reinforce our grids and other things that can be affected by a solar flare.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

And all part of the grand scheme of things.

So do we just go along for the ride? or just say bugger this and move on?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Apophis - FAIL

It won't hit the earth, so in that regard you are right.

You aren't seeing this correctly. You said yourself this happens every 28 years. I was around for the last one friend and I'm still here. Electronics have gone through this more times than i have and they are still here and believe me Electronic Tellers were around in 1984 and so were computers, but I won't "fail" you for not "Knowing".


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

And it is that aspect that I fin most sad about this whole situation that we find ourselves in.

Katrina as the example that you put forward. OK big disaster, terrible etc etc, but the people did not have the self reliance to help themselves. And it's not just the USA. Look at Pakistan right now! 12 MILLION people displaced. But I would bet that not all are just waiting around for US food packages, helicopters and international aid to come in and save the day. Regardless of what the MSM show you. because it is exactly that, which they want you to believe. That this is the normal reaction when faced with adversity. Sit and wait for help. you cannot help yourself. You NEED the state to do it for you.

OK so the belief is that everything we have in this world is now digital. and should that information be lost, along with the financial data etc then it would be katrina like.

i don't know. I don't think I subscribe to that level of hype. I cannot see hows we have become se reliant in mind body and soul in less than 28 years. (less than my entire life span) that should these things go offline. that the result would be utter choas.

Well maybe there would be bouts of suicide amongst the warcraft guys, after having their accounts lost!, but I would hope and wish to see that at this point people, free if only for a moment realise that outside this electric dream we have created. there is an entire world, that we can claim as our own.

For those that are comfy in this scenario. Well good luck to you.

I for one, when it happens in all it's natural mundane normality will be looking for the exit.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:09 PM
So if we follow the logic in this thread then we also have to look at what they (tptb) are doing and solutions.

They have built an internet in Canada that is for Government and Hospitals and Schools only! It's on a HUGE pipe that i would love to get on but you have to be in the govn sector to get on it. It's also all underground. I don't know about other countries but I've heard that the USA has a similar Internet two all set up and ready to go. Maybe theirs is similar to ours? Correct me if i'm wrong but i KNOW for a fact that Canada is set up as I watched them put the fiber in the ground running right by my farm and i asked the installers if i could get hooked up! So to me it looks like they are ready for a solar collaps of old system.

As far as printing physical money goes........they could do that at any time! To me they are just spending all the trillions they can get now, on infrastructure for their future.

Huge underground structures for if the solar storms are really bad they can hide out till it's over. I know the states has some, Maybe MANY, but as far as i know Canada has not prepaired at all with underground structures. Maybe our top people are planning a trip to the USA?????

anyways, anyone else have anything positive to add to this? Should we get ready by taking our money out of the banks and investing in property or will it even matter? should I buy up as much property and lease as much equipment as i can and HOPE for a collapse?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Come on chum, your first post said the moon is on fire let the mother fecker burn!

So what does that and the graphic imply.

I too was around in the last one, and I too am still here (the clue is in my Avatar) But this IS my point.

I am not saying that the world will blow up "knowing Style" as you suggest, but that is what the MSM wish us to perceive.

What I am saying, and NASA also, is that the world is more vulnerable now than ever before because our system are reliant on technology that is sensitive to this type of scenario, yes ATM have been here since the 60's and computers since the 70's, But the prolific use of integrated computer networks for the transfers, storage and processing of every function of our society. Is like never before. And certainly not like in 1984.

Otherwise why bring in 25 countries to discuss what to do about "the problem"

Problem Reaction Solution.

My point is that when this does happen. as boring as it will be. The hands of TPTB will slip from the techno reigns of control, and will need (for a short period) to revert to older forms of control

It is AT THIS MOMENT, that WE as a people, (for those that want to) to leave the system.

I am not standing here putting myself up as any prohet of doom.

I am thinking more like a cimema usher, with a torch saying, REAL WORLD THIS WAY!!

Look at it this way. if there is one place that would struggle more than the USA it would be S. Korea. Everything there is online

[edit on 7/8/2010 by JakiusFogg]

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